Bøger af William Ury
234,94 kr. FÅ JA NÅR DU FORHANDLER præsenterer en simpel, universelt anvendelig metode til at gennemføre såvel forhandlinger om private, personlige konflikter som forhandlinger i embeds medfør – med godt resultat uden brug af mindre pæne metoder.FÅ JA NÅR DU FORHANDLER fremlægger en gennemprøvet, præcis og veltilrettelagt forhandlingsstrategi. Ved at følge bogens anvisninger bliver du i stand til at nå forhandlingsresultater, der er til fordel for begge parter og dermed et godt grundlag for fremtidige relationer til forhandlingspartneren. Bogens strategi kan anvendes med succes i alle slags forhandlinger, fra familiestridigheder til internationale overenskomster.FÅ JA NÅR DU FORHANDLER fortæller, hvordan du bærer dig ad med at holde personen og problemet adskilt, fokusere på interesser, ikke på standpunkter – og etablere præcise mål ved forhandlingernes start. Hvordan du samarbejder om at finde frem til gensidigt fordelagtige forslag og forhandler med modstandere, der er stærkere, som ikke følger spillereglerne eller bruger beskidte tricks.FÅ JA NÅR DU FORHANDLER hviler på videnskabelige undersøgelser i forbindelse med The Harvard Negotiation Project. Bogen repræsenterer en milepæl i forhandlingsteknikkens udvikling og giver dig et værktøj i hænde, som kan gøre dine forhandlinger mere resultatrige.
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- 234,94 kr.
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- 183,95 kr.
153,95 kr. The most powerful word in the language is one that most people find difficult to say. Yet when we know how to use it correctly, it has the power to profoundly transform our lives. That word is 'No'.In Getting to Yes, William Ury helped millions of people across the world discover how to transform their working and personal relationships by saying Yes. In this wise and insightful 'prequel' to the international bestseller, Ury asserts that, although you may be able to say Yes, you cannot get to the right Yes until you know how to say No.Most of us are reluctant to say No when we fear the word could spoil relationships with bosses; lose the deal with clients or upset family members. This indispensable book will help readers know whether and how to say No and provides a simple, proven five-step solution and tried and tested techniques to tackle this everyday dilemma.
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- 153,95 kr.
153,95 kr. In his highly anticipated follow up to the bestselling "e;Getting to Yes: Negotiation Agreement Without Giving"e;, Harvard University's world renowned negotiation expert William Ury provides the definitive guide to attaining success at work and at home. Drawing upon decades of experience in some of the world's most challenging conflict areas - from million-dollar corporate mergers to high profile Middle Eastern struggles - Ury highlights a previously unexamined issue which affects us all, personally and professionally: the biggest obstacle to achieving what we want comes from our own self-destructive actions. In his brilliant new book, Ury outlines practical strategies for dealing with the inner conflicts that hinder our successes. From tactics for dealing with an untrustworthy work colleague, to methods for handling a divorce conversation, and coming out on top, "e;Getting to Yes with Yourself"e; outlines universal techniques for success in seven compelling chapters. Fresh and insightful, "e;Getting to Yes with Yourself"e; will transform the way you approach your life.
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- 153,95 kr.
288,95 kr. The author of the world's best-selling book on negotiation draws on his nearly fifty years of experience and knowledge grappling with the world's toughest conflicts to offer a way out of the seemingly impossible problems of our time. Conflict is increasing everywhere, threatening everything we hold dear?from our families to our democracy, from our workplaces to our world. In nearly every area of society, we are fighting more and collaborating less, especially over crucial problems that demand solutions.With this groundbreaking book, bestselling author and international negotiator William Ury shares a new ?path to possible??time-tested practices that will help readers unlock their power to constructively engage and transform conflict. Part memoir, part manual, part manifesto, Possible offers stories and sage advice from Ury's nearly 50 years of experience on the front lines of some of the world's toughest conflicts.One of the world's top experts in the field, Ury has worked on conflicts ranging from boardroom battles to labor strikes, from the US partisan divide to family feuds, from wars in the Middle East, Colombia and Ukraine to helping the US and USSR avoid nuclear disaster. Now, in Possible, he helps us tackle the seemingly intransigent problems facing us.In Possible, Ury argues conflict is natural. In fact, we need more conflict, not less?if we are to grow, change, evolve and solve our problems creatively. While we may not be able to end conflict, we can transform it?unleashing new, unexpected possibilities.Successfully tested at Harvard University with almost a thousand participants from business, government, academia, and the nonprofit sector, Ury's ?Path to Possible? proved so valuable that Harvard's Program on Negotiation selected it as its inaugural online daylong in April 2022.Possible introduces Ury's methods and makes them available for everyone. Combining accessible frameworks and powerful storytelling and offering dozens of examples, it is an essential guide for anyone looking to break through the toughest conflicts?in their workplace, family, community or the world.
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- 288,95 kr.