Bøger af Thérèse
113,95 kr. Perhaps life happens to us, or we happen to life, and at every moment are judged by others as worthy or unworthy, deserving or undeserving, forgiven or unforgiven. This verse novel explores the way we tell stories to present ourselves in the best possible light, recreate ourselves continuously in an attempt to find a place of belonging, someone to hold us close, and to make meaning of what can seem like a meaningless existence. Sometimes the truth gets lost among our storytelling. Sometimes it hunts us down.
- Bog
- 113,95 kr.
98,95 kr. India Butler, single and about to turn forty, travels to LA in an attempt to reinvent her life. In a world rarely illuminated by the flashbulbs of the paparazzi, she discovers the true meaning of ¿having it all."
- Bog
- 98,95 kr.
199,95 kr. - Bog
- 199,95 kr.
- Skrifter af Therese af Lisieux
148,95 kr. Thérèse af Lisieux (1873-97) var fransk karmelitnonne og døde aftuberkulose. I lydighed mod sin skriftefader nedskrev hun sin åndeligebiografi, der er blevet en teologisk og spirituel klassiker, der udkomførste gang i 1898 under titlen En sjæls historie. Her skildrer hun sin “lille vej” og sin forståelse af kærligheden som kristenlivets udgangspunkt, vej og mål.
- Bog
- 148,95 kr.