Bøger af Sven Bodo Wirsing
773,95 kr. Within this work we study the structure of the Solomon-Tits algebra of the symmetric group motivated by results of research done by Manfred Schocker about the module structure of this algebra. We investigate three structures: the associative, the associated Lie algebra and the group of units. All three structures are related and can be studied in the more general context of associative soluble splittable algebras possessing a self-centralizing radical complement. Our results are related to dimension formulas, Duo algebras, self-centralization of the radical complements, Cartan subalgebras, Sylow subgroups, Hall subgroups, Carter subgroups, stagnation of central chains, classes of nilpotency and solvability, exponents alongside central chains, nilradical and Fitting subgroup, semisimple and simple substructures, anti-automoprhism and irreducible character values.
- Bog
- 773,95 kr.
- The concept of end-commutable ordering - with 241 exercises
1.388,95 kr. - Bog
- 1.388,95 kr.
- Bog
- 1.718,95 kr.
- Nilradicals and Cartan subalgebras in associative algebras. With 428 exercises
1.618,95 kr. - Bog
- 1.618,95 kr.
- A correspondence theorem within solvable associative algebras. With 242 exercises
1.198,95 kr. - Bog
- 1.198,95 kr.
- Eine Korrespondenz in aufloesbaren Algebren; mit 187 UEbungsaufgaben
793,95 kr. - Bog
- 793,95 kr.
- Bog
- 788,95 kr.
- Bog
- 793,95 kr.
- Eine Analyse assoziativer, gruppentheoretischer und Lie-theoretischer Phanomene; mit 218 UEbungsaufgaben
783,95 kr. - Bog
- 783,95 kr.
- Nilradikale und Cartan-Teilalgebren in assoziierten Algebren. Mit 348 UEbungsaufgaben
783,95 kr. - Bog
- 783,95 kr.