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  • af Winter Renshaw
    57,95 - 186,95 kr.

    Talon Gold er god til amerikansk fodbold og dårlig til kærlighed. Han er besat af at score og nægter at spille efter reglerne. Han er brutal. Ubarmhjertig. Begavet. Voldsomt tiltrækkende.Selvom han har ry for at være det mest arrogante røvhul, der nogensinde har sat sine fødder på campus, vil alle have ham: trænere, talentspejdere og nuttede, små fangirls med trutmund og perfekte hestehaler.Men Talon … han vil kun have mig.Efter at have afvist ham i fire år er jeg sikker på, at han vil prioritere en nat sammen med mig over det nationale mesterskab. Jeg er ikke et fjols – han vil kun have mig, fordi han ikke kan få mig. Jeg har hørt, at man ikke skal hade spilleren, men i stedet spillet, han spiller. Til det siger jeg: "Hvorfor ikke hade begge dele?" Det har jeg mine grunde til …Beklager, hr. smart-i-en-fart, dette spil kommer du ikke til at vinde. Spillets regler er en gribende slow burn college-romance af Wall Street Journal og #1 Amazon bestsellerforfatter Winter Renshaw.

  • af Winter Renshaw
    198,95 - 208,95 kr.

    Tres dage og nætter på landet – var det eneste, jeg ønskede. Jeg havde brug for at komme væk fra byen, væk fra det rod, mit liv var blevet til. Jeg faldt over mit barndomshjem på og tog det som et tegn, hævede min opsparing og stak af til det eneste sted, der nogensinde har betydet noget for mig. Men da jeg ankom til den velkendte ranch i det sydlige Dakota, blev jeg mødt af en vi-kan-ikke-lide-fremmede-cowboy ved navn River McCray, som insisterede på, at det var hans hus og på ingen måde et sted, man kunne leje. Den overlegne, smart-i-en-fart-fremmede havde den frækhed at komme med et ydmygende tilbud. Jeg kunne bo i hans hus de næste to måneder, men som betaling skulle jeg arbejde for ham. Jeg havde ikke noget valg, så jeg tog imod tilbuddet, men intet kunne have forberedt mig på den anspændte stemning, den tiltrækning og den bombe af afsløringer, der vendte op og ned på … alting. Varme Sommernætter er en enemies to lovers romance om at leve livet på trods af en fatal tragedie, der hviler tungt over familien. Varme Sommernætter er selvstændig roman fra bestsellerforfatteren Winter Renshaw.

  • af Winter Renshaw
    63,95 kr.

    Jeg elskede ham. Jeg mistede ham. Og nu er han tilbage. August Monreaux var en rasende storm, mørket mellem stjernerne og ilden, der brændte mig. Det hele i én lækker pakke.Han var også forbudt område.Hele mit liv holdt jeg mig på sikker afstand, fordi jeg, som den gode datter jeg er, overholder alle regler.Indtil min værste fjende blev min første kærlighed. Men familiefejden splintrede kærligheden og sendte os i hver sin retning.Han væltede ind i mit liv igen på det værst tænkelige tidspunkt og friede til mig. Men det er aldrig så simpelt, for der altid en pris at betale …Min elskede fjende er en moderne fortolkning af Shakespeares drama om Romeo og Julie, men med kærligheden som vinder.

  • af Winter Renshaw
    238,95 kr.

    Jeg elskede ham. Jeg mistede ham. Og nu er han tilbage. August Monreaux var en rasende storm, mørket mellem stjernerne og ilden, der brændte mig. Det hele i én lækker pakke. Han var også forbudt område. Hele mit liv holdt jeg mig på sikker afstand, fordi jeg, som den gode datter jeg er, overholder alle regler. Indtil min værste fjende blev min første kærlighed. Men familiefejden splintrede kærligheden og sendte os i hver sin retning. Han væltede ind i mit liv igen på det værst tænkelige tidspunkt og friede til mig. Men det er aldrig så simpelt, for der altid en pris at betale … Min elskede fjende er en moderne fortolkning af Shakespeares drama om Romeo og Julie, men med kærligheden som vinder.

  • af Winter Renshaw
    128,95 kr.

    I have a secret ...
 I don't care if you like me or not. 
 Insatiable lust for power and control runs thick in my veins. My father served as President of the United States of America-and his father before him. Montgomerys are born to lead and rule, to fear nothing and cower to no one, to make allegiances, not friends. 
 But I digress.
 With a senate campaign about to launch and presidential aspirations at fever-pitch intensity, imagine my dismay when my strategist tells me I need to "settle down" with a "nice girl" in order to appeal to my constituents. 
Enter Rowan Aldridge, a head-turning stunner with a charm school walk, Jackie O. refinement, and a well-connected family. 
 She's perfect.
 So I'll do what I have to do, make her believe what I need her to believe, and as soon as the campaign's over and I've secured my senatorial seat, I'll release my pretty little butterfly back into the wild. 
 But this isn't about all of that. 
 This is what happens when a villain falls in love.

  • af Winter Renshaw
    128,95 kr.

    Talon Gold is a lot of things: good at football, bad at love. Obsessed with scoring, refuses to play by the rules. Cruel. Relentless. Brilliant. Intoxicatingly attractive.Despite his demanding reputation and propensity for being the most arrogant a-hole ever to strut Pacific Valley University's picturesque campus, everyone wants a piece of him: coaches, scouts, and pretty little fangirls with pouty lips and perfect top knots.But Talon ... he only wants a piece of me.And four straight years of infuriating rejection means I'm almost positive he'd take a night with me over a national championship trophy.But I'm no fool-he only wants me because he can't have me. And with graduation approaching, time is running out. He's more desperate than ever, pulling out all the stops and doing everything in his power to get in my good graces.They say, "Don't hate the player, hate the game."But to that I say, "Why not both?"I have my reasons ...Sorry, BMOC. This victory? Not going to happen.

  • af Winter Renshaw
    143,95 kr.

    It was an innocent mistake... All workaholic real estate broker Addison Andrews wanted was one night of pleasure, and picking the right guy was no different than shopping from a catalog thanks to the dating app on her phone. His name was Wilder, and his profile was blank - just a sexy picture of a man who promised every wicked intention of a one-night stand. The agreement was simple. One night. No last names. But the second their bodies melded together in the sheets of their posh Manhattan hotel room, there was no denying they fit together like two pieces of a broken puzzle. There's just one problem... Addison unknowingly swiped right on the one man she wasn't supposed to be with - her new stepbrother. All it takes is one bite of forbidden fruit to become addicted, but being with him has major consequences for their entire family. And if anyone found out about them, the career she worked so hard to build would crumble to the ground. But Wilder Van Cleef doesn't care about the possibility of a scandal. He wants her, and he's willing to do whatever it takes.

  • af Winter Renshaw
    121,95 kr.

    I was sixteen when I vowed I would never marry him. We shook on it. Pinky swore. Even put it in writing and all but signed our names in blood. It was the one and only thing we ever agreed on. To the world, he's Prince Ian, Duke of Montcroix, second in line to the Chamont throne. Panty-melting accent. Royal charm. Hypnotic presence. Blindingly gorgeous. Laundry list of women all over the world who would give their first born for the chance to marry him. Most eligible bachelor in the free world ...But to me, he's nothing more than the son of my father's best friend-the pesky blue-eyed boy who made it his mission to annoy the ever-loving hell out of me summer after summer as our families vacationed together, our parents oblivious to our mutual disdain as they joked about our "betrothal." He was also my first kiss.And my first taste of heartbreak so cataclysmic it almost broke me.I meant it with every fiber of my soul when I swore I'd never marry him.But on the eve of my 24th birthday, His Royal Highness has the audacity to show up at my door after years of silence and make a demand that will forever change the trajectory of our lives: "We have to break our pact."

  • af Winter Renshaw
    163,95 kr.

    The words "For Lila, forever" adorned the front of the envelope in blue ink, the handwriting all too familiar. But it didn't matter what it said. I didn't have the heart to open it.We couldn't be together. Not after everything ...Leaving Rose Crossing, Maine was one of the most painful moments of my life-or at least it was until the day I came face-to-face with Thayer Ainsworth again. After a decade of searching, he's found me, and he wants to know why I quit my housemaid job and left his family's island estate without so much as a goodbye. But I'm bound by a devastating secret much bigger than the two of us, and telling him the truth has consequences.Looking into the eyes of the only man I've ever loved, I tell him the only thing I'm allowed to: never contact me again. And when he's gone, I sit down and finally open his letter. Only it isn't a letter at all. And it changes everything.

  • af Winter Renshaw
    228,95 kr.

    Online lovers ... offline rivals. Ambitious and career-driven, I have zero time for dating until Blind Love-an app designed for those seeking genuine romantic connections without the hassle of awkward first dates-hooks me in. The only catch? Ninety days of anonymous messaging are required before identities are revealed.I connect with Stranger88 immediately, and before long our flirty banter becomes a welcome escape from my demanding schedule.Soon I'm desperate to know his true identity, so I go digging-only to discover that Stranger88 ... is no stranger at all.In a cruel twist of fate, it turns out the mystery man consuming my every thought is fellow attorney Brooks Abbott-a sharp-tongued devil in a three-piece suit, my biggest office rival, and the one obstacle standing between me and the promotion of my dreams: a job Brooks has every intention of landing.Behind the screens, there's no denying our electric chemistry, but at work, our rivalry grows stronger than ever.But when passion meets profession, will we redefine the Law of Attraction ... or will our hearts face a ruthless cross-examination with no chance of appeal?

  • af Winter Renshaw
    153,95 kr.

    The first time I saw him was at a bar called Ophelia's on a misty Thursday night. I was there to drown my sorrows after a trying day, he was there to escape the storm. After a brief yet incredibly cruel exchange, the handsome stranger bolted before I had a chance to tell him off. Incensed and two cocktails deep, I followed him out the door, determined to give the audacious Adonis a piece of my mind. Tearing after him in heels and barely able to keep up in the freezing rain, I ended my chase when I realized where he was going.They say never to judge someone unless you know their story. I never could have anticipated his...And I never could have anticipated the way our paths would cross again-or that I would one day find myself falling for a man with a hollow cavity where his heart should be, a man as callous as he was beautiful, as complicated as he was mesmeric. They say never to judge someone unless you know their story.This one's ours.

  • af Winter Renshaw
    153,95 kr.

    It's only pretend... And it's only three months. I'm in the midst of scrawling "I QUIT!" onto his fancy cardstock letterhead when my boss corners me. He needs a favor, he says. And then he asks how well I can act ... Hudson Rutherford needs a fiancée. With his old-moneyed parents forcing him to marry some bratty hotel heiress and his hedonistic, playboy lifestyle at stake, the only way to get them to back off is to make them think he's truly, madly, deeply in love ... with me-his third personal assistant this year. But I can hardly stand working for him as it is. Hudson is crazy hot and well-aware. He's arrogant, spoiled, and silver-spooned. He checks me out when he thinks I'm not looking, and his life is a revolving door of beautiful women. Plus, he can't even pronounce my name correctly-how's he going to convince his family he's in love with me?! I'm seconds from giving him a resounding "no" when he flashes his signature dimpled smirk and gives me a number that happens to contain a whole mess of zeroes ... On second thought, I think I can swallow my pride. But, oh baby, there's one thing I haven't told him, one teensy-tiny thing that could make this just a hair complicated ... Here's hoping this entire thing doesn't explode in our faces.

  • af Winter Renshaw
    143,95 kr.

    Let me first say: Reed York was never my boyfriend. He was the pen. I was the company ink. Though if you want to get technical, we were more like colleagues-who-hated-each-other ... with benefits.Everything was fine until the charming jerk went behind my back, stole my promotion, and became my boss-literally overnight.Refusing to work beneath him (professionally speaking and otherwise), I transferred 2,014 miles away to our Chicago division, and I've spent the past year trying to remember how much I hated his panty-melting smirk so I can forget how much I secretly loved the way his ocean eyes lit every time I walked into the room.But he's just announced a last-minute site visit next week, and on top of that, he's audaciously designated me as his 'right hand gal' during his visit. If he thinks he has a snowball's chance in this hell at getting back in my good graces, he's got another thing coming.Reed York might be a man used to getting everything he's ever wanted, but Joa Jolivet is a woman that never forgets.

  • af Winter Renshaw
    143,95 kr.

    One cancelled flight. Two stranded travelers. Three thousand miles in a car together. Four nights until the truth is revealed. Trekking across the country with an alluring stranger was certainly one of the more adventurous moments of my life. Falling for him was certainly one of the most daring. But uncovering his secrets? That was the most challenging. And the truth I learned . . . would shatter us both.

  • af Winter Renshaw
    163,95 kr.

    Dear Ms. Keane, Before this ridiculous little arrangement commences, I'd like to make myself indubitably clear: I know who you are, I know that my father hired you, I know why my father hired you, and last but not least: your services aren't needed.In fact, I want no part of my father's billion-dollar empire, and him "gifting" me with one of the "best concierges in the county" won't change that. He's wasting his money. You're wasting your time. However, seeing as how you foolishly signed an ironclad contract with an Act of God clause and my father has strong-armed me into taking this position, it appears as though we're stuck together-at least until your contract is up next month. That said, our time together at WellesTech should be relatively painless but please don't fool yourself into thinking I don't notice when that pretty little stare lingers a little too long or the way your breath catches when our hands graze. You're fascinated by me and it kills you because you can hardly stand to be in the same room as me. Think I'm a problem worth solving? An impossible riddle worth figuring out? By all means, go ahead and try. Solve for X. Crack the code. It might even be fun (but only for me, not you). V/r, Calder Welles, II P.S. I dare you.

  • af Winter Renshaw
    163,95 kr.

    Dear Melrose, The first time I met you, you were a stranger. The second time, you were my roommate. The third time, you made it clear you were about to become the biggest thorn my side had ever known. You sing way too loud in the shower and use all the hot water. You're bossy as hell.You make my life all kinds of complicated.But no matter how hard I try, I can't stop thinking about you. Truthfully ... I can't stop wanting you. I was going to tell you this. I was going to sit you down, swallow my pride, hang up my noncommittal ways and show you a side of me you nor anyone else has ever seen before ... but then there was a game-changing confession; a bombshell so nuclear it stopped me in my tracks. How I didn't see this coming, I'll never know. Sutter P.S. I miss you.

  • af Winter Renshaw
    143,95 kr.

    The last time I saw Nevada Kane, I was seventeen and he was loading his things into the back of his truck, about to embark on a fourteen-hour drive to the only college that offered him a full ride to play basketball. I told him I'd wait for him. He promised to do the same. But life happened. I broke my promise long before he ever broke his-and not because I wanted to. We never saw each other again ... Until ten years later when Nevada unexpectedly returned to our hometown after an abrupt retirement from his professional basketball career. Suddenly he was everywhere, always staring through me with that brooding gaze, never returning my smiles or "hellos." Over the years, I'd heard that he'd changed. And that despite his multi-million dollar contracts and rampant success, life hadn't been so kind to him. He was a widower. And a single father. And rumor had it, he'd spent his last ten years trying to forget me, refusing to so much as breathe my name ... hating me. But just like a rebound, he's back. And I have to believe everything happens for a reason.

  • af Winter Renshaw
    153,95 kr.

    Trey Westcott-devastatingly gorgeous. Intimidatingly brilliant. Powerful beyond belief.A man with all the money in the world-literally.As the first trillionaire in existence, my boss lives a life most people can only dream of. Anything he wants-anything at all-is a snap-of-the-fingers away. But when the coldhearted magnate snaps his fingers and requests me for a stint on his arm playing the role of his devoted fiancée and then some, he makes an offer I can't refuse. And so I don't. But I make it clear that he'll have my time, my body, my attention, my discreet professionalism-everything except my heart.It's not for sale. Because all the money in the world can't change the secret I've kept the last eight years. A secret that complicates the very business deal I'm to help him secure. A secret that makes the undeniable tension between us all the more forbidden.Trey Westcott can have anything he wants ... but he can never have me. Even if he's all I've ever wanted.

  • af Winter Renshaw
    143,95 kr.

    All I wanted was a baby. No daddy? No problem. That's what anonymous donors are for ...But when the fertility clinic accidentally sends me a letter addressed to a man whose ID matches my paperwork, I discover my child's father is none other than world-renowned tennis champion Fabian Catalano-famous for his gorgeous face, chiseled abs, and broody, wildcard reputation. Only everything changes when the clinic calls us in for damage control-and Fabian drops the bombshell of the century. Turns out the intense Adonis wants to get to know his daughter. So I invite him to stay with us-temporarily.Ground rules and all. And our arrangement is simple ... until it isn't.Between 2 AM confessionals and stolen kisses, my sweet little simple life has taken a very complicated left turn. But oh, baby ... what happens next-is a game changer.

  • af Winter Renshaw
    163,95 kr.

    His name is Royal, but he's no prince charming. He's not even a prince - though you could say I loved him once upon a time. He was my older brother's best friend. Growing up, he sat at our dinner table every Sunday, teased me mercilessly, and pretended I annoyed him. When I was old enough, he took me on my first date. Royal taught me how to drive. Escorted me to my junior prom. Gave me my first kiss...amongst other things. He was my first taste of toe-curling, all-consuming, can't-sleep love. We had our whole lives ahead of us. There was never anyone else for me but him. And then he disappeared. No letter. No explanation. Not even a goodbye. My sisters and brother never forgave him, and my parents forbade me from speaking his name in our house ever again. For all intents and purposes, we were to pretend Royal Lockhart never existed. I've spent the last seven years trying in vain to forget my first love, but just when I think I've finally moved on, guess who's back in town? AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is a full-length, stand alone, older brother's best friend/unrequited love romance with a HEA and no cliffhanger.

  • af Winter Renshaw
    143,95 kr.

    I loved him. I lost him. And now he's back. August Monreaux was a stormy sea of a man, the dark between the stars, an electric chill cutting through a crowded room-all wrapped into one wicked, beautiful package. He was also off-limits. My entire life, I was kept a safe distance from the notoriously virulent Monreauxs, banned from so much as breathing the same air. And like the good daughter I was, I obeyed those rules. Until the one time I didn't ...Only while I sampled him, he devoured me like the forbidden fruit that I was. And in the blink of an eye, my worst enemy became my first love. His poison became my antidote. His touch, my addiction. After we went our separate ways and severed our ill-fated ties, I thought I'd never see him again ... until he crashed back into my life at the worst possible moment-and asked me to marry him.But it wasn't that simple. It never is. It turns out marrying a wealthy powerhouse of a man comes with a price. But walking away could cost me everything.

  • af Winter Renshaw
    163,95 kr.

    I wish I could say our meeting was happenstance. I wish I could say we took one look and we just knew. I wish I could say falling for him was the best thing that ever happened to me. But none of that would be true. Rhett Carson was as cold as the ice on which he skated. He was as calloused as the hands that shot the goals that won world titles. He was also damaged. And broken. And he didn't know it, but I knew all about him. I knew why he was so bitter and angry. I knew why he was so coldhearted. But I didn't know why I allowed myself fall in love with him, and I didn't know why I couldn't stop... even when he told me to. And that's when everything changed.

  • af Winter Renshaw
    143,95 kr.

    I didn't know her name, but I heard her laugh, tasted her lips, felt her warm skin as I held her in my arms. Together we watched our young children playing in the sand, the warm ocean lapping at the shore behind them as the setting sun painted the sky. She was my soulmate and this was our life, our beautiful forever ... Then I woke up-alone in a hospital room, connected to wires and machines. There was no wife. No kids. Not a single soul waiting for me. That life I dreamt of-never existed. The woman I loved, the woman I knew better than I knew myself-wasn't real. Until she walked into my life six months later ...And it was both the best and worst day of my life because the woman of my dreams-was about to marry my best friend.

  • af Winter Renshaw
    143,95 kr.

    After spending his entire life under the thumb of his egomaniacal, man-of-the-cloth father, Jensen Mackey has committed the ultimate sin. And for that reason, he's shipped off to Utah to spend his 19th summer with his estranged mother. But when Jensen arrives, he finds himself smack-dab in the middle of a brand new family led by an equally-as-dangerous patriarch with a multitude of wives and a God-complex of his own.The last thing Jensen expects, however, is to find himself enamored with the one person he can't have. Waverly Miller, the college-bound second descendant of the polygamous devotee is as stunning as she is sweet. Whip smart and straight-laced, she's a good girl with no business getting mixed up in Jensen's bad boy ways. He could destroy her. She could save him. No one can know.

  • af Winter Renshaw
    153,95 kr.

    All I wanted was a tattoo.What I got was a broody, enigmatic demigod with an electrifying touch and a mysterious past.We were night and day in every way possible, not an ounce of anything in common, and yet, I wanted him in the worst way.It didn't matter that he was emotionally unavailable or that he was exactly the kind of man who would give my father a coronary should I dare to bring him home. It didn't matter that his heart was wrapped in barbed wire or that he made me promise never to fall for him.None of it mattered because he was the most perfectly imperfect, beautifully tortured soul I'd ever known, and I was besotted, addicted to all the thrilling and wondrous ways he made me feel when we were together.They say a single moment can change the entire trajectory of your life. But looking back, I never could have imagined all the ways my world would change the moment it collided with his.I learned too late that he kept his past a secret for a reason.

  • af Winter Renshaw
    143,95 kr.

    My lies? Impeccable. My heart? Cold as ice. My only job? To convince her what we had was as real as the diamond I intended to place on her finger. The battle was someone else's. I was merely a soldier, recruited by a wealthy stranger who made it unapologetically clear that my future-and everything I've ever worked-for depended on the successful completion of this mission. I was prepared for war. But I wasn't prepared for Love Aldridge ...

  • af Winter Renshaw
    153,95 kr.

    Filthy mouth. Dirty mind. Messy past. I'm no saint, and I hear my reputation precedes me, but you can't believe everything people say. I've made a living playing by the rules only when the clock is ticking, the ball has been snapped, and I'm cleat-deep in AstroTurf. But I screwed up last year. I went too far with the girls and the partying and the benders, and I created a PR sh*t storm for my team in the process. As a result, the team owner sentenced me to live in some gated, Floridian retirement village until I can "calm down." Football is my life, and I love my team. They're the only family I've got anymore, so I'll do what I have to do to stay where I am. The rules are clear: no girls, less booze, zero publicity stunts. If I lay low and repair my reputation, I won't get cut. It's that simple. Everything was going well. For the first time in my life, I was living by someone else's rules . . . . . . and then *she* showed up for the summer. My next door neighbor's great niece is visiting, and it doesn't take long for me to see Delilah Rosewood is the perfect mix of sexy and smart. She makes me want to break all the rules and draw every penalty just to get a taste. She's all curves and opinions and bee-stung lips, and I'm all trying-to-do-everything-I-can-to-convince-her-to-give-me-the-time-of-day. But there's one problem: she hates me with the passion of a thousand Florida suns.

  • af Winter Renshaw
    208,95 kr.

    From Wall Street Journal and #1 Amazon bestselling author Winter Renshaw comes an enemies-to-lovers arranged marriage romance as enchanting as it is unexpected.In the Wakemont family, it's tradition to arrange a marriage before the ink is dry on your birth certificate. I was five hours old when my father promised me to the son of a man with "more money than God."As we grew older, my future groom and I were encouraged to exchange "love letters" to get better acquainted-except the correspondence he sent read more like hate mail.Slade Delacorte hated the arrangement.But more than that, he hated me.He was moody, intense, arrogant, and darkly gorgeous. A villain-not a prince. The last man on earth I'd ever marry (if I had the choice).On my 24th birthday, we exchanged vows in front of six hundred guests who had no idea we weren't every bit the blissful couple we pretended to be.But as we began our new life together, I soon learned there was only one thing worse than marrying the man I'd hated my entire life: falling in love with him.¿AUTHOR'S NOTE -This angsty, steamy contemporary romance is a complete standalone with a happily ever after.

  • af Winter Renshaw
    146,95 kr.

    From Wall Street Journal and #1 Amazon bestselling author Winter Renshaw comes a sizzling romance about two people who fall in love, go their separate ways, and then try to reconnect against all odds.Always a bridesmaid, never a bride--and that's the way I like it.I may be anti-marriage, but I'm still pro-romance. Case in point? That sexy curmudgeon I met last year during my cousin's tropical bachelorette getaway.That grump was Dorian, the groom's old college roommate, there for the bachelor party. I couldn't get enough of his messy brown hair and gorgeous turquoise eyes. We connected on a deep level--emotionally and physically.But the timing wasn't right. So we made a pact to reconnect in two years. Now I'm starting a new "job." It'll take a lot of work and pays really well--I'm talking seven figures here. All I have to do is pretend to be my boss's new fiancée...and spend eight weeks with his family on their private island. How hard could it be?Turns out, a lot harder than I thought. Because the man I'm pretending to love? He's Dorian's brother, and now all bets are off...

  • af Winter Renshaw
    178,95 kr.

    "Being an identical twin has its perks, but when my sister asked me to sub in for a date with Roman Bellisario, I wasn't exactly thrilled. Sure, he's sinfully handsome and successful, but he also got me fired from my dream job three years ago. This time, my sister's promotion is riding on this date, so I have to say yes. And as it turns out, we're strangely perfect for each other. I sell art. He collects it. We're both obsessed with the same obscure, mysterious artist that most people don't even know exists. Roman is guarded, though, and I can understand why. He's a widowed single dad. But as one date leads to another, he starts to let me in, and I can't help but fall for him. The problem is Roman still thinks I'm my sister. Is our twin swap going to be the best thing that ever happened to me and Roman-or the lie that tears us apart?"--