Bøger af Vinod Verma
- Auf der Grundlage vedischer Tradition
208,95 kr. Dieses Buch basiert auf der vedischen Tradition, die sich auf Zahlen bezieht und die Bedeutung von Zahlen aus Kosmogonie und Kosmologie ableitet. Wie der Kosmos seinen Einfluss auf uns ausuebt, wirken sich auch Zahlen auf unser alltaegliches Leben aus. Dieses Buch lehrt Sie einfache Methoden der Numerologie, mit der Sie Ihr karmisches Horoskop erstellen koennen, und hilft Ihnen, Ihre positiven Eigenschaften innerhalb Ihres gegenwaertigen Karmas zu entwickeln sowie negative Persoenlichkeitsmerkmale zu unterdruecken. Dieses Buch ist als Selbsthilfe-Leitfaden gedacht, der Ihnen dazu verhilft, die positiven Züge Ihres Charakters zu entfalten und zu lernen, Ihr vergangenes Karma (daiva) mit dem gegenwärtigen (purushka) zu koordinieren, um dadurch die besten Ergebnisse aus der vorliegenden Situation und den Lebensumständen zu ziehen. Als renommierte Wissenschaftlerin und Gelehrte für Ayurveda und Yoga hat Dr. Verma 27 Bücher zu verschiedenen Themen geschrieben. Ihre Bücher sind in zahlreiche Sprachen dieser Welt übersetzt. Dieses Buch ist eines ihrer Bestseller, zusammen mit "Das Kamasutra für Frauen", "Natürlich leben mit Yoga", "Gesundheit durch Yoga und Ayurveda: Patanjalis Yoga-Sutras und ihre Anwendung auf Ayurveda" sowie "Mit Ayurveda zu erfüllter Partnerschaft". Dr. Verma hat die in diesem Buch beschriebenen Techniken der vedischen Numerologie in den letzten zwei Jahrzehnten genutzt, um ihren Studenten den Zusammenhang zwischen dem vergangenen und gegenwärtigen Karma zu demonstrieren. Finden Sie mehr über die Autorin, ihre Veröffentlichungen und Lehrprogramme auf den letzten Seiten dieses Buches und unter www.ayurvedavv.com
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- 208,95 kr.
- aus sicht der Ayurveda
188,95 kr. Die Pulsdiagnose benötigt viel Feingefühl und kann mit dem Musikverständnis verglichen werden. Musik ruft beim Kunstkenner bestimmte Gefühle hervor, die anderen, die ihre Feinheiten und Nuancen nicht spüren, versagt bleiben. Ähnlich wird man durch Praxis und Erfahrung zum Kenner und Schritt für Schritt zum Meister werden, sodass man schließlich die feinen Unterschiede des Pulsschlags erkennt und zu unterscheiden vermag, ob sich die Klienten im Zustand verschiedener Prakriti oder im Zustand von Vikriti oder im Zustand schwererer körperlicher oder mentaler Störungen befinden.
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- 188,95 kr.
- Based on the Vedic Tradition
248,95 kr. Each of the eleven parts of the book begins with an appropriate citation from ancient literature or my own quote along with an ancient illustration that matches that particular theme. Indian miniature paintings and erotic sculptures from temples provide appropriate context for this purpose. The book has special newly created yoga postures that facilitate to make diverse sexual postures and enhance flexibility for an easy childbirth. The book contains a wealth of Ayurvedic and homeopathic remedies, as well as purification and rejuvenating methods including aphrodisiacs. There are methods for coordinating the male-female sexual energies at diverse levels of this unique experience.
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- 248,95 kr.
- The two Mysteries of Ayurveda
188,95 kr. Two important and fascinating aspects of Ayurveda are: Prakriti, the individual constitution and Nadi Pariksha, the pulse examination for diagnosis. Prakriti is not only the fundamental human constitution at physiological level, but also denotes the basic personality of an individual. People find it fascinating and are many times mystified when they are told about their basic likes and dislikes, as well as their fundamental behavioural patterns just by observing them externally. Prakriti ascertains your identity and individuality, though at a very basic level. Due to the prevalence of mechanistic view of life for the last two hundred years, all human beings are treated like machines and at the same level. Parents tell their children: Why cannot you be like your brother (or sister)? Couples tell each other: Why cannot you get dressed quickly like I do? A friend or someone in a group may be condemned for not deciding quickly or sleeping too much. Another may be criticized for eating too much or too little. With the concept of prakriti that ascertains natural variation in individuals, people get some breathing space for being and accepting what they are. Pulse is the music of life in our body. It helps us not only to diagnose our state of health but also enhances the sensitivity towards our own body. We discover that there is an ever-changing rhythm within us that gets affected with the change in our inner and outer environment. Learning about the pulse paves way for understanding of oneself and to de-mechanise the way of living. It also specifically helps those of you who lead very mind-oriented lives and are indifferent to the throbbing and pulsating 'ground reality'. Knowledge of pulse and its ever-changing rhythm help provide us the consciousness of the living element within us, thus leading an understanding of our system as an ever changing whole. The purpose of this book is to teach you practical wisdom of both pulse and prakriti. Therefore, the book has also the well planned practical exercises. It is impossible to learn these themes fast and put them in practice. They are learnt both by practice and experience and this book can lead you to gradually attain this wisdom. The wisdom of prakriti and pulse is beneficial for maintaining health and preventing ailments. This wisdom helps us to detect any diversion from health or from the natural state of being with an optimum energy level. For using it beneficially, one requires to attain fundamental knowledge of Ayurvedic lifestyle and methods to revert back from the state of vikriti (being unwell) to state of prakriti.
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- 188,95 kr.
- A Scientific Exposition
118,95 kr. Timeless Wisdom of Ayurveda: A Scientific Exposition Ayurveda, which was first documented in Rig Veda and Atharva Veda has the eternal wisdom for health and healing. Its principles are valid beyond space and time. The book is written to promote the scientific wisdom of Ayurveda for prevention of ailments with detoxification, appropriate lifestyle and purification of the body and the mind. Ayurveda takes into consideration our internal, external, social and cosmic environment. In today's world Ayurvedic wisdom is extremely valuable, as most of the prevalent ailments are our own creation. Here is a little citation from the book: "What happened that tragic night is happening to all of us each day and we accumulate the same intensity of toxins in our body in about thirty years as the victims had in one night in Bhopal. In other words, we are victimising ourselves to a great tragedy due to ignorance." Based on Author's lecture in Germany with Sächsiche Landesapothekerkammer, Dresden, the book provides an overview of Ayurveda to a layman and endless benefits of its practice. This book is also published in German by Sheema Verlag.
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- 118,95 kr.
- Das Handbuch fuer die Selbstbehandlung
198,95 kr. Es handelt sich um ein genuines Buch, in dem praktische und authentische Kenntnisse über die ayurvedische Massage vermittelt werden. Es ist irritierend, in den meisten Massagebüchern zur deren Verkaufssteigerung Bilder von nackten Frauen zu sehen. Massage ist für Männer und Kinder gleichermaßen bedeutend. Heilmassage ist genauso wichtig wie andere Medikamente, um Menschen vom Leiden zu befreien. Die in diesem Buch beschriebene ayurvedische Druckmassage verschafft Ihnen sofortige Linderung und heilt verschiedene kleinere Störungen. Charaka, der große Weise des Ayurveda, schrieb vor 2600 Jahren folgendes über die Bedeutung der Massage: "Wie ein Krug durch Befeuchten und eine Radachse durch Fetten stabil und erschütterungsresistent werden, so wird der Körper durch Ölanwendung fest, von geschmeidiger Haut, frei von vata-Störungen und widerstandsfähig für physische Übungen und Anstrengungen." "Diejenigen, die regelmässig Öl für ihren Körper gebrauchen, werden von zufälligen Verletzungen oder anstrengender Arbeit nicht allzusehr in Mitleidenschaft gezogen. Durch tägliche Körperölung wird eine Person mit einer angenehmen Note und gepflegten Körperteilen ausgestattet, wirkt sehr anziehend und ist weniger altersanfällig." Dr. Verma wurde in Frankreich und in den USA ausgebildet. Mit einem Doktortitel in Reproduktionsbiologie von der Panjab Universität und einem weiteren in Neurobiologie von der Université de Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, studierte Dr. Verma Ayuveda in der schriftlichen Tradition von Professor Priya Vrat Sharma der Benares Hindu Universität. Als Autorität für Ayurveda und Yoga hat Dr. Verma 27 Bücher zu verschiedenen Themen in diesen Bereichen geschrieben.
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- 198,95 kr.
- The Ayurveda Beauty Book
298,95 kr. The purpose of this book is to help you attain roop or a natural glow and maintain a youthful appearance with various external applications, through nutrition and lifestyle, and inner purification of the body. A dull complexion, rough skin and pimples can be treated with external applications only to a very limited extent. You need to go to the root of the problem and eradicate it. Your external appearance is nothing but the reflection of your internal state. Everyone, men, women and children want to look healthy and beautiful. The books on beauty are generally written for women or they are considered exclusively for women. Men, particularly in the West are usually conditioned not to beautify themselves. However, in Indian tradition, during various ceremonies before marriage, man and woman are given similar Ayurvedic beauty treatments. The book provides Ayurvedic and yogic wisdom to enhance your health and to obtain a radiant look. In Ayurveda health covers diverse aspects of existence like physical, mental, social and spiritual for the complete well being of an individual and society. The book emphasizes on enhancing your beauty, glamour and radiance with simple and natural methods. A person's appearance depends largely on her/his health and 'inner environment' of the body. In this book, there are methods given to purify your inner environment and beautify your external appearance with diverse treatments feasible easily at home. There are simple and fascinating methods like diverse oil treatments, oil baths of individual parts of the body, bath of gods, inner lubrication and for the first time the yogic dance. Your thought process affects immediately your appearance and radiance. Thus, the book also deals with the spiritual aspects of beauty. This book was first published in German in 2003 and 2012 in Spanish.
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- 298,95 kr.
218,95 kr. Patanjali Yoga Sutras or Aphorisms written about 2600 years ago, condense the yogic tradition that existed in India 3600 years before that time. This period was also the golden period of Ayurveda. Both these disciplines are concerned primarily with the well being of the body, though their aims are different. The aim of yoga is to achieve eternity by getting over the bondage with the body and being one with the Universal Soul or Purusha. One needs a strong and healthy body to rise over the physicality. Ayurveda is the Science of health and healing from ancient India and is primarily concerned with the optimum quality of life, longevity and freedom from ailments. The author has shown in her previous books how Charaka has emphasized the values of yoga for maintaining good health. Charaka has stressed the importance of sattva (inner peace and stillness) to balance rajas (activity) and tamas (inertia) for maintaining health and equilibrium. Present book integrates the disciplines of yoga and Ayurveda and demonstrates that both have the same fundamental principles of Samkhya school of thought. Dr. Verma has compared the concept of body in both these disciplines and given special programmes to integrate this timeless wisdom in everyday life of modern people. The book is extremely valuable for understanding both the classical yoga as well as essence of Ayurveda. It is a precious guide to manage stress, enhance concentration and memory, as well as body's energy. This book is equally important for scholars who are interested in the concept of body and human creative dimension. This is the third edition of the book. Other publications of Dr. Verma 1.Patanjali's Yoga Sutra: A Scientific Exposition (Published in English, Hindi and German). 2.Ayurveda for Inner Harmony: Nutrition, Sexual Energy and Healing (Published in English, German, Italian, French, Romanian and Hindi). 3.Ayurveda a Way of Life (Published in English, German, Italian, French, Spanish, Czech, Greek, Portuguese, Slovenian and Hindi). 4.The Kamasutra for Women (Published in English [America and India], German, French, Dutch, Romanian, Italian, Portuguese, Slovenian Hindi and Malayalam). 5.Stress-free Work with Yoga and Ayurveda (Published in German, English [America and India] and Hindi). 6.Patanjali and Ayurvedic Yoga (Published in English, German and Hindi). 7.Programming Your Life with Ayurveda (Published in German, French, English, Slovenian and Czech). 8.Ayurvedic Food Culture and Recipes (Published in English, German, Czech and Hindi). 9.Yoga: A Natural Way of Being (Published in English, German, French, Italian and Hindi). 10.Companionship and Sexuality (Based on Ayurveda and the Hindu tradition) (Published in English and German). 11.Natural Glamour: The Ayurveda Beauty Book (Published in German, Spanish and English) 12.Losing and Maintaining Weight with Ayurveda and Yoga (Published in English, Slovenian and German). 13.The Timeless Wisdom of Ayurveda: A Scientific Exposition (Published in English and German) 14.Prakriti and Pulse: The Two Mysteries of Ayurveda (Published in German) 15.Good Food for Dogs: Vegetarian nourishment based on Ayurvedic wisdom (Published in German and English) 16.Diet for Losing Weight (published in German and English) 17.Aum: The Infinite Energy (Published in German and English) 18.Pulse Diagnose in Chinese and Ayurvedic Medicine (co-author for TCM Dr. Florian Ploberger) (published in German) 19.Shiva's Secrets for Health and Longevity (published in German and English) 20.Healing Hands: The Ayurvedic Massage workbook (published in English) 21.Prevention of Dementia (published in German and English) 22.Ayurveda for Dogs (published in German and English) 23.Numerology: Based on the Vedic Tradition (published in English) 24.Ayurvedic Cuisine: God's own Apothecary, Simple Healing Remedies from Ayurvedic Herbs and Spices (in preparation)
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- 218,95 kr.
88,95 kr. Author wrote these stories over a period of 12 years in late eighties and nineties. The themes are quite diverse and cross-cultural as she lives on two continents and travels a lot. The stories depict human relationships across the world before the era of social media.
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- 88,95 kr.
- Nutrition, Sexual Energy and Healing
218,95 kr. The book deals with three principal themes of Ayurveda: Nutrition, Sexual Energy and Healing. Ancient Ayurvedic literature incorporates an extensive study on nutritional balance that does not only dependent upon the basic value of the nutrients, but is also related to time, place, and the fundamental constitution of an individual. There are many Ayurvedic cookbooks available, but unfortunately they often deal simply with Indian cooking. You must keep in mind that all Indian cooking is not Ayurvedic, and many recipes given in these books are what Ayurveda will describe as anti-health. Some examples of forbidden things, or combinations that are erroneously described as Ayurvedic are: adding yoghurt to meat preparations, or adding honey to hot drinks, or eating yoghurt at night, or eating deep fried food too frequently or without appropriate precautions, such as adding particular spices to the food. The first and foremost approach to Ayurvedic cooking involves balanced meals which include a large variety of vegetables, fruits, and grains in order to have all the rasas in these foods (literally meaning taste, rasas are the basis of Ayurvedic pharmacology). Various Ayurvedic spices should be used to enforce equilibrium and create food that rejuvenates. There is a description about the curative effect of food for different ailments, life conditions, and ages. There is a simple way of doing that in a family: after having cooked a balanced and rejuvenating food, you can add particular spices to it based on individual need, or for various curative effects. Spices are first put briefly in a spoonful of very hot ghee and cooked for a few seconds. For example, if you are an elderly person and complain of aches and pains, you need to add fenugreek, garlic, ginger, or heeng (asafoetida) in this manner into your soup, main dish, or whatever. If you feel the predominance of kapha, or the symptoms of it causing ill effects (lethargy, sleeping too much, a sweet taste in the mouth, etc.), you may add spices such as pepper, ginger, or garlic, while avoiding excessively fatty or sweet foods. If you have an excess of heat in the body, and tend to suffer from pitta disorders, add spices like anise, coriander, cardamom, and clove to your food. The second part of the book is about Ayurvedic concept of sexuality. However, while not well known in the West, this aspect of Ayurvedic wisdom is integrated in Ayurvedic way of life. Holistic sexuality, simple remedies for sexual problems, and using aphrodisiacs or rejuvenating products will hopefully benefit modern men and women. Recognition of the infinite sexual energy present within all of us, and its beneficial channelling for healing and for a spiritual experience, are also described. Healing, which forms Part III of this book, is based upon the principle of bringing the mind back to this beautiful creation of nature, the human body, and concentrating it there. Some people in the West think that healing is something fantastic and mysterious. For learning to heal, we need to develop awareness of our being, and an ability to withdraw our mind from the world, in order to evoke the inner energy or soul for this purpose. We need to learn this, and we all have the capability and capacity to do that. We do not need special powers for healing ourselves or healing others. The special power is soul, which is the same within each human being. To learn how to heal we need a strong determination and persistence in our aim. Negative qualities, like anger, greed, excessive attachment, and desire lead to many physical and mental ailments. The book describes methods for maintaining mental balance through breathing practices and concentration exercises popularly known as meditation. After having obtained the stillness of mind, one can gradually enhance one's spiritual energy and use it for healing.
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- 218,95 kr.
- The Ayurveda Beauty Book (B&W)
198,95 kr. The purpose of this book is to help you attain roop or a natural glow and maintain a youthful appearance with various external applications, through nutrition and lifestyle, and inner purification of the body. A dull complexion, rough skin and pimples can be treated with external applications only to a very limited extent. You need to go to the root of the problem and eradicate it. Your external appearance is nothing but the reflection of your internal state. Everyone, men, women and children want to look healthy and beautiful. The books on beauty are generally written for women or they are considered exclusively for women. Men, particularly in the West are usually conditioned not to beautify themselves. However, in Indian tradition, during various ceremonies before marriage, man and woman are given similar Ayurvedic beauty treatments. The book provides Ayurvedic and yogic wisdom to enhance your health and to obtain a radiant look. In Ayurveda health covers diverse aspects of existence like physical, mental, social and spiritual for the complete well being of an individual and society. The book emphasizes on enhancing your beauty, glamour and radiance with simple and natural methods. A person's appearance depends largely on her/his health and 'inner environment' of the body. In this book, there are methods given to purify your inner environment and beautify your external appearance with diverse treatments feasible easily at home. There are simple and fascinating methods like diverse oil treatments, oil baths of individual parts of the body, bath of gods, inner lubrication and for the first time - the yogic dance. Your thought process affects immediately your appearance and radiance. Thus, the book also deals with the spiritual aspects of beauty. This book was first published in German in 2003 and 2012 in Spanish. The book is written by renowned scientist Dr. Vinod Verma who had also studied Ayurveda for 23 years from legendry Professor Acharya Priya Vrat Sharma of Banares Hindu University. Dr. Verma has written 23 books besides numerous articles on various themes of yoga, Ayurveda and Women's health.
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- 198,95 kr.
- Learning to make a Karmic Horoscope and benefit from it to do the appropriate Present Karma for inner Peace and Happiness
173,95 kr. Many think that astrology is for predicting future and they can have a better hold on the future if they know about the happenings beforehand. This is an erroneous notion, as in the Vedic tradition and culture, astrology is not meant to predict the future, as nobody can predict the future entirely. If it were so, then where is the human freedom? Astrology predicts principally the results of our past karma and the only way to counteract the results of the past karma is through present karma. Therefore, astrology is meant to guide you and to help develop your positive qualities and provide you guidance for eradicating the factors or qualities that lead you ultimately to bad fortune. The book is based on the Vedic tradition which is number oriented and the significance of numbers has been inspired from cosmogony and cosmology. Like the cosmos has its influence on us, these numbers also effect our day-to-day lives. Besides that, numbers play an important role in the performance of all rituals and ceremonies. Performance of fire ceremonies, weddings, entrance into a new house (grihpravesh), naming the newborn, beginning of a new work or business or starting a construction, and thousands of other daily rituals are performed on a calculated specific time and day. Vedic mathematics is famous in the world and it gave the world the concept of zero and of decimal. The advanced astronomy and astrology and interaction of all what exists in the cosmos with each other is used to calculate the special dates for performance of the rituals and ceremonies. For example, the rosary used for japa (repetition of a mantra) in yoga has 108 beeds. The distance from the earth to the sun is 108 times the diameter of the sun. Thus, this number is used to reach the celestial plane. The present book illustrates some amazing concepts of the ancient Vedic wisdom related to the numbers and how they can guide you in your everyday life. This book is meant to teach you simple numerological methods that you can beneficially use in your everyday life. You will find facts about your personality, how to modify your negative characteristics and how to enhance your positive characteristics. A quality can be used for both, destructive and constructive purpose and you will learn how to divert your energies for beneficial purpose. Organise yourself to hold important talks and meetings on the days and at times which is favourable for you. This book teaches you to calculate the disturbed periods in your life and do your best to go through it calmly and peacefully with the suggestions given in this book. How to use this book? Study this book in a systematic manner in order to get maximum benefit from this wisdom based on the most ancient living traditions of the world. Learn step by step in the following manner. -Learn to calculate your life number and other important numbers related to you with the methods given in the first Chapter. Try to understand your karmic personality. -In the second Chapter, learn about the importance and qualities of the individual numbers. Try to understand the philosophical basis behind each number and their importance in your life in relations to your life number. Learn about your personality traits. -Learn to correlate different numbers related to your life number for making a complex horoscope and for matching the horoscopes of two persons for compatibility. -Learn to calculate the life periods from the sum of age related to the life number. -Learn to get over-difficult and disturbed periods of life with concentration practices and meditation on the symbolic significance of the numbers. This book is meant to be a self-help guide for developing positive traits in your personality and for learning to coordinate your past karma (daiva) with present karma (purushkara) to obtain the best results from given situations and circumstances in life.
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- 173,95 kr.
- The Eternal Energy: Spiritual techniques for stability, strength, stress management and healing
163,95 kr. AUM: The Eternal energy Vedas are written in the sound and tonality oriented language. A specific kind of chanting of mantras evokes inner power. AUM or OM is considered to be the seed mantra from which everything originates. That is why it is used in the beginning of all the mantras. A mantra is a special sound or chanting with significance. AUM signifies the totality of the cosmos, the matter and the energy in combination. The purpose of this book is to evoke the subtle energy within us, which we have in abundance and are unable to use. We have this energy in dormant form and it is the cause of our being. It is important to recognise the cause of consciousness in our bodies for awakening this energy by using various techniques. By using the techniques provided in this book, one can reach a higher state of mind to evoke the dormant energy. Repetition of AUM and concentration on its form help develop lucidity and intuition and enhances work efficiency. You do not need any extra time, sitting sessions or doing malas (rosary), simply imbibe the chanting of the mantra in your daily routine to gain stability and strength, for enhancing work efficiency, as well as for healing. This book is meant to strengthen the mind with repetition of mantra AUM or OM. The simple breathing practices and meditative techniques are specifically described for a better management of life and for learning stability, strength, stress management and healing. In the Vedic tradition, therapy is three-dimensional: rational, mental and spiritual. These three kinds of therapy should be applied simultaneously. This book provides systematic techniques to control the mind and direct its power for beneficial purpose. These techniques form the basis for mental and spiritual healing. For holistic living and healing, it is important to learn these techniques to reach the profound part of our consciousness, attain mental stability and evoke the energy present within ourselves. Simple and easy to use techniques with mantra AUM facilitate the task of balancing the mind and use our own immense energy for getting mental and physical strength and use it for healing along with the rational therapy.
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- 163,95 kr.
- A way of Life: Scientific Explanation of Ayurvedic Wisdom and its benefit for Body, Mind and Society
243,95 kr. Ayurveda: A way of Life has been the first book ever that explains the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda in terms of modern science. It was published in India in 1990, thereafter in various European countries and America. It is a scholarly book that is meant to give the reader an insight into the classical tradition of this 5000 years old discipline. At the same time, the book is a guide in the living tradition of Ayurveda and inspires one to assimilate this age-old wisdom into daily life for enhancing energy to the optimum level. The book also highlights Ayurvedic psychology and importance of sattva (inner peace and stillness) and santosha (sense of contentment) in order to ward off the ailments. Modern medical research is directed toward finding cures for diseases, but there is little talk about finding methods to maintain good health and adopting preventive measures to avoid various ailments. Healthy living and preventive measures are not a part of the medical education. In Ayurveda, the principal focus is on maintaining good health and adopting a healthy way of living. The second important drawback in modern Western medicine is that it treats all human beings the same way. Individual differences and individual constitutions are not taken into consideration. We differ as much inwardly in our reactions and responses to a given treatment as we vary in our external appearance and personality traits. In Ayurveda, individual variations are taken into consideration and health care and treatment are based upon the individual constitution. Ayurveda is an extensive and vast source of knowledge. This book is only an introductory guide to the Ayurvedic way of life. Day-to-day practices and what we can do for ourselves in order to keep good health and bring harmony in our lives are described. Various methods for self-diagnosis, for curing minor ailments through simple measures, for preventing disease, for making simple herbal medicines, and for inner and outer cleaning of the body are discussed here. Every practical detail is explained and information about the availability of various products is provided. Ayurvedic medicines are not limited to the herbs that grow in India (especially in the Himalayas) where the original literature of Ayurveda was compiled. Identification of the herbs according to taste and other properties of the drugs are explained in detail. This book is written to help people become conscious of their health-to make them aware that a little care can save them from minor health problems, as well as from long-term health hazards. With the increasing number of ailments and a universal rise in health care costs, it has become more and more essential for each individual to make a personal effort to maintain good health. The old wisdom of rishis (sages) teaches us the use of preventive measures and mild medicine for maintaining good health instead of waiting until body and mind are exhausted and there are major disorders in the organism. The purpose of this book is to present methods people can use to improve the quality of life. For this, it is essential to begin from a new beginning. We live our lives in bits and pieces, fragmented in time, space, body, and mind. Therefore, to adapt Ayurveda in our lives, we just cannot start the application of its principles on our disintegrated beings. What I mean by a new beginning is that first we need to see and feel ourselves as a "whole," as a "unit," and an "integrity" and then we can realize our oneness with the cosmos. Holistic medicine is not possible without a holistic way of life. This book is presented in a way that will make us self-aware so we can realize our integrity as body, mind, and soul. This book is written for general readers who may not have any background of Ayurveda or medicine in general. A special effort has been made to explain the technical terms in an easy-to-understand manner. Comments and suggestions from readers are welcomed.
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- 243,95 kr.
- Health, healing and vigour with balanced nutrition, appropriate quantity and quality of food and by observing the related principles of consumption
248,95 kr. During the recent years, Ayurvedic wisdom has been propagated by religious or sectarian gurus rather than by Vaidyas (traditional Ayurvedic physician), scholars and Indian women, who have kept the Ayurvedic tradition alive for thousands of years. Gurus tend to mould the Ayurvedic wisdom from scientific to sectarian. This book, written by a woman Ayurvedic scholar, who has also had Western education in medical sciences, is a valuable piece of work, as it puts forward the scientific aspect of Ayurveda in context of its food culture and preparations. It is a prime example of the integration of scientific values in Indian cultural tradition. The book highlights the rational basis of what we should eat, when, how and why. The book contains authentic Ayurvedic food culture and mode of preparation of various international recipes by applying Ayurvedic principles. Scriptural wisdom of Ayurveda does not tell you to give up your glass of wine or leave out your favourite dishes. The way to good health is not through insipid food, but to enjoy the colours and flavours of life and have sensuous fulfilment with various rasas (tastes) of the cosmos. The secret to good health lies in understanding the Ayurvedic food culture and following its Eight Golden Principles. The book teaches the art of preparing balanced and rejuvenating food by using different herbs and spice mixtures and by attaining the knowledge about their hot and cold nature. With appropriate knowledge of Ayurvedic food culture, one can enhance energy, immunity and vitality and above all can cure one's minor ailments. The Great Sanskrit scholar and an India's leading Pandit on Indian cultural tradition, Professor Dharmanand Sharma has described this book as follow: "Dr. Vinod Verma's book, which is based upon the ancient scientific principles of Ayurveda and is presenting modern methods of preparation is like a ray of hope in this age of darkness and confusion when our food is little better than poison. It is not only a recipe book but also describes the Ayurvedic food culture, which can help many people heal their digestion-related ailments. The use of modern equipments to shorten the time and systematic preparations of numerous spice combinations make the book a valuable gift to humanity. This book is a commendable and extraordinary attempt to present the ancient wisdom in a modern way for the benefit of humanity."
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- 248,95 kr.
- A Natural Way of being: A nine-week, easy-to-do programme for initiation into adopting yoga as a way of life
173,95 kr. The course of yogic practices offered in this book is very fundamental and is basically designed for maintaining good physical and mental health and find spiritual strength. The book is written in such a way that you can understand yoga and learn it yourself. The simple practical exercises provided in this book are meant for making body flexible, enhancing blood circulation, and using asanas or postures beneficially for healing minor and chronic ailments. It is to show you a spiritual path for strengthening mind and managing day-to-day stress. Yoga learnt in a right way without aiming at impossible postures can help you discover your own body. Once you find weak points of your body, by repeated practice the blockades will vanish. This is not a cliché yoga book to teach you some superficial exercises. It is a book meant for body, mind and soul. From waking up, to sleep, to breathing- all aspects of day-to-day life are taken into consideration. The best way to use this book is to read introduction first and understand what yoga is. Then begin with first week and repeat the first week for several weeks. Do that for all the nine weeks. Each weeks programme includes exercises for your body and mind and to show you a spiritual path. Be your own master and learn it yourself. Forget about the yoga classes in a herd like atmosphere and learn yogic practices in the peace of your home or garden. This book has become a classic by now. First published in 1988, it has been translated into German, French, Italian and Hindi. There has been numerous edition out for each language. Dr Verma is a world renowned scientist who has studied Neurobiology in Paris in the University of Pierre et Marie Curie (old Sorbonne) and has worked in prestigious places like National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, USA and Max Planck Institute in Germany. She resolved to do research in health rather than disease after having worked in a pharmaceutical company in Germany in 1984. She was the first one to bring scientific aspects of Yoga and Ayurveda to the West. Her books on Yoga and Ayurveda with a comprehensive and holistic scientific system appeared in late eighties and early nineties in various European languages. She has written 23 books on various aspects of health, women and companionship until now. For more details see www.ayurvedavv.com Dr. Vinod Verma's Publications 1.Patanjali's Yoga Sutra: A Scientific Exposition (Published in English, Hindi and German). 2.Ayurveda for Inner Harmony: Nutrition, Sexual Energy and Healing (Published in English, German, Italian, French, Romanian and Hindi). 3.Ayurveda a Way of Life (Published in English, German, Italian, French, Spanish, Czech, Greek, Portuguese, Slovenian and Hindi). 4.The Kamasutra for Women (Published in English [America and India], German, French, Dutch, Romanian, Italian, Portuguese, Slovenian Hindi and Malayalam). 5.Stress-free Work with Yoga and Ayurveda (Published in German, English [America and India] and Hindi). 6.Patanjali and Ayurvedic Yoga 7.Programming Your Life with Ayurveda 8.Ayurvedic Food Culture and Recipes 9.Yoga: A Natural Way of Being 10.Companionship and Sexuality: Based on Ayurveda and the Hindu tradition 11.Natural Glamour: The Ayurveda Beauty Book (Published in German, Spanish and English) 12.Losing and Maintaining Weight with Ayurveda and Yoga (Published in English, Slovenian and German). 13.The Timeless Wisdom of Ayurveda: A Scientific Exposition (Published in English and German) 14.Prakriti and Pulse: The Two Mysteries of Ayurveda (Published in German) 15.Good Food for Dogs: Vegetarian nourishment based on Ayurvedic wisdom 16.Diet for Losing Weight 17.Aum: The Eternal Energy 18.Pulse Diagnose in Chinese and Ayurvedic Medicine 19.Shiva's Secrets for Health and Longevity 20.Healing Hands: The Ayurvedic Massage workbook 21.Prevention of Dementia 22.Ayurveda for Dogs 23.Numerology: Based on the Vedic Tradition
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- 173,95 kr.
- A practical manual for a holistic way of living for well being, health, and preventing ailments
173,95 kr. Programming your Life with Ayurveda is a practical guide for simple Ayurvedic practices, which can help you for maintaining health, promoting your immunity and vitality (ojas) and preventing ailments. Dr. Verma has written this practical guide with a very modern approach, where she gives you a specially designed brief yoga programme FEEP (Five Element Energy Programme) and five breath stress release exercise based on Patanjali's yoga (PSAUV). This is the only practical manual of Ayurveda daily practices that exists till date. It is meant to help you adopt simple Ayurvedic practices, some home remedies and detoxification and purification methods you can do at home. In today's busy world, there are many people who feel stressed and oppressed due to excessive activities. They wish to change their lifestyle for the better but do not have time to go regularly to a spa or something alike. This book is a practical guide for inspiring you to change your lifestyle for gaining more energy and peace of mind. You can directly begin with a daily programme step by step and see the results for yourself. Merely by getting up peacefully in the morning and starting your day with a glass of cardamom hot water and then in the evening performing some small bed time rituals can change your life tremendously. You can integrate these practices into your daily life step by step. The positive results will inspire you to do more for yourself. The aim of the book is to change your quality of life and to be able to have more joy from life with enhanced fundamental energy and by preventing ailments. The ailments attack us due to a low basic energy level (ojas), accumulation of toxins in the body, stress and mental frustration and a lifestyle not in rhythm with nature. All these fundamental factors are taken care of in this book and your are told methods to get rid of these four enemies that make you live life only fifty percent or even lesser. Your little effort can change your life for the better and can improve your present and future. Enjoy your youth and invest in old age. This book has been published in German, French, Hindi, Slovenian and Czech. Dr Verma is a world renowned scientist who has studied Neurobiology in Paris in the University of Pierre et Marie Curie (old Sorbonne) and has worked in prestigious places like National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, USA and Max Planck Institute in Germany. She resolved to do research in health rather than disease after having worked in a pharmaceutical company in Germany in 1984. She was the first one to bring scientific aspects of Ayurveda to the West. Her books on Yoga and Ayurveda as a comprehensive and holistic scientific system appeared in late eighties and early nineties in various European languages. She has written 23 books on various aspects of health until now. For more details see www.ayurvedavv.com
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- 173,95 kr.
218,95 kr. Most of the modern diets to lose weight are based upon leaving out one of the major food components like fat, protein or carbohydrates. This kind of deprived regimen is not natural and is harmful for health. Ayurvedic wholesome diet is promising for losing and maintaining weight. Contrary to other diets, this promotes your energy and purifies your body. The book has well-researched Ayurvedic holistic diet to lose, and maintain weight and regain health and energy. It has exclusive concepts in nutrition like the S-Factor (satisfaction factor) with food, and to judge over-weight not only from your scale but from the shape of your body and methods to trim specific parts of your body. It is an exceptional piece of analytical work in this field that integrates ancient wisdom into modern life. Recipes given in the book are delicious and health promoting and thus it is not a diet with suffering and deprivation. This book has also been published in German and Slovenian. Author's other publications 1.Patanjali's Yoga Sutra: A Scientific Exposition (Published in English, Hindi and German). 2.Ayurveda for Inner Harmony: Nutrition, Sexual Energy and Healing (Published in English, German, Italian, French, Romanian and Hindi). 3.Ayurveda a Way of Life (Published in English, German, Italian, French, Spanish, Czech, Greek, Portuguese, Slovenian and Hindi). 4.The Kamasutra for Women (Published in English [America and India], German, French, Dutch, Romanian, Italian, Portuguese, Slovenian Hindi and Malayalam). 5.Stress-free Work with Yoga and Ayurveda (Published in German, English [America and India] and Hindi). 6.Patanjali and Ayurvedic Yoga (Published in English, German and Hindi). 7.Programming Your Life with Ayurveda (Published in German, French, English, Slovenian and Czech). 8.Ayurvedic Food Culture and Recipes (Published in English, German, Czech and Hindi). 9.Yoga: A Natural Way of Being (Published in English, German, French, Italian and Hindi). 10.Companionship and Sexuality (Based on Ayurveda and the Hindu tradition) (Published in English and German). 11.Natural Glamour: The Ayurveda Beauty Book (Published in German, Spanish and English) 12.Losing and Maintaining Weight with Ayurveda and Yoga (Published in English, Slovenian and German). 13.The Timeless Wisdom of Ayurveda: A Scientific Exposition (Published in English and German) 14.Prakriti and Pulse: The Two Mysteries of Ayurveda (Published in German) 15.Good Food for Dogs: Vegetarian nourishment based on Ayurvedic wisdom (Published in German and English) 16.Diet for Losing Weight (published in German and English) 17.AUM: The Infinite Energy (Published in German and English) 18.Pulse Diagnose in Chinese and Ayurvedic Medicine (co-author for TCM Dr. Florian Ploberger) (published in German) 19.Shiva's Secrets for Health and Longevity (published in German and English) 20.Healing Hands: The Ayurvedic Massage workbook (published in English) 21.Prevention of Dementia (published in German, Slovenian and English) 22.Ayurveda for Dogs (published in German and English) 23.Numerology: Based on the Vedic Tradition (published in Slovenian and English) 24.Ayurvedic Cuisine: God's own Apothecary, Simple Healing Remedies from Ayurvedic Herbs and Spices (in preparation)
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- 218,95 kr.
553,95 kr. Ayurvedic Food Culture and Recipes by Dr. Vinod Verma Ayurvedic food means a harmonious combination of food products prepared with various seeds, herbs and spices in order to create equilibrium in your body and to rejuvenate you. This food should increase 'ojas' (immunity and vitality) in the body. The preparation of the food, the way it is consumed and its quantity also play a significant role. The quality of the food should be according to the place, weather, climate, specific situation (like fatigue, sickness, stress etc.) and the fundamental nature of an individual. The food preparation should be balanced in relation to the five fundamental elements (ether, air, fire, water and earth) of which the whole universe is made and in addition the equilibrium should be sought in the above-described factors. It is essential to know all these basic factors to comprehend properly about the Ayurvedic food preparations. This book is a key to health for those who wish to live a long, healthy and disease-free life with optimum energy level. Ayurvedic cooking does not mean 'Indian cooking' and Ayurvedic cooking preparations do not have to be Indian. Ayurvedic principles are largely followed in many traditional homes in India. Nevertheless, not all Indian foods are prepared according to the principles of Ayurveda. Most existing books on Ayurvedic cooking are simply Indian cookbooks and those too at times are westernised. For example, the wheat bread eaten in most Indian homes is made with dough prepared simply with flour and water and this flat bread is baked on an iron pan. It is called chapati and it is freshly made for each meal. There is no salt or fat in the chapatis. They may be slightly smeared with ghee (clarified butter) on the top after they are ready. The chapatis are eaten with various vegetable or meat preparations, which are salted. However, to my utter surprise, many of the so called Ayurvedic cookbooks had instructed to add salt in the dough for chapatis, obviously to make the taste comparable to the salted bread eaten in the West. There are also many deep-fried, oily and fatty recipes written under the name of Ayurvedic cooking. In the ancient texts of Ayurveda, these foods are specifically prohibited and when eaten, they should be made with particular spices that promote digestion. However, these spices are not mentioned in the recently published books. I have written this book to give you an over all understanding of the Ayurvedic concepts of food preparation by illustrating the scientific reasons for using particular spices in particular preparations. This way, you will not only learn the limited Ayurvedic recipes but will also be able to use the specific products in your own recipes at an appropriate time in order to make them according to the Ayurvedic principles of balance and harmony. Many recipes described in this book are specifically designed and are invented by me to suit our modern way of life, available equipment and time constraint. Since I have spent a substantial part of my adult life in Europe and also three years in the USA, and have travelled around the world, my recipes are very often cross-cultural but modified according to the principles of Ayurveda. Dr Verma is a world renowned scientist who has studied Neurobiology in Paris in the University of Pierre et Marie Curie (old Sorbonne) and has worked in prestigious places like National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, USA and Max Planck Institute in Germany. She resolved to do research in health rather than disease after having worked in a pharmaceutical company in Germany in 1984. She was the first one to bring scientific aspects of Ayurveda to the West. Her books on Yoga and Ayurveda a comprehensive and holistic scientific system appeared in late eighties and early nineties in various European languages. She has written 23 books on various aspects of health until now. For more details see www.ayurvedavv.com
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- 553,95 kr.
198,95 kr. It is a basic fact that Dementia is spreading like wild fire all over the world. At the moment, the higher percentage of dementia patients are found in the economically affluent societies of the world (see map in Wikipedia). However, in the developing countries, its spread is directly proportionate to affluence and adopting a mindset based on the mind-dominating philosophy. In brief, it is the lifestyle and the attitude, which is associated with the industrialisation and the Western philosophy of a mind's domination over body. Descartes' philosophy of attributing all the powers of a being to the mind and considering it as 'self' has done tremendous harm. That has lead to the misuse of mind and thus deformation of its capabilities. For preventing the horrors of dementia in future, along with the lifestyle, we need to change our attitude and learn to coordinate our mind with the five senses and the physiological body. We should stop being only a 'mind individual' but a whole being whose real self is not mind but an energy that puts life into a body of which mind is only a part.
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- 198,95 kr.
143,95 kr. '¿¿¿' ¿¿ ¿¿¿ ¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿ ¿¿ ¿¿¿ ¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿ ¿¿ ¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿ ¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿
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- 388,95 kr.
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- 103,95 kr.