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Bøger udgivet af Birkhauser Boston

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  • - Der Baustoff ALS Werkstoff
    af Jochen Stark
    493,95 kr.

    Beton ist der am hAufigsten verwendete Bau-und Werkstoff der Gegenwart. Bauwerke aus Beton, Stahlbeton und Spannbeton gehAren zu unserer tAglichen Umwelt. Die Palette dieser Bauwerke ist sehr umfangreich, sie reicht von der Verwendung des Betons fA1/4r Wohn- und Verkehrsbauten bis hin zu Startrampen fA1/4r die Raumfahrt oder SchutzhA1/4llen fA1/4r Kernreaktoren. FA1/4r jedes Einsatzgebiet werden hAchste Anforderungen an ZuverlAssigkeit und Dauerhaftigkeit des Betons gestellt. Dauerhaftigkeit von Beton bedeutet, dass Bauteile aus Beton A1/4ber die vorgesehene Nutzungsdauer gegenA1/4ber allen Einwirkungen bei ausreichender Wartung und Instandhaltung genA1/4gend bestAndig sind. Am F. A. Finger-Institut fA1/4r Baustoffkunde der Bauhaus-UniversitAt Weimar werden seit vielen Jahren Forschungsarbeiten zu Fragen der Dauerhaftigkeit von Beton durchgefA1/4hrt. Ein groAer Teil der Ergebnisse dieser Forschungen sind Bestandteil dieses Buches. Das betrifft insbesondere die Kapitel zum Frost- und Frost-Tausalzwiderstand, zur schAdigenden Etrringitbildung, zur Alkali-KieselsAure-Reaktion und zur SulfatwiderstandsfAhigkeit von Beton. Das Buch richtet sich an Studierende ebenso wie die auf dem Gebiet des Bauwesens in Forschung und Praxis TAtigen.

  • af Erwin Neuenschwander
    707,95 kr.

    Einführung.- Qualität und Quantität in der antiken Philosophie: Zur Genese einer Fragestellung.- Quantity and Quality in Scholastic Aristotelian Natural Philosophy: John Dumbleton's Summa Logicae et Philosophiae Naturalis.- Der Arzt Paracelsus zwischen Physica und Virtus.- (Bearbeitung: Hans Bieri; Nachwort: Günter Scharf) Qualität und Quantität in Keplers Weltharmonik.- Farbenlehre bei Newton und Goethe.- Laboratoriumspraxis, Quantitäten und die Produktion von Erkenntnis: Transformationen der Chemie zwischen Lavoisier und Liebig.- Die Einheit von Mikro- und Makrokosmos: Quantität und Qualität in der Physik.- Qualitas und Quantitas und die beiden Hirnhälften.- Rechnen und Unterscheiden: Qualität und Quantität zwischen Philosophie und Wissenschaft.- Gibt es eine Wiedergeburt der Qualität in der Mathematik?.- Literaturauswahl zur Einführung.- Über die Autoren.

  • af F Klein
    707,95 kr.

    Inhalts-Verzeichniss.- Abschnitt I. Theorie des Ikosaeders in engerem Sinne.- I. Die regulären Körper und die Gruppentheorie.- II. Einführung von x +iy..- III. Formulirung und functionentheoretische Discussion der Fundamentalaufgaben.- IV. Ueber den algebraischen Charakter unserer Fundamentalaufgaben.- V. Allgemeine Theoreme und Gesichtspunkte.- Abschnitt II. Theorie der Gleichungen fünften Grades.- I. Ueber die historische Entwickelung der Lehre von den Gleichungen fünften Grades.- II. Einführung geometrischer Hülfsmittel.- III. Die Hauptgleichungen vom fünften Grade.- IV. Das Problem der A und die Jacobi'schen Gleichungen sechsten Grades.- V. Die allgemeinen Gleichungen fünften Grades.- Anmerkungen zum Text.- Weitere Entwicklungen.- Literatur.

  • af Peter Bouwknegt & Siye Wu
    542,95 kr.

    In the last decade there has been an extraordinary confluence of ideas in mathematics and theoretical physics brought about by pioneering discoveries in geometry and analysis. The various chapters in this volume, treating the interface of geometric analysis and mathematical physics, represent current research interests. No suitable succinct account of the material is available elsewhere. Key topics include: * A self-contained derivation of the partition function of Chern- Simons gauge theory in the semiclassical approximation (D.H. Adams) * Algebraic and geometric aspects of the Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov equations in conformal field theory (P. Bouwknegt) * Application of the representation theory of loop groups to simple models in quantum field theory and to certain integrable systems (A.L. Carey and E. Langmann) * A study of variational methods in Hermitian geometry from the viewpoint of the critical points of action functionals together with physical backgrounds (A. Harris) * A review of monopoles in nonabelian gauge theories (M.K. Murray) * Exciting developments in quantum cohomology (Y. Ruan) * The physics origin of Seiberg-Witten equations in 4-manifold theory (S. Wu) Graduate students, mathematicians and mathematical physicists in the above-mentioned areas will benefit from the user-friendly introductory style of each chapter as well as the comprehensive bibliographies provided for each topic. Prerequisite knowledge is minimal since sufficient background material motivates each chapter.

  • af Kunos & Ciriello
    557,95 kr.

    High blood pressure disease is one of the most prevalent pathological conditions in modem society with potentially serious consequences. During the last two decades major progress has been made in the development of rational approaches to the treatment of high blood pressure. A key factor in this progress has been an increase in our understanding of how the brain controls blood pressure. The chapters in the present book, together with those in a previous volume, provide a broad overview of recent progress in our knowledge of the central neural mechanisms involved in the regulation of the cardiovascular system. It is our hope that these essays by leading experts in the field will not only provide a useful source of information, but will also stimulate inquiry leading to new discoveries in this critically important field of research. George Kunos John Ciriello vii List of Contributors Jeffrey J. Anderson, Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, Indiana 46208, USA Katsuyuki Ando, Fourth Department of Internal Medicine, University of Tokyo School of Medicine, Tokyo 112, Japan Jaideep S. Bains, Department of Physiology, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada K7L 3N6 Kathleen H. Berecek, Department of Physiology and Biophysics and the Vascular Biology and Hypertension Program, The University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, Alabama 35294, USA Vernon S. Bishop, Department of Physiology, The University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio, Texas 78284-7756, USA P. A.

  • af Bozidar D. Vujanovic & Teodor M. Atanackovic
    554,95 - 563,95 kr.

    * Atanackovic has good track record with Birkhauser: his "Theory of Elasticity" book (4072-X) has been well reviewed. * Current text has received two excellent pre-pub reviews. * May be used as textbook in advanced undergrad/beginning grad advanced dynamics courses in engineering, physics, applied math departments. *Also useful as self-study reference for researchers and practitioners. * Many examples and novel applications throughout. Competitive literature---Meirovich, Goldstein---is outdated and does not include the synthesis of topics presented here.

  • af Sergey E. Lyshevski
    1.624,95 kr.

    Dynamics systems (living organisms, electromechanical and industrial systems, chemical and technological processes, market and ecology, and so forth) can be considered and analyzed using information and systems theories. For example, adaptive human behavior can be studied using automatic feedback control. As an illustrative example, the driver controls a car changing the speed and steer­ ing wheels using incoming information, such as traffic and road conditions. This book focuses on the most important and manageable topics in applied multivariable control with application to a wide class of electromechanical dynamic systems. A large spectrum of systems, familiar to electrical, mechanical, and aerospace stu­ dents, engineers, and scholars, are thoroughly studied to build the bridge between theory and practice as well as to illustrate the practical application of control theory through illustrative examples. It is the author's goal to write a book that can be used to teach undergraduate and graduate classes in automatic control and nonlin­ ear control at electrical, mechanical, and aerospace engineering departments. The book is also addressed to engineers and scholars, and the examples considered allow one to implement the theory in a great variety of industrial systems. The main purpose of this book is to help the reader grasp the nature and significance of multivariable control.

  • af Yoshikuni Mizuno, Donald B. Calne & R. Horowski
    544,95 kr.

    In 1991, a small annual meeting named "International Winter Conference on Neurodegeneration (lWCN)" was established; the aim of this meeting is to review the neurodegenerative disorders and to attempt to explore how progress might be made in this field, as the neurodegenerative disorders have been emerging to be one of the major causes of morbidity and mortality in modern societies. The first meeting took place in Seefeld, Austria, in February 1992; the topics for the first IWCN were chosen to provide a broad foundation of clinical science, which included the problem of aging, classification of neurodegenerative disorders and of Alzheimer's dis­ natural history, pathology, and clinical neurology ease, Parkinson's disease, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. The fundamental pathology underlying these neurodegenerative disorders is neuronal cell death. For the understanding of pathophysiol­ ogy and the development of neuroprotective treatment for these dis­ orders, elucidation of the mechanism of neuronal cell death at the cellular and molecular level is essential. With this concept in mind, the second IWCN was held in Whistler Village in Canada in January 1993. Funding was generously provided by Schering AG, Berlin, and for the excellent organization we have to thank Ms. Ingeborg Runge.

  • af Masaki Kashiwara & Tetsuji Miwa
    552,95 kr.

    Taking into account the various criss-crossing among mathematical subject, Physical Combinatorics presents new results and exciting ideas from three viewpoints; representation theory, integrable models, and combinatorics. This work is concerned with combinatorial aspects arising in the theory of exactly solvable models and representation theory. Recent developments in integrable models reveal an unexpected link between representation theory and statistical mechanics through combinatorics.

  • af Thomas Lee
    553,95 kr.

    Developments in both computer hardware and Perhaps the greatest impact has been felt by the software over the decades have fundamentally education community. Today, it is nearly changed the way people solve problems. impossible to find a college or university that has Technical professionals have greatly benefited not introduced mathematical computation in from new tools and techniques that have allowed some form, into the curriculum. Students now them to be more efficient, accurate, and creative have regular access to the amount of in their work. computational power that were available to a very exclusive set of researchers five years ago. This Maple V and the new generation of mathematical has produced tremendous pedagogical computation systems have the potential of challenges and opportunities. having the same kind of revolutionary impact as high-level general purpose programming Comparisons to the calculator revolution of the languages (e.g. FORTRAN, BASIC, C), 70's are inescapable. Calculators have application software (e.g. spreadsheets, extended the average person's ability to solve Computer Aided Design - CAD), and even common problems more efficiently, and calculators have had. Maple V has amplified our arguably, in better ways. Today, one needs at mathematical abilities: we can solve more least a calculator to deal with standard problems problems more accurately, and more often. In in life -budgets, mortgages, gas mileage, etc. specific disciplines, this amplification has taken For business people or professionals, the excitingly different forms.

  • af Niccolai & Valensin
    565,95 kr.

    The second volume of the series on inorganic biochemistry and bio­ physics is singularly devoted to magnetic resonance on systems of high molecular complexity. Recently, there have been important advances in magnetic resonance studies of polymers; these advances touch on all aspects of magnetic resonance, both theoretical and applied. Particular emphasis is placed here on multipulse experiments. We believe such an report will be of considerable interest to the readers of our series owing to the importance of magnetic resonance techniques in the investigation of biopolymers. Ivano Bertini Harry Gray Series Editors Preface This book is a record of the Proceedings of the International Symposium on "Advanced Magnetic Resonance Techniques in Systems of High Molecular Complexity", which was held in Siena between 15 and 18 May 1985. The idea of the meeting is due to Proff. N.M. Atherton, G. Giacometti and E. Tiezzi with the aim of honouring the scientific personality of Prof. S.I. Weissman. The meeting has been organized with the assistance of a National Committee formed by R. Basosi, I. Bertini, P. Bucci, C. Corvaia, A. Gamba, G. Martini, G.F. Pedulli, P.A. Temussi, and C.A. Veracini. The invited lecturers responded enthusiastically and a comprehensive picture of the theoretical and practical aspects of magnetic resonance could be therefore provided. The book contains all the plenary lectures delivered during the meeting and also a wide selection among the huge amount of contributions collected by the organizers.

  • af Ioannis Karatzas, Murad S. Taqqu & Balram Rajput
    557,95 kr.

    In the last twenty years extensive research has been devoted to a better understanding of the stable and other closely related infinitely divisible mod­ els. Stamatis Cambanis, a distinguished educator and researcher, played a special leadership role in the development of these research efforts, particu­ larly related to stable processes from the early seventies until his untimely death in April '95. This commemorative volume consists of a collection of research articles devoted to reviewing the state of the art of this and other rapidly developing research and to explore new directions of research in these fields. The volume is a tribute to the Life and Work of Stamatis by his students, friends, and colleagues whose personal and professional lives he has deeply touched through his generous insights and dedication to his profession. Before the idea of this volume was conceived, two conferences were held in the memory of Stamatis. The first was organized by the University of Athens and the Athens University of Economics and was held in Athens during December 18-19, 1995. The second was a significant part of a Spe­ cial IMS meeting held at the campus of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill during October 17-19, 1996. It is the selfless effort of sev­ eral people that brought about these conferences. We believe that this is an appropriate place to acknowledge their effort; and on behalf of all the participants, we extend sincere thanks to all these persons.

  • af Leonard Freedman
    552,95 kr.

    Intracellular Receptors: New Instruments for a Symphony of Signals In the late eighteenth century, it was proposed on theoretical grounds that each of the body's organs, beginning with the brain, must be "a factory and laboratory of a specific humor which it returns to the blood", and that these circulating signals "are indispensable for the life of the whole" (Bordeu 1775). During the nineteenth cen­ tury, some remarkable physiological experiments revealed the actions of humoral factors that affected the for and function of multiple tissues, organs and organ sys­ tems within the body (Berthold 1849); much later, the chemical and molecular na­ ture of some of those factors was determined. Against this deep historical backdrop of the founding studies of intercellular signaling, molecular biology sprang into existence a mere forty years ago, rooted in the revelation of regulable gene expression in bacteria. But contemporaneous with those classical analyses of transcriptional regulation of the lactose operon, the mod­ em era of signal transduction was inaugurated by the identification of cAMP as a second messenger --- an intracellular mediator of hormonal activation of glycogen catabolism (Sutherland and RaIl 1960). Later in that same decade, it emerged that cAMP is a critical signal not only in metazoans, but even in bacteria, where it serves an analogous function as a critical switch that activates expression of genes re­ quired for catabolism of complex carbon sources, including those of the lactose operon.

  • af N. Balakrishnan, Enrique Castillo & Jose-Maria Sarabia Alegria
    2.118,95 kr.

  • af F. Oort, G. Geer & J. H. M. Steenbrink
    1.094,95 - 1.543,95 kr.

    Arithmetic algebraic geometry is in a fascinating stage of growth, providing a rich variety of applications of new tools to both old and new problems. Representative of these recent developments is the notion of Arakelov geometry, a way of "completing" a variety over the ring of integers of a number field by adding fibres over the Archimedean places. Another is the appearance of the relations between arithmetic geometry and Nevanlinna theory, or more precisely between diophantine approximation theory and the value distribution theory of holomorphic maps. Research mathematicians and graduate students in algebraic geometry and number theory will find a valuable and lively view of the field in this state-of-the-art selection.

  • af R. M. Dudley, J. Kuelbs & M. G. Hahn
    1.632,95 - 1.641,95 kr.

    Probability limit theorems in infinite-dimensional spaces give conditions un­ der which convergence holds uniformly over an infinite class of sets or functions. Early results in this direction were the Glivenko-Cantelli, Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Donsker theorems for empirical distribution functions. Already in these cases there is convergence in Banach spaces that are not only infinite-dimensional but nonsep­ arable. But the theory in such spaces developed slowly until the late 1970's. Meanwhile, work on probability in separable Banach spaces, in relation with the geometry of those spaces, began in the 1950's and developed strongly in the 1960's and 70's. We have in mind here also work on sample continuity and boundedness of Gaussian processes and random methods in harmonic analysis. By the mid-70's a substantial theory was in place, including sharp infinite-dimensional limit theorems under either metric entropy or geometric conditions. Then, modern empirical process theory began to develop, where the collection of half-lines in the line has been replaced by much more general collections of sets in and functions on multidimensional spaces. Many of the main ideas from probability in separable Banach spaces turned out to have one or more useful analogues for empirical processes. Tightness became "asymptotic equicontinuity. " Metric entropy remained useful but also was adapted to metric entropy with bracketing, random entropies, and Kolchinskii-Pollard entropy. Even norms themselves were in some situations replaced by measurable majorants, to which the well-developed separable theory then carried over straightforwardly.

  • af Gary F. Birkenmeier, Jae K. Park & Young S. Park
    563,95 kr.

    This volume is the Proceedings of the Third Korea-China-Japan Inter­ national Symposium on Ring Theory held jointly with the Second Korea­ Japan Joint Ring Theory Seminar which took place at the historical resort area of Korea, Kyongju, June 28-July 3, 1999. It also includes articles by some invited mathematicians who were unable to attend the conference. Over 90 mathematicians from 12 countries attended this conference. The conference is held every 4 years on a rotating basis. The first con­ ference was held in 1991 at Guilin, China. In 1995 the second conference took place in Okayama, Japan. At the second conference it was decided to include Korea, who hosted this conference of 1999. During the past century Ring Theory has diversified into many subar­ eas. This is reflected in these articles from over 25 well-known mathemati­ cians covering a broad range of topics, including: Classical Ring Theory, Module Theory, Representation Theory, and the theory of Hopf Algebras. Among these peer reviewed papers are invited survey articles as well as research articles. The survey articles provide an overview of various areas for researchers looking for a new or related field to investigate, while the research articles give the flavor of current research. We feel that the variety of related topics will stimulate interaction between researchers. Moreover the Open Problems section provides guidance for future research. This book should prove attractive to a wide audience of algebraists. Gary F. Birkenmeier, Lafayette, U. S. A.

  • af Yaakov Friedman
    549,95 kr.

    * Develops new tools to efficiently describe different branches of physics within one mathematical framework* Gives a clear geometric expression of the symmetry of physical laws* Useful for researchers and graduate students interested in the many physical applications of bounded symmetric domains* Will also benefit a wider audience of mathematicians, physicists, and graduate students working in relativity, geometry, and Lie theory

  • af Andreas Moser
    555,95 kr.

    It is a great pleasure to write the foreword to this important volume for several reasons. First: As far as we know, already primitive societies had to cope with environmental toxins of many kinds and set up regulations to limit their effects on food and drug use. Modem science, synthesizing tens of millions of new compounds has incredibly magnified this challenge. Today, xenobiotic metabolism has become a crucial task for humans and many other species alike. Second: When reading this book, one is impressed by the extraordinary speed at which neurotoxicology has advanced. Obviously, processing (and endogenous formation) oftox­ ins has become an extremely relevant topic. When I had the chance, almost three decades ago, to work in chemical pharmacology with Bernard B. Brodie at NIH, the drug metabo­ lizing system of the liver had just been recognized and characterized. We had just started to work on the biogenic amines, newly discovered cyclic nucleotides in rat brain, human cere­ brospinal fluid, and on the effects of toxic drugs like amphetamines. Today, biochemical neuropharmacology is a mature field of neuroscience.

  • af E. Von Collani & Klaus Dräger
    1.064,95 kr.

    This book deals with estimating and testing the probability of an event. It aims at providing practitioners with refined and easy to use techniques as well as initiating a new field of research in theoretical statistics. Practical, comprehensive tables for data analysis of the experimental state of investigations are included. Statisticians and practitioners will find this book an essential reference.

  • af Michael Sörensen, Herold Dehling & Thomas Mikosch
    1.074,95 kr.

    Empirical process techniques for independent data have been used for many years in statistics and probability theory. These techniques have proved very useful for studying asymptotic properties of parametric as well as non-parametric statistical procedures. Recently, the need to model the dependence structure in data sets from many different subject areas such as finance, insurance, and telecommunications has led to new developments concerning the empirical distribution function and the empirical process for dependent, mostly stationary sequences. This work gives an introduction to this new theory of empirical process techniques, which has so far been scattered in the statistical and probabilistic literature, and surveys the most recent developments in various related fields. Key features: A thorough and comprehensive introduction to the existing theory of empirical process techniques for dependent data * Accessible surveys by leading experts of the most recent developments in various related fields * Examines empirical process techniques for dependent data, useful for studying parametric and non-parametric statistical procedures * Comprehensive bibliographies * An overview of applications in various fields related to empirical processes: e.g., spectral analysis of time-series, the bootstrap for stationary sequences, extreme value theory, and the empirical process for mixing dependent observations, including the case of strong dependence. To date this book is the only comprehensive treatment of the topic in book literature. It is an ideal introductory text that will serve as a reference or resource for classroom use in the areas of statistics, time-series analysis, extreme value theory, point process theory, and applied probability theory. Contributors: P. Ango Nze, M.A. Arcones, I. Berkes, R. Dahlhaus, J. Dedecker, H.G. Dehling,

  • af C. I. Christov & Arde Guran
    547,95 - 556,95 kr.

    This book gives an overview ofthe current state of nonlinear wave mechanics with emphasis on strong discontinuities (shock waves) and localized self­ preserving shapes (solitons) in both elastic and fluid media. The exposition is intentionallyat a detailed mathematical and physical level, our expectation being that the reader will enjoy coming to grips in a concrete manner with advances in this fascinating subject. Historically, modern research in nonlinear wave mechanics began with the famous 1858 piston problem paper of Riemann on shock waves and con­ tinued into the early part of the last century with the work of Hadamard, Rankine, and Hugoniot. After WWII, research into nonlinear propagation of dispersive waves rapidly accelerated with the advent of computers. Works of particular importance in the immediate post-war years include those of von Neumann, Fermi, and Lax. Later, additional contributions were made by Lighthill, Glimm, Strauss, Wendroff, and Bishop. Dispersion alone leads to shock fronts of the propagating waves. That the nonlinearity can com­ pensate for the dispersion, leading to propagation with a stable wave having constant velocity and shape (solitons) came as a surprise. A solitary wave was first discussed by J. Scott Russell in 1845 in "Report of British Asso­ ciations for the Advancement of Science. " He had, while horseback riding, observed a solitary wave travelling along a water channel and followed its unbroken progress for over a mile.

  • af Chris Doran, Leo Dorst & Joan Lasenby
    1.075,95 kr.

    Geometric algebra has established itself as a powerful and valuable mathematical tool for solving problems in computer science, engineering, physics, and mathematics. The articles in this volume, written by experts in various fields, reflect an interdisciplinary approach to the subject, and highlight a range of techniques and applications. Relevant ideas are introduced in a self-contained manner and only a knowledge of linear algebra and calculus is assumed. Features and Topics: * The mathematical foundations of geometric algebra are explored * Applications in computational geometry include models of reflection and ray-tracing and a new and concise characterization of the crystallographic groups * Applications in engineering include robotics, image geometry, control-pose estimation, inverse kinematics and dynamics, control and visual navigation * Applications in physics include rigid-body dynamics, elasticity, and electromagnetism * Chapters dedicated to quantum information theory dealing with multi- particle entanglement, MRI, and relativistic generalizations Practitioners, professionals, and researchers working in computer science, engineering, physics, and mathematics will find a wide range of useful applications in this state-of-the-art survey and reference book. Additionally, advanced graduate students interested in geometric algebra will find the most current applications and methods discussed.

  • af Anton A. Stoorvogel, Ali Saberi & Peddapullaiah Sannuti
    1.667,95 kr.

    Unifying two decades of research, this book is the first to establish a comprehensive foundation for a systematic analysis and design of linear systems with general state and input constraints. For such systems, which can be used as models for most nonlinear systems, the issues of stability, controller design, additonal constraints, and satisfactory performance are addressed.The book is an excellent reference for practicing engineers, graduate students, and researchers in control systems theory and design. It may also serve as an advanced graduate text for a course or a seminar in nonlinear control systems theory and design in applied mathematics or engineering departments. Minimal prerequisites include a first graduate course in state-space methods as well as a first course in control systems design.

  • af Bell
    1.054,95 kr.

  • af Brunello Tirozzi, Silvia Puca, Stefano Pittalis, mfl.
    1.058,95 kr.

    Devoted to the application of neural networks to the concrete problem of time series of sea dataGood reference for a diverse audience of grad students, researchers, and practitioners in applied mathematics, data analysis, meteorlogy, hydraulic, civil and marine engineeringMethods, models and alogrithms developed in the work are useful for the construction of sea structures, ports, and marine experiments

  • af Bruce K. Patterson
    1.048,95 - 1.056,95 kr.

    Can the son or daughter of a baseball pitcher or cricket bowler throw a ball 100 miles an hour? Is the son or daughter of an opera singer also an opera singer? Is a house with functional light switches lit? The line of thinking in these rhetorical questions also applies to human genetics. What do baseball pitchers, opera sing­ ers, light switches, and the Human Genome Project have in common? These questions address the issue of potential versus realization of function. Although sons and daughters of baseball pitchers and opera singers may have inherited the mechanical attributes to be baseball pitchers and opera singers, they may not, at any point in time, be baseball pitchers or opera singers. A house with functional light switches is not lit unless the light switches are on. Similarly, all of the genes discovered and sequenced as a result of the Human Genome Project are not expressed at the same time. Genome project information will allow us to deter­ mine the repertoire of genes in an individual, which is analogous to determining where the light switches in a house are located and whether they are functional (a mutation or deletion in the Genome Project Model). The pattern of "on" light switches in a house gives us functional information as to what the family inside is doing (e. g. , eating, reading, sleeping). Similarly, the pattern of gene expression (RNA) gives us information on what our bodies are doing (e. g.

  • af Rudolph A. Lorentz
    1.093,95 - 3.150,95 kr.