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Bøger af Victor Sykes

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  • - Lee De Manera Instantánea el Lenguaje Corporal, Aprende Técnicas para Leer Rápidamente a Las Personas y Analiza el Comportamiento con Psicología Humana
    af Victor Sykes
    228,95 kr.

    Si siempre has querido aprender a analizar personas pero no sabes por dónde empezar, entonces sigue leyendo...Estás cansado de no poder leer a la genteHa estudiado anteriormente otros artículos y guías de lenguaje corporal de los llamados"expertos" pero nada parece funcionarSi es así, entonces has venido al lugar correcto.Ya que analizar a las personas no tiene por qué ser difícil.No es necesario tener un título en psicología o años de entrenamiento para saber leer a las personas rápidamente.Esta guía reduce los detalles innecesarios y lo deja con las habilidades prácticas y del mundo real para analizar a las personas en el lugar.De hecho, es más fácil de lo que piensas. Aquí tienes una pequeña parte de lo que encontraras en este libro: Cómo desarrollar tu percepción e intuición para captar automáticamente las pistas del lenguaje corporal El mayor error que se comete cuando se trata de leer a la gente Cómo detectar instantáneamente a la persona más poderosa en la habitación La cosa # 1 que hay que buscar para saber si alguien es inteligente (no es lo que piensas) Las GRANDES señales de que alguien te está mintiendo. Pistas de habla poco conocidas que le brindan mucha información sobre la personalidad y la mentalidad de una persona. Seguridad indica que él o ella están interesados románticamente en ti (esto es diferente para hombres y mujeres)...y mucho, mucho másTómese un segundo para imaginar cómo cambiará su vida cotidiana cuando pueda analizar instantáneamente a las personas donde quiera que vaya.Así que incluso si ha intentado aprender estas habilidades antes pero aún se siente perdido y frustrado, esta guía le dará las herramientas prácticas y el conocimiento para leer y comprender a las personas de una manera que pocos otros lo harán. Y si tiene un deseo latente de aprender finalmente a analizar personas, desplácese hacia arriba y haga clic en "agregar al carrito"

  • - Guía De Defensa Contra Las Tácticas De Persuasión, Los Juegos Ocultos De La Mente Y El Control Emocional
    af Victor Sykes
    228,95 kr.

    La manipulación mental ocurre todos los días. En las relaciones, en el trabajo, en todas partes.Si no sabes cómo reconocerlo y defenderte, estás siendo explotado y aprovechado.Estoy seguro de que sentiste esa voz en la parte posterior de tu cabeza cuando una interacción no se siente del todo bien. Preguntarte a ti mismo si está sucediendo algo turbio.¿Quieres entender lo que realmente está sucediendo en estas interacciones? ¿Y quieres saber cómo reconocer todas las veces que estás siendo manipulado sin darte cuenta?Si es así, entonces has venido al lugar correcto.Aquí tienes una pequeña fracción de lo que descubrirás: Las 24 formas más comunes en que la gente te manipula para que no estés en la oscuridad cuando surgen estas situacionesLos 18 grandes métodos de Manipulación Emocional que se utilizan para controlarte.Las banderas rojas para identificar al instante a un narcisista.Cómo se hace la manipulación psicológica a través de las palabras.Lo que debe hacer para ser inmune a los diferentes tipos de manipulación.Los tipos de manipulación positiva y aceptable.Cómo finalmente eliminar la manipulación negativa de tu vida...¡y mucho, mucho más!Tómese un segundo para imaginar cómo será su vida cuando ya no sea vulnerable a ser explotado por manipuladores.Por lo tanto, aunque sepa poco o nada acerca de la manipulación, este libro le mostrará cómo protegerse contra estas tácticas de manipulación.Y si están listos para mejorar su vida entendiendo y aplicando este conocimiento, luego desplácese hacia arriba y haga clic en "agregar al carrito."

  • - Aprenda los usos Practicos y las defensas de la manipulacion, la influencia emocional y otras tecnicas secretas
    af Victor Sykes
    228,95 kr.

    Las personas son manipuladas todos los días y ni siquiera se dan cuenta. Caminan sin darse cuenta de lo vulnerables que son a los Manipuladores Oscuros del mundo.Afortunadamente, puede evitar que esto le suceda a USTED, si sabe cómo ...Aquí tienes una pequeña fracción de lo que descubrirás: Cómo configurar tu cerebro para lanzar banderas rojas cuando estas técnicas se usan en tu contra.Qué es la psicología oscura y cómo se usa para controlar a las personas.Las técnicas sutiles que tienen efectos drásticos en la mente de los inconscientes.Los roles / trabajos en la sociedad que tienen más probabilidades de manipularte.Los trucos sucios que usan los familiares y amantes para controlar a sus víctimas.Comprende por qué estas técnicas de persuasión malintencionadas son tan efectivas.Estudios de caso que muestran cuánto daño puede hacer un maestro manipulador.La fuente de la psicología oscura casi todos se exponen voluntariamente todos los días.Incluso si solo aprendió a defenderse contra UNO de los ataques mentales cubiertos en este libro, vale la pena la inversión.Entonces, si quieres mantener tu vida y tu mente bajo tu control, haz clic en "añadir al carrito".

  • - Técnicas y atributos para entender la persuasión y la manipulación usando la psicología humana
    af Victor Sykes
    228,95 kr.

    Alguna vez ha estado hablando con alguien y sus pensamientos o sentimientos ¿han cambiado drásticamente en tan solo unos minutos?Quizás te fuiste preguntándote qué pasó. ¿Cómo una breve conversación tuvo un efecto tan poderoso en ti?Posiblemente haya estado del otro lado e influido de forma masiva en los pensamientos u opiniones de otra persona.Si es así, has echado un vistazo al reino de la influencia real.Puedes aprender algunas técnicas básicas en línea o en otros libros, pero solo obtendrá la mitad de la historia (en el mejor de los casos).El problema es que esas técnicas (básicas) no serán muy efectivas porque omiten algo.No te enseñan cómo alcanzar los atributos que multiplicarán la efectividad de las técnicas.Sin tener una mentalidad sólida y los atributos principales de un factor de influencia, no está llegando a ningún lado, ni cerca de su poder potencial.Aquí hay una pequeña muestra de lo que aprenderá Los principios de la persuasión. La internalización de estos te dará una sensación de sexto sentido cuando otros intentan manipularte.Técnicas para persuadir a los demás. No solo lo básico que puedes encontrar en cualquier otro lugar. Este es el verdadero negocio.Cómo desarrollar estas particularidades para hacer las técnicas 10 veces más efectivas.Habilidades para conversar, muy fáciles de aprender. Conviértete en mejor que un natural.El lenguaje corporal de la persuasión y cómo leer si alguien está abierto a influir.Cómo detectar un manipulador y cómo evitar que te manipulen.Métodos de narración de historias que intrigan a los demás y los hacen más dispuestos a aceptar tu influencia.Y mucho, mucho más...Una vez que entienda estos métodos y técnicas, no solo mejorará su capacidad para percibir cuándo alguien está tratando de influir en usted, sino también cómo responde a ellos.Y puede utilizar el poder de influencia en su vida diaria para influir en otros para crear situaciones de ganar / ganar para usted y para ellos.Si está listo para agregar estas habilidades a su vida, desplácese hacia arriba y haga clic en "agregar al carrito".

  • - The Defense Guide Against Persuasion Tactics, Covert Mind Games, and Emotional Control
    af Victor Sykes
    218,95 kr.

    Mental manipulation happens every day. In relationships, at work, everywhere.If you don't know how to recognize it and defend against it, you are being exploited and taken advantage of.I'm sure you've felt that voice in the back of your head when an interaction doesn't feel quite right. Asking yourself if something shady is going on.Do you want to understand what is really happening in these interactions? And do you want to know how to recognize all the times you're being manipulated without even realizing it?If so, then you’ve come to the right place.Here’s just a tiny fraction of what you’ll discover:The 24 most common ways that people manipulate you so that you aren't in the dark when these situations ariseThe big 18 methods of Emotional Manipulation that are used to control youThe red flags to instantly identify a narcissistHow Psychological Manipulation is done through wordsWhat you need to do to become immune to the different types of manipulationThe types of positive and acceptable manipulationHow to ultimately cut negative manipulation out of your life…and much, much more!Take a second to imagine how your life will be when you are no longer vulnerable to being exploited by manipulators.So even if you know little to nothing about manipulation, this book will show you how to protect yourself against these manipulation tactics.And if you are ready to make your life better by understanding and applying this knowledge then scroll up and click “add to cart”.

  • - Psychology of Human Behavior, Influencing Others, and the Power of Nudges
    af Victor Sykes
    218,95 kr.

    You have the power to influence people. Do you want to learn how to use it effectively?Influencing others can have a positive effect on their lives.When you are influential, people are more likely to follow your guidance.Do you want to harness the power of influence?Do you want to develop your persuasion skills?Do you want to learn how to silently control people's behavior?If so, then you're in the right place.To influence people, you have to understand human behavior; how a person thinks, feels, and reacts in various situations.You should know…Your influence is more powerful than you think.You can change people's perspectives and choices.You can control how a person behaves.You just have to know when to do it, and when NOT to do it.Here are some of the key points that you will learn in Influence Human Behavior: How you can influence human behavior How you can predict human behavior How you can have the power to influence people How to be more influential Understanding the dark side of influence How to control people silently ...and many more techniques! Start thinking of influence as a gift. This is a skill that you can master and learn. You can also learn to protect yourself from people who are trying to use dark influence on you. If you are ready to add this important skill to your life, then scroll up and click "Add to Cart".

  • - Identify and Outsmart the Manipulators and Develop Your Mental Strength
    af Victor Sykes
    218,95 kr.

    Mental Manipulation happens every day without most people noticing it. You could be the next victim.If you don't know how manipulation works, then you are at greater risk of being the next target. As a victim, you've felt the loss of control. It is as if you have LOST THE FREEDOM to think, to decide, and to defend yourself.Do you want a deeper understanding of mind control and manipulation?Do you recognize a manipulator when you interact with one?Do you want to know the tactics that manipulators do to control someone?If yes, then you are in the right place."Manipulation, fueled with good intent, can be a blessing. But when used wickedly, it is the beginning of a magician's karmic calamity."- T.F. HodgeThat feeling of power and strength over other people, it is exactly what manipulators feel. The way they assert power over you is not what you deserve. You need to understand that manipulation happens everywhere. You have to learn to recognize and fight it.You should know…You can learn how to manipulate people (in a positive way.)You can understand how it really works.You can learn to sense, "When something feels wrong."The best way to see through mental manipulation is to recognize what is happening.YOU HAVE TO SEE THAT SOMEONE IS MANIPULATING YOU. And it is more common than you think.Here's a peek at just some of what you will learn: The art of manipulating someone by seeing what the manipulators see. Understanding how manipulation and mind control works. Identifying the manipulators around you and knowing why they want to attack the minds of others. The #1 weakness that makes you most vulnerable to manipulators. The most effective tactics manipulators use against their victims. How to outsmart a master manipulator. ...and so much more! Imagine how life will be after you are no longer exploitable by these people. This book will help you see behind these manipulators' masks. You will learn how to protect yourself and maintain control of your mind. If you are ready to face life head-on by applying this information, then scroll up and click "Add to Cart".

  • - Speed Reading People and Analyzing Body Language
    af Victor Sykes
    218,95 kr.

    Learn to analyze people in one look and unmask the truth...If you have been manipulated, lied to, hurt, and played by people, then keep reading…Have you always wanted to figure out who a person truly is? I'm guessing you've read plenty of books on analyzing people and watched tons of expert coaching videos, but none seems to have come close to reality.If you don't know how to analyze people, then you will often be caught off-guard by the things people do. When someone comes into your life, you don't know if they will be good for you or not. You may even fall victim to their plans and hidden agenda.Do you want to know how to analyze people instantly?Do you want to know if someone is lying straight to your face?Do you want to avoid making the wrong assumption about someone?If you are tired of it, then you've just found the key to mastering it all!"I've always been a very good judge of people.That's why I like so very few of them."-Donna VanLiereKnowing who people are and what they want to do with you, gives you the power to decide how to deal with them.Most people are in your life for a reason. Some are bad, while some are good.You don't want to be a victim of their games.You can make better choices if you analyze them correctly.Do you know…You actually can learn how to analyze people.You can tell if someone is lying to you.You can read their body language and foresee what they might be up to.You can avoid a bad relationship before it starts to happen.The best way to avoid that is through a learned skill…You can learn how to read people and their intentions quickly and efficiently.Here are some exciting things you'll discover in this book: How to unmask people in a conversation Avoiding manipulation and being a victim Acquiring an important life skill: READING PEOPLE Mastering simple techniques in analyzing people Knowing when someone is lying to you Avoiding false assumptions of people Knowing yourself better ...and so much more! Imagine how much at peace you will be if you could prevent the wrong people from coming into your life. This book will be your saving grace. The knowledge that you can learn and master from it is something that will prove useful for a lifetime. If you are ready to master this skill, then scroll up and click "Add to Cart".

  • - Tricks and Defenses Against Dark Persuasion, Brainwashing, NLP, and Manipulative Seduction
    af Victor Sykes
    218,95 kr.

    We dive deeper into more advanced and powerful forms of dark psychology. This knowledge will prevent you from being a victim of these mental attacks.Here's a sample of what you will learn: The most vulnerable traits that manipulators will target. You need to know these so you can avoid being easy prey for their techniques. 5 advanced dark psychology tactics used to control people. Mind games used to pit your feelings against you. A deeper look at NLP and how to defend against its powerful tricks. The 9 most common persuasion techniques. Once you understand these, you'll be able to detect and defend against them. Covert emotional manipulation used in seduction. Understand these dirty psychological tricks to avoid dating the wrong person. Take this knowledge and use it for good. Keep yourself and your loved ones protected against the dark manipulators of the world. So if you want to develop a mental shield against these tricks and tactics, click "add to cart".

  • - Techniques and Attributes to Understand the Psychology Behind Persuasion and Manipulation
    af Victor Sykes
    218,95 kr.

    Have you ever been talking with someone and had your thoughts or feelings drastically changed within just a few minutes? Maybe you walked away wondering what happened. How did a short conversation have such a powerful effect on you? Maybe you've been on the other side and influenced someone else's thoughts or opinions in a massive way.If so, you've had a glimpse into the realm of real influence.You can learn a few basic techniques online or in other books but you'll only be getting half of the story (at best.)The problem is that those (basic) techniques won't be very effective because they leave something out. They don't teach you how to attain the attributes that will multiply the effectiveness of the techniques. Without having a strong mindset and the core attributes of an influencer, you're not reaching anywhere near your potential power.Here is a small sample of what you will learn:The principles of persuasion. Internalizing these will give you a kind of sixth-sense feel of when others are trying to manipulate you.Techniques to persuade others. Not just the basics you can find anywhere else. This is the real deal.How to develop the attributes to make the techniques 10-times more effective.Conversation skills that you can learn quickly. Become better than a natural.The body language of persuasion and how to read if someone is open to influence.How to spot a manipulator and how to stop them from manipulating you.Storytelling methods that will intrigue others and make them more willing to accept your influence....and much, much more! Once you understand these methods and techniques, you will not only improve your ability to perceive when someone is trying to influence you but also how you respond to it. And you can use the power of influence in your everyday life to influence others to create win/win situations for you and them. If you're ready to add these skills to your life then scroll up and click “add to cart.”

  • - Instantly Read Body Language, Learn Techniques for Speed Reading People, and Analyzing Behavior with Human Psychology
    af Victor Sykes
    218,95 kr.

    If you’ve always wanted to learn how to analyze people but don't know where to start then keep reading...Are you sick and tired of not being able to read people? Have you studied endless other body language articles and guides from the so-called “experts” but nothing seems to work? If so, then you’ve come to the right place. You see, analyzing people doesn’t have to be difficult. You don't have to have a degree in psychology or years of training to know how to read people quickly. This guide boils down the unneeded details and leaves you with the practical, real-world skills to analyze people on the spot. In fact, it’s easier than you think.Here’s just a tiny fraction of what you’ll discover:How to develop your perception and intuition to automatically pick up on body language cluesThe biggest mistake people make when trying to read peopleHow to instantly spot the most powerful person in the roomThe #1 thing to look for to know if someone is intelligent (It's not what you think)The BIG signs someone is lying to youLittle-known speech clues that give you a ton of information about a person's personality and mindsetSurefire signals he or she is romantically interested in you (This is different for men and women)...and much, much more! Take a second to imagine how your day-to-day life will change when you can instantly analyze people everywhere you go. So even if you’ve tried to learn these skills before but still feel lost and frustrated, this guide will give you the practical tools and knowledge to read and understand people in a way few others ever will. And if you have a burning desire to finally learn how to analyze people then scroll up and click “add to cart”

  • - Learn the Practical Uses and Defenses of Manipulation, Emotional Influence, Persuasion, Deception, Mind Control, Covert NLP, Brainwashing, and Other Secret Techniques
    af Victor Sykes
    218,95 kr.

    People are manipulated every day and they don't even realize it. They walk around unaware of how vulnerable they are to the Dark Manipulators of the world.Luckily, you can keep this from happening to YOU, if you know how...In this book you will discover:How to hard-wire your brain to throw up red flags when these techniques are being used against you.What is Dark Psychology and how is it used to control people.The subtle techniques that have drastic effects on the minds of the unaware.The roles/jobs in society that are most likely to manipulate you.The dirty tricks family members and lovers use to control their victims.Understand why these underhanded persuasion techniques are so effective.Case studies showcasing how much damage a master manipulator can do.The source of Dark Psychology almost everyone willingly exposes themselves to every day.Even if you only learned to defend against ONE of the mental attacks covered in this book, it is well worth the investment.So if you want to keep your life and mind under your control then click "add to cart".