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Bøger af Thomas Urban

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  • - historien om en forbrydelse
    af Thomas Urban
    263,95 kr.

    I det tidlige forår 1943 opdagede tyske soldater en række massegrave ved den lille by Katyn i nærheden af den russiske by Smolensk. Gravene viste sig at indeholde flere end fire tusinde lig i polske officersuniformer. De tyske undersøgelser indikerede, at det drejede sig om polske officerer, som efter Sovjetunionens korte krig mod Polen i september 1939 var havnet i sovjetisk krigsfangenskab, og at de var blevet dræbt med nakkeskud i foråret 1940. Tyskerne øjnede en mulighed for at skabe splid blandt de allierede, men sovjet­russerne påstod hårdnakket, at polakkerne var blevet dræbt af tyskerne i sommeren 1941 efter det tyske angreb på Sovjetunionen.Katyn-massakren – begrebet dækker over Sovjetunionens mord på 22-24.000 polske officerer og andre tjenestemænd – skabte gennem et halvt århundrede stærke internationale kontroverser, idet Sovjetunionen frem til dets opløsning i 1991 fastholdt, at tyskerne stod bag forbrydelsen. Først i 1992 udleverede Rusland kopier af de dokumenter, der lå til grund for drabene.På grundlag af et bredt kildemateriale beretter Thomas Urban om begivenhederne før og efter massakren og redegør for de uafklarede forhold, der fortsat stiller sig i vejen for en forsoning mellem Polen og Rusland.

  • - Fordrivelsen af tyskere og polakker i det 20. århundrede
    af Thomas Urban
    228,95 kr.

    Ved Anden Verdenskrigs afslutning blev de områder af de Tyske Rige, som lå øst for floderne Oder og Neiße, underlagt polsk administration – bortset fra den nordlige del af Østpreussen, som kom under sovjetisk administration. En fredskonference skulle senere beslutte om dise områders statslige tilhørsforhold, men som følge af stigende modsætninger mellem Sovjetunionen og de vestlige krigsallierede blev en sådan aldrig afholdt, og de tyske områder blev de facto annekteret af Polen.Den kommunistiske polske regering, der var blevet indsat af Sovjetunionen, ønskede ikke en stor tysk befolkningsgruppe i det genskabte Polen og besluttede sig for at fordrive de fleste af tyskerne. I forvejen var en stor del af den tyske befolkning flygtet for den fremrykkende Røde Hær.Frem til 1950 forsvandt næsten hele den tyske befolkning fra de tidligere tyske østområder: Det sidste krigsårs flygtninge og efterkrigsårenes fordrevne udgjorde godt 8 millioner. Annekteringen af de tyske områder og fordrivelsen af befolkningen skabte store modsætninger mellem Polen og Forbundsrepublikken Tyskland, som endnu i dag kan vække følelsesladede debatter.Fordrivelsen af tyskerne var den største nationale udrensning i det nordlige Østeuropa i det 20. århundrede, men langt fra den eneste. Ved siden af myrderierne på især jøder og polakker, blev der gennemført en række forfærdende folkeflytninger: Tyskere fordrev polakker, polakker fordrev tyskere og sovjetrussere fordrev og deporterede polakker, tyskere og ukrainere. For alle de ramte var konsekvensen den samme: Tab – tab af hjemstavn, tab af familie og venner, tab af det daglige virke samt tab af ejendom.

  • - Discover the secrets for growing fruit and flowers in a container even if you are a beginner. Plant vegetables and herbs in your backyard all year round
    af Thomas Urban
    198,95 kr.

    You do not need a big yard to fulfill your dreams of planting and growing plants and fresh foods. If there's an available balcony, roof, porch, or even windowsills, growing plants is highly possible through container gardening.Container gardening pertains to the practice of growing plants and edible plants in containers instead of planting them on the ground. Container gardening tends to add more versatility to small and large gardens. If you are a beginner to container garden, you can learn more and easily get started with the aid of this book entitled Container Gardening for Beginners. Authored by Thomas Urban, this 11-chapter container gardening book was written to present topics about container gardening, including the basics of growing, a reason to grow plants in containers and many more.To give you an idea of the things that you can learn from this book, the following are the chapters included in this book and the corresponding interesting topics covered: Reasons to Grow Plants in ContainersChoosing the Right Pot Every PlantPlants for Year-Round ContainerMaintenance Secrets for Healthy ContainersInsight on Soil Mixtures, Fertilizer, and Planting EnvironmentWatering GuidelinesThe Basics of GrowingFirst Step with Seeds and the Best Plants in ContainersThe Right Locations for Your ContainersHarvesting and Storing Your CropsWhat to Do When Things Go WrongContainer gardening is not as difficult as you think. The Container Gardening for Beginners is a very interesting and informative book written to guide you in the course of your container gardening pursuit. Reading this book can also ensure your success in container gardening. ★Get started now! Get your copy and be guided accordingly.★

  • - Discover the secrets for growing fruit and flowers in a container even if you are a beginners. Plant vegetables and herbs in your backyard all year round
    af Thomas Urban
    198,95 kr.

    Do you want to grow your own food? Do you want to grow your own food in a easy way?Do you want to know how to select the plants and how to grow a healthy plant?Do you want to know a step by step process on how to build your container?Do you want the secrets on how do you prepare for winter?If you are a beginner to container garden, you can learn more and easily get started with the aid of this book entitled Container Gardening for Beginners.Discover how to make your own soil mix, transplant seedlings, and maintain and harvest a thriving vegetable garden for seasons to come. Container gardening tends to add more versatility to small and large gardens.In this book you will learn: What To Grow In Container GardeningBasics Of Container Gardening And Its AdvantagesPlanning What To Grow And WhenTypes Of Soils To UseTips And Tricks On How To Build Your Vegetable GardenDetailed To-Do Lists In Vegetable GardeningWhat Are The Mistakes That You Have To AvoidNurturing Vegetables And Plant DirectoryHow Do I Prepare For Winter And Provide Good Growing ConditionsHow To Choose Your ContainerManaging Pests And DiseasesTips For Plants That Thrive And Grow ThemselvesIn this book there is all you need for container gardening, to grow vegetables in the best way.It is a truly practical book, with a lot of tips, tricks and secrets.Reading this book can also ensure your success in container gardening. ★Get started now. Get your copy and be guided accordingly.★

  • - Learn how to grow vegetables at home in a healthy and organic garden. Improve your gardening skills with a detailed guide for your personal backyard
    af Thomas Urban
    198,95 kr.

    Are you hesitant to start with vegetable gardening because you are clueless on what to do and what techniques to apply?You don't really need to be hesitant because there are ways and sources to help you get started. Vegetable gardening is such a rewarding and fulfilling pursuit, so now is the best time to engage yourself in this particular gardening activity.If you are new to vegetable gardening, this book entitled Vegetable Gardening for Beginners can be of great help to you. This vegetable gardening book includes 12 pictures, and each chapter tackles interesting and informative topics about vegetable gardening that can help you through. The highlights of the chaptering are: How to Plan a Vegetable GardenTechniques on How to Build Your Vegetable GardenDetailed To-Do-Lists in Vegetable GardenEssential Tools for Vegetable Gardening and AccessoriesMistakes You Need to AvoidTips and Tricks on Vegetable Gardening Controlling the WeedsVegetables: Getting to Know What You GrowPest Control and TroubleshootingThe Basics of GrowingDesigning for ContainersPlant CultureStarting with vegetable gardening will be a lot easier with this book. This is a practical and content-rich vegetable gardening book on how to plan and build a vegetable garden and many other topics related to vegetable gardening. Vegetable gardening should not be complicated, especially for beginners like you. This 12-chapter book will make it easier for you to get started with vegetable gardening.Topics are well presented and explained to make it easier for beginners to understand the topics and put the strategies and techniques into practice. Every chapter in this vegetable gardening book has something fresh to offer to novice gardeners. This book is perfect for those with critical interests in vegetable gardening and wanted to learn more and broaden their gardening skills.Success in your vegetable garden truly awaits with the help of this well-detailed Vegetable Gardening for Beginners book. Vegetable gardening is proven to be a very sustainable and beneficial pursuit, and you will need this book to ensure your gardening success. Grab your own copy of this book now.

  • - History of a Crime
    af Thomas Urban
    198,95 kr.

    A harrowing chronicle about the murder of thousands of Polish officers in 1940, based on the accounts of perpetrators and witnesses.

  • - History of a Crime
    af Thomas Urban
    283,95 kr.

    A harrowing chronicle about the murder of thousands of Polish officers in 1940, based on the accounts of perpetrators and witnesses.

  • - Leverage Cacti to design a robust network operations center
    af Thomas Urban
    513,95 kr.

    The book is designed in such a way that you can explore it chapter-by-chapter or skip any chapter without missing a beat. If you are a network operator and want to use Cacti for implementing performance measurement for trending, troubleshooting, and reporting purposes, then this book is for you. You only need to know the basics of network ...

  • af Thomas Urban
    513,95 kr.