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Bøger af Valerio Gargiulo

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  • af Valerio Gargiulo
    154,95 kr.

    Venerdì 2 novembre, 1956 Grazie all'intercessione di un amico comune, Luciano Lovecchio viene invitato ad una seduta spiritica organizzata da una marchesa torinese, Evelina Buonarroti Santospirito, presso il castello sabaudo della Mandria. La contessa è conosciuta nel mondo dell'esoterismo italiano, e Luciano vorrebbe dimostrare che i suoi esperimenti medianici non sono altro che messinscene architettate ad arte per suggestionare i suoi ospiti. Alla serata partecipano personaggi in vista dell'aristocrazia, della scienza e dello spettacolo, e c'è persino un monsignore. Nel corso della seduta viene invocata una entità della mitologia norrena, "Nótt", la personificazione della notte. Alla fine verrà cacciato dalla marchesa che scopre le sue vere intenzioni. Iniziano a succedere cose strane che faranno vacillare il suo scetticismo verso il paranormale, soprattuto a seguito dell'incontro in treno con Vittorio, un antiquario torinese. Qualcuno farà di tutto per ostacolare il suo viaggio di ritorno, tra antiche pietre runiche, dimensioni parallele e vite precedenti.

  • af Valerio Gargiulo
    153,95 kr.

    This book contains the complete series based on the Valentino Voto saga. 1) The Incredible Journey of a Neapolitan Puffin. The novel takes place in two main cities: Naples, Italy; and Reykjavik, Iceland. Valentino Voto, a bright Italian guy, is feeling bored and dissatisfied. While attempting to finish his Ph.D. in cultural anthropology, he comes across a mysterious Icelandic lady, Gudrun. The events that followed changed his life forever: a series of unexplained episodes, precognitive dreams, occult and pagan beliefs, elves and other mythical beings, winter night landscape and polar northern lights...Is Gudrun really the girl of his dreams or a ghost? 2) Back to Thule. In 168 BC the Roman legions conquered Macedon, putting an end to the Antigonid dynasty in the Third Macedonian War. Apollonius was one of the 1,000 Achaean nobles who were transported to Rome as hostages. The Battle of Örlygsstaðir, the biggest battle fought on Icelandic soil, took place on August 21st, 1238. Gissur þorvaldsson, a medieval Icelandic chieftain of the Haukdælir family clan, emerged victorious after a short battle. Naples, 28 February 2018. Valentino Voto decides to come back to Iceland with his new friend Marco. He wants to understand to what extent his first journey to that island existed only in his imagination. What do Apollonius, Gissur and Valentino have in common? How their epochs are connected? And if Gudrun, Valentino's platonic love, does exist in reality? Everything seems to revolve around the legend of Fenrir, a monstrous wolf of Norse mythology. 3) The Diabolical Miracles of Vesturbær. Valentino Voto and his friend Marco Oddur decide to spend the evening in a Reykjavík club. Marco is strange, almost unrecognizable. But what will happen shortly thereafter in his villa in Suðurgata? Why doesn't Lena, his fiancée, answer the phone? Autumn is coming on the island with its decadent atmosphere and a "diabolical miracle" is about to upset the unchanging quiet of the Vesturbær neighborhood. Valentino will be drawn into a swirling and inexorable plot that will involve him in occult practices of seven thousand years old: sometimes evil comes from the past.

  • af Valerio Gargiulo
    93,95 kr.

    Napoli, 19 febbraio 2022. Rosetta si trova in un letto di ospedale tra la vita e la morte. Elvira la sta aspettando per guidarla in quella fase di transizione. Insieme dovranno compiere una missione speciale che le porterà faccia faccia con Putin. Ambientata in un mondo parallelo al nostro, la storia racconta il forte legame che unisce due amiche, due donne ironiche e piene di vita. "Di nuovo insieme in Paradiso" è una storia che descrive il potere della sorellanza e dell'amicizia. In un susseguirsi di incontri con personaggi più o meno celebri, situazioni paradossali, fattucchiere improvvisate, sedute spiritiche e quiz televisivi: riuscirà Rosetta a compiere la sua missione speciale? - L'amicizia è quel sentimento forte che può legare due bambine come fossero sorelle - Il libro è il sequel de "I Racconti di Elvira".

  • af Valerio Gargiulo
    118,95 kr.

    In 168 BC the Roman legions conquered Macedon, putting an end to the Antigonid dynasty in the Third Macedonian War. Apollonius was one of the 1,000 Achaean nobles who were transported to Rome as hostages.The Battle of Örlygsstaðir, the biggest battle fought on Icelandic soil, took place on August 21st, 1238. Gissur þorvaldsson, a medieval Icelandic chieftain of the Haukdælir family clan, emerged victorious after a short battle.Naples, 28 February 2018. Valentino Voto decides to come back to Iceland with his new friend Marco. He wants to understand to what extent his first journey to that island existed only in his imagination.What do Apollonius, Gissur and Valentino have in common? How their epochs are connected? And if Gudrun, Valentino's platonic love, does exist in reality?Everything seems to revolve around the legend of Fenrir, a monstrous wolf of Norse mythology.

  • af Valerio Gargiulo
    118,95 kr.

    La novela se desarrolla en dos ciudades principales: Nápoles, Italia; y Reykjavik, Islandia. Valentino Voto, un brillante estudiante italiano, se siente aburrido e insatisfecho. Mientras intenta terminar su doctorado en antropología cultural, se encuentra con una misteriosa dama islandesa, Gudrun. Los eventos que seguirán cambiarán su vida para siempre: una serie de episodios inexplicables, sueños precognitivos, creencias ocultas y paganas, elfos y otros seres míticos, paisaje nocturno de invierno y auroras polares ... ¿Es realmente Gudrun la chica de sus sueños o un fantasma?

  • af Valerio Gargiulo
    128,95 kr.

    Nel 168 a.C. le legioni romane conquistano la Macedonia. Il greco Apollonide viene fatto prigioniero a seguito di questi eventi. Il 21 agosto 1238 si combatte la battaglia di Örlygsstaðir, la più grande dell'intera storia dell'Islanda. Gissur þorvaldsson del clan degli Haukdælir ne esce vincitore. Napoli, 28 febbraio 2018. Valentino Voto decide di ritornare in Islanda insieme con il suo nuovo amico Marco. Vuole capire fino a che punto il suo primo viaggio su quell'isola fu un esperienza immaginata oppure vissuta.Cosa avranno in comune Apollonide, Gissur e Valentino? Quale collegamento si cela tra queste epoche lontane tra di loro? E se Gudrun, l'amore platonico di Valentino, esistesse realmente?Tutto sembra ruotare intorno ad una leggenda, quella del lupo Fenrir.Il romanzo è il seguito del libro L'Incredibile Viaggio di un Pulcinella di Mare Napoletano.

  • af Valerio Gargiulo
    118,95 kr.

    The novel takes place in two main cities: Naples, Italy; and Reykjavik, Iceland. Valentino Voto, a bright Italian guy, is feeling bored and dissatisfied. While attempting to finish his PhD in cultural anthropology, he comes across a mysterious Icelandic lady, Gudrun. The events that followed changed his life forever: a series of unexplained episodes, precognitive dreams, occult and pagan beliefs, elves and other mythical beings, winter night landscape and polar northern lights...Is Gudrun really the girl of his dreams or a ghost?

  • af Valerio Gargiulo
    173,95 kr.

    My mother will always exist in my memories and thoughts. She will never die. However, grief is painful, and I decided to face it by writing this book. Elvira's Tales is a story on the edge of life, where I imagined my mother in a world parallel to ours, in a place of transition between life and death. Despite the seriousness and complexity of afterlife topics, my mother's joyful spirit will prevail throughout the narration. "Elvira is a lively seventy-year-old woman. She has a rich and full life. Returning from her friend's home, she finds herself inexplicably stuck in a room with a stranger. In that room with white walls and minimalist furnishings, Elvira tells stories and anecdotes to pass the time. That place, however, turns out to be a sort of borderland between parallel worlds. From here, in the company of various characters, Elvira must understand which decision to take. Where she will decide to go?" - God could not be everywhere, and therefore he created mothers -

  • af Valerio Gargiulo
    118,95 kr.

    Valentino Voto and his friend Marco Oddur decide to spend the evening in a Reykjavík club. Marco is strange, almost unrecognizable. But what will happen shortly thereafter in his villa in Suðurgata? Why doesn't Lena, his fiancée, answer the phone? Autumn is coming on the island with its decadent atmosphere and a "diabolical miracle" is about to upset the unchanging quiet of the Vesturbær neighborhood. Valentino will be drawn into a swirling and inexorable plot that will involve him in occult practices of seven thousand years old: sometimes evil comes from the past.