Bøger af Susan May Warren
198,95 - 293,95 kr. - Bog
- 198,95 kr.
198,95 - 278,95 kr. - Bog
- 198,95 kr.
198,95 kr. After four years of training to become a Navy SEAL, Ned Marshall is finally ready to marry the woman of his dreams, Shae Johnson. And Shae's been uber patient, waiting, building a life as a free-lance graphic artist, moving around the globe to be with him. So, when she said yes to his proposal in Geneva, he fully expected to live happily-ever-after.At the very least, he expected her to be waiting at the hotel for him three days after an emergency call-out. And maybe it was unreasonable to expect her to be sitting in the hotel, working on her watercolors-Shae, after all grew up in Montana, and she has adventure in her blood. So of course she's going to go climb the beautiful Swiss mountains. Even make a friend.But Ned isn't thrilled with her new friend, and something about him doesn't feel safe...So she's made some friends while waiting for Ned to return? Shae can't believe that after years of sacrifice, Ned is actually angry at her-what did he expect, that she'd sit by the window? Dana and his friends are harmless, right?Not so much. Because when Shae finds herself kidnapped, and brought to Russia, she fears the worst-she's been swept up in a human trafficking ring. And when she's sent to, of all places, Siberia how will Ned ever find her?But Ned isn't going to lose her-not after everything they've been through, and he'll stop at nothing to rescue her. But when he discovers the real reason she's been taken, he will have to become a traitor to his country if he wants her back.Join the epic race to rescue Shae in the high-adrenaline book three in the Minnesota Marshalls series.THE MARSHALL FAMILY SAGAThe Minnesota MarshallsBook 1: FraserBook 2: JonasBook 3: Ned Book 4: Iris (coming soon)Book 5: Creed (coming soon)The Epic Story of RJ and YorkBook 1: Out of the NightBook 2: I Will Find YouBook 3: No Matter the Cost The Montana MarshallsBook 1: KnoxBook 2: TateBook 3: FordBook 4: WyattBook 5: Ruby Jane
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- 198,95 kr.
198,95 - 293,95 kr. - Bog
- 198,95 kr.
193,95 - 278,95 kr. - Bog
- 193,95 kr.
64,95 - 82,95 kr. Gage Watson försöker lappa ihop sitt liv igen. Den ödesdigra kraschen i backen kostade honom inte bara karriären som professionell snowboardåkare, utan orsakade även en av sina fans död. I rättsprocessen som följde fick han dessutom hjärtat krossat av tjejen som han tänkte tillbringa framtiden tillsammans med. Gage ägnar nu dagarna åt att hjälpa nödställda skidåkare och att upprätthålla säkerheten mitt bland äventyrslystna fartdårar som far nerför bergen i Glacier National Park i Montana. Som en del av PEAK Räddningsteam befinner han sig snart i sin värsta mardröm när han återigen måste göra ett av sina riskfyllda åk nerför berget för att rädda några unga grabbar som rapporterats saknade.Ella har åkt till Montana för att stoppa sin vårdslösa bror från att göra ett episkt snowboardåk som han tror ska göra honom berömd. Trots att Ella vet att hon krossat Gages hjärta måste hon be honom om hjälp och innan hon vet ordet av står de tillsammans på toppen av berget utan annat val än att försöka lita på varandra för att ta sig helskinnade ner. Ellas vän Brette är journalist och i desperat behov av snabba pengar. På PEAK:s huvudkontor hittar hon gott om material för att skriva riktiga hjältehistorier. Men samtidigt som medarbetarna med spänning följer Ella och Gages livsfarliga framfart nerför berget riskerar plötsligt flera av dem att få sina personliga hemligheter avslöjade av den grävande journalisten."Lita på mig" är ett fartfyllt äventyr fullt med lössnö, sylvassa klippor, lavinfara och ett annalkande snöoväder, men också en berättelse om förlåtelse, försoning och tillit. Susan May Warren är en prisbelönt och bästsäljande amerikansk författare. Hon har skrivit fler än femtio böcker, som sålts i över en miljon exemplar, och fått flera prestigefulla författarutmärkelser.
358,95 kr. A Deep Haven wedding at Christmas? With snow glistening in the lane, sleigh bells ringing, and all the world a winter wonderland-magical, right?Or maybe not, because the snowstorm of the century has buried their small town, and as Vivien Calhoun and Boone Buckam fight the sleet, snow, and ice, just about everything can-and does-happen to skid their big day into the ditch. It'll take all their friends-and a few strangers-to turn this Christmas wedding from a blizzard to a beautiful sight in this charming collection of novellas.Discover four enchanting stories featuring old friends, and new, who discover that there just might be a happy ending waiting in this winter wonderland-if only they can shovel their way out of trouble. Book 1: A Beautiful Sight by Rachel D. RussellVivien Calhoun has planned the perfect wedding-and it had better be perfect, because the prewedding day jitters have hit her like a snowplow. Boone's recent call-outs with the Deep Haven Crisis Team haven't helped. She just needs a perfect day-and that starts with the perfect dress.The perfect, custom-made dress that she designed, herself. The dress that she left with her seamstress...that has now gone AWOL.It's a race to find it before their date at the altar...but is the dress just an omen for a wedding day disaster? Book 2: We're Happy Tonight by Michelle Sass AlecksonDetective Duke Lowry hates Christmas, and a wedding at Christmas is simply a double whammy. But he'll show up as Boone's best man, and he'll take charge of Boone's beloved Mustang, getting it detailed and ready for Vivien's crazy picture idea. He'll even put up with Vivien's quirky, somewhat annoying friend, Zuri, from New York City.And then the Mustang goes missing, and Zuri's the last one to see it. Suddenly, it's up to Duke and Zuri to save the day. And along the way, Zuri just might change the Grinch into a guy with a heart of gold.Maybe. Book 3: The Snow is Glistening by Susan May Warren"Keep the guests happy and don't burn down anything." These are Owen Christiansen's parting words to his cousin, Romeo Young, before leaving him in charge of the Evergreen Resort-and the Wilder wedding venue-while the family vacations in Florida.But when the blizzard hits, Romeo will have to keep the resort running and the wedding on track. The last thing he needs is a tag-along in the form of a guest. But Owen did say to keep the guests happy...Stella Brown can't believe that she's third-wheeling on her parents' second honeymoon, but what's a girl to do when her life is derailed? Helping Romeo add some Christmas cheer to the resort seems the right answer. But when her "help" turns into horror, has she destroyed yet another bright future? Book 4: Sleigh Bells Ring by Andrea ChristensonPastor Bob Brown feels frozen over. And not just from the Minnesota cold. He's numb from the never-ending problems in his parish. He just needs a break, okay? A getaway with his wife seems the perfect Christmas holiday. And he's delighted to have his daughter, Stella, along. Maybe he'll even get some peace and quiet, and hear, deep in his soul, his now-silent calling.With their best friends recently divorced, and Bob acting, well, weird, Margaret Brown fears the worst. But with this getaway, she intends to put some heat back into her chilly marriage. Thank goodness their daughter seems to have gotten the hint. The only one who remains clueless is Bob.Maybe their love has turned icy, no longer able to hear the love song from the past. But she's not going to give up...
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- 358,95 kr.
323,95 kr. A small town story of one woman's hilarious effort to save ChristmasMarianne Wallace dreads the empty nest. She loves her husband, but she's thrived on being a mother, and nothing will stop her from having a final epic Christmas before her youngest son leaves home. But first, she's going to cheer him onto his football state championship...Disaster strikes when the team loses their mascot-the Trout. Is it going too far to ask her to don the costume? Of course--she'll do anything for her children...but then her husband volunteers her to organize the church Christmas tea, and she's ready to throw him to the elves. But what choice does a good, Proverbs 31 woman have? No problem-she rolls up her sleeves.As football playoffs start ramping up, the Christmas tea takes a wild turn, and then...one by one her children tell her they won't be home for Christmas.How will Marianne save her last Christmas? And will it look anything like the Christmas she's always wanted it to be?An award-winning holiday classic by beloved best-selling, award-winning author Susan May Warren.**All I Want for Christmas is an SDG Publishing reissue of The Great Christmas Bowl, previously published by Tyndale House**
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- 323,95 kr.
158,95 kr. - Bog
- 158,95 kr.
64,95 - 83,95 kr. Vicesheriffen Sam Brooks är en sådan person man kan lita på. När han väl ger sig hän något kan ingenting stoppa honom. Han var den som tog hand om sin mamma efter pappans plötsliga död och han är den som alltid ställer upp när någon behöver honom. Sierra Rose är den perfekta kvinnan för Sam. Hon är lugn, trygg och praktiskt lagd. Sin syster Willows raka motsats. Willow har varit hopplöst förälskad i Sam Brooks sedan första stund. Hon vill att systern Sierra ska få sitt lyckliga slut men hur ska hon kunna förneka sina starka känslor för Sam? Willow försöker distrahera sina hjärtans önskningar i sina ansträngningar att bli Mercy Falls nya ungdomspastor, vilket visar sig vara svårare än hon trott. När hon väl lyckats bemästra sina känslor för Sam hamnar de båda i en livshotande situation i den förbjudna vildmarken i Glacier National Park. De måste arbeta tillsammans för att rädda sig själva och den grupp med tonåringar som Willow ansvarar för. Willow har nämligen tagit med ungdomarna på en utflykt i ett sista försök att bli ungdomspastor, något som håller på att få katastrofala följder.Hur ska det egentligen gå för Sam, Willow och ungdomarna? Kommer de lyckas lura döden i den vintriga vildmarken tillsammans och kommer kärleken att övervinna allt till slut? Susan May Warren är en prisbelönt och bästsäljande amerikansk författare. Hon har skrivit fler än femtio böcker, som sålts i över en miljon exemplar, och fått flera prestigefulla författarutmärkelser.
193,95 kr. A Deep Haven wedding at Christmas? With snow glistening in the lane, sleigh bells ringing, and all the world a winter wonderland-magical, right?Or maybe not, because the snowstorm of the century has buried their small town, and as Vivien Calhoun and Boone Buckam fight the sleet, snow, and ice, just about everything can-and does-happen to skid their big day into the ditch. It'll take all their friends-and a few strangers-to turn this Christmas wedding from a blizzard to a beautiful sight in this charming collection of novellas.Discover four enchanting stories featuring old friends, and new, who discover that there just might be a happy ending waiting in this winter wonderland-if only they can shovel their way out of trouble.Book 1: A Beautiful Sight by Rachel D. RussellVivien Calhoun has planned the perfect wedding-and it had better be perfect, because the prewedding day jitters have hit her like a snowplow. Boone's recent call-outs with the Deep Haven Crisis Team haven't helped. She just needs a perfect day-and that starts with the perfect dress.The perfect, custom-made dress that she designed, herself. The dress that she left with her seamstress...that has now gone AWOL.It's a race to find it before their date at the altar...but is the dress just an omen for a wedding day disaster?Book 2: We're Happy Tonight by Michelle Sass AlecksonDetective Duke Lowry hates Christmas, and a wedding at Christmas is simply a double whammy. But he'll show up as Boone's best man, and he'll take charge of Boone's beloved Mustang, getting it detailed and ready for Vivien's crazy picture idea. He'll even put up with Vivien's quirky, somewhat annoying friend, Zuri, from New York City.And then the Mustang goes missing, and Zuri's the last one to see it. Suddenly, it's up to Duke and Zuri to save the day. And along the way, Zuri just might change the Grinch into a guy with a heart of gold.Maybe.Book 3: The Snow is Glistening by Susan May Warren"Keep the guests happy and don't burn down anything." These are Owen Christiansen's parting words to his cousin, Romeo Young, before leaving him in charge of the Evergreen Resort-and the Wilder wedding venue-while the family vacations in Florida.But when the blizzard hits, Romeo will have to keep the resort running and the wedding on track. The last thing he needs is a tag-along in the form of a guest. But Owen did say to keep the guests happy...Stella Brown can't believe that she's third-wheeling on her parents' second honeymoon, but what's a girl to do when her life is derailed? Helping Romeo add some Christmas cheer to the resort seems the right answer. But when her "help" turns into horror, has she destroyed yet another bright future?Book 4: Sleigh Bells Ring by Andrea ChristensonPastor Bob Brown feels frozen over. And not just from the Minnesota cold. He's numb from the never-ending problems in his parish. He just needs a break, okay? A getaway with his wife seems the perfect Christmas holiday. And he's delighted to have his daughter, Stella, along. Maybe he'll even get some peace and quiet, and hear, deep in his soul, his now-silent calling.With their best friends recently divorced, and Bob acting, well, weird, Margaret Brown fears the worst. But with this getaway, she intends to put some heat back into her chilly marriage. Thank goodness their daughter seems to have gotten the hint. The only one who remains clueless is Bob.Maybe their love has turned icy, no longer able to hear the love song from the past. But she's not going to give up...
- Bog
- 193,95 kr.
158,95 kr. - Bog
- 158,95 kr.
153,95 kr. - Bog
- 153,95 kr.
153,95 kr. - Bog
- 153,95 kr.
63,95 - 83,95 kr. Flygräddningspiloten Kacey Fairing är tillfälligt tillbaka i Mercy Falls, Montana. Efter en förödande helikopterolycka är hon i behov av återhämtning, både fysiskt, känslomässigt och andligt. Tolv år har gått sedan hon flydde från sina djupa misstag och hemligheter och Kaceys förhoppning är att återfå kontakten med sin tonårsdotter genom att ta jobbet som pilot på Flygräddningen i Glacier National Park. Vad hon inte vet är att någon annan också är tillbaka i staden ...Hennes tonårskärlek Ben King, countrystjärnan, är på besök för att ta hand om sin far, som av en märklig tillfällighet också är skadad efter en helikopterolycka. Ben lovar att hjälpa sin far att leda Flygräddningen i hans ställe, men Ben upptäcker snart en dold agenda som kan komma att förändra hela hans tillvaro.När Mercy Falls plötsligt drabbas av en fruktansvärd naturkatastrof tvingas Kacey och Ben arbeta tillsammans för att rädda liv. Men när naturens krafter även hotar att leda till personliga katastrofer är frågan om de verkligen kan lägga det förflutna bakom sig för att rädda sin egen framtid? Susan May Warren är en prisbelönt och bästsäljande amerikansk författare. Hon har skrivit fler än femtio böcker, som sålts i över en miljon exemplar, och fått flera prestigefulla författarutmärkelser. Under bar himmel är hennes första bok översatt till svenska.
193,95 kr. *Susie writes a delightful story! - NYT bestselling author Dee Henderson.*Susan May Warren is the USA Today best-selling, Christy and RITA award-winning novelist of over 65 novels, including the best-selling Montana Rescue and Montana Fire series.Family...country...or the woman he loves...Navy Seal Ford Marshall isn't the kind to stand by and let a woman get hurt-especially when it involves his twin sister, RJ. So, when she makes the news, accused of sparking an international incident, he doesn't care what it takes-he's going to find her and bring her home.But he might need a little help, so he calls on the woman who has had his back during the last three years-Petty Officer Scarlett Hathaway, former communications expert-turned Rescue Swimmer candidate. She'll help him get into the country, watch his back, and...well, they might be able to have one last mission together before she leaves for a new life, a life he very much wants to be a part of now that she is off his team. Maybe he can convince her to give them a chance to kindle the spark that's simmered between them for years.Scarlett Hathaway isn't sure what future she wants-not when she suddenly has to care for her little brother. Maybe she should quit the Navy and start a life with the man she can't seem to get out of her heart. So yes, she'll help Ford find his sister. And maybe, along the way, figure out if they have a future.But finding RJ somewhere in the vastness of Russia with the FSB chasing them will push Scarlett beyond even her courage and make her question everything she thought she wanted...including Ford. What will it cost her to love a man who saves the world?And when Ford is asked to choose between saving his sister, saving the world from a war, and rescuing the woman he loves...can he live with his decision?The third book in the Montana Marshalls series will leave you breathless!Action, drama, adventure, flawed individuals and emotional and spiritual challenges are hallmarks of Warren's books. - Christian Library JournalWarren has a knack for creating captivating and relatable characters that pull the reader deep into the story. - Radiant LitGenre: Inspirational Romantic SuspenseTHE MONTANA MARSHALLS (family series)Book 1: KnoxBook 2: TateBook 3: FordBook 4: WyattBook 5: Ruby JaneOther books by Susan May WarrenMONTANA FIREBook 1: Where There's Smoke (Summer of Fire)Book 2: Playing with Fire (Summer of Fire)Book 3: Burnin' For You (Summer of Fire)Book 4: Oh, The Weather Outside is Frightful (Christmas novella)Book 5: I'll be There (Montana Fire/Deep Haven crossover)Book 6: Light My Fire (Summer of the Burning Sky)Book 7: The Heat is On (Summer of the Burning Sky)Book 8: Some Like it Hot (Summer of the Burning Sky)Book 9: You Don't Have to Be a Star (spin-off)MONTANA RESCUEBook 1: If Ever I Would Leave You (novella prequel)Book 2: Wild Montana SkiesBook 3: Rescue MeBook 4: A Matter of TrustBook 5: Crossfire (a novella)Book 6: Troubled WatersBook 7: Storm FrontBook 8: Wait for MeTEAM HOPE (Search and Rescue series)Book 1: Waiting for Dawn (novella prequel)Book 2: Flee the NightBook 3: Escape to MorningBook 4: Expect the SunriseNOBLE LEGACY (Montana Ranch Trilogy)Book 1: Reclaiming NickBook 2: Taming RafeBook 3: Finding Stefanie
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- 193,95 kr.
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- 198,95 kr.