Bøger af Teal Swan
- The Practice of Putting Yourself Back Together Again
148,95 kr. Takes readers along on a restorative journey of healing and liberation. Suitable for anyone who has been fractured by trauma, this title presents a way to put you back together again, no longer inhibited by the past or terrified of the future. It offers a 20-step process for healing any past hurt or present problem.
- Bog
- 148,95 kr.
- Follow your Northstar to Find your True Values
215,95 kr. A unique deck by social influencer and modern spiritual leader Teal Swan which encourages the user to explore their personal values, improving self-awareness, self-esteem and authenticity.
- Bog
- 215,95 kr.
- How to Find Your Way Back to Connection
153,95 kr. Following in the footsteps of the success of The Completion Process, bestselling author and modern spiritual leader, Teal Swan offers an in-depth exploration and understanding of loneliness. Drawing on her extraordinary healing technique; the Connection Process Teal offers a way to experience connection once again.
- Bog
- 153,95 kr.
128,95 kr. The first novel by international best-selling author and spiritual teacher Teal Swan, Hunger of the Pine is a compelling exploration of one young woman's struggle with homelessness.
- Bog
- 128,95 kr.
- A Spiritual Technique to Master the Art of Relationships
123,95 kr. Connection can exist at any level of our being: We can be mentally linked, emotionally linked, energetically linked, and/or physically linked to something. The Connection Process presents three powerful esoteric processes that restore you from a state of separation to a state of connection with yourself and others. By engaging in the processes, youll be able to:perceive fundamental truths about yourself and others;see, hear, feel, and understand yourself and others; anddevelop a deep sense of connectedness with the world.Think about how good it would feel for someone to completely understand youand how great it would be if they were so perceptive of your internal world that they knew exactly what you need or what to say. Think of how good it would be to enjoy harmony in your relationships instead of suffering through conflicts.Connect with yourself, others, and the world around you with your heart, body, emotion, and mindand enjoy the lasting joy that comes from making true connections.
- Bog
- 123,95 kr.
153,95 kr. - Bog
- 153,95 kr.
- Find dit indre lys, når livet udfordrer dig
44,94 kr. Forfatteren Teal Swan voksede op i stille landlige omgivelser, men hendes barndom var alt andet end fredelig. Bag de pæne facader i de omkringliggende byer, hvor folk var meget religiøse, lurede der frygtelige hemmeligheder. Teal Swan tiltrak sig opmærksomhed pga. sine overnaturlige evner, der bl.a. gjorde, at hun var clairvoyant, kunne se auraer og kommunikere med afdøde, og i 13 år led hun frygtelige seksuelle og følelsesmæssige overgreb, begået af et medlem af en lokal kult. Hun slap væk, men var i en tilstand af fuldstændig afmægtighed og smerte. På mirakuløs vis kæmpede hun sig ud af mørkets skygger og helt frem i lyset og er i dag en respekteret spirituel lærer. I første del af Skygger før daggry fortæller hun med rå intensitet sin barske historie om, hvad der skete i hendes barndom, og hvordan hun endte med at vende selvhad til selvkærlighed. I anden del giver hun læseren redskaber til at komme gennem og heale alle de udfordringer livet byder på. Bogen er både gribende læsning og en stærk guide til personlig udvikling, fuld af dybe indsigter, spirituelle perspektiver og transformerende øvelser og redskaber, der kan lede frem til selvkærlighed og et stærkt selvværd.