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93,95 kr. Seasons of Hope offers unique grief support for Catholics that focuses on the spiritual side of grieving the death of a loved one and invites individuals to meet Christ through scripture, prayer, reflection, and simple activities that offer comfort and help foster healing and spiritual growth. The program contains four journals that can be used by individuals for spiritual reflection or prayer or by parish small faith-sharing groups for those who are mourning the death of a loved one and the Seasons of Hope Leader's Guide. You can start the series with any of the four journals. The journals, originally published in 2007, have been revised with a new introduction and updated resource listings. The journals also include Bible references, reflections, faith-sharing questions, prayers, and space for writing. Each journal covers a unique, standalone "season" of six sessions that have their own theme. Journal Two themes include: seeking consolation stumbling blocks living hope the Cross do not be afraid
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- 93,95 kr.
178,95 kr. "Poet and performing artist Clare McCallan shares her story of how she turned personal heartbreak into a creative passion to nurture the talents of dozens of young artists. Drawing from the life experiences of a dozen other Catholic creatives McCallan speaks powerful truths about how you can create a satisfying life of creativity, community, and joy by using your own talents to reflect God's abundance and beauty"--
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- 178,95 kr.
93,95 kr. Seasons of Hope offers unique grief support for Catholics that focuses on the spiritual side of grieving the death of a loved one and invites individuals to meet Christ through scripture, prayer, reflection, and simple activities that offer comfort and help foster healing and spiritual growth. The program contains four journals that can be used by individuals for spiritual reflection or prayer or by parish small faith-sharing groups for those who are mourning the death of a loved one and the Seasons of Hope Leader's Guide. You can start the series with any of the four journals. The journals, originally published in 2007, have been revised with a new introduction and updated resource listings. The journals also include Bible references, reflections, faith-sharing questions, prayers, and space for writing. Each journal covers a unique, standalone "season" of six sessions that have their own theme. Journal One themes include: For Whom are you looking? our source of consolation shattered dreams finding joy The Way of the Cross; and untie him.
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- 93,95 kr.
93,95 kr. Seasons of Hope offers unique grief support for Catholics that focuses on the spiritual side of grieving the death of a loved one and invites individuals to meet Christ through scripture, prayer, reflection, and simple activities that offer comfort and help foster healing and spiritual growth. The program contains four journals that can be used by individuals for spiritual reflection or prayer or by parish small faith-sharing groups for those who are mourning the death of a loved one and the Seasons of Hope Leader's Guide. You can start the series with any of the four journals. The journals, originally published in 2007, have been revised with a new introduction and updated resource listings. The journals also include Bible references, reflections, faith-sharing questions, prayers, and space for writing. Each journal covers a unique, standalone "season" of six sessions that have their own theme. Journal Four themes include: last encounter the Garden of Gethsemane Crown of Thorns gift of caring Golgotha be my witnesses
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- 93,95 kr.
93,95 kr. Seasons of Hope offers unique grief support for Catholics that focuses on the spiritual side of grieving the death of a loved one and invites individuals to meet Christ through scripture, prayer, reflection, and simple activities that offer comfort and help foster healing and spiritual growth. The program contains four journals that can be used by individuals for spiritual reflection or prayer or by parish small faith-sharing groups for those who are mourning the death of a loved one and the Seasons of Hope Leader's Guide. You can start the series with any of the four journals. The journals, originally published in 2007, have been revised with a new introduction and updated resource listings. The journals also include Bible references, reflections, faith-sharing questions, prayers, and space for writing. Each journal covers a unique, standalone "season" of six sessions that have their own theme. Journal Three themes include: knock and the door shall be opened our infirmities blinders to faith his wounds do not weep
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- 93,95 kr.
258,95 kr. Seasons of Hope is a unique grief support program for Catholics that focuses on the spiritual side of grieving the death of a loved one. It invites those who mourn to accompany one another and to meet Christ through scripture, prayer, reflection, and simple activities that offer comfort and help to foster healing and spiritual growth. The updated Seasons of Hope Leader's Guide and four journals can be used by a parish grief ministry. Individuals are also able to use the journals for personal reflection and prayer. You can start with any of the four journals, each of which covers a standalone "season" of six sessions that each have their own theme rooted in a passage from scripture. The Seasons of Hope program was created by author M. Donna MacLeod following the death of her daughter and has been used in thousands of parishes by tens of thousands of people since its original release in 2007. Updates to the new edition of the Leader's Guide include: a new introduction; a new chapter about offering group sessions online; revised content and activities that meet the challenges and needs of the contemporary Church and culture; an updated resource list; access to online facilitator training materials; and information about caring for those living grief from losses such as suicide, overdose, miscarriage and other child loss, natural disasters, or homicide. The Leader's Guide continues to include FAQs about creating and sustaining successful grief ministries in your parish. It also provides outlines and scripts for the six group sessions of each season. Those sessions include scripture, prayer, reflection, activities, and faith sharing. The Seasons of Hope Journals, which are perfect for individual and group use, have been revised with a new introduction and updated resource listings. The journals also include Bible references, reflections, prayers, and space for writing.
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- 258,95 kr.
198,95 kr. ¿Cómo pueden los cristianos crecer espiritualmente en medio de nuestra pecaminosidad? ¿Cómo podemos transformar nuestras vidas de una manera que nos permita compartir la resurrección de Jesús? Dios ya nos ha dado la solución perfecta: los sacramentos. Ya sea el dolor de heridas pasadas, la tensión en nuestras relaciones o el estrés de la vida diaria, todos necesitamos ser consolados y sanados por Cristo. En esta continuación de su exitoso Sé sanado, Bob Schuchts explica cómo los sacramentos pueden impulsar su sanación emocional y espiritual y acercarte a Dios. Basado en más de treinta y cinco años de experiencia como terapeuta y décadas dedicadas al ministerio parroquial, Bob Schuchts demuestra cómo cada uno de los siete sacramentos puede ser un encuentro con Cristo que cambia la vida, comunicado a través del poder del Espíritu Santo. Él empareja cada sacramento de la sanación con una de las siete heridas mortales que emanaron del pecado original en el Jardín del Edén. Perpetuamos y profundizamos esas heridas cada vez que pecamos, pero los sacramentos son el remedio de Dios para el pecado. Nos dan una manera de restaurarnos a la plenitud en Cristo. En Sé transformado, descubrirás cómo cada sacramento puede ayudarte a sanar las heridas que pueden obstaculizar tus relaciones y tu sentido de autoestima. Con la ayuda de Schuchts, aprenderás cómo: El Bautismo nos hace hijos amados de Dios, sanando nuestras heridas del rechazo. La Sagrada Comunión sana nuestras heridas del abandono al invitarnos a compartir la presencia permanente de Jesús. La Confirmación vence nuestra impotencia a través del poder del Espíritu Santo. El Orden Sagrado sana las heridas de la confusión y del desorden al restablecer la autoridad de Dios en nuestras vidas. En el Matrimonio, el amor fiel de Dios sana las heridas del miedo y de la desconfianza. La Reconciliación restaura la pureza y nos libera de la vergüenza. La Unción de los Enfermos proporciona una esperanza duradera para superar nuestra desesperanza. Sé transformado ofrece todas las herramientas que necesitas para una nueva comprensión de los sacramentos, incluidas preguntas de reflexión, meditaciones de las Escrituras, oraciones e historias inspiradoras. Saldrás hambriento de los sacramentos de una manera que nunca creíste posible.
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- 198,95 kr.
148,95 kr. Únete al padre Agustino Torres, CFR--el fundador de Corazón Puro--en un viaje cuaresmal multimedia inspirado en san Francisco. Comienza la temporada con un voto de pobreza y termina en la Pascua con un corazón libre del desierto del pecado y abierto a amar, servir y cuidar a los demás. Creados para el cielo presenta impresionantes obras de arte originales de Valerie Delgado de Pax.Valerie, junto con meditaciones diarias sobre un pasaje de las Escrituras, preguntas de reflexión, oración y espacio para escribir un diario y tomar notas. Una vida de sencillez y de pobreza te orienta hacia el amor de Dios y te recuerda que estás creado para el cielo. Torres dice que la mejor manera de prepararte para ese destino final es vivir como verdadero peregrino que necesita "viajar liviano" y desapegarte de los placeres terrenales. En seis semanas transformadoras, aprenderás cómo permitir que el Espíritu Santo se mueva en tu corazón a través de un tema nuevo cada semana: Primera semana: comprométete a hacer un voto de pobreza durante la Cuaresma y reflexiona sobre la historia de Jesús siendo arrojado al desierto mientras aprendes a hacer tu vida enteramente alrededor de Cristo; Segunda semana: sé testigo de la Transfiguración y permítete transformarte, dejando brillar tus dones espirituales; Tercera semana: aceptar el llamado a la conversión y decir sí a una vida de sencillez y de pobreza como lo hizo san José; Cuarta semana: deja que el poder sanador de Dios te desafíe a convertirte en un recipiente de misericordia y una fuente de compasión amorosa para los demás; Quinta semana: aprende a orar con confianza y mirar más allá de nosotros mismos; y Semana Santa: experimenta un encuentro profundo con Dios a través de la antigua liturgia de la Iglesia. Creados para el cielo es perfecto tanto para uso individual como grupal. Hay vídeos complementarios gratuitos y una guía del líder descargable disponibles en avemariapress.com. El libro y otros recursos también están disponibles en inglés.
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- 148,95 kr.
148,95 kr. In Jesus, Guide of My Life, bestselling and award-winning author and retreat leader Joyce Rupp takes us by the hand this Lent to explore the words and actions of Jesus in the gospels so that his teachings and living presence can inspire our spiritual transformation. In this third installment in her trilogy of Lenten daily reflection books, Rupp offers her insight and personal experience of the power of the Gospel to shape our lives. She explains that the wisdom and reassurance of Jesus can "pilot us when we are caught in the stormy weather of grief and serve as guardrails when our minds travel on roads made of worry and self-deprecation." Rupp will help us connect with Jesus as not only a teacher, healer, and counselor who sets direction for our lives, but also as "the Way" (Jn 14:6) in whom we abide in divine love. For each of the forty days of Lent, Rupp offers a brief reflection that opens new dimensions of a gospel account of Jesus's ministry and applies his guidance to our lives today. She also includes a prayer and daily intention that invites us to spiritual growth and to reach fuller depths in our faith. Questions for personal reflection or group discussion are included.
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- 148,95 kr.
208,95 kr. "A collection of classic and contemporary prayers that showcase the diversity of voices and traditions that have made up the Catholic Church for more than 2,000 years"--
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- 208,95 kr.
198,95 kr. "A book showing Catholics how to rebuild their faith with a forty-day process of spiritual renewal and reengagement in their local parish "--
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- 198,95 kr.
188,95 kr. Who--or what--are you praying for today? The Ave Prayer Intentions Journal includes ample space to record your daily prayers for yourself, your family and friends, your community, the world, those living and dead, and people most in need of prayer. For each intention there is also room to record the ways you've noticed God answering your prayer. This beautifully designed journal includes generous open space, as well as inspirational quotes from scripture and the saints to inspire you. You will be prompted to reflect, pray, and record what's on your heart as you place your needs before God. The Ave Prayer Intentions Journal is a versatile resource that will help you take the next step in your ongoing conversation with God. The traditional prayers you have memorized since childhood can only take you so far--personal prayer allows you to invite God into your life in a deeper way. The journal also includes ten guided reflections for each of the four main types of prayer: Adoration, Contrition, Thanksgiving, and Supplication. These reflections are rooted in scripture or words of the saints. Over time, looking back at God's faithfulness builds our faith and clarifies how God is moving in our lives--sometimes in surprising ways. The Ave Prayer Intentions Journal will become a cherished keepsake that you will turn to again and again whenever your faith needs a boost.
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- 188,95 kr.
158,95 kr. "Peter Le's dramatic story is marked by childhood polio, fleeing from war-torn Vietnam in the 1980s, and dealing with a thyroid cancer diagnosis in 2018. In My Life of Grace, Le offers a practical yet deeply personal exploration of redemptive suffering and how we can uniquely enter into the Passion of Christ by embracing our trials so we can persevere in grace and hope"--
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- 158,95 kr.
198,95 kr. "A Catholic-Christian, non-shaming, holistic guide to talking to kids about sex and sexuality"--
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- 198,95 kr.
128,95 - 158,95 kr. Leaving Loneliness Behind: The Workbook is the essential companion for Regina Boyd's book, Leaving Loneliness Behind: 5 Keys to Experiencing God's Love and Building Healthy Connections with Others. It provides exercises, charts, lists, ideas, interactive questions, and journaling space to put into practice the skills you've learned from the main book. Scripture reflections guide you to explore ways that connection with others help you live God's plan for your life. The workbook corresponds to each chapter of the main book and offers: a chapter summary; guided scripture reflections and prayer questions to deepen your relationship with God; a warm-up activity to prepare your mind and start identifying your goals; two main activities that break down your goals into doable steps by using charts, lists, diagrams, and reflection questions; a summary to pull together your goals, blind spots, and hopes into an actionable plan; practical tips as you begin working on your relationships in day-to-day life; and room to journal and chart your progress.
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- 128,95 kr.
258,95 - 278,95 kr. - Bog
- 258,95 kr.
198,95 kr. "This is a book by Catholic loss fathers for other Catholic fathers who have experienced the death of a child (across all ages). It's a guide for finding support, comfort, and hope in the Church and in other dads who live with child loss and yet are hopeful and confident that healing will come"--
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- 198,95 kr.
158,95 kr. "An exploration of Catholic teaching on who these heavenly helpers and intercessors, the angels and saints, are and why they matter to us as individuals and to the Church as the Body of Christ "--
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- 158,95 kr.
128,95 kr. Join Fr. Agustino Torres, CFR--founder of Corazón Puro--on a multimedia Advent journey led by the saints and the Holy Family to prepare yourself to enter into the story of Christ's birth through prayer, charity, and joyful acts of service to the needy. Prepare Your Heart features stunning original art by Valerie Delgado of Pax.Valerie, along with daily meditations on a passage from scripture, reflection questions, prayer, and space for journaling and notetaking. During each week of Advent, you will embark on a new path informed by Franciscan spirituality to guide you to becoming closer to God: Week One, the way of Nazareth: a spirituality that attunes you to the needs of others and the hidden presence of God. Week Two, the way of the saints: featuring Sts. Lucy, Nicholas, Juan Diego, and Our Lady of Guadalupe, whose feast days fall during Advent; they will teach you to live with intentionality, humility, and devotion. Week Three, the way of St. Joseph: revealing the creative courage of Jesus's foster father, teaching you how he makes a home for each of us in the heart of God. Week Four, the way of Mary: a tutorial in learning how to say yes to God's call for your life and trusting in his loving providence. Prepare Your Heart is perfect for both individual and group use. Free companion videos; ideas for celebrating Sundays in Advent with family, friends, and small groups; and a downloadable leader's guide are available at avemariapress.com. The book, videos, leader's guide, and family guide are available in Spanish as well.
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- 128,95 kr.
158,95 kr. "Can you be a person of faith and a serious gamer at the same time? Not only is it possible, but with the right approach, video games can actually be a place to grow in virtue"--
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- 158,95 kr.
158,95 kr. In this book, Timothy P. O'Malley helps the reader move beyond some of the unnecessary conflicts that developed around Eucharistic theology in the twentieth century and continue today. He also leads the reader to a deeper understanding and renewed faith in Catholic teaching about transubstantiation.
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- 158,95 kr.
158,95 kr. No podemos simplemente hablar de la presencia de Cristo en la Eucaristía; tenemos que creerlo, celebrarlo y vivirlo individualmente y como comunidad de fieles. Y debemos cultivar una cultura en nuestras parroquias que trate la Presencia Real no solo como una doctrina católica importante, sino también como la parte más importante de la identidad parroquial.En Convertirse en personas eucarísticas, el teólogo Timothy P. O'Malley, autor de Presencia Real, describe cuatro dimensiones esenciales de una cultura eucarística en una parroquia, que fomenta la reverencia y la unidad entre los fieles, incluye todas las dimensiones de la vida humana en el misterio del Cuerpo y la Sangre de Cristo, e invita a las personas a volver a la vida parroquial o a convertirse en católicos por primera vez.O'Malley, director de educación en el Instituto McGrath para la Vida de la Iglesia en la Universidad de Notre Dame, director académico del Centro de Liturgia de Notre Dame y miembro del equipo de planificación ejecutiva para el Avivamiento Eucarístico de la Conferencia de Obispos Católicos de los Estados Unidos, muestra lo que significa fomentar una cultura parroquial donde la Eucaristía infunde la cosmovisión, prioridades y prácticas de sus miembros. O'Malley lo guía a través del descubrimiento y del discernimiento sobre cómo crear una cultura parroquial donde cada persona está llamada a la santidad y recibe la ayuda espiritual, teológica y pastoral que necesita para encontrar a Cristo plenamente presente en la Eucaristía y convertirse en testigo de él en el mundo.O'Malley lo ayudará a reflexionar sobre cuatro facetas esenciales de una cultura parroquial eucarística: liturgias con alegre reverencia que celebran los dones de la diversidad;formación que involucra la mente, la imaginación, el entendimiento y la voluntad;una rica vida de piedad popular y la vitalidad de la Iglesia doméstica; yun compromiso de solidaridad con tu vecino. O'Malley dice que cuando reflejamos la Presencia Real de Cristo a los demás, nuestras parroquias se convertirán en espacios sagrados en los que cada persona sea guiada a una comunión más profunda con Dios y con su prójimo.Los recursos en línea, que incluyen ideas para retiros parroquiales, recursos didácticos y videos basados en este libro y el Avivamiento Eucarístico de los obispos de los Estados Unidos, están disponibles en el Instituto McGrath para la Vida de la Iglesia.
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- 158,95 kr.
183,95 kr. "We know that in everything God works for good with those who love him, who are called according to his purpose." (Romans 8:28)It's easy to see the work of God's hands when things are going right--a promotion, a new baby, or a financial windfall. But what about when things go wrong? How could God possibly make good out of illness, death, or betrayal?In his letter to the Romans, St. Paul boldly asserts that God uses all the circumstances of our lives--good and bad--to express his love for us. In When Your Days Are Dark, God Is Still Good, Gary Zimak--author of the bestselling and award-winning Give Up Worry for Lent!--shares personal stories and scripture narratives to show you that God is not only present in your pain but also uses your pain to transform you into a holier, more compassionate person.St. Paul's confidence was born of conviction as one who had endured great suffering for the Gospel--and had found God faithful. Zimak looks at the story of Paul and other biblical figures in both the Old and New Testaments to show how God used their painful circumstances to bring about good, including: Adam and Eve eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil--God didn't abandon them, but sent his Son to undo their disobedience;The death of Lazarus--Jesus's miracle of raising Lazarus brought many to believe in him;The disciples on the road to Emmaus were lamenting the death of Jesus--they met the risen Lord, whom they did not know until he broke bread and gave it to them;Hagar, the maid of Abraham's wife Sarah, is used to give Abraham a son--though she was cast out by Sarah, God made her son the founder of a great nation;Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, who suffered religious persecution at the hand of King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon--God kept them unharmed when they were thrown into a fire for not bowing to a golden image. Their safety caused the conversion of the king; andThe apostles in the upper room in fear after Jesus's death and Resurrection--Jesus visited them in the locked room and brought the gift of peace through the Holy Spirit. Each chapter includes questions for reflection and a prayer.
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- 183,95 kr.
213,95 kr. A new study by Msgr. Stephen J. Rossetti--a licensed psychologist and research professor who has studied the American priesthood for thirty years--found that an overwhelming majority of American Catholic priests say that they are happy, like their work, and have vibrant spiritual lives.As Rossetti's capstone to thirty years of studying the Catholic priesthood in the United States, Priesthood in a Time of Crisis is an indispensable tool for bishops and priests, as well as all those charged with the formation and ongoing education of clergy.Rossetti conducted similar studies on the psychological and spiritual well-being of American Catholic priests in 2004 and 2009, the latter of which led to his groundbreaking book Why Priests are Happy. This book includes the most recent findings about the health of priests, what most influences their wellness, and how the Church can ensure their continued well-being. The three studies make up the most comprehensive survey of American priests ever conducted.Rossetti's research showsPriestly happiness in the United States has been steadily rising for the last few decades and continues to be very high, with 90 percent or more of priests indicating that they strongly agree/agree with the statement, "Overall, I am happy as a priest."Priests very much like doing what they do, resulting in high job satisfaction.More priests are engaging in traditional spiritual practices--including praying the Liturgy of the Hours and spending at least thirty minutes each day in private prayer--than they reported a decade ago.Support for celibacy among priests remains high and is rising, with more priests professing to have a positive experience of celibacy, from 75 percent in 2009 to 82 percent in 2021.Mental wellness of priests remains high despite some signs of distress and depression, particularly during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic.Priests report they are disappointed in Church leaders for their failures in handling abuse cases. Rossetti explains that the most crucial indicators of a priest's psychological and spiritual wellbeing are loneliness, self-esteem, relationship to his bishop, compassion satisfaction, childhood trauma, traditional spirituality, priestly fraternity, sexual conflicts, and his intimacy with God.
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- 213,95 kr.
238,95 kr. - Bog
- 238,95 kr.
193,95 kr. Winner of a honorable mention award in the popular scripture studies category from the Catholic Media Association. When you begin to see the Bible as a book of love, it will change the way you view love, sex, marriage, family, and your personal relationship with God. Walk with popular scripture scholar John Bergsma from the creation of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden to the wedding between the Lamb and the New Jerusalem in the Book of Revelation to learn how marriage in the Bible represents the love between God and his people. Bergsma focuses on what nine biblical marriages tell us about God's relationship with us. These stories include: Adam and Eve--who show us that marriage is the culmination of all creation and that marriage can be an image of the Trinity; Ruth and Boaz--who display the tenderness and virtue of a marriage; Solomon and his bride in the Song of Songs--who illustrate a positive, healthy view of the body and physical beauty; and Jesus as Bridegroom of his people, the Church. Using his popular, whimsical stick-figure illustrations and engaging style, Bergsma helps us understand scripture and salvation history in a unique, memorable way. He also provides insight into Church teachings on marriage and relationships--such as monogamy, the single life, the Sacrament of Matrimony, and Jesus's words about divorce--to show how these teachings come from the love God shares with his people through the covenants in scripture.
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- 193,95 kr.
258,95 kr. Find reasons for gratitude and hope as you encounter scripture and discover its meaning in your life with the beautifully designed Living the Word Companion Journal.This journal is the perfect complement to the Living the Word Catholic Women's Bible. It will help you to be drawn in again and again to a community of women who share your desire to live God's Word in their everyday lives. Journaling in conjunction with the Living the Word Bible will help you take the readings to heart and grow in intimacy with the Lord.The journal's stunning design is patterned after the Living the Word Catholic Women's Bible and includes flowing pastel swaths, a full-color interior, and elegant type. This hardcover cloth book with gold stamping is both beautiful and durable--the perfect accompaniment for weeks of prayer, journaling, and reflection.Using the same trusted translation as the Living the Word Bible the Revised Standard Version, Second Catholic Edition--unique features of the Living the Word Companion Journal includedirect references to special features in the Living the Word Bible such as Women of the Word profiles;a 100-day reading plan not found in the Living the Word Bible;prompts that allow you to apply what you learn to everyday life;abundant space throughout to journal your thoughts, questions, and prayer intentions;places to highlight and illustrate meaningful Bible verses;sections titled "Taking Stock," which encourage you to reflect on what you've learned in the past ten days; andan index of the omen of the Word, both the scripture passages that reference them and their profiles, in the Bible. The Living the Word Companion Journal--created by Sarah Christmyer, general editor of the Living the Word Catholic Women's Bible--will become a keepsake that you can refer to at different stages of your life and share with those you love. It is perfect for individual or group use.
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- 258,95 kr.
173,95 kr. Winner of a second-place award in the memoir category from the Catholic Media Association. Goyo Hidalgo's struggle with excess, pain, and fear plagued him for ten years. The gritty story of his unexpected redemption started after a hard night of partying in Los Angeles and a life-changing message coming from his television. He woke up that April morning to the broadcast of Pope John Paul II's funeral Mass. A reflection on the now-saint's message of "Be not afraid" awakened a deep longing in Hidalgo's soul--a yearning that led him back to the Catholic faith of his youth and ultimately into the priesthood. From Prodigal to Priest takes you on Hidalgo's journey of reconciliation with his faith and his family. He offers compassionate encouragement to those who believe themselves unforgivable and reminds them that Jesus is always there to welcome them home to the Church. Hidalgo's conversion story affirms the power of God's mercy and the deep transformation his grace can bring. Hidalgo grew up in a devout Catholic family in a small town in Spain. He went to a minor seminary as a youth to begin studies to become a priest, but left after about five years. Once he went to college, he fell away from the faith--and repeatedly lied to his mother about it. Hidalgo's dream was to travel the world and teach, leaving poverty behind. With Jesus's parable of the prodigal son (Luke 15:11-32) as a companion, you will walk with Hidalgo through both the joy and the difficulties he experienced as he came home to the Catholic faith of his childhood--confessing to his mother, relearning how to pray, going to Confession, telling his friends about his reversion, and his call to the priesthood. And you will learn that it's important to pray, discern, trust, and be thankful to God, regardless of the outcome. Each chapter includes prayers for both prodigal sons and daughters and those who accompany them.
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- 173,95 kr.
193,95 kr. Discover what it means to become a man of faith through the lives of ten male saints and their experiences pursuing holiness. In Holy Grit, you'll join Catholic life coach Paul George to consider some of the tough issues facing men today--struggles in marriage, parenting, suffering, and finding purpose--to determine areas for growth and take steps toward living the life for which God created you.You might have grown up with an image of masculinity defined by tough guys on TV--boxers, gangsters, cowboys, fighter pilots, the fastest gun in the West. These guys had courage, backbone, and guts. They had grit."As a man, I know the struggles of living a manly existence. It is one I deal with daily," George writes. "I'm no expert, but I'm a gritty guy, like you, grinding it out on my journey."But George admits that grit isn't enough to satisfy the longing in a man's soul: you have to start trusting God and taking seriously the call to be holy.Holy Grit is rich in personal stories, thought-provoking questions, spiritual insights, and mental health tips that help Catholic men like you build the spiritual foundation you need to serve your family, parish, and community. George invites you to examine how saints such as Maximilian Kolbe, Louis Martin, and John Paul II understood themselves as men. Learning from the lessons of the saints, George will help you explore how to: overcome vice with St. Augustine;pursue God through your habits with St. Thomas More;experience God's healing power with St. Padre Pio;surrender to the will of God with St. Peter; anddevelop daily discipline with St. Paul. Each chapter introduces a saint, offers practical takeaways for modern men, and includes reflection questions, an action plan, and a prayer.
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- 193,95 kr.
213,95 kr. Winner of a second-place award in the contemporary spirituality category from the Catholic Media Association. Eight modern saints invite you to follow their example to live the Beatitudes--the heart of Jesus's teaching--in your own life. Through her beautiful full-color art, scripture passages, journaling prompts, and original prayers inspired by the Our Father, popular Catholic artist Jen Norton will guide you to put the Beatitudes into practice as she challenges you to examine the state of your own heart and your willingness to grow in holiness. Norton compares living what Jesus taught in the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5:3-13) with climbing a mountain--a difficult, irregular, sometimes fear-filled path that eventually leads to a great reward. But she says that like the saints, if you trust God beyond your own understanding, the end of the climb is heaven. You will learn about each of the Beatitudes from modern saints, including St. André Bessette, a brother of the Congregation of Holy Cross, who served as a porter and powerful intercessor for the afflicted--Blessed are the poor in spirit; St. Mark Ji Tianxiang, a Chinese doctor who became an opium addict but maintained a strong faith. He died a martyr during the Boxer Rebellion--Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness; St. Maria Goretti, who sought the conversion of those who had harmed her--Blessed are the merciful; and St. Oscar Romero, the archbishop who embodied radical love as a peacemaker--Blessed are the peacemakers. This book is perfect for personal or group use.
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- 213,95 kr.