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250,95 kr. 世界上每个人都有意思,因为每个人都是一个世界。人格是一个多侧面、多层次、复杂的统一体。每个人的遗传、接触的环境不同,拥有自己独一无二的心理特征。本书以生动流畅、引人入胜的散文笔法,探讨千姿百态的人格特质和性情气质,从细腻到豪放,从自卑到自负,从韧性和弹性,从倔强、内疚到愤怒和恐惧,穿越人性之海,理解复杂的人,解释每一个解释独一无二的"自我"之形成,为人们更好地理解人性提供了一个独特的视角。
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- 250,95 kr.
216,95 kr. 这是一本情思深挚、笔法灵动、文辞优美的个人散文集,绘景状物意趣盎然,抒情述怀绵密动人,思考感悟深邃丰满。在文体上也呈现了多样的景观:既有不折不扣的美文,也有散发着小说味道的系列,有荡漾着散文诗意的组章,也有轻松机俏的随笔,体现了作者良好的文字驾驭功力和文体探索精神。岁月赋予了此书一定的视野宽度、内涵厚度,和透视的纵深感,无论是追忆童年还是回望青春,体察草木或描画市井,抒发情怀或观照世事,均触角敏锐,描写生动,开掘深入,情思丰厚,灵气闪烁,意韵浓郁。丽篇佳作接连不断,妙语清辞俯拾即是。
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- 216,95 kr.
305,95 kr. 随着月球内心人抵抗军领袖纳尔斯逃亡至地球,世界开始真正与宇宙空间中的外星文明发生联系。为了追杀纳尔斯,修煞奉命刹神者大帝之命率领太阳系方面军进入此时逐渐兴起的地球文明,妄图猎杀纳尔斯的同时掠夺地球的珍贵资源。而地球男孩刘宣接受了与纳尔斯的灵魂契约,与此同时,月球内质人的活动日渐猖獗,与人类的黑恶势力"蝰蛇"进行贸易来获取人体生物资料以及资源。面对这两股邪恶势力,在"蝰蛇"基地被军方摧毁后,纳尔斯选择带着刘宣向全国最先进的S市军事基地公布身份,与绝密特战队的三人--新任"烈鹰"装甲的特种兵驾驶员安晓天,"亚洲拳王"秦伟山、最强狙击手兼特工乔安--联手共同对抗内质人的军队。战争结束后,为了应对后来真正的敌人,全国另外的异能者和超级战士也将慢慢浮出水面......
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- 305,95 kr.
233,95 kr. 粗看要点,是乎觉得很浅显;细细品味,才发现其中奥妙。精深的东西都如同繁星般地隐现在茫茫的夜空中--这必然需要通读全文,否则难以真实而全面地把脉一部作品的好坏。这本书的主旨在于向读者解释、诠释、说明一个更为真实、更为现实、更为深刻的自然、社会和人生。通过解读三者的逻辑、构架和规则,以使人达到彻悟的目的,亦使人们的思想境界和认知水平得到相应地提升。总的说来,是越到最后思维越深,这叫渐入佳境。如果一个人已经大彻大悟,那么他没有必要再读这本书,当然也没有再读其它相关书籍的必要,因为他已致通达;如果一个人尚未彻悟,那么我认为其就有必要读这本书,因为这将有利于其彻悟。一言以蔽之,关于人生总的道理和自然的根本规则都可以在这本书中找到答案或者得到启示......
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- 233,95 kr.
286,95 kr. 秦庆钧,生前自定诗词集手稿六种,计有《何吟集》、《残渣賸滓集》、《南冠集》、《吟稿》、《春鸟秋虫吟稿》和《磨莹集》。文集十种、计有《诗词写作与欣赏》、《古典文艺选读》、《回首黄粱八 十年》、《黄粱记梦学到老》、《我这十年》、《我任广东大后方平远县长的回忆》、《增城回忆录》、《春风浩荡换新天》、《南岗村史》、《黄埔风光》。以及师公秦海筹遗诗集《漫吟》一种,嘱咐如有可能代为整理付梓,流播世间并送存美国国会图书馆。师去廿余年,墓木已拱矣而事尚未成,惭愧惭愧! 今秦师四公子启权世兄不坠家声,努力多年,将先师诗词编定,定名为《何吟》。
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- 286,95 kr.
303,95 kr. 是你在焦虑苦恼?或情绪不放过你?飞蛾扑火不是没有苦痛,更不是自愿行为,没有生命故意抑郁、暴躁、自卑、执迷不悟,却不一定晓得内心煎熬的原因。苦苦寻求解答却一无所获,身陷幻相的迷宫中。自我像是一只灰尘兔,由生物基因、遗传特质、原生家庭的耳濡目染、祖辈的道德观、文化价值观、个人信念与经验等拼凑而成,层层叠叠的滤镜,使我们难以看见本来真面目。疗愈和觉醒其实不困难,只要有意愿并诚实面对内心,拆解自我。但洞悉大脑和二元世界的运作方式,并透过眼动减敏情绪、催眠认知转化、冥想深入感受、和意识改变状态来探究潜意识等工具,改写大脑程式,转化思维和行为模式。本书是一张地图,走出幻相。本书是一张砂纸,不要你累积知识,而是磨去种种认定,最终拨云见日,透出你自性的光彩。
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- 303,95 kr.
523,95 kr. "寻找新世界"为科幻小说,共十六章,文稿约八十七万余字。小说描写了主人公一位来自上海年轻的大学毕业生孟浩远,因爱好天文对宇宙世界有强烈的探索兴趣,大学毕业前遇机会毅然孤身一人到边远山区贵州某处一国家天文台工作。在一次日常夜间值班时偶然发现了天文台建立以来第一颗国际未命名的新行星。同时按平时值班时的习惯,每次都会对茫茫宇宙发出一封问候信。不过这次突然意外地收到一条奇怪的信息,聪明的他解开了来自宇宙发来的神秘信息。凭着他对发来数据信息的解读,被他分析猜悟可能是在提示他到青海某处碰头。孟浩远既害怕但是更加兴奋,不想错过这次可能的千载难逢机会,勇敢赴约一探究竟,终于与来自遥远宇宙深处不同宇宙空间,比地球发展高过无数文明代次更高等级文明的阿伯特星球人类探索科学考察秦和汉两人见面。随后发生一系列惊人奇的事情。宇宙中的存在是不同的宇宙空间,宇宙中还存在人类文明。一次阿伯特星发现宇宙中一神秘巨大星云系团撞破不同宇宙空间进入银河系来到太阳系将撞击地球等星球体破,毁灭地球等分星体。在阿伯特人的帮助下,最终暂时化险为夷,地球得以保存,但是发生了巨大变化,以后仍将有星云系会进入太阳系,地球已不再安全。人类对宇宙知之极少,危机始终存在。
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- 523,95 kr.
256,95 kr. 阮宇明(Jimmy),1965年生于广东中山,澳大利亚著名铁艺设计师及企业家,澳大利亚朗亚铁艺loyal Iron、澳大利亚Euro Iron铁艺设计公司、中国澳三铁艺创始人,居住在澳大利亚的沙特已故国王AL-FAISAL名下院校及寺院铁艺装饰指定唯一设计师。多年来专注于觉性科学研究,著有生命哲学感悟文学作品《明言》。Jimmy从小对美学及设计有着浓厚的兴趣,青年时期的澳大利亚留学经历增长了Jimmy对铁艺与豪宅别墅的设计见识,后创立澳大利亚朗亚铁艺公司loyal Iron。在澳大利亚的生活当中Jimmy发现铁艺不应该只是产品的销售服务,而是豪宅工程的美学设计服务,2006年于澳大利亚悉尼创立Euro Iron铁艺设计公司,将铁艺从产品服务提升为设计服务,并获得来自世界各地的认可,至今已设计别墅铁艺作品2000+家,这些作品的服务对象来自世界各地不同宗教信仰、不同身份、不同品味的人群。改变了悉尼上层社会对中国铁艺的看法建立并完善铁艺远程服务体系,形成铁艺设计从现场勘测-设计-生产-安装-售后的完整系统。同时,Jimmy发现澳大利亚的气候因素对铁艺的影响比国内更加严重,紫外线及悉尼靠近海岸的原因使得铁艺的油漆及工艺需要更高标准,于2008年对铁艺油漆及工艺进行改善使得这之后澳大利亚铁艺不再被油漆问题困扰。2006年起澳大利亚沙特已故国王AL-FAISAL将名下院校、寺院的铁艺装饰指定Jimmy为唯一设计师,着手设计,此作品更获得澳大利亚上层社会认可。2008年创立中国澳三铁艺公司,做为澳大利亚Euro Iron 公司的生产基地。2018年,发明铁艺窗户专利,此专利让铁艺窗户同时具备多功能及更人性化的安全功能,内置防蚊凹槽及透气防盗隔温断热功能,专利号:20182073140.2。Jimmy更将几十年的心得体会及生活经历著作为文学作品《明言》,明言书籍中记载着Jimmy对于生命价值及哲学思考的个人见解,Jimmy更将"明言"所著当中的哲学思维融入到铁艺设计理念当中。
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- 256,95 kr.
528,95 kr. Dear Reader,I am thrilled to share this anthology "Looking back, moving forward" with you. Inside you will find a collection of exceptional poetry written by primary and secondary students across nine different Education in Motion (EiM) schools around the world. From Beijing to Shanghai, Seoul to Switzerland, these poems embody the diverse voices, thoughtful nature and incredible talent that exists across our international community. Curating this anthology has been both a challenge and a joy. I received an abundance of submissions - hundreds, in fact. I'd like to start by saying thank you to everyone that sent work through this year and to offer my apologies to anyone that didn't make it into this collection. The work was exceptional - seriously impressive - and each piece that didn't make it in was still a testament to the passion and creativity of its author. Please know that your warmth, personality, and genuine care shone through in your words. I wish I could have fitted in more!For those that did make it - well done! This second anthology marks another step forward in our collective literary journey and I'm so proud of the work that's been produced. Some of these poems delve into personal triumphs and losses, offering poignant reflections on life's journey. Others contemplate our existence, questioning the paths we tread. And in the spirit of youthful exuberance, you will find also passionate pieces that critique even the most mundane of things. It's the variety and ambition of these pieces that I love the most.Getting the opportunity to travel and work face-to-face with students from around the world has been so rewarding - it always reminds me how much we have in common as well as how varied and unique we each are as writers and human beings. Great writers tend to come about thanks to great support and guidance and I want to extend my deepest gratitude to all the teachers I got to work with across EiM campuses this year for helping on this project. I always feel so fortunate to get to work with such ambitious, compassionate, and inspiring teachers. Your unwavering commitment to nurturing creativity has played a significant role in the outstanding quality of the work presented here.I am also very grateful to Edgar Zillmann at EiM, whose high standards, compassion for others and tireless efforts in making these projects come to life blow my mind every year. I'd also like to acknowledge and thank Jenni Harrison for her invaluable copy editing support - thank you for ensuring that each poem in this collection shines as brightly as it does.This anthology stands as a testament to the extraordinary achievements of these young budding writers. It is a testament to their dedication, creativity, and unyielding spirit. I've loved working with them and reading their work - now it's your turn. As you immerse yourself in their words and embrace their stories, I hope you'll enjoy these poems as much as I have.With heartfelt gratitude,Mark Grist
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- 528,95 kr.
527,95 kr. With the increasingly fierce market competition, marketing has occupied a very important palce in the enterprise management, which is playing a key role for the sales improvement. Especially under the NewNomal, most of industries have to upgrade and adjust their current industry structure, beginning to pay more attention to marketing strategy research, according to its external environment and their own conditions, developing a scientific and effective marketing strategy, to ensure the long-term stable sustainable development of the enterprise.J Company, one among Fortune Global 500, entered the Chinese market 10 years ago, has a famous brand reputation with their products and services. J Company CF digital ink jet printer, which is a high-tech and price device, introduced in the Chinese market 2012, is benefit for the traditional printing industry industrial structure adjustment. However, there are some problem existing in their Chinese marketing strategy of digital ink jet printer. J's marketing share is behind their competitors.At the same time, Chinese government is encouraging the implement of Green Printing and On-Demand Printing in the whole graphic art, which is significant for the industrial structure adjustment and upgrading. Under this situation, it is both an opportunity and challenge for J Company. Therefore, making a proper marketing strategy in-depth study scientifically is very important for J Company to improve the original marketing share and product sales.Guided by the marketing theory in this paper, using the PEST, Five Foce Model, STP methods, analyze J Company Chinese CF digital inkjet printer marketing strategy; Though the general environment, industry environment and on the basis of the analysis of market demand characteristics of the CF digital inkjet printer, analyze the J company's existing marketing strategy in the Chinese market 's problems;and also retargeting and repositioning the J company CF digital inkjet printer.In the last, Five aspects suggestion, which is from the brand, product, price, channel and promotion are put forward to CF digital inkjet printer in China marketing strategy.
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- 527,95 kr.
202,95 kr. 《泽宇商业课》会从"财富自由"这个人人都向往,但极少数人拥有的状态出发,讲清如何通过升级自己的"个人商业模式"、找到低成本低风险的"个人商业模型",然后将自己的专业知识,提炼成可以解决客户需求的产品,最终打造成能为你创造财富的事业。这本书没有晦涩难懂的商业名词,也没有离普通人太远的商业理论,而且通篇都是大白话,只讲个人创业必须要学会的方法和思维。原因很简单,我们不需要知道开锁的原理,只需要知道钥匙插进去之后,门一定能打开就足够了。在这本书的创作过程中,我不止一次回想当初那句让我进入这个行业的话:"当你找到通往新世界的钥匙,记得要画一份地图,让更多的人也能打开那扇门。"现在这份打开新世界大门的地图,就在你的手中。"A young mentor use his own experience to help you set your own IP and brand you-self. How to use your own ability to set up the side business
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- 202,95 kr.
543,95 kr. - Bog
- 543,95 kr.