Bøger af T. L. Netherly
178,95 kr. Greetings. Beings of planet earth. Welcome aboard Saturn Rising Enterprise. The Galactic Federation of Autism Disabilities Headquarters. Allegedly. Don't be alarmed. This is for entertainment purposes only. However. Allegedly. Saturn Rising Enterprise has entered your realm. I am an undercover divine being from the fabulous loving planet Saturn. Saturn, the planet of divine beings, Goddess, Gods, and ancient warriors of sincere love. I am spiritual law. I am agent 357 (BCE) before Christ existed. I am the infamous Commander and Chief, City Cat 8th Dynasty. Goddess 357 of the Galactic Federation of Autism disabilities elite headquarters of high-ranking spiritual officials. My spiritual administrative team of divine beings enter realms on behalf of love to be a blessing, not a curse, in the lives of divine beings living in physical realms wearing costumes pretending to be human during the human experience. Saturnarians, enter realms to assist, help, heal, repair lost nations of divine beings exposed to unnatural acts, behaviors of destruction orchestrated by humanoid narcissistic demonic beings who deliberately cause chaos and havoc in the lives of divine beings participating in the human experience without a sincere righteous cause. Humanoid narcissistic demonic beings enter physical realms illegally to play wicked low vile games of deceit, kill, steal, and destroy divine beings for fun. Allegedly. Saturn Rising Enterprise of Galactic Federation of Autism Disability Headquarters of undercover elite archangels, spirit guides, animal kingdom angelic beings, fairies of the highest spiritual realm, judges, commanders, generals, God's, Goddess, ancient beings enter physical realms to expose, destroy, hunt, slay, humanoid narcissistic demonic beings on behalf of the most-high God above every God ever created in the universe the spiritual eviction has begun ancient spiritual gangsters have arrived. The script of humanoid narcissistic demonic beings has been cut from the script of life, their hidden evils exposed; there are no secrets in the spiritual world. Allegedly. Welcome to God's Theatre. Where nothing is hidden from the eyesight of God. Nothing is hidden on the world stage or stages of life during the human experience. So. Darling. Sit back, read, relax and enjoy this edgy spiritual science fiction of questionable behaviors featuring ancient divine beings living in costumes pretending to be human. If you are an ancient Saturnarian. Swoop. Si. Sizzle. Swoop. Slwz. ScBk. Swooth. Sa. Sa. Sa. Si, Slwooop.
- Bog
- 178,95 kr.
193,95 kr. Allegedly. This edgy spiritual erotica science fiction Saturn based literature is for entertainment purposes only per request of the creator of this publication. The ancient Saturnarian, being dwells on planet earth living, wearing costumes and disguises pretending to be human among a social society infested with humanoid narcissistic demonic beings during the human life experience. Saturnarian, beings have gathered evidence, information proving allegations about humanoid narcissistic demonic beings entering physical realms living having illegal human experiences are true facts. Saturn Rising Enterprise Universal Chronicles Flip-lit Magazine of A.U.Q.B is a Saturn Rising Enterprise media-based magazine that focuses on questionable behaviors of modern-day divine beings and humanoid narcissistic demonic beings combine with flip-lit skits, open discussions about ancient beings their behaviors upon entering, venting or visiting planet earth for the first time from unknown-known constellations, galaxies, moon planets, solar planets. Saturn Rising Enterprise Flip-lit Magazine is a social society of ancient collected Saturn publications of ancient wisdom gathered from ancient beings of Saturn. Learn ancient wisdom from ancient Santurnarians, and other ancient divine beings of the universe beings who enter physical realms for special services of undercover spiritual assignments on behalf of God not that of man. Meet divine beings, protectors of the universe divine beings who enter the physical realms from the highest spiritual courts of the heavens on behalf of love. Get introduced to ancient shape-shifters and universal lovers meet ancient spiritual gangsters, ancient demon slayers from unknown constellations, galaxies, planets, known-unknown star-systems living in costumes wearing physical mask pretending to be human while working undercover to destroy and expose humanoid narcissistic demonic beings. Meet ancient spiritual divine beings and entities who enter physical realms to lead, love, guide, protect and warn divine beings about ancient humanoid narcissistic demonic beings who enter physical realms for the destruction of divine beings. Welcome to God's Theatre. Where nothing is hidden from the eyesight of God. Where planet earth spins on a warp discombobulated axle as beings participating in the human experience are unaware of beings and entities visiting and entering the physical realm as the world becomes more spiritual. Elite archangels, generals, commanders of the highest spiritual courts enter to perform, review, view, study, monitor the acts and behaviors of beings participating in the human life experience performed on the world stages of life just beneath the heavens. Allegedly. Saturn Rising Enterprise Flip-lit Magazine focuses on awareness that humanoid narcissistic demonic beings enter physical realms to cause chaos, havoc, destruction among divine beings during the human experience. Meet narcissistic demonic beings who make cameo appearances who are interviewed by Saturn Rising Enterprise Flip-lit Magazine articles of Open Discussions. Meet ancient humanoid narcissistic demonic beings from the beginning of time reveal hidden truths about their existence within the physical realm.
- Bog
- 193,95 kr.
178,95 kr. Allegedly. This information about Saturn Rising Enterprise is given by ancient Santurnarian. 5,500 years, sexy by design in the eyesight of God. This ancient divine being enters physical realms on behalf of love from planet Saturn. This edgy, spiritual science fiction of questionable behaviors was created for entertainment purposes only. Saturnarians, undercover beings, sexy aliens, spiritual entertainers, observers of life. Saturnarians, observe people, places, and things throughout known-unknown constellations, galaxies, moon planets, and star-systems based upon my spiritual experiences and thousands of years of research, humanoid narcissistic demonic beings are entering realms for sexual gratification, excited orgasms of destruction for function at the junction of trusting loving, humble divine beings, aka narc survivors unaware of their existence. Saturn Rising Enterprise elite officials, my team and I enter physical realms on behalf of love. This publication is a self-help guide created for divine beings interacting and living in households of humanoid narcissistic demonic beings but is unaware of their hidden mask and behaviors. Saturn Rising Enterprise Flip-lit Guide informative literature is created to inform divine beings about the hidden signs and damaging effects of interacting or entertaining humanoid narcissistic demonic beings without being aware of their presence. This basic advice guide is written for divine beings interacting with humanoid narcissistic demonic beings to become familiar with common behaviors these beings display.Welcome to Saturn Rising Enterprise, the informative edition. Allegedly. History without the truth is a lie. Welcome to God's Theatre. Where nothing is hidden in the eyesight of the most-high God above every God ever planted in the universe. The reign of humanoid narcissistic demonic beings has begun due to cruel scenes against divine beings who enter the cities of Ass. A social society of humanoid narcissistic demonic beings who purposely kill, steal, destroy divine beings, narc survivors, angelic fairies, angelic elite beings of the animal kingdom living in costumes pretending to be human on behalf of God for the sake of love during the human experience. Saturn Rising Enterprise Universal Chronicles of Love. Flip-lit magazine guide is a self-help guide to inform and warn divine beings about the evil acts and intentions of humanoid narcissistic demonic beings who dwell in a world on a planet in a universe where many beings do not believe in the most-high God above all God's. The act of non-belief makes it easy for humanoid narcissistic demonic beings to enter the realms of God; out of sincere ignorance, humanoid narcissistic demonic beings attempt to destroy spiritual laws of rules and regulations during the human experience. Humanoid narcissistic demonic beings are not aware of severe spiritual repercussions. This edition of Saturn Rising Enterprise informative guide is a must-have guide for divine beings during the human experience.
- Bog
- 178,95 kr.