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Bøger af Tony Horsfall

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  • af Tony Horsfall
    133,95 kr.

  • af Tony Horsfall
    233,95 kr.

    Tony Horsfall, Mags Duggan, Jenny Brown, John Ayrton, Melinda Hendry and Steve Aisthorpe present the life of Christ in a 365-day devotional, exploring all four gospels in detail.

  • af Tony Horsfall
    123,95 kr.

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  • af Tony Horsfall
    133,95 kr.

  • - The first year after bereavement
    af Tony Horsfall
    108,95 kr.

    In Grief Notes Tony Horsfall charts the first year of his grief journey since his wife's death from cancer and reflects on grieving in a time of lockdown and pandemic.

  • - Spiritual formation in the hard places of life
    af Tony Horsfall
    153,95 kr.

    The Psalms offer honest insights into the reality of life with God, reflecting every human emotion and situation. Through looking at some of the Psalms written 'from the depths' we can understand more fully the way God works to shape our characters and form the life of Christ within us during difficult times in life. This title deals with Psalms.

  • - Love in a time of Lockdown
    af Tony Horsfall
    108,95 kr.

  • - 30 key topics to explore together
    af Tony Horsfall
    127,95 kr.

    A core resource for anyone involved in spiritual mentoring. 30 short chapters provide a basis for spiritual conversations between mentor and mentoree, structured around six key topic areas.

  • - Sharing the journey of faith
    af Tony Horsfall
    138,95 kr.

    In recent years the ancient Christian practice of spiritual direction has become increasingly popular, as more people from every part of the Church seek to know God deeply. This book presents an introduction to spiritual mentoring, for those exploring the aspect of discipleship or embarking on training for ministry as a mentor within their church.

  • - Being Aware of God's Presence in Daily Life
    af Tony Horsfall
    133,95 kr.

  • - A portrait of Christ and a pattern for his followers
    af Tony Horsfall
    153,95 kr.

    Servanthood is something to which all believers are called, not just those in full-time ministry, and so understanding what servanthood means is vital for the health and well-being of local churches. Every member needs to appreciate their role as a servant of God. This book offers an exposition of the first 'Servant Song' based in Isaiah (42:1-9).

  • - Abiding in Christ as Seen in John 15
    af Tony Horsfall
    126,95 kr.

    The heart of the gospel message is: the only way to live the Christian life is to allow Jesus to live his life in us and through us. This title lets us ponder the teaching of Jesus in "John" chapter 15, the famous vine passage.

  • - Finding your strength in God
    af Tony Horsfall
    136,95 kr.

    Tony Horsfall and Debbie Hawker encourage us to develop our resilience and to prepare ourselves for the challenges that life throws at us in an increasingly difficult world.

  • af Tony Horsfall
    101,95 - 135,95 kr.