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Bøger udgivet af ALMUZARA

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  • af Ulises Edgardo Carabantes Ahumada
    338,95 kr.

    Half a century after the events that took place in Chile during the period 1965-1973, history-loving readers can now know a version closer to the real truth. Historians have dealt, almost exclusively, with the historical development following the military pronunciamiento of September 11, 1973. Chile 1973 is an essential document to understand what happened before that date. The essay gathers the most relevant testimonies of the protagonists that marked the life of the country during the last thirty years of the 20th century. It also has the wisdom of interspersing the speeches of President Salvador Allende, the writings left by Generals Carlos Prats and Augusto Pinochet, or Admirals Fernando Porta and José Toribio Merino, as well as those of some of Allende's political friends, such as Fernando Alegría, Osvaldo Puccio and Hernán de Canto. The author has undertaken an arduous task, 50 years later, tracking down information in the magazines and newspapers of the time, in order to place each personage in his or her place and circumstances, debunk myths and contribute to a more objective vision of the events that so marked the future of Chile and that continue to have such an influence today.

  • af Manuel Hidalgo Martin
    198,95 kr.

    In the old house in an arid area near Rio Tinto, a place far from the world, Maria and Andrew have been together all their lives. In her seventies, she clings to memories and to what is left of her husband: an almost inert body in the terminal stage of Alzheimer's disease. One night, however, they receive a visit that will change everything. A horrifying creature enters the bedroom where Andres rests and seems to want to snatch what little life he has left. With a hunting shotgun Maria manages to shoot the creature down. Days later, Andres' breathing stops and Maria is completely broken, lost... Until, hours later, suddenly, another creature appears. But this new apparition will be a great hope for Maria. Her husband, transformed into a creature of the night, levitates above the ground and seeks to feed on her blood.

  • af Cesar Alcala Gimenez
    248,95 kr.

    To think that, because of their apparent innocence, children cannot become murderers is a tremendous mistake. Sometimes, as is the case with those of the Lord of War or the Islamic State, they are forced to kill in order to survive. Other times they suffer from some mental pathology that leads them to murder, either because of their life circumstances or they simply take pleasure in it. Psychopathic personality structures, from childhood, show a marked antisocial behavior with an uninhibited character. Unfortunately, their disturbance has no age and even as children or adolescents they are impulsive, violent and incapable of forming lasting emotional relationships. They are capable of violence that apparently only adults are capable of. However, the study of these children is often controversial because, as minors, the law does not hold them responsible for their actions. The family origins that have influenced the development of child murderers and their criminal behavior are difficult to determine exactly, due to the complex nature of the cases. But there are also frequent patterns among child murderers: a history of physical, emotional or neglectful abuse and an inability to control their emotions. The authors, César Alcalá, a leading historian, and Blanca Navarro, Doctor of Psychiatry, present a series of cases in order to study the circumstances and resolve each of the cases presented in this essay with an exhaustive forensic psychiatric analysis. Undoubtedly, this is the definitive informative work for all those interested in criminalistics and in understanding the moral behavior of human beings.

  • af Maria Milena Gonzalez Hernandez
    168,95 kr.

    "Of all the emotions that our children experience, I believe that sadness is one of those that is hardest for us to learn to deal with, and not because it bothers us as parents or caretakers, but because it breaks our hearts to see them in such pain and not be able to change the harshness of the situation, as in the case of the death of a person we love. There are no ABCs that tell us step by step what to do at such times. Each family processes experiences in specific ways. And even with some light on how to approach this situation with our children, it is very likely that the pain of the moment can silence the brilliance of the theory. I have written this guide from my own experience and from my desire to continue to maintain a vision full of inclusion, love and respect for our children even in times of loss, situations in which, unfortunately, in some contexts they are still excluded precisely because they are children. The guide will help you both if you are going through a process of mourning the significant death of a loved one and also if you want to have an idea of how to approach the concept of death with your children or students."--Provided by publisher.

  • af Raquel Sanchez Arman
    288,95 kr.

  • af Mariano Fernandez Urresti
    308,95 kr.

    London, 19th century. Two men vow to achieve eternal life. Two writers seek inspiration to defeat time, to stop death. What if Dracula not only existed, but still exists? Is there a map that leads to Neverland? A journey to a lost world Murders in the mist and a message from hell make the story even more enigmatic, more arcane. An adventure that will take you to Carfax. The pages of the story you never read because it was never reviewed in any book. Spain, 21st century. Several men who disappeared during the civil war reappear inexplicably young. A disconcerting letter. A trip to London you will never forget. The pages of this book aim to make you believe in things you can't believe. Do you dare to immerse yourself in this story full of intrigue and suspense? Get ready for a journey you will never forget.

  • af Israel Rolon-Barada
    248,95 kr.

    What is Sara Montiel's cultural legacy in popular music and Spanish-American cinema? What led her to become an icon, a legend and a myth? Saritisima is part of the Spanish cultural imaginary of the 20th century, as she achieved international reach as a representative of Spanish culture. Through her musical and cinematographic production she was able to fight against the adversities she would have had to face. The diversity of socio-political situations, economic or academic limitations, were not an impediment to achieving his goals. This book analyses her career, how she broke barriers in Spain, Latin America and the United States from the 1950s onwards, as well as her contribution to Spanish popular culture, of which she served as an ambassador. Ten years after her death, the example of Sara Montiel, muse of the LGTBIQ+ community and a woman ahead of her time, remains more relevant than ever.

  • af James Alexander Burns
    248,95 kr.

  • af Alex Daunel
    218,95 kr.

    Thirty-three-year-old Max is received in a cold and austere administrative building. Not knowing what to say, he is sent to the office of his late French teacher, Mrs. Schmidt, who announces that he has just died in a car accident. He is not in Paradise, nor in Purgatory, but in the Inspiratory, and has to choose a literary genre. Thus he will inspire an author on earth who will transform him into a character in a novel. He will then live forever. Shocked by his sudden death, Max has more questions than answers. He is what is called an "undecided". However, he must hurry: he has only twenty-four hours to make the most important decision of his second life!

  • af Candace Bushnell
    208,95 kr.

  • af Sara Desirée Ruiz
    138,95 kr.

  • af Jonathan Leyser
    188,95 kr.

  • af John Charles Russell Bell
    248,95 kr.

  • af Sabrina Janesch
    268,95 kr.

  • af Victoria Stilwell
    318,95 kr.

    "ÅEstâas a punto de recibir a un cachorro en tu hogar y no sabes por dâonde empezar? No te preocupes, la reconocida autora y experta en comportamiento canino Victoria Stilwell te guâia a travâes de todos los pasos en la apasionante aventura de educar a tu nuevo amigo peludo. Aprenderâas câomo preparar tu casa para la llegada del cachorro y câomo evitar conductas no deseadas, como el ladrido excesivo o el mordisqueo de muebles y otros objetos. Tambiâen descubrirâas juegos divertidos y eficaces para educarle, a travâes del uso de tâecnicas de adiestramiento en positivo que te permitirâan enseänarle habilidades esenciales como hacer sus necesidades en el lugar correcto, estar tranquilo y comportarse cuando recibas visitas, aprender a relacionarse con otros perros y obedecer tus âordenes. Con multitud de consejos para navegar por cada etapa del crecimiento, desde las primeras semanas hasta la adolescencia, esta guâia divertida e informativa estâa repleta de informaciâon con la que conseguirâas tener un cachorro educado y feliz que se convertirâa en un miembro mâas de tu familia" --

  • af Miguel Angel Guijarro
    348,95 kr.

  • af Various Authors
    218,95 kr.

  • af Melanie Marquis
    218,95 kr.

  • af Peter Zeihan
    388,95 kr.

  • af Jaime Sanchez Casas
    238,95 kr.

    There are atheist Jews and believing Jews, Israeli Jews and Jews of other nations. There is Sephardic Judaism, Ashkenazi Judaism, Mizrachi Judaism and Falasha Judaism. Reform, ultra-Orthodox or Reconstructionist Judaism. Because Judaism is not only a religion, nor a lineage, nor a nation... but then, what is it? These pages shed light on the first monotheistic religion organized around the temple of Jerusalem, a fact that coincides with the writing of most of the biblical texts. They coexisted with Egyptians, Babylonians, Phoenicians or Sumerians... and when these peoples disappeared, the Jews continue to exist. Their culture, language, laws and religion have remained intact even after being expelled from their homeland and dispersed throughout the world. During their exile they developed special rules for living through rabbinical works, such as the Talmud, which provided them with a moral compass to live by, no matter where they ended up.... Even the Holocaust failed to decimate their faith.

  • af Gerai Puig
    238,95 kr.

  • af Luis Miguel Sanchez Tostado
    268,95 kr.

    For those who doubt the story as we have been told, this book is a fascinating journey through the curiosities, mysteries and myths about the Bible and Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus was not born in Bethlehem in the year 0, but in Nazareth six years earlier (6 B.C.), nor was he born in December, but in March or April, and he was never worshipped by kings or magi. Mary had at least six children and was not a perpetual virgin. Jesus was not white. He must have been short, black or of very dark skin and gray hair because he did not die when he was 33 years old but close to 42, almost an old man at that time. Very possibly he married and had offspring and was condemned along with several of his men for his political-religious activity, being buried in the common grave destined to the seditious. This would be the closest profile to the historical Jesus based on the studies of exegetes, paleographers and scientists in the last century. With an informative and entertaining style, the author makes a documented tour of the unusual and silenced aspects of the Bible and Jesus of Nazareth, addressing such interesting questions as: Why did the wife of God disappear from the Jewish pantheon? Is the Bible a plagiarism of ancient profane rites? Was the father of Jesus a Roman soldier? Did Jesus have a twin brother with whom he was confused? Did he marry? Did he have descendants?

  • af Irene Alda Ferrero
    308,95 kr.

    "Este libro serâa tu mejor aliado durante una de las fases vitales mâas relevantes en la vida de una madre, caracterizada por el cambio constante, la ilusiâon y la transformaciâo el embarazo y el posparto. Sus pâaginas ofrecen valiosa informaciâon, ideas de prâacticas, movimientos y muchos otros consejos adaptados a las necesidades de las mujeres gestantes y de las que han sido mamâas recientemente. A lo largo de estas pâaginas, Irene Alda, creadora de @livinglavidayoga, te acompaänarâa desde el inicio del embarazo hasta las primeras semanas con tu bebâe, a travâes de diferentes ejercicios, experiencias personales y vivencias de otras mamâas."--

  • af Enrique Ortiz de Landazuri
    238,95 kr.

  • af Eduardo Camino Marta
    218,95 kr.

  • af Kerri Connor
    208,95 kr.

  • af Francisco de Borja Bilbao Urraza
    258,95 kr.

    Why do they dress in red and white, or why do they sing the "alirón" when they win? And why in the 1980s did they form the best team in their history? This book narrates the history of the club from curiosities, anecdotes and unknown experiences far from the statistics to which each season is usually reduced. Easy and enjoyable to read, it completes the history of a legendary club that emerged on the edge of the estuary from the influence of the upper classes and ended up inserting itself in the heart of the people. We will discover the great careers of the club's main protagonists, the keys to the growth of the club and its players, and even the notorious brawls of some of the coaches in Lezama.

  • af Ana Roa García
    218,95 kr.

  • af Leo Artese Neto
    288,95 kr.

    Beyond world crises, wars, pandemics, ecological disasters and natural catastrophes, it seems that the earth is giving undeniable signs of help. Nature in its entirety of beings and biodiversity is launching in these times a call to the human being asking for a great change in our consciences. We are witnessing a collective mobilization that has decided to abandon consumerist materialism to return to the spiritual and sacred dimension that unites us both to the inner being and to the being of our planet. This integration with the powerful forces of Mother Nature is an ethical and social movement supported by the ancestral values of shamanism, a universalist philosophy that clings to the laws of heaven and earth, to the cycles of time, to the influences of the stars and to the energy that circulates and moves among all beings, seeing in each one a sacred and luminous essence. International shamanic leader Léo Artese offers in this book a compendium of wisdom laying the foundations of this cultural movement steeped in ecological activism, nutritional activism and ethical activism, giving the keys to respond to the call of this planet to a profound change in our lifestyles, our food and our values.

  • af Teodoro Garcia Egea
    288,95 kr.

    Tokenization of assets, secure loans between individuals, smart contracts that are automatically executed, financing of sustainable projects... Although in many people's minds cryptoeconomics is equivalent only to investing in bitcoins, the exchange of value through the network has already set in motion a new economic system that is changing the world. Many of the companies being created today no longer aspire to go public, they aspire to tokenize and raise capital in a global market. The web3 revolution goes much further than the information exchange of Internet 2.0. The crypto-economy allows the free movement of capital with a technology that is accessible to all, free of censorship and one hundred percent resistant to cyber-attacks. With the cryptoeconomy come new professions, new ways of managing assets and new opportunities for development and growth for individuals, companies and countries.