Bøger af Thomas Hylland Eriksen
- kulturmøder i praksis
359,95 kr. Forfatternes ærinde med denne bog er at bidrage til en bedre interkulturel forståelse. De gør det ved at uddybe og nuancere centrale begreber, der knytter sig til forståelsen af det multietniske samfund. I første del gives en teoretisk indføring i kulturforståelse og kontakten mellem de forskellige folkeslag, etnicitet og nationalisme. Anden del behandler den konkrete virkelighed - kontakten mellem indvandrere og samfundet. Problemstillinger bliver beskrevet og belyst med udgangspunkt i de generelle og globale perspektiver, som er præsenteret i første del. Bogens sidste kapitel indeholder opdateret statistik om asylansøgere og indvandrere og deres efterkommere i Danmark.
- Bog
- 359,95 kr.
478,95 kr. Klassiske og moderne antropologiske tænkere er en indføring i den særlige tænkning, som antropologien har fostret. Antropologien voksede ud af en stigende interesse for at forstå den globale mangfoldighed i slutningen af det 19. århundrede, hvor hele verden var kendt og opmålt. Samtidig vidste man stadig meget lidt om, hvordan enkeltsamfund hang sammen. Det blev der rådet bod på gennem det etnografiske feltarbejde, der opstod som en ny videnskabelig metode. Det direkte møde med andre former for samfundsliv og måder at ræsonnere på lagde grunden til en særegen antropologisk tænkestil, der udfolder sig mellem konkrete detaljer og generelle begreber. I bogen præsenteres centrale antropologers arbejder gennem intellektuelle portrætter af Franz Boas, Marcel Mauss, Knud Rasmussen, Margaret Mead, Claude Lévi-Strauss, Gregory Bateson, Mary Douglas, Talal Asad, Marilyn Strathern, Bruno Latour, Anna Tsing og mange flere.Klassiske og moderne antropologiske tænkere er skrevet af antropologer fra danske, norske og islandske universiteter og er redigeret af professor emeritus Kirsten Hastrup.Bogens opbygning er enkel: Tænkerne er kronologisk ordnet efter deres fødselsår. Fødselsåret forklarer naturligvis ikke tænkningen, men det er tydeligt, at hver enkelt tænker afspejler sin tid; lige så tydeligt er det, at afspejlingen hverken er mekanisk eller uniform, og at begreber kan trække lange spor i historien. Det, der forbinder kapitlerne med hinanden, er afsættet i konkrete samfund. Bogen viser således at “klassisk” og “moderne” ikke er entydigt tidslige kategorier. Specifikke feltarbejder finder sted på bestemte tider, men de kan omsættes i mangfoldige senere læsninger. Bogen er relevant for læsere inden for alle samfundsvidenskabelige studier såvel som inden for humanistiske studier, som ønsker at forstå og udfordres på begreber som kultur, natur, globalisering, slægtskab, udveksling og meget mere.Et kortfattet overblik, der introducerer hvert kapitel, en fyldig litteraturliste og et omfattende navne- og emneregister gør bogen anvendelig som opslagsværk og som redskab for litteratursøgning.
- Bog
- 478,95 kr.
- Hvordan smartphonen ændrede verden
178,95 - 206,95 kr. Smartphonen styrer vores hverdag. Den presser virkeligheden ind i sine platforme, så det, du ikke får i en app, ikke findes. Til gengæld får du adgang til et uendeligt univers af viden, kommunikationskanaler, tjenester og distraktioner. På bare få år har smartphonen gjort verden mindre og større, morsommere og kedeligere – mere nær og mere fjern. Livet er blevet friere og mere kontrolleret, mere socialt og mere asocialt, mens vi bliver både smartere og dummere. Det er en global, digital kulturrevolution, som savner sidestykke.I Appernes planet tager Thomas Hylland Eriksen os med på en rejse rundt i smartphonens verden. Hvis vi ikke skal blive slaver af mobilen, er det nødvendigt at forstå den for at kunne tage livet, kontrollen og ikke mindst tiden tilbage.
144,95 - 206,95 kr. Hvad er meningen med livet? Spørgsmålet er blevet stillet gang på gang, til alle tider og i alle kulturer. Er det at opfylde Guds plan, at udføre gode handlinger, at give og modtage kærlighed, at leve i øjeblikket – eller at tænke langsigtet og handle derefter? Svaret er ja på alle spørgsmål. Det afhænger bare af, hvem du spørger, hvornår du spørger dem, og ikke mindst hvordan du spørger.I Syv meninger med livet vender Thomas Hylland Eriksen blikket både udad og indad. Bogen er et destillat af tres års eksistens i en verden, der er blevet større for hvert år. Forfatteren fortæller på overraskende og finurlig vis om kaffe og katte, træer og taknemmelighed på en rejse, der tager læseren med fra oprindelige folk til naboen, fra antikkens store filosoffer til sofaen. Måske er det korrekt at sige, at livet ikke har nogen mening, men at det er meningsfuldt.”Hylland Eriksen skriver godt om værdien af at længes og om, hvordan overflodssamfundet skaber særegne eksistentielle udfordringer.” – NRKThomas Hylland Eriksen er professor i socialantropologi ved Universitetet i Oslo. Han har en omfattende faglig og faglitterær forfatterkarriere, med bøger der behandler emner som flerkulturel identitet, etnicitet, globalisering og nationalisme.
1.248,95 kr. Axel Sommerfelt has been an important influence on Norwegian and Scandinavian anthropology, but his contributions are almost unknown. This book brings together some of his critical writings, newly written articles and an interview which positions him in the history of 'North Sea' social anthropology and shows his continued relevance. An Africanist, Sommerfelt did research in Ruwenzori (Uganda and Belgian Congo), but also wrote about the Tallensi (Ghana) and worked for years in Salisbury (Harare) before being evicted by Ian Smith's racist regime in 1966. His contributions to political anthropology, methodology and legal anthropology have a lasting value.
- Bog
- 1.248,95 kr.
- An Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology
228,95 kr. This concise introduction to social and cultural anthropology has become a modern classic, revealing the rich global variation in social life and culture. The text provides a clear overview of anthropology, focusing on central topics such as kinship, ethnicity, ritual and political systems, offering a wealth of examples that demonstrate the enormous scope of anthropology and the importance of a comparative perspective. Unlike other texts on the subject, Small Places, Large Issues incorporates the anthropology of complex modern societies. Using reviews of key monographs to illustrate his argument, Eriksen's lucid and accessible text remains an established introductory text in anthropology.This new edition is updated throughout and increases the emphasis on the interdependence of human worlds. There is a new discussion of the new influence cultural studies and natural science on anthropology. Effortless bridging the perceived gap between "e;classic"e; and "e;contemporary"e; anthropology, Small Places, Large Issues is as essential to anthropology undergraduates as ever.
- Bog
- 228,95 kr.
- An Anthropology of Accelerated Change
1.198,95 kr. The world is overheated. Too full and too fast; uneven and unequal. It is the age of the Anthropocene, of humanity's indelible mark upon the planet. In short, it is globalisation - but not as we know it.*BR**BR*In this groundbreaking book, Thomas Hylland Eriksen breathes new life into the discussion around global modernity, bringing an anthropologist's approach to bear on the three interrelated crises of environment, economy and identity. He argues that although these crises are global in scope, they are perceived and responded to locally, and that contradictions abound between the standardising forces of information-age global capitalism and the socially embedded nature of people and local practices.*BR**BR*Carefully synthesising the ethnographic and comparative methods of anthropology with macrosocial and historical material, Overheating offers an innovative new perspective on issues including energy use, urbanisation, deprivation, human (im)mobility, and the spread of interconnected, wireless information technology.
- Bog
- 1.198,95 kr.
- Runaway Globalisation on the Queensland Coast
318,95 - 1.072,95 kr. An anthropological study of a community 'marinated' in fossil fuels, fraught by ambivalence and conflict.
- Bog
- 318,95 kr.
- The Case for a Public Presence
401,95 - 1.465,95 kr. Looking at why the discipline has not gained the popularity and respect it deserves in the twenty-first century, this title takes the anthropological community to task for its unwillingness to engage more proactively with the media in a wide range of debates. It makes a plea for positioning anthropology as the universal intellectual discipline.
- Bog
- 401,95 kr.
- An Intellectual Biography
341,95 - 972,95 kr. Fredrik Barth is one of the towering figures of twentieth-century anthropology. This intellectual history traces the development of Barth's ideas and explores the substance of his contributions. In an accessible style, Thomas Hylland Eriksen's biographical study reveals the magic of ethnography to professional anthropologists and non-practitioners alike. *BR**BR*Exploring his six decade career, it follows Barth from early ecological studies in Pakistan, to political studies in Iran, to groundbreaking fieldwork in Norway, New Guinea, Bali and Bhutan. Eriksen argues that Barth's voracious appetite for fieldwork holds the key to understanding his remarkable intellectual development and the insights it produced. The book raises many of the same questions that emerge from Barth's own work - of unity and diversity, of culture and relativism, of art and science.
- Bog
- 341,95 kr.
243,95 - 1.198,95 kr. This is the first book to cover the entire history of social and cultural anthropology in a single volume. Beginning with a summary of the discipline in the nineteenth century, exploring major figures such as Morgan and Tylor, it goes on to provide a comprehensive overview of the discipline in the twentieth century.The bulk of the book is devoted to themes and controversies characteristic of post First World War anthropology, from structural functionalism via structuralism to hermeneutics, cultural ecology, discourse analysis and, most recently, globalization and postmodernism. The authors emphasise throughout the need to see changes in the discipline in a wider social, political and intellectual context. This is a timely, concise history of a major discipline, in an engaging and thought-provoking narrative, that will appeal to students of anthropology worldwide.
- Bog
- 243,95 kr.
193,95 - 723,95 kr. Leading anthropologist Thomas Hylland Eriksen shows how anthropology is a revolutionary way of thinking about the human world. Perfect for students, but also for those who have never encountered anthropology before, this book explores the key issues in an exciting and innovative way. Eriksen explains how to see the world from below and from within - emphasising the importance of adopting an insider's perspective. He reveals how seemingly enormous cultural differences actually conceal the deep unity of humanity. Lucid and accessible, What is Anthropology? draws examples from current affairs as well as anthropological studies. The first section presents the history of anthropology, its unique research methods and some of its central concepts, such as society, culture and translation. Eriksen shows how anthropology helps to shape contemporary thinking and why it is inherently radical. In the second section he discusses core issues in greater detail. Reciprocity, or exchange, or gift-giving, is shown to be the basis of every society. Eriksen examines kinship in traditional societies, and shows why it remains important in complex ones. He argues nature is partly cultural, and explores anthropological views on human nature as well as ecology. He delves into cultural relativism and the problem of understanding others. Finally, he describes the paradoxes of identity - ethnic, national, religious or postmodern, as the case may be.
- Bog
- 193,95 kr.
- Bog
- 293,95 kr.
- Anthropological Perspectives
283,95 - 972,95 kr. Is ethnicity a result of cultural differences? Is ethnicity dependent on the practical use and belief in cultural differences? Drawing on a wide-range of classic and recent studies in anthropology and sociology, Thomas Hylland Eriksen examines the relationship between ethnicity, class, gender and nationhood. *BR**BR*Using the question 'What is ethnicity?' as his starting point, Eriksen examines the interplay between ideology and ethnicity, how the Internet impacts understanding of ethnicity, identity politics, and the commercialisation of identity. Through this, he reveals that far from being an immutable property of groups, ethnicity is a dynamic and shifting aspect of social relationships. *BR**BR*A core text for all students of social anthropology and related subjects, Ethnicity and Nationalism has been a leading introduction to the field since its original publication in 1993. This new edition - expanded and thoroughly revised - is indispensable to anyone seriously interested in understanding ethnic phenomena.
- Bog
- 283,95 kr.
- Fast and Slow Time in the Information Age
428,95 kr. 'While reading Tyranny of the Moment, I found myself both charmed and challenged. The subject is an important one, and Thomas Hylland Eriksen handles it with style, a light touch, and many amiable provocations.' Todd GitlinThe turn of the millennium is characterized by exponential growth in everything related to communication - from the internet and email to air traffic. Tyranny of the Moment deals with some of the most perplexing paradoxes of this new information age. Who would have expected that apparently time-saving technology results in time being scarcer than ever? And has this seemingly limitless access to information led to confusion rather than enlightenment?Eriksen argues that slow time - private periods where we are able to think and correspond without interruption - is now one of the most precious resources we have. Since we are theoretically 'online' 24 hours a day, we must fight for the right to be unavailable - the right to live and think more slowly. It is not only that working hours have become longer - Eriksen also shows how the logic of this new information technology has permeated every area of our lives. Exploring phenomena such as the internet, wap telephones, multi- channel television and email, Eriksen examines this non-linear and fragmented way of communicating to reveal how it affects working conditions in the economy, changes in family life and, ultimately, personal identity. Eriksen argues that a culture lacking a sense of its past, and therefore of its future, is effectively static. Although solutions are suggested, he demonstrates that there is no easy way out.
- Bog
- 428,95 kr.
- Ethnicity, Nation-building and Compromise in Mauritius
403,95 - 1.649,95 kr. Mauritius is the focus for this study of social identity and political culture. The book seeks to enhance comparative understanding of ethnicity, to refine theories of nationalism, and to contribute to ongoing debates on multiculturalism, identity politics and creolization.
- Bog
- 403,95 kr.
- identitet i en foranderlig tid
198,95 kr. Hvad handler debatten om arrangerede ægteskaber dybest set om? Hvorfor medfører internettet ikke en global identitetsfølelse? Hvad skyldes det at mennesker nu om stunder gør alt hvad de kan for at holde sig unge? Hvorfor er en kanin mere intelligent end en supercomputer? Hvad er godt ved Microsoft? Og hvad har kærlighed med alt dette at gøre?Rødder og fødder viser at alle disse spørgsmål hænger sammen. Bogens eksempler spænder fra fundamentalisme i Malaysia og sydafrikansk apartheid til børns opvækst og plastisk kirurgi. Thomas Hylland Eriksen er forfatter til flere bøger om identitet men Rødder og fødder er den vigtigste. Her bliver det komplicerede tema identitet præsenteret af en specialist på området uden at en eneste læser behøver at føle sig koblet af undervejs.
- Bog
- 198,95 kr.