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Bøger af Yoko Ono

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  • af Yoko Ono
    193,95 kr.

    Det er næsten 50 år siden, at Yoko Ono skrev GRAPEFRUGT. Nu har hun skrevet AGERN, som ligeledes er poesi, der inviterer dig til at udforske dit sind og åbne dine øjne for sandheden om dig. Den vil inspirere til bedre måder at forholde dig til dig selv på, til andre og til den planet, som vi bor på. Den nu 80-årige avant-garde kunstner og ikon har også selv illustreret bogen med betagende, tankevækkende priktegninger, hvoraf mange aldrig før har været set af offentligheden. Yoko Ono:ØNSKE DEL IIIHvisk din drøm til en sky.Bed skyen om at huske den.ØNSKE DEL VISkriv alle de ting ned, som du vil gøre.Bed andre om at gøre demog ’kom videre’.

  • - a book of instructions and drawings
    af Yoko Ono
    298,95 kr.

    A book of instructions for art and life.

  • af Yoko Ono
    188,95 kr.

    A powerful collection of quotations from iconic artist and activist Yoko OnoOno-isms is a collection of provocative and powerful quotations from influential artist, musician, songwriter, and peace activist Yoko Ono, providing a richer understanding of this important cultural icon. Since emerging on the international art scene in the early 1960s, Ono has made profound contributions to visual and performance art, filmmaking, and music in work that often radically questions the division between art and the everyday. In recent years she has embraced social media to communicate her artistic and activist messages to even broader audiences around the world.Gathered from interviews, books, song lyrics, social media, and other sources, this nuanced book sheds new light on a complex and multifaceted artist who has shaped our culture in countless ways. The quotations—close to 300 in all—are arranged by subject: art, life, creativity, nature and the environment, love, music, women in society, and peace and social justice. The book also features an introduction and a chronology of Ono’s life and work.“I’ve never seen a line between music and art and performance. And that’s a problem for some people.”“I think that all women are witches, in the sense that a witch is a magical being. And a wizard, which is a male version of a witch, is kind of revered, and people respect wizards. But a witch, my god, we have to burn them.”“I think if you have a persona you show the world that’s separate from your true personality, the strain becomes too much. What [John Lennon and I] decided was just to be ourselves. We didn’t have a conference about it or anything. It’s just the most relaxing way to be.”“I can take hatred, because I don’t believe that people are capable of real hate. We are too lonely for that. We vanish too quickly for that. Do you ever hate a cloud?”“Concentrate your mind on giving, loving, and thanking. Each time you give, you are in less pain. Give as much as you can. Find something you can love. Love as much as you can. Thank as much as you can.”

  • af Yoko Ono
    308,95 kr.

    Yoko Onos bok Live in the light of hope är en djupsinnig själsskrift, en vittfamnande livsmanual. En bok bräddfull av upproriska och befriande ståndpunkter i en lång rad viktiga frågor.Boken baserar sig på Yokos inlägg i sociala medier under de senaste åren. Hon är oerhört aktiv som konstnär och har alltid utställningar på gång runt om i världen. Samtidigt formulerar hon fortlöpande sina åsikter på många olika ämnesområden.Det handlar om konst, kärlek, politik och om livet självt. Om exemplets makt och tankens kraft.OBS! Boken är helt och hållet på engelska!"We protested for rights & for peace in the 60s & 70s. I am proud we are still together and doing it with love."Yoko Ono är konstnär, musiker, fredsivrare, miljökämpe och mycket mer. Alltsedan hennes man John Lennon mördades utanför deras hem i New York har hon burit ansvaret som Johns representant och vårdat hans minne – samtidigt som hon med en väldig kraft utvecklat sitt eget konstnärskap genom utställningar runt om i världen.