Bøger af Tom Andersen
- Samtaler og samtaler om samtalerne
173,95 - 298,95 kr. At skabe reflekterende processer – en (sam)arbejdsform, hvor samtale og samtale om samtalerne står centralt – blev oprindeligt udviklet som en familieterapeutisk behandlingsform, men har siden vist sig at være anvendelig i mange andre sammenhænge. Bogen demonstrerer, bl.a. ved hjælp af konkrete eksempler på reflekterende samtaler, hvordan man også som supervisor, team, konsulent eller underviser kan have udbytte af metoden.3. udgave er udvidet med et kapitel, der refleksivt reformulerer bogens centrale antagelse om sprog og betydninger, om metaforer og om betydning af kroppen og dens bevægelser. Kapitlet afsluttes med en gengivelse af et åbent reflekterende møde.Oversat fra amerikansk af Henny Thomsen og Tom Bøgeskov. Forord af Inge Eldrup og Jytte Gandløse.
558,95 kr. What happens when the barriers between therapists and clients are removed, when they all participate in a dialogue about change, and when therapists and clients even trade places? As Lynn Hoffman says in her foreword to this remarkable book, it "dramatically alters a family's position in relation to the professionals they have come to see." In the process, it changes the roles, rules, and expectations of therapy.Operating within the reflecting team format, professionals meet clients without preexisting hypotheses. Together they engage in a conversation that becomes a search for the not-yet-seen and the not-yet-thought-of, as well as for alternative understandings of what has been defined as problematic. As clients and therapists trade places and various members of the entire group participate in conversations, the possibilities for change open wide.This book describes the evolution of this radical strategy in Tromso, Norway, and its adaptation by various family therapists in the United States. It begins in Part I with a description of the settings in which the reflecting team developed and its history and evolution. Then basic concepts, practical considerations, and guidelines for practice are detailed.Part II contains Dialogues About the Dialogues, that is, reflections on the client-therapist-consultant-team dialogues that distinguish this innovative approach to therapy. As roles shift and various participants offer definitions of the problem and possible solutions, traditional ideas about the boundaries of a case study are shattered. Readers will find that this fluid, encompassing perspective stimulates their own thoughts about therapy, shaking them from outgrown assumptions.Since this approach is still evolving, the final chapter is, appropriately, a reflection on the changes that have taken place since the European edition of this book was published.
- Bog
- 558,95 kr.
- A Systemic Approach
1.588,95 kr. This book, for the first time, brings together the writings of a group of practitioners who have been using this approach in their clinical practice. It is hoped it will inspire others to try out different ways of working with people with intellectual disabilities and their wider systems.
- Bog
- 1.588,95 kr.
- A Systemic Approach
523,95 kr. Deals with application of systemic ideas and principles in working with people with intellectual disabilities, their families, and their service systems.
- Bog
- 523,95 kr.
- Herbivores as Sources and Sinks
1.718,95 - 1.769,95 kr. An analysis of the interactions between pelagic food web processes and element cycling in lakes.
- Bog
- 1.718,95 kr.
143,95 kr. Børn og unges voksende og tilsyneladende umættelige interesse for computerspil har medført en interesse for og debat om leg og læring og edutainment blandt folkeskolelærere, forskere, computerspilsproducenter og politikere. Edutainment - leg og læring med computerspil fokuserer på, hvorledes læring konkret kan integreres, tilrettelægges og struktureres i computerspil, uden at det går ud over legen. Bogens teoretiske del tager udgangspunkt i lege- og computerspilsteorier, læringsteorier samt socialiseringsteorier, der efterfølgende kobles på konkrete analyser af edutainmentprodukter og interviews med edutainmentproducenter.
- E-bog
- 143,95 kr.