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Bøger af Troy Schmidt

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  • - Answers to Questions about Heaven
    af Troy Schmidt
    108,95 kr.

    Is there such a place as purgatory? What is Judgment Day? Will people literally burn for eternity in hell? Will I see my pets in heaven? What will we do in heaven all day? Will we go to the bathroom in heaven? Is there sex in heaven? Reason for Hope: Answers to Your Question about Heaven looks at 72 questions that have perplexed believers and non-believers alike. People want to know what to expect from the afterlife. This book is perfect for those who want to be prepared to give others clear and concise answers to questions they hear all the time. Hopefully, it will give people hope and excitement about the eternal place God has prepared for all believers. This the third book in the REASON FOR HOPE series, which includes "Reason for Hope: Answers to Your Bible Questions" and "Reason for Hope: MORE Answers to Your Bible Questions."

  • af Troy Schmidt
    108,95 kr.

    The Apostle Paul wrote more books of the Bible than any other person (thirteen). His writings, starting with Romans, have given insight into a person's faith in Christ unparalleled by any other author.And all this coming from the man who persecuted the church.These six books of the Bible cover a wide range of topics from church roles to church discipline, the character of Christians to the rebels trying to disrupt the church, from modern times to end times.Paul wrote two of these books to a church in Thessalonica in Greece. He then wrote two more to Timothy, a pastor in Ephesus found today in Turkey and a letter to Titus, a pastor on the remote island of Crete. Finally, a personal letter appears in the often-forgotten (but wonderfully metaphorical) letter to Philemon.These six books of Bible cover the strengths and weaknesses of many different churches in many different areas. They address the problems and the successes as these new churches struggled to overcome the worldly influence of ungodly regions of the earth.Sound familiar? 1 Thessalonians to Philemon are as much applicable today as they were nearly 2,000 years ago.PRAYING THROUGH THE BIBLE SERIES recognizes the power of God speaking to mankind through His Scriptures. God's word was not only meant to be read, but applied. We must apply ourselves to these passages and adjust our lives to God's will.Today, God uses many ways to speak to us. This book incorporates those avenues of communication to ensure that God will speak to you during your quiet time with Him.Each section asks the reader to do six things.1.Read the passage. Open up the Bible and read His Word.2.Memorize the passage. A certain verse is given special focus. Commit it to memory. Remember it all day.3.Understand the passage. Background information (Time, Characters, Place, What's Happening) help you to understand the context of the section you are reading.4.Read the prayer. Read the written prayer as if it is from your heart. Don't recite them as words from a page, but a plea from your soul.5.Keep praying. Prayer prompts are there to help you continue praying about other specific areas. Listen to the Holy Spirit and see if there is more you need to pray.6.Journal your thoughts. In the space provided, write down some thoughts that you feel God said to your during this time. Every five sections I've included a "Prayer Thoughts" page to give you more room to journal your thoughts and write down prayer requests as you go through the Bible.Get ready to spend some quality time with God.Get ready for God to speak to you through His Word.

  • af Troy Schmidt
    153,95 kr.

    The Gospels are what it's all about.The Gospels give meaning, reason and fulfillment to the Old Testament and purpose and motivation to the Epistles that follow.The Gospels are all about Jesus.This "good news" (as the word gospel defines) tells the world that they can be forgiven for their sins through the one-time, ultimate sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross. Where would we be today without the Gospels?PRAYING THROUGH THE GOSPELS begins your prayer journey through four of the most powerful books in the Bible, each with its own personality and emphasis. The Gospels are life and yours won't be the same after you pray through them.PRAYING THROUGH THE BIBLE SERIESWhat is God's word? Simply put, it is the word of God spoken to people long ago who transcribed that information into writing. That writing was meticulously passed down for thousands of years to speak to us today.How did God speak to people in Bible times? -Audibly - God spoke directly to people who heard him with their ears or in their heart.-Through situations - God spoke through the actions and events of this world.-Through people - God spoke through leaders, kings and prophets who proclaimed God's purpose.-Through prophecy - God spoke about future events, then those events happened.-Scripture - God spoke through his written word when people read those words later.-Prayer - God spoke through the prayers of people.PRAYING THROUGH THE BIBLE SERIES recognizes the power of God speaking to mankind through His Scriptures. God's word was not only meant to be read, but applied. We must apply ourselves to these passages and adjust our lives to God's will.Today, God uses many ways to speak to us. This book incorporates those avenues of communication to ensure that God will speak to you during your quiet time with Him.Each section asks the reader to do six things.1.Read the passage. Open up the Bible and read His Word.2.Memorize the passage. A certain verse is given special focus. Commit it to memory. Remember it all day.3.Understand the passage. Background information (Time, Characters, Place, What's Happening) help you to understand the context of the section you are reading.4.Read the prayer. Read the written prayer as if it is from your heart. Don't recite them as words from a page, but a plea from your soul.5.Keep praying. Prayer prompts are there to help you continue praying about other specific areas. Listen to the Holy Spirit and see if there is more you need to pray.6.Journal your thoughts. In the space provided, write down some thoughts that you feel God said to your during this time. Every five sections I've included a "Prayer Thoughts" page to give you more room to journal your thoughts and write down prayer requests as you go through the Bible.Get ready to spend some quality time with God.Get ready for God to speak to you through His Word.

  • af Troy Schmidt
    153,95 kr.

    Paul was a persecutor of Christians.He was a Pharisee, tasked with arresting, stoning and threatening those following this newfound religion that claimed a dead man came to life to prove he was God.Then one day, on a road to Damascus to break up more churches, Paul met this Jesus and his life changed.Now Paul became the world's greatest evangelist, church planter and spokesman for Jesus Christ.His letters to churches and individuals were meant to instruct, guide and rebuke people in this newfound faith. They did that then and they do so now.He wrote more books of the Bible than any other author. Thirteen total.By praying through Paul's letters, you'll have a deeper understanding of God's grace and Jesus' sacrifice for you. Paul wants you to know that if Jesus died for a sinner like him, then God would certainly die for someone like you.PRAYING THROUGH THE BIBLE SERIES recognizes the power of God speaking to mankind through His Scriptures. God's word was not only meant to be read, but applied. We must apply ourselves to these passages and adjust our lives to God's will.Today, God uses many ways to speak to us. This book incorporates those avenues of communication to ensure that God will speak to you during your quiet time with Him.Each section asks the reader to do six things.1.Read the passage. Open up the Bible and read His Word.2.Memorize the passage. A certain verse is given special focus. Commit it to memory. Remember it all day.3.Understand the passage. Background information (Time, Characters, Place, What's Happening) help you to understand the context of the section you are reading.4.Read the prayer. Read the written prayer as if it is from your heart. Don't recite them as words from a page, but a plea from your soul.5.Keep praying. Prayer prompts are there to help you continue praying about other specific areas. Listen to the Holy Spirit and see if there is more you need to pray.6.Journal your thoughts. In the space provided, write down some thoughts that you feel God said to your during this time. Every five sections I've included a "Prayer Thoughts" page to give you more room to journal your thoughts and write down prayer requests as you go through the Bible.Get ready to spend some quality time with God.Get ready for God to speak to you through His Word.

  • - 40 Days to Help You Believe, Belong, Become and Live Beyond Yourself
    af Troy Schmidt
    98,95 kr.

    We go to church.We join a church.We call ourselves a member of a church.But what does it meant to BE the church?Here is the first time the word "church" was used in the Bible. And it came right from Jesus.And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overpower it. Matthew 16:18Jesus never called the church a building. In his day, there was no church building, just homes and community gathering places like the temple courtyard.When all the individuals in the church decide to BE the church, the church becomes the force it was meant to BE.There are four purposes of the church that we'll examine over the next forty days-Believe, Belong, Become, Beyond. Those four purposes all begin with the letters B-E so you can understand what God wants the church to BE. You'll discover after forty days, that the church is far more than a place you go, but a person God called you to BE.

  • af Troy Schmidt
    108,95 kr.

    There are many verses in the Bible that make any reader - first-timers to long-timers - go "hmmmmm." What does that mean? The statements seem contradictory or sexist or racist at first glance.Once you understand the context and the history behind these verses, your "hmmmmm" turns into a "ahhhhhhhh!"With over 23,000 verses in the Bible, some have to be confusing, questionable or maybe unsettling. That's okay. This is an ancient document, covering over two thousand years of history that happened over two thousand years ago.We will always have questions, but there are always answers if we only take the time to discover them.I hope "The 100 Most Confusing Verses in the Bible" helps you to understand those mysterious verses more clearly, not only for your own faith, but the questions that others always seem to throw at you.

  • af Troy Schmidt
    108,95 kr.

    There's no book in the Bible quite like Revelation. There's no book more controversial like Revelation.We treat Revelation like a puzzle that needs to be figured out so we can figure out when Jesus is going to return. But what if we did know? What if the numbers and signs added up and it all pointed to tomorrow! Would we be ready? Would our friends and family?Revelation is not a puzzle. It's a revelation. So what does Revelation really reveal?Revelation reveals God's power and authority over time. Revelation reveals God's judgment on thousands of years of sin. When you pray through Revelation using this prayer guide, don't worry about the puzzle. Be inspired by the power of Revelation. Be introspective too, examining your own life and making sure you're on God's side and ready for the day of His return.This volume of PRAYING THROUGH THE BIBLE SERIES uses scripture reading, prayer, meditation and journaling to ensure that God will communicate to you during your time with Him as you walk through Revelation.PRAYING THROUGH THE BIBLE SERIES recognizes the power of God speaking to mankind through His Scriptures. God's word was not only meant to be read, but applied. We must apply ourselves to these passages and adjust our lives to God's will.Today, God uses many ways to speak to us. This book incorporates those avenues of communication to ensure that God will speak to you during your quiet time with Him.Each section asks the reader to do six things.1.Read the passage. Open up the Bible and read His Word.2.Memorize the passage. A certain verse is given special focus. Commit it to memory. Remember it all day.3.Understand the passage. Background information (Time, Characters, Place, What's Happening) help you to understand the context of the section you are reading.4.Read the prayer. Read the written prayer as if it is from your heart. Don't recite them as words from a page, but a plea from your soul.5.Keep praying. Prayer prompts are there to help you continue praying about other specific areas. Listen to the Holy Spirit and see if there is more you need to pray.6.Journal your thoughts. In the space provided, write down some thoughts that you feel God said to your during this time. Every five sections I've included a "Prayer Thoughts" page to give you more room to journal your thoughts and write down prayer requests as you go through the Bible.Get ready to spend some quality time with God.Get ready for God to speak to you through His Word.

  • af Troy Schmidt
    108,95 kr.

    Exodus is about salvation. It tells the story of God saving man from slavery. Sometimes God has to go to incredible lengths to reveal his power, but it's all worth it because he hears the cries of his people and he has to do something.God's power could be revealed through incredible earth-shattering miracles in the most powerful nation on earth or through a simple burning bush in the middle of nowhere to a lowly shepherd. God's power is found in His words and promises. There is also power in God's commands. He wants us to live a righteous life so outsiders can understand a righteous God through his people.God saves us from our slavery today. Not through a lamb sacrificed on a mountain, but through a son who was the Lamb of God that died to take away the sin of the world. Exodus sets the stage for Jesus Christ who frees us from the bondage of sin.Exodus reveals to us the heart of God through his commands for a righteous life. We are expected to be like God and his rules show us what God values. To follow the rules is to follow God because we want to be like him.In Exodus we see a way out of our slavery and sin.PRAYING THROUGH THE BIBLE SERIESWhat is God's word? Simply put, it is the word of God spoken to people long ago who transcribed that information into writing. That writing was meticulously passed down for thousands of years to speak to us today.How did God speak to people in Bible times? -Audibly - God spoke directly to people who heard him with their ears or in their heart.-Through situations - God spoke through the actions and events of this world.-Through people - God spoke through leaders, kings and prophets who proclaimed God's purpose.-Through prophecy - God spoke about future events, then those events happened.-Scripture - God spoke through his written word when people read those words later.-Prayer - God spoke through the prayers of people.PRAYING THROUGH THE BIBLE recognizes the power of God speaking to mankind through His Scriptures. God's word was not only meant to be read, but applied. We must apply ourselves to these passages and adjust our lives to God's will.Today, God uses many ways to speak to us. This book incorporates those avenues of communication to ensure that God will speak to you during your quiet time with Him.Each section asks the reader to do six things.1.Read the passage. Open up the Bible and read His Word.2.Memorize the passage. A certain verse is given special focus. Commit it to memory. Remember it all day.3.Understand the passage. Background information (Time, Characters, Place, What's Happening) help you to understand the context of the section you are reading.4.Read the prayer. Read the written prayer as if it is from your heart. Don't recite them as words from a page, but a plea from your soul.5.Keep praying. Prayer prompts are there to help you continue praying about other specific areas. Listen to the Holy Spirit and see if there is more you need to pray.6.Journal your thoughts. In the space provided, write down some thoughts that you feel God said to your during this time. Every so often I've included a "Prayer Thoughts" page to give you more room to journal your thoughts and write down prayer requests as you go through the Bible.Get ready to spend some quality time with God.Get ready for God to speak to you through His Word.

  • af Troy Schmidt
    108,95 kr.

    In Genesis 1, God creates the world.In Genesis 2, God creates the family.So is marriage important to God? You bet it is. He created it.The Bible clearly gives us guidance for our marriages, for our families and for parenting. Our marriages should show others how much God loves us and how much He's willing to sacrifice for us. Our families should show the world how we protect each other and support each other. Our parenting skills should show how God watches over us and nurtures us.Use these 100 Bible verses to evaluate your marriage and family. If you're not married, use these verses to build a strong foundation for when you do.These Bible verses are desperately needed to be applied to our families today. It's time to return to the expert, the one who created it all, and redefine these important institutions for our society.

  • af Troy Schmidt
    108,95 kr.

    1 & 2 Chronicles paints the best picture it can of the nation of Israel and the rise and fall of the kings. Many times the authors use yellows to brighten up the message, giving the impression of sunny days. However, the backgrounds skew towards dark black, as sinful leaders cloud Israel's future and eventually witness its downfall.1 Chronicles begins with nine chapters of genealogies, listing everyone from kings to gatekeepers. While the exercise feels tiresome and unnecessary, it reveals the goal of 1 & 2 Chronicles-to record the legacy of the Israel. One wonders if the writers weren't nervous about Israel's future and felt they needed a detailed record of its history, similar to how one writes an obituary, highlighting only the good parts. Take David, for example, unlike 2 Samuel which exposed all of David's sins, 1 Chronicles references some faults but skips over his major sins.While 1 & 2 Kings unveils the nitty-gritty history of Israel, 1 & 2 Chronicles gives a loving tribute to the nation, preferring the victories over the failures, but inevitably it must share the truth as this nation falls.PRAYING THROUGH THE BIBLE SERIESWhat is God's word? Simply put, it is the word of God spoken to people long ago who transcribed that information into writing. That writing was meticulously passed down for thousands of years to speak to us today.How did God speak to people in Bible times? -Audibly - God spoke directly to people who heard him with their ears or in their heart.-Through situations - God spoke through the actions and events of this world.-Through people - God spoke through leaders, kings and prophets who proclaimed God's purpose.-Through prophecy - God spoke about future events, then those events happened.-Scripture - God spoke through his written word when people read those words later.-Prayer - God spoke through the prayers of people.PRAYING THROUGH THE BIBLE SERIES recognizes the power of God speaking to mankind through His Scriptures. God's word was not only meant to be read, but applied. We must apply ourselves to these passages and adjust our lives to God's will.Today, God uses many ways to speak to us. This book incorporates those avenues of communication to ensure that God will speak to you during your quiet time with Him.Each section asks the reader to do six things.1.Read the passage. Open up the Bible and read His Word.2.Memorize the passage. A certain verse is given special focus. Commit it to memory. Remember it all day.3.Understand the passage. Background information (Time, Characters, Place, What's Happening) help you to understand the context of the section you are reading.4.Read the prayer. Read the written prayer as if it is from your heart. Don't recite them as words from a page, but a plea from your soul.5.Keep praying. Prayer prompts are there to help you continue praying about other specific areas. Listen to the Holy Spirit and see if there is more you need to pray.6.Journal your thoughts. In the space provided, write down some thoughts that you feel God said to your during this time. Every five sections I've included a "Prayer Thoughts" page to give you more room to journal your thoughts and write down prayer requests as you go through the Bible.Get ready to spend some quality time with God.Get ready for God to speak to you through His Word.

  • af Troy Schmidt
    108,95 kr.

    The Gospel of Mark doesn't mess around. No rabbit trails. No sidetracks around prophecy. Just Jesus and his ministry. The book of Mark presents its case in precise detail - " Jesus was (and is) the son of God. How do we know that? Miracles. Wisdom. Sacrifice. Love.PRAYING THROUGH MARK covers all the facts one needs to know to believe Jesus was who he said he was so the readers can put all their faith in him.This volume of PRAYING THROUGH THE BIBLE SERIES uses scripture reading, prayer, meditation and journaling to ensure that God will communicate to you during your time with Him as you walk through the Gospel of Mark.PRAYING THROUGH THE BIBLE SERIES recognizes the power of God speaking to mankind through His Scriptures. God's word was not only meant to be read, but applied. We must apply ourselves to these passages and adjust our lives to God's will. Today, God uses many ways to speak to us. This book incorporates those avenues of communication to ensure that God will speak to you during your quiet time with Him. Each section asks the reader to do six things. 1. Read the passage. Open up the Bible and read His Word. 2. Memorize the passage. A certain verse is given special focus. Commit it to memory. Remember it all day. 3. Understand the passage. Background information (Time, Characters, Place, What's Happening) help you to understand the context of the section you are reading. 4. Read the prayer. Read the written prayers as if they were from your heart. Don't recite them as words from a page, but a plea from your soul. 5. Keep praying. Prayer prompts are there to help you continue praying about other specific areas. Listen to the Holy Spirit and see if there is more you need to pray. 6. Journal your thoughts. Get ready to spend some quality time with God. Get ready for God to speak to you through His Word.

  • af Troy Schmidt
    138,95 kr.

    THE SEVEN time-travel adventure series follows a group of kids who are given incredible powers (super-charged displays of the gifts of the spirit) which they all received the same day then find each other over the course of the book series. They unite to battle a villain who is trying to disrupt Bible history. In book three of the series--DARKNESS based on Exodus 7-12--the journey continues as the kids chase Dr Bales back into the time of Moses and the plagues of darkness, locusts, and the final plaque, the death of the firstborn. And who is really Dr. Bales' target? The kids learn the true mission of Dr. Bales and hints of his identity! THE SEVEN carefully follows biblical history and even throws in some archaeology to show the truth behind the Bible. Every book has a secret code adventurers can decipher, testing to see how carefully they are reading and how well they know the Bible.

  • af Troy Schmidt
    138,95 kr.

    THE SEVEN time-travel adventure series follows a group of kids given gifts of incredible powers all on the same day then find each other over the course of the book series. They unite to battle a villain who is trying to disrupt Bible history. In book 2 of the series FIRE, Josh and his friends travel to the middle east to save their friend Haji and witness the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. The work to make sure Lot and his family get out before fireballs (and Dr. Bales) wipes them out. THE SEVEN carefully follows biblical history and even throws in some archaeology to show the truth behind the Bible. Books 2-7 will release in 2024 and 2025. Every book has a secret code adventurers can decipher, testing to see how carefully they are reading.

  • af Troy Schmidt
    138,95 kr.

    THE SEVEN time-travel adventure series follows a group of kids who are given incredible powers (mapping to the gifts of the spirit) which begin day then find each other over the course of the book series. They unite to battle a villain who is trying to disrupt Bible history. In the first book of the series FLOOD, Josh Davidson's dad, Edison, has created a time travel backpack that is stolen by the evil Dr. Bales, who uses it to travel to Noah's day to sink the ark! Josh and his newfound friends, with the help of Big Mike, an operative with a secret, covert organization, follow Dr. Bales to stop him before all of humanity (and nature) is completely destroyed. THE SEVEN carefully follows biblical history and even throws in some archaeology to show the truth behind the Bible. Every book has a secret code adventurers can decipher, testing to see how carefully they are reading.

  • af Troy Schmidt
    108,95 kr.

  • af Troy Schmidt
    233,95 kr.

    How well do you know the New Testament of the Bible? Can you answer these questions? How many total dreams did Joseph have in the book of Matthew? What two weapons were the disciples carrying at the Last Supper? In Acts, what was the first name given to Christianity? What is the last word of the last book of the Bible?The Extreme New Testament Bible Trivia Challenge contains over 2,300 questions, arranged in the order they appear, with at least one question from every chapter in the New Testament of the Bible (that's 260 chapters). If you love the Bible, this book is for you. Read through the questions on your own or have fun challenging your family, friends, church, or study group. The more you get to know the Bible, the more comfortable you become with it. The more comfortable you are with it, the closer it grows to your heart.

  • af Troy Schmidt
    118,95 kr.

    The 100 Most Encouraging Verses of the BibleEveryone struggles with discouragement as they face various trials of life, big or small. Whether you are struggling with your health, family, job, or relationships, God wants to give you hope and peace again. What does he want you to know and remember in the hard times? This book goes straight to the source of all Truth to reveal how much God loves you and how he's right by your side through thick and thin. The 100 verses that are highlighted include well-known passages as well as hidden treasures you may have never read. Each verse is followed by a brief devotional reading that will help you find understanding and comfort from the text--and in the process draw you ever nearer to God. The book's length and focus make it perfect as a daily meditation or to read as a family. It also makes an ideal gift for those who love the Bible and seek the hope of God's promises.

  • af Troy Schmidt
    128,95 kr.

    A Parent-Approved, Fun Read for KidsWhat could be more fun than seeing kids laugh and have their curiosities piqued while they learn a thing or two about God's Word along the way? Every page of this book is sure to tease their brains and tickle their funny bones.Troy Schmidt has been writing for kids for 30 years. He's written children's Bible-based storybooks for the "Their Side of the Story" collection and worked as a creative consultant for children's television programs. This book is guaranteed to entertain children for hours with chapters like "He Stands at the Door and Knock Knocks," "Matches Made in Heaven," and "Are You Smarter Than King Solomon?" A great gift for kids to share with their friends, and moms and dads might even find themselves laughing and learning too!

  • af Troy Schmidt
    113,95 kr.

    An Easy-to-Use Guide to Help Readers Learn and Understand God's WordHow well do you know the great Bible verses on prayer? Whether we have memorized Scripture for years or have recently started reading the Bible, we have much to learn about prayer. The 100 verses that this book highlights include well-known passages as well as hidden treasures. Each verse is followed by a brief devotional reading that will help us draw nearer to God and assist us in understanding the Bible text.

  • af Troy Schmidt
    113,95 kr.

    An Easy-to-Use Guide to Help Readers Learn about HeavenEveryone wants to know what happens after they die. Many authors have tried to describe and explain the mysteries of heaven, but what does the Bible say about it? The 100 Best Bible Verses on Heaven goes straight to the source of all Truth to give insight into the afterlife. The 100 verses that are highlighted include the well-known passages as well as hidden treasures. Each verse is followed by a brief devotional reading that will help you find understanding and comfort from the text, and in the process draw ever nearer to God. The book's length and focus make it perfect as a daily meditation or to read as a family. It also makes an ideal gift for those who love the Bible and seek the hope of God's promises.

  • af Troy Schmidt
    233,95 kr.

    How well do you know the Old Testament of the Bible? Can you answer these questions? What were God's first two words to Moses? How much did Absalom's hair weigh when it was cut? What occasion did Job's children like to celebrate? What did Jonah say was wrapped around his head inside the great fish? The Extreme Old Testament Bible Trivia Challenge contains over 3,800 questions, arranged in the order they appear, with at least one question from every chapter in the Old Testament of the Bible (that's 929 chapters). If you love the Bible, this book is for you. Read through the questions on your own or have fun challenging your family, friends, church, or study group. The more you get to know the Bible, the more comfortable you become with it. The more familiar you are with it, the closer it grows to your heart.