Bøger af Tzvetan Todorov
- The Question of the Other
313,95 kr. The Conquest of America is a fascinating study of cultural confrontation in the New World, with implications far beyond sixteenth-century America. The book offers an original interpretation of the Spaniards' conquest, colonization, and destruction of pre-Columbian cultures in Mexico and the Caribbean.
- Bog
- 313,95 kr.
- Beyond the Clash of Civilizations
338,95 kr. Drawing on history, anthropology, and politics, and bringing to bear examples ranging from the murder of Theo van Gogh to the French ban on headscarves, this book argues that the West must overcome its fear of Islam if it is to avoid betraying the values it claims to protect.
- Bog
- 338,95 kr.
- The Legacy of Humanism
255,95 kr. Available in English for the first time, Imperfect Garden is both an approachable intellectual history and a bracing treatise on how we should understand and experience our lives. In it, one of France's most prominent intellectuals explores the foundations, limits, and possibilities of humanist thinking. Through his critical but sympathetic excavation of humanism, Tzvetan Todorov seeks an answer to modernity's fundamental challenge: how to maintain our hard-won liberty without paying too dearly in social ties, common values, and a coherent and responsible sense of self. Todorov reads afresh the works of major humanists--primarily Montaigne, Rousseau, and Constant, but also Descartes, Montesquieu, and Toqueville. Each chapter considers humanism's approach to one major theme of human existence: liberty, social life, love, self, morality, and expression. Discussing humanism in dialogue with other systems, Todorov finds a response to the predicament of modernity that is far more instructive than any offered by conservatism, scientific determinism, existential individualism, or humanism's other contemporary competitors. Humanism suggests that we are members of an intelligent and sociable species who can act according to our will while connecting the well-being of other members with our own. It is through this understanding of free will, Todorov argues, that we can use humanism to rescue universality and reconcile human liberty with solidarity and personal integrity. Placing the history of ideas at the service of a quest for moral and political wisdom, Todorov's compelling and no doubt controversial rethinking of humanist ideas testifies to the enduring capacity of those ideas to meditate on--and, if we are fortunate, cultivate--the imperfect garden in which we live.
- Bog
- 255,95 kr.
233,95 kr. - Bog
- 233,95 kr.
- Life and Death in Communist Bulgaria
685,95 kr. This is a collection of testimonies from inmates, guards, commandants and bureaucrats whose lives were connected with one of the most brutal concentration camps in Communist Eastern Europe - the Gulag.
- Bog
- 685,95 kr.
- An Essay on Rousseau
258,95 - 588,95 kr. Rousseau is often said to have "discovered and invented our modernity", and the author's interpretation centres on the question of what sort of life we can live in modern times.
- Bog
- 258,95 kr.
173,95 kr. Recounts the author's own experiences with totalitarianism in his native Bulgaria, offering a historical look at communism. This title reveals the essence of totalitarian ideology, the characteristics of daily life under communism, and the irony of democratic messianism.
- Bog
- 173,95 kr.
462,95 - 1.098,95 kr. This is a collection in translation of recent essays by Tzvelan Todorov, one of the most eminent of today's literary critics. Todorov proposes definitions for the notions of literature, discourse and genre, discusses the two principal literary genres, fiction and poetry, and examines individual authors as case studies.
- Bog
- 462,95 kr.
- Reflections on the Twentieth Century
228,95 kr. A landmark new account of the twentieth century from one of Europe's most outstanding thinkers.
- Bog
- 228,95 kr.
148,95 kr. Oversat af Lars Bonnevie.Denne lille perle af en bog fra den internationalt anerkendte filosof, lingvist og litteraturforsker Tzvetan Todorov fastsætter Oplysningstiden som den filosofiske hjørnesten i den moderne verden og hævder, at Oplysningens visdom er lige så relevant for os i dag, som den var i 17700-tallet. Selv om vores liberale demokratier er afkom af Oplysningstiden, illustrerer også de, hvordan dens ideer kan fordrejes og pervertereres. Mennesker, der lever i nutidens demokratier, er ofte usikre over en række rænomener, som de ikke ved, hvordan de skal vurdere: globalisering og mediernes almagt, økonomiens dominans og teknologiens triumf, statssponsoreret tortur, løgne, moralisme og retten til at intervenere."DET ER VED AT KRITISERE OPLYSNINGSTIDEN, AT VI FORBLIVER TROFASTE OVER FOR DEN", SKRIVER TODOROV.Tzetan Todorov, f. 1939, er bulgarskfødt fransk litteraturforsker, kendt over hele verden som et afgørende bindeled mellem russiks foramlisme og fransk strukturalisme. Blandt de tidligste værker om fortællestrukturer og litterære genrer er hans mest kendte Introduction à la littérature fantastique, 1970 (Den fantastiske litteratur, 1989). Forfatterskabet omfatter også bredt anlagte udgivelser om kolonialisme, nationalisme og race samt et essay om, hvordan det liberale demokratis udenrigspolitik bør se ud i en moderne verden: New world disorder: reflections of a european, 2005.Nærværende oversættelse af L'Esprit des Lumieres (Til forsvar for oplysningen) er udkommet på mere end 10 forskellige sprog.
- Bog
- 148,95 kr.
- en indføring
198,95 kr. Tzvetan Todorov afstikker i denne banebrydende bog grænserne for en genre: Fantastikken placeres i et grænseområde mellem to tilstødende genrer, og et centralt element i bestemmelsen er læserens reaktion på fortællingens fantastiske hændelser.Ifølge Todorov forudsætter det fantastiske, at et rationelt verdensbillede forefindes, så læseren, konfronteret med det tilsyneladende overnaturliges indgriben, må undres - og dermed bringes til en tøven. Hvad er der her på færde? Er der en mulig naturlig forklaring? Eller må det anerkendes, at naturlovene kan sættes ud af kraft?Den gådefulde uro og tvivl, som forekomsten af det uforklarlige vækker hos aktørerne - i teksten såvel som hos læseren - er konstitutiv for genren. Det er essentielt, at denne vaklen mellem modstridende forklaringsmodi opretholdes, for vælges den ene eller den anden, forlades også den fantastiske genre. Med afgørelsen bestemmes tekstens genremæssige tilhørsforhold.Bogen anses for at være hovedværket inden for studiet af den fantastiske litteratur. Todorovs teori står ikke uanfægtet, men siden bogen udkom i 1970, har stort set enhver, der har forsket inden for feltet, relateret sig til Todorovs bestemmelser som et inspirerende udgangspunkt for teoretisk videreudvikling.
- Bog
- 198,95 kr.