Bøger af Sylvain Runberg
- Nomader
168,95 - 298,95 kr. Andet bind i seneste år største europæiske science fiction-succes og af mange betragtet som en moderne arvtager inden for space opera efter Linda og Valentin. Skrevet af den belgisk-svenske forfatter Sylvain Runberg og tegnet af franskmanden Serge Pellé. Udgives på dansk i form af dobbeltalbum på omkring 100 sider. Pressen skrev om bind 1: “Emmer af den form for sci-fi-fantasy, der ikke kan undgå at fascinere og inspirere … Alle gamle Linda & Valentin-fans vil fryde sig.” ***** – Jyllands-Posten “Plot og tegninger spiller fint sammen … Efter et par sider var jeg totalt opslugt … Cobolt skal på ny have thumbs up for et fedt helstøbt album.” ***** – Serieland.dk “Spændende og fantasifuld på den dystopiske måde … Niveauet er højt.” **** – Politiken “Masser af idérigdom … Et virkelig flot tegnet album.” **** – Nummer9.dk “Lad det være sagt med det samme: Jeg er vild med ‘Orbital 1: Nærkontakt’! Jeg er vild med historien, jeg er vild med illustrationerne, og jeg er vild med, at der er yderligere seks bind at se frem til.” – Litteratursiden.dk “Kræs for alle de, der kan lide god science fiction.” – Kulturkapellet.dk
- Bog
- 168,95 kr.
- Nærkontakt
248,95 kr. Orbital er en af de seneste år største europæiske science fiction-succeser og af mange betragtet som en moderne arvtager inden for space opera efter Linda og Valentin.
- Bog
- 248,95 kr.
- Implosion
298,95 kr. Borgerkrigen er forbi, men Konføderationen står med det samme over for en ny trussel. Denne gang fra neuronomerne, gigantiske levende rumfartøjer, der af ukendt årsag er vendt tilbage efter mange hundrede års fravær. De vældige organismer fungerer som masseødelæggelsesvåben ved at sprænge sig selv i luften over Konføderationens byer, og i hundredvis har de nu placeret sig over strategiske mål på planeter i flere verdener, hvor de udgør en dødbringende trussel. Efter massakren i Stockholm er Caleb og Mezoke på flugt og på vej til den lovløse planet Tetsuam, legestue for galaksens kriminelle og det perfekte sted at veksle smuglergods til oplysninger. ”Implosion” er fjerde og sidste bind i serien. Rumstationen Orbital er på samme tid den konføderale magts centrum og en åbning mod andre rumtider. Den enorme stjerneplatform er også base for agenterne fra organisationen IDB, Det Interplanetariske Diplomatbureau, som forsøger at opretholde freden mellem verdenerne. En kontroversiel og historisk alliance opstår, da mennesket Caleb og sandjarren Mezoke optages i organisationen. De øvrige medlemmer opfatter i almindelighed menneskeracen som krigsliderlig og underudviklet, og indtil for nylig var jordboere og sandjarrer i krig med hinanden. ORBITAL er de seneste års største europæiske science fiction-succes inden for tegneserier og betragtes af mange som en moderne arvtager i space opera-genren efter Linda og Valentin. Pressen skrev om bind 1: “Emmer af den form for sci-fi-fantasy, der ikke kan undgå at fascinere og inspirere … Alle gamle Linda & Valentin-fans vil fryde sig.” - ***** Jyllands-Posten “Plot og tegninger spiller fint sammen … Efter et par sider var jeg totalt opslugt … Cobolt skal på ny have thumbs up for et fedt helstøbt album.” - ***** Serieland.dk “Spændende og fantasifuld på den dystopiske måde … Niveauet er højt.” - **** Politiken “Masser af idérigdom … Et virkelig flot tegnet album.” - **** Nummer9.dk “Lad det være sagt med det samme: Jeg er vild med ‘Orbital 1: Nærkontakt’! Jeg er vild med historien, jeg er vild med illustrationerne, og jeg er vild med, at der er yderligere seks bind at se frem til.” - Litteratursiden.dk “Kræs for alle de, der kan lide god science fiction.” - Kulturkapellet.dk
- Bog
- 298,95 kr.
563,95 kr. The Millennium Trilogy boxed set provides the first three translated comic adaptations of the bestselling Stieg Larson novel series, with bonus Art Cards featuring the cover art from the individual books. Including: The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, The Girl Who Played With Fire, The Girl who Kicked the Hornet's Nest.
- Bog
- 563,95 kr.
200,95 kr. In 2132, Life on Earth has reached the limits of sustainability. Colonizing Mars has become our only option, and the construction of such a significant enterprise has required massive resources and manpower. The most cost-efficient solution to this requirement is conscripted labor provided by convicted felons - early access to humanity's future homeworld, but in exchange for the back-breaking and perilous work of constructing the damn thing. Officer Jasmine Stenford is sent to Mars and sentenced to conscripted labor for a wrongful death committed on her watch. With little defense against the corruption on Earth, she has no idea what sort of nightmare awaits her on the red planet... Brilliantly visualized by artist GRUN, this explosive sci-fi prison drama by writer SYLVAIN RUNBERG introduces Jasmine to a broad spectrum of characters, factions, and political players who all have different ideas for this New World that is being built. Who is really in control? And can anyone truly claim a planet on the verge of forced evolution? ON MARS imagines a future where the true natures of mankind prove to be inescapable, no matter how far you travel.
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- 200,95 kr.
133,95 kr. Kristina Swany, a rebellious young Human, discovers the hidden side of the Intergalactic Confederation - crime, misery and corruption. She will have to carve a place for herself in the shadows. The second volume of an Orbital spin-off.
- Bog
- 133,95 kr.
128,95 kr. Kristina Swany, a rebellious young Human, discovers the hidden side of the Intergalactic Confederation - crime, misery and corruption. She will have to carve a place for herself in the shadows. The first volume of an Orbital spin-off.
- Bog
- 128,95 kr.
- A Graphic Novel
178,95 kr. The Elder Brothers - humans like us, but more advanced - plan to colonise our Earth. They will permit us to remain, with a subsidy to live upon, based on the assets of our Earth's poorest citizen. If we are to survive, there must be a dramatic redistribution of wealth. Anyone who does not comply will be processed. For the benefit of mankind.
- Bog
- 178,95 kr.
- Modstandskamp
293,95 kr. IDB-agenterne Mezoke Izzua og Caleb Swany har svære – og i Calebs tilfælde livstruende – skader efter de katastrofale optøjer i Kuala Lumpur. Konføderationen kræver ovenikøbet en syndebuk og vil ofre agent Mezoke i den intergalaktiske storpolitiks navn. Men da terrorister fra Jorden pludselig angriber Orbital-rumstationen, lykkes det Mezoke og Caleb at iscenesætte en dramatisk flugt. De finder et midlertidigt fristed på planeten Schem, men spændingerne i Konføderationen bliver større og større. På jorden har isolationisterne – der har som mål, at planeten skal opnå uafhængighed – vokset sig stærke, og da der samtidig udbryder borgerkrig, står Mezoke og Caleb over for et ultimatum: fortsat flygte for livet eller gøre modstand. Og snart øjner de en chance for det sidste. Rumstationen Orbital er på samme tid den konføderale magts centrum og en åbning mod andre rumtider. Den enorme stjerneplatform er også base for agenterne fra organisationen IDB, Det Interplanetariske Diplomatbureau, som forsøger at opretholde freden mellem verdenerne. En kontroversiel og historisk alliance opstår, da mennesket Caleb og sandjarren Mezoke optages i organisationen. De øvrige medlemmer opfatter i almindelighed menneskeracen som krigsliderlig og underudviklet, og indtil for nylig var jordboere og sandjarrer i krig med hinanden. ORBITAL er de seneste års største europæiske science fiction-succes inden for tegneserier og betragtes af mange som en moderne arvtager i space opera-genren efter Linda og Valentin. Pressen skrev om bind 1: “Emmer af den form for sci-fi-fantasy, der ikke kan undgå at fascinere og inspirere … Alle gamle Linda & Valentin-fans vil fryde sig.” ***** – Jyllands-Posten “Plot og tegninger spiller fint sammen … Efter et par sider var jeg totalt opslugt … Cobolt skal på ny have thumbs up for et fedt helstøbt album.” ***** – Serieland.dk “Spændende og fantasifuld på den dystopiske måde … Niveauet er højt.” **** – Politiken “Masser af idérigdom … Et virkelig flot tegnet album.” **** – Nummer9.dk “Lad det være sagt med det samme: Jeg er vild med ‘Orbital 1: Nærkontakt’! Jeg er vild med historien, jeg er vild med illustrationerne, og jeg er vild med, at der er yderligere seks bind at se frem til.” – Litteratursiden.dk “Kræs for alle de, der kan lide god science fiction.” – Kulturkapellet.dk
- Bog
- 293,95 kr.
- Bog
- 278,95 kr.
108,95 kr. Action, diplomacy, politics ... In the vein of Star Trekand Babylon 5, here's the 8th volume of a smart, innovative science-fiction series where Humans have a lot to learn - and a lot to lose.
- Bog
- 108,95 kr.
237,95 kr. Shelby and her three best friends rule the streets of Brooklyn--and everyone in the neighborhood knows not to mess with the Sukeban Tribe.Inspired by the Japanese girl gangs of the 1970s, the teenagers ride scooters armed with golf clubs and cash from selling drugs, terrorizing their classmates, parents, and anyone who dares defy them. But when they attack a classmate who hasn't paid what she owes, things start to get messy--and not in the fun way.
- Bog
- 237,95 kr.
166,95 kr. Viglante hacktivist Lisbeth Salander's dark past comes to light as she and award-winning journalist Mikael Blomkvist launch an investigation into the horrors of Sweden's sex trade.
- Bog
- 166,95 kr.
208,95 kr. In the Viking kingdom of Alstavik, a violent civil war rages between brothers Rildrig and Sigvald who each claim succession to their father's throne.
- Bog
- 208,95 kr.
- Revenge
228,95 kr. In a gritty, star-spanning future, where mankind has colonized planets throughout the galaxy, former Confederation Commander Jon T. Munro was serving a life sentence for a war crime he was forced to commit. When a prison break runs amok, however, he seizes the opportunity to escape with a ragtag team of cons to form a small crew of pirates with one goal in mind: vengeful justice. And the first step in their plan is to steal the battle cruiser he once commanded, a state-of-the-art warship they call "The Jolly Roger." Following the events in volume one, commander Jon Tiberius Munro is reeling from the death of his son, while Vexton, the man responsible, campaigns for the presidency of the Galactic Federation. Not only is Vexton preparing to claim the most powerful seat in colonized space but also the hand of one of the galaxy's most popular holoactresses, Penelope, in a public spectacle of marriage. Everything seems to be going Vexton's way, but he has no idea what lengths Munro and his crew will go to for revenge... A visually stunning sci-fi adventure, written by Sylvain Runberg (Millennium), with breathtaking artwork by Miquel Montllo, this epic tale of space pirates and political intrigue combines the emotional depth and excitement of sci-fi favorites such as Battlestar Galactica and Starship Troopers with a visual style that leaps off the page like an animated feature film. This second volume concludes the four-chapter tale of revenge (volume one contained the first two chapters), as each of the four lead antiheroes are revealed for the broken individuals they are, secretly desperate for redemption, no matter the cost.
- Bog
- 228,95 kr.
98,95 kr. After the events in Stockholm, Caleb and Mezoke have become renegades and are hunted by the entire Confederation. Inevitably they end up on Tetsuam, a gigantic itinerant space station that's the capital of crime in the galaxy. But while they attempt to sort out a future for themselves, and as Confederate space is recovering from the civil war, the Neuronomes - sentient ships previously thought eradicated - appear to launch random, devastating suicide attacks that kill thousands...
- Bog
- 98,95 kr.
98,95 kr. A new volume that confirms this series and its mix of intergalactic politics and action-diplomacy as one of the great sci-fi comics series
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- 98,95 kr.
98,95 kr. A new volume that confirms this series and its mix of intergalactic politics and action-diplomacy as one of the great sci-fi comics series
- Bog
- 98,95 kr.
83,95 kr. Humans and Sandjarrs are about to commemorate the peace between their peoples. But Caleb and Mezoke might have to cancel the party -
- Bog
- 83,95 kr.
88,95 kr. A nomadic alien tribe arrives on Earth-and the diplomatic skills of the Orbital agents are put to the test.
- Bog
- 88,95 kr.
98,95 kr. Caleb (a human) and Mezoke (a Sandjarr) are paired up and trained as special agents to keep the intergalactic peace. This is a controversial and historic alliance given their races' longstanding enmity, and a lot of people are watching them. Their first mission is to keep war from breaking out between humans and Javlodes on the planet Senestam.
- Bog
- 98,95 kr.
83,95 kr. In the 23rd century, humans and Sandjarrs are allowed to join an intergalactic, multiracial organisation set up 8,000 years before. The humans are seen as a belligerent, underdeveloped race by the other members of the organisation and have been kept out of it until now.
- Bog
- 83,95 kr.