Bøger udgivet af Automatic Press / VIP
223,95 kr. Alle mennesker er i stand til at udføre korrekte logiske slutninger, men vi gør os sjældent klart, hvordan vi bærer os ad. Det kan logikkenfortælle os, og derfor spiller den en så vigtig rolle i mange modernevidenskaber. Moderne elementær logik læseren gennem den moderne logik og denssystemer - fra klassisk udsagnslogik for første ordens prædikatslogik tilmodallogik, herunder aletisk, temporal og epistemisk logik. Bogen inde-holder ligeledes kapitler af mere avanceret karakter om formelle strukturer, modelteori og metateoretisk analyse af udsagnslogik samt førsteordenslogik.Bogen er tilrettelagt med henblik på universiteternes grunduddannelseri bl.a. filosofi, matematik, datalogi, lingvistik og retorik, men henvendersig også til studerende på overbygningsuddannelsernes specialkurser - og i det hele taget enhver, der interesser sig for "tænkningens love".2. reviderede udgave, 2011
- Bog
- 223,95 kr.
- 5 Questions
358,95 kr. The present volume comprises central insights about the nature of phenomenology from some of the most prominent scholars in contemporary phenomenology. The format of the contributions, conceived as responses to a five-question questionnaire, has allowed each author to address in a concise and flexible way a broad range of topics, from personal reflections on how each of them was drawn into phenomenology, to considerations of the latter's significance in the contemporary intellectual landscape. The result is a volume containing insightful and thought-provoking reflections about the past, present, and future of phenomenology from outstanding scholars in the field. The five questions that contributors were asked to answer were the following: 1. Why were you initially drawn to phenomenology? 2. What are your main contributions to the field of phenomenology? 3. What is the proper role of phenomenology in relation to other disciplines? 4. What have been the most significant advances in phenomenology? 5. What are the most important open problems in phenomenology and what are the prospects for progress?Interviews with Renaud Barbaras, Rudolf Bernet, John B. Brough, David Carr, Steven Crowell, Franc¿oise Dastur, Nicolas de Warren, John Drummond, Gu¿nter Figal, Shaun Gallagher, Miguel Garci¿a-Baro¿, Sara Heinämaa, Nam-In Lee, Dermot Moran, Tetsuya Sakakibara, Anthony J. Steinbock, Bernhard Waldenfels, Dan Zahavi.
- Bog
- 358,95 kr.
- Bog
- 875,95 kr.
738,95 kr. The book is an introductory text on the subject of internal combustion engines, intended for use in engineering courses at the senior or introductory graduate student level. The focus in on describing the basic principles of engine operation on a broad basis, to provide a foundation for further study, research and development. The goal is to describe the main variables involved in engine operation of different engine types, and how their interaction determines engine performance. Topics included are: general engine parameters, thermodynamic cycles including simple engine simulation, air exchange processes, combustion in different engine types, exhaust emissions, engine control including mean value engine models, pressure charging, fuels and fuel systems, balancing, friction, and heat transfer. In addition, methods to establish the connection between engine characteristics and vehicle performance in terms of acceleration, maximum speed and fuel consumption are presented.
- Bog
- 738,95 kr.
- Bog
- 313,95 kr.
- 5 Questions
358,95 kr. Philosophy of Logic: 5 Questions is a collection of interviews with some of the world's most influential and prominent scholars working on philosophy of logic. The questions: Why were you initially drawn to the philosophy of logic? What are your main contributions to the philosophy of logic? What is the proper role of philosophy of logic in relation to other disciplines, and to other branches of philosophy? What have been the most significant advances in the philosophy of logic? What are the most important open problems in philosophy of logic, and what are the prospects for progress? Interviews with JC Beall, John Lane Bell, Johan van Benthem, Patricia A. Blanchette, Otávio Bueno, James Cargile, Mark Colyvan, Newton Carneiro Affonso da Costa, Pascal Engel, Susan Haack, Jaakko J. Hintikka, Dale Jacquette, Penelope Maddy, Lawrence S. Moss, Catarina Dutilh Novaes, Ahti-Veikko Pietarinen, Graham Priest, Stephen Read, Nicholas Rescher, Stewart Shapiro, Peter Simons, Timothy Williamson, Jan Wole¿ski
- Bog
- 358,95 kr.
- Bog
- 398,95 kr.
- Bog
- 373,95 kr.
- Bog
- 333,95 kr.
- Bog
- 398,95 kr.
- Bog
- 333,95 kr.
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- 388,95 kr.
388,95 kr. - Bog
- 388,95 kr.
- Bog
- 398,95 kr.
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- 288,95 kr.
- Bog
- 348,95 kr.
- Bog
- 288,95 kr.
- Bog
- 333,95 kr.
- Bog
- 138,95 kr.
- Bog
- 358,95 kr.
- Bog
- 358,95 kr.
- Philosophical Reflections
358,95 kr. Problems related to expertise are amongst the most pressing issues of our time. Although philosophical reflection has much to contribute to the identification and resolution of these problems, the topic of expertise has not received the professional attention that it deserves. Expertise: Philosophical Reflections corrects this imbalance by critically addressing fundamental conceptual and normative issues related to three topics: 1) the phenomenology of expertise, 2) interactional expertise, 3) the ethics and politics of expertise. In so doing, it covers a range of technological issues related to expert authority, judgment, and competence, including: the prospects of artificial intelligence, the ethics of sustainability research and sustainable design, controversy over advocacy for genetically modified foods, and behavior-modifying technologies called "nudges."
- Bog
- 358,95 kr.
138,95 kr. - Bog
- 138,95 kr.
- Bog
- 358,95 kr.
- Bog
- 358,95 kr.
- Bog
- 473,95 kr.
178,95 kr. - Bog
- 178,95 kr.
396,95 kr. - Bog
- 396,95 kr.
- Bog
- 333,95 kr.
- Bog
- 288,95 kr.