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Bøger af Voltaire

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  • af Voltaire
    158,95 - 278,95 kr.

  • - Tidsskrift for naturkritik
    af Joseph Roth, August Strindberg, Aksel Haaning, mfl.
    198,95 kr.

    Ny Jord – Tidsskrift for naturkritik er et multidisciplinært tidsskrift, der orienterer sig på tværs af århundreder og landegrænser og bringer videnskab, litteratur og kunst side om side i ønsket om at bidrage til en kvalificeret samtale om naturen i en tid, hvor vores forestillinger og idéer om den ændres markant.

  • - om den engelske nation
    af Voltaire
    248,95 kr.

    I 1726 rejser den franske forfatter Voltaire til England. Tre år senere vender han hjem som engelsk filosof. Som vidnesbyrd om de religiøse, politiske, litterære og naturfilosofiske forhold i England udgiver han ‘Filosofiske breve – om den engelske nation’. Brevene bliver en skandaleombrust succes og grundlægger Voltaires status som den vigtigste af de tidlige Oplysningstænkere.Gennem 25 korte breve giver bogen et fantastisk indblik i, hvordan idéer rejser over landegrænser og sprogbarrierer: Voltaire optræder som kulturel rejseguide, der præsenterer sit franske publikum for religiøs tolerance, politisk frihed og empirisk naturforskning. Han bruger fremmedheden i den engelske kultur som anledning til en kritik af det gamle regime i Frankrig og skaber sig derved en ny rolle som intellektuel kritiker af det bestående. Denne forståelse af filosofiens formål blev en stor inspiration for den næste generation af philosophes, såsom Diderot, d’Alembert og Rousseau, og bliver betragtet som startskuddet til Oplysningsbevægelsen.I deres fyldige efterskrift opridser Christoffer Basse Eriksen og Thomas Palmelund Johansen konteksten for Voltaires breve og deres unikke og komplekse udgivelseshistorie.

  • af Voltaire
    73,95 - 158,95 kr.

  • af Voltaire
    103,95 - 163,95 kr.

    When his love for the Baron's daughter is discovered, Candide is cast out to make his own way in the world. And so he and his companions begin a breathless tour of Europe, South America and Asia, as an outrageous series of disasters befall them earthquakes, syphilis, a brush with the Inquisition, and murder, testing the young hero's optimism.

  • af Voltaire
    103,95 kr.

  • af Voltaire
    193,95 - 298,95 kr.

  • af Voltaire
    118,95 kr.

    A new translation of Voltaire's Treatise on Toleration, one of the most important essays on religious tolerance and freedom of thought A powerful, impassioned case for the values of freedom of conscience and religious tolerance, Treatise on Toleration was written after the Toulouse merchant Jean Calas was falsely accused of murdering his son and executed on the wheel in 1762. As it became clear that Calas had been persecuted by 'an irrational mob' for being a Protestant, the Enlightenment philosopher Voltaire began a campaign to vindicate him and his family. The resulting work, a screed against fanaticism and a plea for understanding, is as fresh and urgent today as when it was written.

  • af Voltaire & Fran Ois-Marie Arouet
    98,95 - 197,95 kr.

  • af Voltaire
    48,95 kr.

  • - i anledning af Jean Calas død (1763)
    af Voltaire
    131,95 kr.

    Traité sur la Tolérance er en af Oplysningstidens vigtigste og mest karakteristiske tekster, og den inkorporerer de tre centrale aspekter ved Voltaires person: forfatteren, praktikeren og filosoffen. Værket tager sit udspring i retssagen mod Jean Calas, en protestant der (fejlagtigt) blev anklaget for at have myrdet sin søn for at forhindre hans konvertering til katolicisme og som efterfølgende blev henrettet i marts 1762. I værket plæderer Voltaire for tolerance mellem religioner og går til angreb på religiøs fanatisme og den overtro der omgærder religioner og det religiøse. Værket, der udkom for første gang i 1763, blev genstand for intens genlæsning i Frankrig efter terrorangrebet på Charlie Hebdo i januar 2015, hvor det var at finde blandt blomsterne på Place de la République og blev solgt i mere end 100.000 eksemplarer. Det er et værk der sine 250 år til trods fremstår skræmmende relevant, og nu foreligger det for første gang på dansk i filosof, journalist og oversætter Tine Byrckels kompetente oversættelse.

  • af Voltaire
    201,95 - 306,95 kr.

  • af Voltaire
    180,95 kr.

  • af Voltaire
    201,95 kr.

  • af Voltaire
    153,95 - 299,95 kr.

  • af Voltaire
    172,95 - 299,95 kr.

  • af Voltaire
    172,95 - 299,95 kr.

  • af Voltaire
    201,95 - 306,95 kr.

  • af Voltaire
    199,95 - 299,95 kr.

  • af Voltaire
    199,95 - 299,95 kr.

  • af Voltaire
    419,95 - 587,95 kr.

  • af Voltaire
    445,95 - 664,95 kr.

  • af Voltaire
    194,95 kr.

  • af Voltaire
    193,95 kr.

    " A PHILOSOPHICAL DICTIONARY VOL. II" is the maximum essential work of his time because it indicates how sharply he could chortle at and criticize the thoughts and establishments of his time. As a set of articles and entries, this philosophical dictionary gives you a full have a look at Voltaire's thoughts on a wide range of subjects, which include faith, government, science, and human nature. In the primary book, Voltaire uses his signature sarcastic fashion to interrupt down non-secular dogmas and traditional beliefs and call for purpose and tolerance. He talks about such things as theocracy, superstition, and religious hatred, and he helps a wiser and greater affordable way of coping with issues in society. The beliefs of the Enlightenment, like cause, man or woman freedom, and the look for knowledge, may be seen in Voltaire's writing. Voltaire's expertise is apparent at some stage in the dictionary, as he draws on a huge variety of sources, such as historical occasions, literature, and clinical reveals. There is a mixture of seriousness and sarcasm in his work, which makes complex thoughts reachable to a much wider audience. " A PHILOSOPHICAL DICTIONARY VOL. II" is an instance of Voltaire's highbrow legacy. It demanding situations the status quo and fights for highbrow freedom and open research.

  • af Voltaire
    213,95 kr.

    Voltaire's "Philosophical Dictionary" stands as a huge work that encapsulates the Enlightenment thinker's wit, skepticism, and intellectual prowess. Composed within the 18th century, Voltaire, a key figure of the Enlightenment, provides a complete collection of essays, reflections, and critiques that discover a myriad of subjects ranging from faith and morality to technological know-how and governance. In this magnum opus, Voltaire employs his function satirical style to dissect the prevailing institutions and ideologies of his time. With eager insights and a razor-sharp pen, he demanding situations dogma, promotes purpose, and advocates for freedom of thought. The "Philosophical Dictionary" is a testomony to Voltaire's dedication to purpose, secularism, and a relentless pursuit of understanding. Structured as an alphabetical encyclopedia, the paintings covers an extensive array of topics, providing readers with a panoramic view of the Enlightenment's highbrow panorama. Voltaire's erudition and irreverence make this collection not simplest a vital examination of his modern-day society however also a undying exploration of human nature and the pursuit of enlightenment. "Philosophical Dictionary" stays a cornerstone of Enlightenment literature, showcasing Voltaire's enduring influence as a logician, satirist, and recommend for intellectual freedom. Through its pages, readers come upon a profound and often humorous engagement with the thoughts that formed the Enlightenment and continue to resonate within the nation-states of philosophy and essential thinking.

  • af Voltaire
    193,95 kr.

    "A Philosophical Dictionary Vol. I" is the maximum essential work of his time because it indicates how sharply he could chortle at and criticize the thoughts and establishments of his time. As a set of articles and entries, this philosophical dictionary gives you a full have a look at Voltaire's thoughts on a wide range of subjects, which include faith, government, science, and human nature. In the primary book, Voltaire uses his signature sarcastic fashion to interrupt down non secular dogmas and traditional beliefs and call for purpose and tolerance. He talks about such things as theocracy, superstition, and religious hatred, and he helps a wiser and greater affordable way of coping with issues in society. The beliefs of the Enlightenment, like cause, man or woman freedom, and the look for knowledge, may be seen in Voltaire's writing. Voltaire's expertise is apparent at some stage in the dictionary, as he draws on a huge variety of sources, such as historical occasions, literature, and clinical reveals. There is a mixture of seriousness and sarcasm in his work, which makes complex thoughts reachable to a much wider audience. "A Philosophical Dictionary Vol. I" is an instance of Voltaire's highbrow legacy. It demanding situations the status quo and fights for highbrow freedom and open research.

  • af Voltaire
    193,95 kr.

    "A PHILOSOPHICAL DICTIONARY VOL. VIII" is the maximum essential work of his time because it indicates how sharply he could chortle at and criticize the thoughts and establishments of his time. As a set of articles and entries, this philosophical dictionary gives you a full have a look at Voltaire's thoughts on a wide range of subjects, which include faith, government, science, and human nature. In the primary book, Voltaire uses his signature sarcastic fashion to interrupt down non-secular dogmas and traditional beliefs and call for purpose and tolerance. He talks about such things as theocracy, superstition, and religious hatred, and he helps a wiser and greater affordable way of coping with issues in society. The beliefs of the Enlightenment, like cause, man or woman freedom, and the look for knowledge, may be seen in Voltaire's writing. Voltaire's expertise is apparent at some stage in the dictionary, as he draws on a huge variety of sources, such as historical occasions, literature, and clinical reveals. There is a mixture of seriousness and sarcasm in his work, which makes complex thoughts reachable to a much wider audience. "A PHILOSOPHICAL DICTIONARY VOL. VIII" is an instance of Voltaire's highbrow legacy. It demanding situations the status quo and fights for highbrow freedom and open research.

  • af Voltaire
    193,95 kr.

    "A PHILOSOPHICAL DICTIONARY VOL. IX" is the maximum essential work of his time because it indicates how sharply he could chortle at and criticize the thoughts and establishments of his time. As a set of articles and entries, this philosophical dictionary gives you a full have a look at Voltaire's thoughts on a wide range of subjects, which include faith, government, science, and human nature. In the primary book, Voltaire uses his signature sarcastic fashion to interrupt down non-secular dogmas and traditional beliefs and call for purpose and tolerance. He talks about such things as theocracy, superstition, and religious hatred, and he helps a wiser and greater affordable way of coping with issues in society. The beliefs of the Enlightenment, like cause, man or woman freedom, and the look for knowledge, may be seen in Voltaire's writing. Voltaire's expertise is apparent at some stage in the dictionary, as he draws on a huge variety of sources, such as historical occasions, literature, and clinical reveals. There is a mixture of seriousness and sarcasm in his work, which makes complex thoughts reachable to a much wider audience. "A PHILOSOPHICAL DICTIONARY VOL. IX" is an instance of Voltaire's highbrow legacy. It demanding situations the status quo and fights for highbrow freedom and open research.

  • af Voltaire
    198,95 kr.

    "A Philosophical Dictionary Vol. IV" by using Voltaire is the next part of his highbrow tour de pressure, which commenced sometime throughout the Enlightenment. This book continues the French philosopher, provocateur, and logician's sharp examine philosophy, religion, and society. It solidifies his reputation as a fearless advice for cause and person freedoms. Voltaire criticized spiritual institutions, beliefs, and social norms in Volume III. Volume IV builds on that complaint. His work nevertheless has that precise blend of know-how and satire, even though he challenges well-known norms and pushes for a more enlightened and accepting worldview. Throughout the artwork, Voltaire's commitment to highbrow freedom is apparent as he analyzes famous ideas and fights for the separation of church and state. Voltaire uses quite a few exclusive varieties of evidence to aid his points, which include historical tales, expert hints, and literary references. His in no way-finishing search for truth and his unshakable belief within the strength of reason are clear in each web page, making the book an ought to-study for everyone wanting to learn extra approximately Enlightenment thoughts. "A Philosophical Dictionary Vol. IV" is proof of Voltaire's lasting impact on the Enlightenment movement.

  • af Voltaire
    193,95 kr.

    "A Philosophical Dictionary Vol. X" is a compilation of essays and reflections by the famend French Enlightenment philosopher, Voltaire. Published within the 18th century, this quantity is a part of a bigger work in which Voltaire explores a wide array of subjects ranging from faith and philosophy to technology, politics, and society. The series embodies Voltaire's commitment to purpose, skepticism, and the pursuit of information. In this extent, Voltaire employs his feature wit and satire to scrutinize triumphing institutions, beliefs, and societal norms. He challenges dogma and champions intellectual freedom, regularly the use of historical anecdotes and modern-day occasions to illustrate his factors. The entries cowl an in depth variety of topics, imparting readers a multifaceted view of Voltaire's philosophical outlook. Voltaire's "A Philosophical Dictionary" reflects the Enlightenment ideals of reason, tolerance, and the advancement of human information. It stands as a testomony to his role as a leading intellectual discern of the Enlightenment generation. The work has left an indelible mark at the history of ideas, influencing subsequent generations of thinkers and contributing to the highbrow foundations of cutting-edge Western concept. Voltaire's incisive remark and idea-scary reflections make this volume a compelling exploration of the complexities of human expertise and societal systems.