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Bøger af William Faulkner

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  • af William Faulkner
    118,95 kr.

    A landmark in American fiction, Light in August explores Faulkner's central theme: the nature of evil. Joe Christmas - a man doomed, deracinated and alone - wanders the Deep South in search of an identity, and a place in society. Yet after the sacrifice, there is new life, a determined ray of light in Faulkner's complex and tragic world.

  • af William Faulkner
    123,95 kr.

    A complex, intense American novel of family from the winner of the Nobel Prize for LiteratureWith an introduction by Richard HughesEver since the first furore was created on its publication in 1929, The Sound and the Fury has been considered one of the key novels of this century.

  • af William Faulkner
    238,95 - 298,95 kr.

    Saligheden står på spil, da et ungt og nyforelsket par flygter tværs over Amerika, bort fra både ægteskab, børn og dagligdag.Ti år tidligere står den ligeledes på spil, da en straffefange tvinges uden for fængslets fredsommelige mure, ud på en vild og oversvømmet Mississippiflod, hvor opgaven bliver at redde en højgravid kvinde.Der er noget galt. Det viser sig nemlig, at den gravide kvinde slet ikke er den hjælpeløse prinsesse, som straffefangen ellers barnagtigt havde håbet på, at hun ville være, og det andet pars kærlighedshistorie … den starter ved sin katastrofale ende.De to handlingsforløb er ubeslægtede, men alligevel løfter de hinanden med deres skiftevist morsomme og mørke bidrag, så de tilsammen fortæller én samlet historie om både lidenskab og fortabelse, håb og selvopofrelse.Dette værk, som rummer to historier, har en særlig udgivelseshistorie. Da den første gang blev udgivet i 1939, havde redaktøren imod forfatterens ønsker ændret og censureret teksten og tilmed fjernet dens forenende titel, så bogen i stedet fik navn efter den ene af de to historier, nemlig ‘De vilde palmer’. Derefter blev bogen genudgivet i både 1946 og 1958, men uden den ene af de to historier, så kun ‘Den gamle’ stod tilbage. Derimellem, i 1954, blev historierne igen trykt sammen, dog denne gang uden den kontra­punktiske opstilling. Her er for første gang på dansk en oversættelse efter det originale ­manuskript under den tiltænkte titel ‘Hvis jeg glemmer dig, Jerusalem’.

  • af William Faulkner
    123,95 kr.

    The death and burial of Addie Bundren is told by members of her family, as they cart the coffin to Jefferson, Mississippi, to bury her among her people.

  • af William Faulkner
    118,95 kr.

    This postbellum Greek tragedy is the perfect introduction to Faulkner's elaborate descriptive syntax. Quentin Compson and Shreve, his Harvard roommate, are obsessed with the tragic rise and fall of Thomas Sutpen. As a poor white boy, Sutpen was turned away from a plantation owner's mansion by a black butler.

  • af William Faulkner
    188,95 - 248,95 kr.

  • af William Faulkner
    178,95 kr.

    "Read, read, read. Read everything-trash, classics, good and bad, and see how they do it. Just like a carpenter who works as an apprentice and studies the master. Read! You'll absorb it. Then write. If it is good, you'll find out. If it's not, throw it out the window." -William Faulkner Absalom, Absalom! is Faulkner's epic tale of Thomas Sutpen, an enigmatic stranger who comes to Jefferson, Mississippi, in the early 1830s to wrest his mansion out of the muddy bottoms of the north Mississippi wilderness. He was a man, Faulkner said, "who wanted sons and the sons destroyed him."

  • af William Faulkner
    166,95 kr.

    Una obra maestra de la literatura. Relata la degeneración progresiva de la familia Compson, sus secretos y las relaciones de amor y odio que la sostienen y la destruyen. Por primera vez, William Faulkner introduce el monólogo interior y revela los diferentes puntos de vista de sus personajes: Benjy, deficiente mental, castrado por sus propios parientes; Quentin, poseído por un amor incestuoso e incapaz de controlar los celos, y Jason, monstruo de maldad y sadismo. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION Arguably Faulkner's masterpiece and one of the greatest novels of the twentieth century, The Sound and The Fury reveals the story of the disintegration of the Compson family, doomed inhabitants of Faulkner's mythical Yoknapatawpha County, through the interior monologues of some of the most memorable characters in literature: beautiful, rebellious Caddy; the man-child Benjy; haunted, neurotic Quentin; Jason, the brutal cynic; and Dilsey, their black servant.

  • af William Faulkner
    208,95 kr.

    One of the few of William Faulkner's works to be set outside his fictional Yoknapatawpha County, Pylon, first published in 1935, takes place at an air show in a thinly disguised New Orleans named New Valois. An unnamed reporter for a local newspaper tries to understand a very modern ménage a trois of flyers on the brainstorming circuit. These characters, Faulkner said, "were a fantastic and bizarre phenomenon on the face of the contemporary scene. . . . That is, there was really no place for them in the culture, in the economy, yet they were there, at that time, and everyone knew that they wouldn't last very long, which they didn't. . . . That they were outside the range of God, not only of respectability, of love, but of God too." In Pylon Faulkner set out to test their rootless modernity to see if there is any place in it for the old values of the human heart that are the central concerns of his best fiction.

  • af William Faulkner
    188,95 kr.

    This sequel to Faulkner's most sensational, Sanctuary, was written twenty years later but takes up the story of Temple Drake eight years after the events related in Sanctuary. Temple is now married to Gowan Stevens. The book begins when the death sentence is pronounced on the nurse Nancy for the murder of Temple and Gowan's child. Told partly in prose, partly in play form, Requiem for a Nun is a haunting exploration of the impact of the past on the present.

  • af William Faulkner
    93,95 kr.

  • af William Faulkner
    168,95 kr.

    ""Main Street,"" the classic novel by Sinclair Lewis, isn't just a SINCLAIR LEWISbook - it's a one-way ticket to Gopher Prairie, a town soquintessentially Midwestern that even the cornstalks have anopinion on proper decorum. Follow the adventures (ormisadventures) of Carol Kennicott, a city girl with dreams biggerthan her new husband's medical practice, as she takes on small-town life with the enthusiasm of a squirrel at a nut festival. Butbeware, Gopher Prairie isn't just any sleepy town; it's a placewhere the local gossip travels faster than light and conformity isthe favorite dish served at every potluck. Lewis's razor-sharp witcuts through the American heartland like a hot knife throughbutter, serving up a delightful satire that's as refreshing as a coldglass of lemonade on a hot July day. Buckle up, because ""MainStreet"" is about to take you on a rollicking ride through the highsand lows of trying to repaint a town that's perfectly content withits shades of beige.

  • af William Faulkner
    193,95 kr.

    ""Explore the intricate tapestry of early 20th-century Europethrough the eyes of Ford Madox Ford in 'Some Do Not...', thefirst volume of his acclaimed 'Parade's End' series. Thismasterfully written novel delves into the complexities of love,duty, and the inevitable change brought by the First World War.Set against a backdrop of tumultuous societal shifts, the storyfollows Christopher Tietjens, a man of principles caught in thecrossfire of personal and political turmoil. Witness Tietjens'journey as he navigates the challenges of a changing world, tornbetween his traditional values and the new realities of themodern era. Ford's exquisite prose and deep understanding ofhuman nature make 'Some Do Not...' a timeless classic, offeringa poignant reflection on the clash between old and new. A must-read for lovers of historical fiction and those intrigued by thesubtleties of human relationships amidst great historicalupheavals.""

  • af William Faulkner
    168,95 kr.

  • af William Faulkner
    178,95 kr.

    Gavin Stevens, the wise student of crime and folkways of Mississippi's Yoknapatawpha County, plays the major role in these six stories of violence.

  • af William Faulkner
    208,95 - 318,95 kr.

  • af William Faulkner
    208,95 kr.

    A group of soldiers travel by train across the United States in the aftermath of the First World War. One of them is horribly scarred, blind and almost entirely mute. Moved by his condition, a few civilian fellow travellers decided to see him home to Georgia, to a family who believed him dead, and a fiancée who grew tired of waiting. Faulkner's first novel deals powerfully with lives blighted by war.

  • - Strategies For Raising Your Leadership Voice
    af William Faulkner
    118,95 kr.

    Leaders are amplified people. Due to the very nature of leadership roles and positions, our words and actions take on a higher profile and deeper significance. We have no other choice but to lead out loud! Such high visibility leadership requires that we constantly improve leadership talents and abilities to strengthen our platform and raise our leadership voice. Designed for the emerging influencer or leader seeking a more significant role, Leading Out Loud provides proven content, insightful questions, and new concepts designed to take your organizational and personal effectiveness to the next level. Regardless of where you are in your leadership journey, we need to hear your leadership voice because you have something to say!

  • - Mapping You Leadership Platform!
    af William Faulkner
    78,95 kr.

    Intended as a companion piece to "Leading Out Loud: Strategies for Raising Your Leadership Voice", this workbook can also act as a stand-alone mapping guide to formulate, articulate, and activate a leadership platform for both individuals and organizations! This workbook will walk you through the Do Out Loud Process that will be the catalyst that will define and launch your ideas! Everyone has something to offer, a difference to make, and a life to change but only if they make the choice to Lead Out Loud and find their Leadership Voice! You can complete the process individually or better yet, provide a workbook for every member of your "platform team"! Inside you will find the following invaluable resources: -The Do Out Loud Process -Here to There Map-Action Item Templates

  • af William Faulkner
    308,95 kr.

    Soldiers¿ Pay is William Faulkner¿s first published novel. It begins with a train journey on which two American soldiers, Joe Gilligan and Julian Lowe, are returning from the First World War. They meet a scarred, lethargic, and withdrawn fighter pilot, Donald Mahon, who was presumed dead by his family. The novel continues to focus on Mahon and his slow deterioration, and the various romantic complications that arise upon his return home.Faulkner drew inspiration for this novel from his own experience of the First World War. In the spring of 1918, he moved from his hometown, Oxford, Mississippi, to Yale and worked as an accountant until meeting a Canadian Royal Air Force pilot who encouraged him to join the R.A.F. He then traveled to Toronto, pretended to be British (he affected a British accent and forged letters from British officers and a made-up Reverend), and joined the R.A.F. in the hopes of becoming a hero. But the war ended before he was able to complete his flight training, and, like Julian Lowe, he never witnessed actual combat. Upon returning to Mississippi, he began fabricating various heroic stories about his time in the air force (like narrowly surviving a plane crash with broken legs and metal plates under the skin), and proudly strode around Oxford in his uniform.Faulkner was encouraged to write Soldiers¿ Pay by his close friend and fellow writer Sherwood Anderson, whom Faulkner met in New Orleans. Anderson wrote in his Memoirs that he went ¿personally to Horace Liveright¿¿Soldiers¿ Pay was originally published by Boni & Liveright¿¿to plead for the book.¿Though the novel was a commercial failure at the time of its publication, Faulkner¿s subsequent fame has ensured its long-term success.

  • af William Faulkner
    453,95 kr.

    Between 1930 and 1935, William Faulkner came into full possession of the genius and creativity that made him one of America's finest writers of the twentieth century. The four novels in this Library of America collection display an astonishing range of characters and treatments in his Depression-era fiction.As I Lay Dying (1930) is a combination of comedy, horror, and compassion, a narrative woven from the inarticulate desires of a peasant family in conflict. It presents the conscious, unconscious, and sometimes hallucinatory impressions of the husband, daughter, and four sons of Addie Bundren, the long-suffering matriarch of her rural Mississippi clan, as the family marches her body through fire and flood to its grave in town.Sanctuary (1931) is a novel of sex and social class, of collapsed gentility and amoral justice, that moves from the back roads of Mississippi and the fleshpots of Memphis to the courthouse of Jefferson and the appalling spectacle of popular vengeance. With its fascinating portraits of Popeye, a sadistic gangster and rapist, and Temple Drake, a debutante with an affinity for evil, it offers a horrific and sometimes comically macabre vision of modern life.Light in August (1932) incorporates Faulkner's religious vision of the hopeful stubbornness of ordinary life. The guileless Lena Grove, in search of the father of her unborn child; the disgraced minister Gail Hightower, who dreams of Confederate cavalry charges; Byron Bunch, who thought working Saturdays would keep a man out of trouble, and the desperate, enigmatic Joe Christmas, consumed by his mixed ancestry-all find their lives entangled in the inexorable succession of love, birth, and death.Pylon (1935), a tale of barnstorming aviators in the carnival atmosphere of an air show in a southern city, examines the bonds of desire and loyalty among three men and a woman, all characters without a past. Dramatizing what, in accepting his Nobel Prize, Faulkner called "the human heart in conflict with itself," it illustrates how he became one of the great humanists of twentieth-century literature.The Library of America edition of Faulkner's work publishes, for the first time, new, corrected texts of these four works. Manuscripts, typescripts, galleys, and published editions have been collated to produce versions that are free of the changes introduced by the original editors and that are faithful to Faulkner's intentions.LIBRARY OF AMERICA is an independent nonprofit cultural organization founded in 1979 to preserve our nation's literary heritage by publishing, and keeping permanently in print, America's best and most significant writing. The Library of America series includes more than 300 volumes to date, authoritative editions that average 1,000 pages in length, feature cloth covers, sewn bindings, and ribbon markers, and are printed on premium acid-free paper that will last for centuries.

  • af William Faulkner
    243,95 kr.

    Mosquitoes tells the story of group of socialites who take a yacht trip on Lake Pontchartrain while delving into the nature of people and sexuality.

  • af William Faulkner
    458,95 kr.

    Library of America caps its six-volume edition of William Faulkner's works with a volume gathering of all the stories he collected in his lifetime, in corrected texts Faulkner called the short story "the most demanding form after poetry" and wrote to an editor that "even to a collection of short stories, form, integration, is as important as to a novel--an entity of its own, single, set for one pitch, contrapuntal in integration, toward one end, one finale." Faulkner was a major practitioner of the short story form and keenly sensitive to its aesthetic demands. The Library of America edition of the collected writings of William Faulkner culminates with this volume presenting all the stories the author gathered for his book collections, in newly edited and authoritative texts. This is Faulkner as he was meant to be read. Faulkner's monumental Collected Stories (1950) presented the author's first two collections, These Thirteen (1931) and Doctor Martino (1934), along with seventeen new stories, all carefully selected and arranged by the author; Knight's Gambit (1949) collected six stories about attorney Gavin Stevens' detective work; and in Big Woods (1955) Faulkner gathered four hunting stories connected with interstitial material. This volume presents these three collections as carefully arranged by Faulkner, with new authoritative and corrected texts that best represent Faulkner's intentions for the stories. Here are such well-known stories as "A Rose for Emily," "Barn Burning," and "A Bear Hunt," as well as some of his most poetic--"Carcassone"--and less known, such as "The Tall Men," "Elly," and "Uncle Willy." Also included are Faulkner's stories "The Hound" (collected in Doctor Martino but omitted by the author from Collected Stories), "Spotted Horses," Faulkner's fictionalized autobiographical essay "Mississippi," as well as his Nobel Prize acceptance speech and helpful explanatory notes by Faulkner scholar Theresa M. Towner.

  • af William Faulkner
    223,95 kr.

    Mosquitoes centers around a colorful assortment of passengers, out on a boating excursion from New Orleans. The rich and the aspiring, social butterflies and dissolute dilettantes are all easy game for Faulkner's barbed wit in this engaging high-spirited novel which offers a fascinating glimpse of Faulkner as a young artist.

  • af William Faulkner
    118,95 kr.

  • af William Faulkner
    198,95 - 333,95 kr.

  • af William Faulkner
    193,95 - 333,95 kr.

  • af William Faulkner
    128,95 kr.

    "A fascinating glimpse of the author as a young artist, Faulkner's sophomore novel, Mosquitoes (1927), introduces us to a colorful band of passengers on a boating excursion from New Orleans. This engaging, high-spirited tale--which Faulkner wrote 'for the sake of writing because it was fun'--provides a delightful accompaniment to his canonical works."--Publisher's website.

  • af William Faulkner
    128,95 kr.

    "Capturing the post-World War I atmosphere of the Lost Generation on American soil, William Faulkner explores the war's emotional impact on three weary veterans and their Southern hometown in Georgia"--

  • af William Faulkner
    168,95 kr.