Bøger af Yael van der Wouden
188,95 kr. SHORTLISTED FOR THE BOOKER PRIZE 2024An exhilarating tale of twisted desire, histories and homes, and the unexpected shape of revenge - for readers of Patricia Highsmith, Sarah Waters and Ian McEwan's Atonement.It is fifteen years after the Second World War, and Isabel has built herself a solitary life of discipline and strict routine in her late mother's country home, with not a fork or a word out of place. But all is upended when her brother Louis delivers his graceless new girlfriend, Eva, at Isabel's doorstep - as a guest, there to stay for the season...In the sweltering heat of summer, Isabel's desperate need for control reaches boiling point. What happens between the two women leads to a revelation which threatens to unravel all she has ever known.'A thrilling, razor-sharp, perfectly plotted debut novel' Sunday Times'Moving, unnerving and deeply sexy' Tracy Chevalier, bestselling author of GIRL WITH A PEARL EARRING'A brave and thrilling debut about facing up to the truth of history, and to one's own desires... Van der Wouden brings stunning power and control to her page-turner about trauma and repression' Justine Jordan, Booker Prize Judge 2024
- Bog
- 188,95 kr.
298,95 kr. Afsky bliver til begær og foragt til længsel i denne sanselige debutroman om historie og tilhørsforhold – og arven efter en af det 20. århundredes største tragedier.Året er 1961, og den landlige provins Overijssel i Holland er stille. Bombekraterne er fyldt, bygningerne genopbygget og krigen er for alvor slut. I denne pastorale provins bor Isabel alene i sin afdøde mors hjem. Livet er som det bør være: fyldt med rutine og disciplin. Men alt bliver vendt på hovedet, da broren Louis afleverer sin klodsede nye kæreste, Eva, på dørtrinnet. Eva skal logere der sommeren ud.Eva er på alle måder Isabels modsætning: Hun sover længe, bevæger sig støjende gennem huset og rører ved ting, hun ikke skal røre ved.Isabel udvikler en rasende besættelse, og da ting i hjemmet pludselig begynder at forsvinde – en ske, en kniv, en skål – viger Isabel som modsvar ikke fra Evas side. I den kvælende hede sommer ender Isabels mistro med at afdække et mysterium, der udforsker alt, hun troede, hun vidste. Krigen er måske ikke endegyldigt slut, og hemmeligheder, der har ligget begravet, er nu på vej op til overfladen.Stilleben er en stormende kærlighedsfortælling mellem to modsætninger og en mystisk, sofistikeret sensuel fortælling om, at livet ofte ikke er, hvad det ser ud til at være.
- Bog
- 298,95 kr.
101,95 kr. 'Surprising, chilling, and electric' Alice Winn, bestselling author of IN MEMORIAM'Moving, unnerving and deeply sexy' Tracy Chevalier, bestselling author of GIRL WITH A PEARL EARRING'A house is a precious thing...'An exhilarating tale of twisted desire, histories and homes, and the unexpected shape of revenge - for readers of Patricia Highsmith, Sarah Waters and Ian McEwan's AtonementIt's 1961 and the rural Dutch province of Overijssel is quiet. Bomb craters have been filled, buildings reconstructed, and the war is well and truly over. Living alone in her late mother's country home, Isabel's life is as it should be: led by routine and discipline. But all is upended when her brother Louis delivers his graceless new girlfriend, Eva, at Isabel's doorstep-as a guest, there to stay for the season...Eva is Isabel's antithesis: sleeps late, wakes late, walks loudly through the house and touches things she shouldn't. In response Isabel develops a fury-fuelled obsession, and when things start disappearing around the house-a spoon, a knife, a bowl-Isabel' suspicions spiral out of control. In the sweltering peak of summer, Isabel's paranoia gives way to desire - leading to a discovery that unravels all Isabel has ever known. The war might not be well and truly over after all, and neither Eva - nor the house in which they live - are what they seem.'A twisting, elegant, intriguing story about the secrets we hide in our homes and hearts - and how it only takes one person to unlock the past.' Joanna Quinn, bestselling author of THE WHALEBONE THEATRE'The Safekeep is a dream of a novel - mesmerizing and shockingly good - it lulls you with the lyrical beauty of its words and then slams you awake with its raw passion and rage. Part silent scream, part breathless love story - I was utterly blown away' Miranda Cowley Heller, bestselling author of THE PAPER PALACE
- Bog
- 101,95 kr.
183,95 kr. An exhilarating, twisted tale of desire, suspicion, and obsession between two women staying in the same house in the Dutch countryside during the summer of 1961a powerful exploration of the legacy of WWII and the darker parts of our collective past.A house is a precious thing... It is 1961 and the rural Dutch province of Overijssel is quiet. Bomb craters have been filled, buildings reconstructed, and the war is truly over. Living alone in her late mother's country home, Isabel knows her life is as it should beled by routine and discipline. But all is upended when her brother Louis brings his graceless new girlfriend Eva, leaving her at Isabel's doorstep as a guest, to stay for the season. Eva is Isabel's antithesis: she sleeps late, walks loudly through the house, and touches things she shouldn't. In response, Isabel develops a fury-fueled obsession, and when things start disappearing around the housea spoon, a knife, a bowlIsabel's suspicions begin to spiral. In the sweltering peak of summer, Isabel's paranoia gives way to infatuationleading to a discovery that unravels all Isabel has ever known. The war might not be well and truly over after all, and neither Evanor the house in which they liveare what they seem. Mysterious, sophisticated, sensual, and infused with intrigue, atmosphere, and sex, The Safekeep is a brilliantly plotted and provocative debut novel you won't soon forget.
- Bog
- 183,95 kr.