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  • af Lisa Aisato
    239,45 kr.

    Do you remember the crystal whiteness of winter, the green growth of spring, the magical potential of twilight? Do you remember the worlds we discovered in books and stories, in the great outdoors, and in our own imaginations? Now readers of all ages can experience these indescribable feelings over and over through evocative artwork and concise text by Norway''s most popular and highly awarded illustrator, Lisa Aisato. This lavish book - perfect for both children''s home libraries and adults'' coffee tables-features a selection of Aisato''s classics as well as never-before-seen paintings .

  • af Siri Pettersen
    174,45 - 219,45 kr.

    THE MIGHT is the furious conclusion to the fantasy epic THE RAVEN RINGS and is about the search for one's own roots, prejudices, power struggles, arrogance and love.I loved (Odin's Child) deeply from the first to the last word, and was instantly and thoroughly immersed. -- Laini Taylor, bestselling author of Daughter of Smoke and Bone. ...The story examines and upends everything its characters believe in, including their world, their history, their faith, and themselves, while intertwining elements of politics and Norse mythology with a side of forbidden romance. Kirkus Reviews Blood magic, blackmail, and battle rock a rich world of fading magic to its core in this internationally bestselling Norwegian epic fantasy. Publishers Weekly The intrigue, scope, and depth of His Dark Materials, set in an immersive Nordic world as fierce and unforgettable as its characters.  Rosaria Munda, author Fireborne/Flamefall - Aurelian Cycle The world building is stupendous. MidWest Book Review HIrka has been sent to the world of the blind, a powerful and immortal people whom she has been taught to fear since infancy--and who now see her as their only chance to reignite a thousand-year-old war. The blind will use Hirka's ability to travel between worlds to return to Ym, the land where Hirka grew up and where the blind were betrayed all those years ago. And this time, they will prevail. Hirka is torn between her loyalties to the people who birthed her and the people who raised her, between the savior she is expected to be and the individual she wants to be. And every choice she makes pulls her further away from Rime, the love of her life, who is doing everything he can to stop Ym from falling to pieces all around him.  A million things stand between Hirka and Rime. But only together can they stop the end of the worlds.     \

  • af Siri Pettersen
    219,45 kr.

    To protect her homeland of Ym, Hirka left it behind. She travelled through a portal to an unfamiliar world - that world is modern-day Europe. Hirka was supposed to fit in with humans here. And her departure was supposed to be save Ym from the invasion of the blind. Yet none of that has happened. Instead, Hirka finds herself just as much of an outsider among the humans as she was among ymlings. Separated by worlds, both Hirka and Rime must find a way to stop a thousand-year-old evil from destroying not only Ym, but every world in existence.

  • af Siri Pettersen
    164,45 - 219,45 kr.

  • af Malene Solvsten
    193,95 kr.

    For fans of The Raven Boys and American Gods. Following up on the cliffhanger ending of Book 1, where Anna has learned who is responsible for the series of bestial murders taking place in her hometown and learns that they are connected with an ancient prophecy about the end of the world. Book 2 sets off with Anna reaching Hrafnheim, an unknown parallel world full of gods, demigods and creatures. There she is picked up by soldiers of the ruler Ragnara, but a renegade officer of the army, Rorik, frees her. Together, they set out to free her twin sister, Serén, who has been captured by Ragnara. The road to the capital of Sént is fraught with deadly dangers, and the vision of her own murder plagues Anna ceaselessly. She begins to understand more and more that Ragnarok, the downfall of the world, is directly linked to her own fate . . .

  • af Gry Kappel Jensen
    161,95 kr.

    A fantastical romance with Norse roots that's a thriller murder mystery!Chamomile, Kirstine, Victoria and Malou are back at Rosenholm Academy to start a new school year. But in addition to the lessons in runic magic, clairvoyance and Norse mythology, the girls also have something completely different to worry about. A crime from the past draws threads to the present, and the girls have committed themselves to solving the murder mystery that casts a shadow over Rosenholm. An ominous prediction causes the seriousness to dawn on them, while the questions loom large. And each of them harbors deep secrets that threaten to tear them apart before they can fulfill the promise they made. Time is running out and it could end up being fatal... Forget me not is the exciting sequel to the fantasy novel Roses and Violets and volume 2 in the Rosenholm trilogy.

  • af Bernadette Watts
    89,95 kr.

    A retelling of the classic battle of wits–The Three Little Pigs–with illustrations by the legendary European artist Bernadette Watts that will charm you up to your chinny-chin-chin!Bernadette Watts brings one of the most beloved fairy tales to life with her colorful and delightfully detailed illustrations. Retelling it with all of the pluck and charm of the classic tale, Watts ensures that everything ends happily and no one gets eaten! In addition to the adorable pigs and the expressive big bad wolf, a bevy of endearing animals befriend the little pigs and add enchantment to this story time favorite.

  • af Thomas Meyer
    145,95 kr.

    Kurt macht sich über Felix lustig, weil Felix die kleinste Tanne in der Baumschule für Weihnachtsbäume ist. An Heiligabend kommen die Tierfamilien und suchen sich ihre Tanne aus. Felix wird zunächst nicht beachtet. Doch dann entdeckt ihn Selma, ein Hasenkind, das genau wie Felix überall die Kleinste ist. Bald feiert und singt die Hasenfamilie gemeinsam, und vor Glück stimmt Felix lauthals mit ein. Der Schweizer Bestseller-Autor Thomas Meyer erzählt seine etwas andere Weihnachtsgeschichte mit viel Witz, aber doch ganz im Geist des Festes. Philippe Goossens, Illustrator der »Heule Eule«, kreiert mit seinen Bildern eine warme Stimmung. Seine Figuren erobern die Herzen!

  • af Jule Wellerdiek
    145,95 kr.

    A picture book for anyone who has ever lost anything!Worm runs one of the best lost and found offices in the world. He has a rare ability to find things. Lost umbrella? Missing keys? Misplaced toy? If it is lost, then Worm can find it. But then the unthinkable happens: Worm can't find his hat!Worm's absent-minded friend Seal is always losing things. But can she help Worm find his beloved hat? Seal has the perfect solution: look left, look right, then . . . make pancakes? Can Seal's silly solution actually help Worm find his favorite cap?In Jule Wellerdiek's first book with NorthSouth she finds a humorous way to deal with things that are lost, and celebrates the joy that comes with finding things when you least expect it.

  • af Bernadette Watts
    145,95 kr.

    In einem Park trifft Franz auf Saskia und ihre Mutter. Das Mädchen ist ganz verzweifelt, weil es sein Püppi verloren hat. Um Saskia zu trösten, erfindet Franz eine Geschichte: Die Puppe sei gar nicht verloren gegangen, sondern verreist, und werde ihr bald schreiben. Und tatsächlich bringt Franz in den kommenden Wochen Post von Püppi - von fernen Orten. Aber wird die Puppe wirklich zurückkommen zu Saskia? Die Geschichte basiert auf einer Anekdote, die über Franz Kafka erzählt wird. Bernadette hat sich davon zu einer warmherzigen Erzählung inspirieren lassen. Mit altmeisterlichem Vergnügen begleitet sie ihre Figuren durch den Lauf der Jahreszeiten und führt sie an Schauplätze in fernen Ländern.

  • af April Suddendorf
    145,95 kr.

    Jede Hexe braucht ein Haustier an ihrer Seite. Doch wer an schwarze Katzen oder Kröten denkt, liegt falsch. Denn in »Hippe Hexen« sind die tierischen Gefährten genauso originell und sympathisch wie ihre Hexen. Eine lässt sich von ihrem Äffchen die pinke Mähne schneiden, die andere zimmert ausgefallene Häuschen für ihre Gänse. Mit ihrem Bilderbuch-Debüt räumt die deutsche Illustratorin und Autorin April Suddendorf mit einem Klischee auf: Hexen sind keine bösen, alten Drachen, sondern moderne, vielseitige Frauen aus aller Welt. Raffinierte Reime geben einen Einblick in ihren Alltag.

  • af Sean Julian
    145,95 kr.

    Heute ist Fototag im Dinokindergarten. Frida trägt extra ihren Lieblingshut. Aber nach dem Mittagessen ist er plötzlich weg, und Frida ist verzweifelt. Alle Dino-Kinder helfen ihr suchen, bis sie den Hut in einem Baum entdecken: Ein Vogel hat daraus sein Nest gebaut! Erst möchte sie ihn zurück, doch dann spürt Frida, dass der Vogel ihren Lieblingshut mehr braucht als sie. Für den Fototermin basteln sie und ihre Freunde sich einfach bunte Hüte! Sean Julians niedliche Dino-Gruppe ist zurück: »Fridas Hut« ist das zweite Abenteuer nach »Normans erster Tag«. Die quirlige Geschichte vermittelt schon den Kleinsten, dass Großzügigkeit glücklich macht.

  • af Claire Masurel
    99,45 kr.

    This bilingual picture book for the very young is a humorous look at the age-old battle of cats versus dogs that demonstrates how a simple act of kindness can turn an enemy into a friend.Cat and dog live together, but they are not friends. They fight all the time, about everything. Then disaster strikes. Dog's beloved ball bounces up into a tree and is stuck. Cat's precious stuffed mouse falls into the pond. Dog can't climb. Cat can't swim. What are they to do? Claire Masurel's simple text and Bob Kolar's bright, bold illustrations combine in this charming picture book that features text in both English and Spanish–perfect for ESL learners and bilingual families!

  • af Miranda Paul
    214,45 kr.

    "Desde el câomo saludar y pronunciar correctamente el nombre de tu amigo hasta el dar mâas de lo que tomamos y decir lo siento, este sencillo libro conceptual explora definiciones de paz y acciones pequeänas y grandes que la fomentan."--Provided by publisher.

  • af L Frank Baum
    299,45 kr.

    Internationally acclaimed Viennese illustrator Lisbeth Zwerger brings her exceptional artistry and singular vision to her edition of The Wizard of Oz.In his introduction to the original 1900 edition of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, L. Frank Baum stated his intention to create a twentieth- century American fairy tale "solely to please children." In this he succeeded admirably, for the book has been a childhood favorite for almost a hundred years. It remains America's greatest fairy tale, the land of Oz its most enduring fairyland, and the inhabitants of that magical kingdom an intrinsic part of its folklore. But the appeal of The Wizard of Oz is universal. Published in every major language, it has been enjoyed by children the world over. Now the inter-nationally acclaimed Viennese illustrator Lisbeth Zwerger brings her exceptional artistry and singular vision to a new edition of The Wizard of Oz. Her unique perspective, her blend of whimsy and grace, charm and imagination offer readers a view of Oz that is fantastic yet familiar, startling yet strangely satisfying. Her vision of Baum's timeless classic is sure to be treasured by young and old alike.

  • af Said
    266,95 kr.

    The seven voyages of Sinbad, from A Thousand and One Arabian Nights, have been thrilling readers and listeners for generations. Sinbad, the merchant adventurer, encounters treasure, a sea-monster, the Old Man of the Sea, and more in this captivating and stunningly illustrated retelling.

  • af Agnès Mathieu-Daudé
    79,45 kr.

    Viking gender roles are turned on their head! Dagfrid’s brother, Odalrik, has turned sixteen years old. For his birthday, he gets a sword and should be in training to be a great warrior, but all Dagfrid sees him doing is laying around. All the while, she not only has to do the cleaning and sewing, but has been given the “honor” of preparing the meal for the chief’s banquet. Come to find out, Odalrik is bored and would love to learn how to cook and sew so he’s not so bored all the time, but his lot in life as a male is to be a leader.  Together, they decide it’s all nonsense, so, hiding behind their house, Odalrik helps Dagfrid with the banquet and not only feels useful, but is quite good at cooking.

  • af Agnès Mathieu-Daudé
    88,95 kr.

    "Many things bother Dagfrid. Her name, for starters. And life as a viking girl isn't exactly a piece of cake: you have rolled-up braids, like buns, on your ears, you wear dresses that are too long to run with, and you dry fish. In fact, fish is all you eat, even when you're not a girl. But girls, they can't even navigate and go explore America. Well, until now. Because Dagfrid is really sick of dried fish."--

  • af Sara B. Elfgren
    219,45 kr.

    "Eighteen-year-old Kasper has gone through a rough time, but now hehas landed his dream job at the amusement park Grèona Lund. He befriends Iris who teaches him how to terrify guests in the haunted house. Thirty years earlier, in Stockholm of the eighties, sixteen-year-old Hêakan's life changes when he meets Grim. They live and breathe music and have big plans for their death metal band. But it all comes to nothing when Grim dies. Hêakan breaks up the band. What really happened? Kasper, who is Hêakan's son, tries to find out the truth. Together with Iris he delves into the myths and secrets surrounding the band, and his dad's best friend. Grim, who inexplicably died at such a young age. Who was he? And why does he appear in Kasper s dreams?"--Provided by publisher.

  • af Stephanie Lapointe
    194,45 kr.

    Told in diary format, 14-year-old Franny journals about the year when she is sent away from the only home she’s known to live with family members she didn’t know she had all while her father goes to Japan on a research trip.Franny is a feisty 14-year-old with a gift for turning her thoughts and feelings into drawings. She lives in Montreal with her father, a sewing machine repair man by day and inventor by night. When he’s invited to pursue his research in Japan, Franny is sent to a small town far away from Montreal and all her friends. She will meet a part of her family she has never heard of before and will have to adapt to a new school and a new life. Soon, she will discover that this is the town where her mother lived before she died, when Franny was very young. This leads Franny to investigate the mystery behind her mother’s death and discovers a terrible truth.

  • af Fang Suzhen
    214,45 kr.

    "Xiao Le's grandmother lives in a faraway village. A visit with Grandma is always a special event, but this time she is frail. With encouragement from his mom, Xiao Le plays with and helps Grandma. When Grandma dies shortly thereafter, Xiao Le comforts his mom--reminding her that when it rains, Grandma is washing her clothes in the sky, and that although the Perfume Village in heaven cannot be reached by train, it can be accessed by the heart"--Page 4 of cover.

  • af Siri Pettersen
    219,45 kr.

    "Born to blood readers who prey on people's fears, Juva vows never to become one of them until her family is threatened by vardari, the eerie lasting ones who never age, drawing her into a desperate hunt for her legacy--one that could change the world"--

  • af Jackie Azua Kramer
    99,45 kr.

  • af Jackie Azua Kramer
    99,45 kr.

  • af Haddy Njie
    194,45 kr.

    "From the excitement of a first snowfall to spring flowers blooming to the magic of summer's warm winds, A Dream for Every Season will have children dreaming of the natural world in this beautiful bedtime book. The beauty of each season of the year...the change each season brings...the passage of time and its special charm come to life in poetic rhyme, accompanied by gorgeous illustrations in this bedtime book."--]cFrom

  • af Kirsten Boie
    184,45 kr.

    After accidentally coming across a gate in time, a teenage boy is on the run in 1492 during the height of the Spanish Inquisition. He has to figure out how to get back to the present time without changing the course of history.While on a school trip to Spain, Boston and his classmates visit an outdoor market. Boston reaches for an item that catches his eye when suddenly, everything is different. Through a door in time, he lands in 1492, in the shadow of the Spanish Inquisition. There, danger is around every corner. He arouses the suspicions of the Spanish royal court and at the palace of Alhambra, where he falls into the cruel clutches of the Inquisition. But two new friends, Tariq and Salomon, threatened as a Muslim and a Jew, support him in this desperate situation. Boston must find a way back to the present time while making sure the course of history stays intact.

  • af Aesop
    109,45 kr.

  • af Carol Roth
    99,45 kr.

    "An ebullient blend of singsong chants and giddy rhymes, this rollicking read-aloud tale is perfect to share with the youngest preschooler." -Kirkus Reviews Sing along "riding the bus to school, to school, riding the bus to school" with this rhyming tale about the best part of the school day - riding the bus!Here comes the school bus, beep, beep, beep! Step right up and take a seat with a sleepy sheep, a squirmy worm, a hairy bear, a quick, quick chick, a fox with socks, a pig in a wig, and a goat in his coat, and ride the bus to school, to school, and ride the bus to school! The bouncy, rhyming text and the bright, witty pictures make The Little School Bus a ride that children will want to take over and over again. STARRED REVIEW "Thanks to this well-matched duo, this is buoyant fun from pickup to drop-off." -Publishers Weekly

  • af Eugene Field
    124,45 - 214,45 kr.

  • af Marcus Pfister
    214,45 kr.