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Bøger af Vladimir Lenin

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  • af Vladimir Lenin
    143,95 kr.

    In July 1917, when the Provisional Government issued a warrant for his arrest, Lenin fled from Petrograd; later that year, the October Revolution swept him to supreme power. In the short intervening period he spent in Finland, he wrote his impassioned, never-completed masterwork The State and Revolution. This powerfully argued book offers both the rationale for the new regime and a wealth of insights into Leninist politics. It was here that Lenin justified his personal interpretation of Marxism, savaged his opponents and set out his trenchant views on class conflict, the lessons of earlier revolutions, the dismantling of the bourgeois state and the replacement of capitalism by the dictatorship of the proletariat. As both historical document and political statement, its importance can hardly be exaggerated.Translated and edited with an introduction by Robert Service

  • - Unabridged with Original Tables and Footnotes (Aziloth Books)
    af Vladimir Lenin
    113,95 kr.

    Those seeking a handle on the nature of modern capitalism and war, can do no better than to start with this incisive analysis by Lenin - it still applies, writ large, today.Ideologically a Marxist, Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, (better known as Lenin), wrote copiously on political and economic systems, passionately believing in the need for a total rejection of capitalism by the proletariat worldwide.Imperialism, The Highest Stage of Capitalism looks at how Western capitalism in the mid-1800s transitioned inexorably from small businesses competing with one another into huge monopolies that concentrated labour, industry, natural resources and bank finance. Competition, a core element of capitalism, was a casualty of this process and most of the profits went to a top strata of society. Because the system was inherently growth-driven, the powerful oligarchy of financiers, industrialists and governments sought new prospects outside of their native countries in the form of a territorial 'land grab' backed by military might. This last inexorable stage of capitalism saw the world's undeveloped countries carved up between the likes of Great Britain, France and Germany and was, in Lenin's view, the very essence of imperialism, a state of affairs to be countered at all costs.

  • - The Highest Stage of Capitalism
    af Vladimir Lenin
    103,95 kr.

    Vladimir Lenin created this hugely significant Marxist text to explain fully the inevitable flaws and destructive power of Capitalism: that it would lead unavoidably to imperialism, monopolies and colonialism. He prophesied that those third world countries used merely as capitalist labour would have no choice but to join the Communist revolution in Russia. GREAT IDEAS. Throughout history, some books have changed the world. They have transformed the way we see ourselves - and each other. They have inspired debate, dissent, war and revolution. They have enlightened, outraged, provoked and comforted. They have enriched lives - and destroyed them. Now Penguin brings you the works of the great thinkers, pioneers, radicals and visionaries whose ideas shook civilization and helped make us who we are.

  • af Vladimir Lenin
    317,95 kr.

  • af Vladimir Lenin
    202,95 kr.

  • af Vladimir Lenin
    183,95 kr.

    Vladimir Il'ich Lenin (Ul'janov) [10 (22) aprelja 1870, Simbirsk - 21 janvarja 1924, Gorki, Moskovskaja gubernija], rossijskij politicheskij i gosudarstvennyj dejatel'; osnovatel' kommunisticheskoj partii i sovetskogo gosudarstva; odin iz liderov mezhdunarodnogo kommunisticheskogo dvizhenija. Kniga Gosudarstvo i revoljucija napisana Leninym v podpol'e, v avguste-sentjabre 1917 goda. Mysl' o neobhodimosti teoreticheskoj razrabotki voprosa o gosudarstve byla vyskazana Leninym vo vtoroj polovine 1916 goda. Togda zhe on napisal zametku Internacional molodezhi (sm. Sochinenija, 4 izd., tom 23, str. 153-156), v kotoroj podverg kritike antimarksistskuju poziciju Buharina po voprosu o gosudarstve i obeshhal napisat' podrobnuju stat'ju ob otnoshenii marksizma k gosudarstvu. V pis'me k A. M. Kollontaj ot 17 fevralja (n. st.) 1917 goda Lenin soobshhal, chto on pochti podgotovil material po voprosu ob otnoshenii marksizma k gosudarstvu. Jetot material byl napisan melkim uboristym pocherkom v tetradke v sinej oblozhke, ozaglavlennoj Marksizm o gosudarstve. V nej byli sobrany citaty iz proizvedenij K. Marksa i f. Jengel'sa, a takzhe vyderzhki iz knig Kautskogo, Pannekuka i Bernshtejna s kriticheskimi zamechanijami, vyvodami i obobshhenijami V. I. Lenina. Soglasno namechennomu planu, kniga Gosudarstvo i revoljucija dolzhna byla sostojat' iz semi glav, no poslednjaja, sed'maja, glava Opyt russkih revoljucij 1905 i 1917 godov Leninym napisana ne byla, sohranilsja lish' podrobno razrabotannyj plan jetoj glavy (sm. Leninskij sbornik XXI, 1933, str. 25-26). Po voprosu ob izdanii knigi Lenin v zapiske k izdatelju pisal, chto esli on slishkom opozdaet s okonchaniem jetoj, VII-oj glavy, ili esli ona nepomerno raspuhnet, togda pervye shest' glav nado izdat' otdel'no, kak vypusk pervyj.... Na pervoj stranice rukopisi avtor knigi oboznachen psevdonimom F. F. Ivanovskij. Pod takim psevdonimom Lenin predpolagal vypustit' svoju knigu, tak kak inache Vremennoe pravitel'stvo konfiskovalo by ee. Kniga byla izdana tol'ko v 1918 godu i neobhodimost' v jetom psevdonime otpala. Vtoroe izdanie knigi s vnesennym Leninym vo vtoruju glavu novym razdelom Postanovka voprosa Marksom v 1852 godu vyshlo v 1919 godu. Soderzhanie: GOSUDARSTVO I REVOLJuCIJa IMPERIALIZM, KAK VYSShAJa STADIJa KAPITALIZMA O NEKOTORYH OSOBENNOSTJaH ISTORIChESKOGO RAZVITIJa MARKSIZMA ISTORIChESKIE SUD''BY UChENIJa KARLA MARKSA TRI ISTOChNIKA I TRI SOSTAVNYH ChASTI MARKSIZMA KARL MARKS V dannyh rabotah V.I. Lenina analizirujutsja istoricheskie uslovija formirovanija marksizma, izlagajutsja sostavnye ego chasti (dialekticheskij i istoricheskij materializm, politicheskaja jekonomija, teorija nauchnogo kommunizma), raskryvaetsja svjaz' marksistskogo uchenija s nemeckoj klassicheskoj filosofiej, anglijskoj burzhuaznoj politicheskoj jekonomiej, s francuzskim socializmom XIX veka

  • af Vladimir Lenin
    153,95 kr.

    To, chto politika, v duhovnom plane, javljaetsja otrazheniem opredelennoj filosofskoj sistemy, - dokazyvat' ne nado, jeto azbuchnaja istina. Ne nuzhdaetsja v dokazatel'stvah i tezis o tom, chto filosofskaja sistema marksizma, razvitaja V.I. Leninym, byla vostrebovana millionami ljudej vo vsem mire na protjazhenii vsego dvadcatogo stoletija; ne otbroshena ona i sejchas, nesmotrja na tu ostruju kritiku, kotoroj jeta sistema nyne podvergaetsja. Konechno, mnogie idei Lenina, osobenno kasajushhiesja sijuminutnyh politicheskih zadach, teper' ne aktual'ny, no chast' voprosov, zatronutyh im, ne poterjali svoej ostroty i v nashi dni, a nekotorye voprosy eshhe ochen' dolgo budut stojat' pered chelovechestvom. K chislu takih vechnyh voprosov otnositsja problema nasilija, ego dopustimosti, znachenija v obshhestvennom razvitii i v gosudarstvennoj zhizni.

  • af Vladimir Lenin
    208,95 kr.

    Lenin's Marxist classic explains the inevitable flaws and destructive power of capitalism: that it would lead unavoidably to imperialism, monopolies and colonialism.

  • af Vladimir Lenin
    363,95 kr.

  • af Vladimir Lenin
    298,95 kr.

  • af Vladimir Lenin
    116,95 kr.

    The State and Revolution is considered to be Lenin's most important work on the state and has been called by Lucio Colletti "Lenin's greatest contribution to the political theory". According to the Marxologist David McLellan, "the book had its origin in Lenin's argument with Bukharin in the summer of 1916 over the existence of the state after a proletarian revolution. Bukharin had emphasized the 'withering' aspect, whereas Lenin insisted on the necessity of the state machinery to expropriate the expropriators. In fact, it was Lenin who changed his mind, and many of the ideas of State and Revolution, composed in the summer of 1917 - particularly the anti-Statist theme - were those of Bukharin".

  • af Vladimir Lenin
    83,95 kr.

    Written during World War I, Lenin shows how the rejection of the right of self-determination of nations led to the Kautskyite support of imperialism.

  • af Vladimir Ilich Lenin
    135,95 - 303,95 kr.

  • af Vladimir Lenin
    161,95 kr.

  • af Vladimir Lenin
    239,95 kr.

    Lenin escribió el libro ¿Qué hacer? Problemas candentes de nuestro movimiento a fines de 1901 y comienzos de 1902.Iskra publicó en diciembre, en el número 12, el artículo de Lenin Una conversación con los defensores del economismo, al que denominó posteriormente esbozo de ¿Qué hacer? Lenin escribió en febrero de 1902 el prefacio del libro y éste vio la luz a comienzos de marzo, en Stuttgart, publicado por la editorial de Dietz, según informó Iskra el 10 de marzo de 1902, en su número 18.El libro ¿Qué hacer? desempeñó un relevante papel en la lucha por la creación del partido marxista revolucionario de la clase obrera de Rusia, en el triunfo de la tendencia leninista-iskrista en los comités y organizaciones del POSDR y, más tarde, en su Congreso de 1903. El libro adquirió gran difusión en 1902 y 1903 entre las organizaciones socialdemócratas de Rusia.Esta edición especial en tapa blanda también incluye el texto "¿Por dónde empezar?", fuente de inspiración de este libro.

  • - The Highest Stage of Capitalism
    af Vladimir Lenin
    113,95 kr.

    "This transformation of competition into monopoly is one of the most important - if not the most important - phenomena of modern capitalist economy."During the First World War, Lenin found himself isolated, but he was not afraid to fight against the stream. He dedicated all his strength to educating and training the Bolsheviks on the basis of the genuine ideas of Marxism. His masterpiece, Imperialism: The Highest Stage of Capitalism, is an immortal monument to his work in the vital field of theory.No book has ever explained the phenomena of modern capitalism better. Indeed, all of Lenin's predictions concerning the concentration of capital, the dominance of the banks and finance capital, the growing antagonism between nation states and the inevitability of war arising out of the contradictions of imperialism have been shown to be true by the entire history of the last 100 years.The Communist Manifesto already explains that free competition inevitably gives rise to monopoly and the concentration of capital in a few giant enterprises. However, this process did not culminate during the life time of Marx and Lenin was in a position to analyse it in great details. Using the vast amount of statistics at his disposal, he outlines this process.Lenin further explains that in the stage of imperialist monopoly capitalism, the entire economy is under the domination of the banks and finance capital. Today, over one hundred years after it was first published, this domination is 100 times greater. Lenin's text therefore stands as required reading for anyone fighting to change society.