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  • - - with His fruit and gifts in you.
    af Steve Martin
    118,95 kr.

    Walking in the Spirit is needed for the feeble, the fearful, those lacking vision or direction. Most certainly they are needed for those who want to be courageous, victorious, and actually accomplish something with their life.Living in today's world, where every foundation that can be shaken is being shaken, as believers, we need the gifts and the fruit of the Holy Spirit in our life. Without them, we too will perish and fall along the way.Through the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, the Lord's spiritual gifts can be imparted to us. Through the daily work of the Holy Spirit, His fruit can grow within us."There are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. There are differences of ministries, but the same Lord. And there are diversities of activities, but it is the same God who works all in all. But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all: for to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit, to another the word of knowledge through the same Spirit, to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healings by the same Spirit, to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another discerning of spirits, to another different kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues. But one and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually as He wills." 1 Corinthians 12:4-11, NKJVGal 5:22-24"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law." Galatians 5:22-24, NASUWhether you have started walking with the Holy Spirit just recently, or have for several decades, as I have, we need a daily refreshing and recharging that the Lord provides for us, through the action of His Holy Spirit, working in and through us.As you read these life stories, inspiring lessons, and hope-filled messages of love and faith that I share with you, may your walk in the Spirit grow and flourish to be an overcomer in the world.

  • - -Challenges We Overcome as Believers in our Lord
    af Steve Martin
    108,95 kr.

    Challenging times? Of course! Didn't our Lord Jesus say we would have "perilous times" in these last days? "But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come..." 2 Timothy 3:1, NKJVWe are living in those times. Pandemics, tumultuous financial conditions, earthquakes, droughts...with fear proving faith is little to be found, even among professing Christians.I encourage you with these 20 messages of hope, faith, and love. As you read, know that we will stand strong, because we are keeping our eyes on the One Who created us. Because He has been Faithful, is Faithful, and will continue to be Faithful, our faith in Jim can stand strong against the tests of times. And there will be tests along the road.Don't be caught unexpected. Prepare your heart and spirit to know the truth, walk in faith, and be the light in this world that you and I have been called to be.Ahava and shalom!Steve MartinFounder/PresidentLove For His People ministryCharlotte, North Carolina USA

  • - The Four Louis Brothers in Israel
    af Steve Martin
    173,95 kr.

    It all started back in October 2018 when I made, what I thought was going to be the finishing one, my last trip to Israel. Since my inceptive journey in 1987 with the first ministry I served with, Mahesh Chavda Ministries (living at the time in Fort Lauderdale, Florida), I had since that time made 19 trips to the Holy Land, the Promised Land of the Jews. This October 2018 trip was my 20th, and just prior to going I had decided it would be my last. A few months ahead of this trip, discouragement had come upon me, and I felt I could no longer continue the work of the ministry, Love For His People, which my good wife Laurie and I had founded in April 2010. That had been, quite literally, following the inspiration of the Lord Jesus, after I had continually cried out to Him for many years, wanting "my own vineyard." It was a dream of myself, like others, to be "fulltime" in ministry, but after the longevity serving under the leadership of others, I longed for my own.That can happen to one after serving long and hard for and with three other well-known men (and their wives) in their ministries.Oh, how the Lord loves us. Oh, how He leads us in His paths of righteousness for His Name's sake. Oh, how He directs our steps and leads us in the way we are to go. He is Faithful, and He who called us is ever True. He does not ever give up on us.Sometime during the latter part of those 10 days in October 2018, walking by myself down the ancient streets of Jerusalem's Old City to visit friends and familiar sites; traversing the bustling sidewalks and side streets of the newSometime during the latter part of those 10 days in October 2018, walking by myself down the ancient streets of Jerusalem's Old City to visit friends and familiar sites; traversing the bustling sidewalks and side streets of the new portions since 1948 when Israel's declared its independence as a nation once again; or riding the light rail train from Jaffa Street to the end-of-the-line drop off point, near the Yad Vashem's (Holocaust Museum) entrance, the Holy Spirit spoke to me. It was a clear word, though not audibly. But being His friend too, I knew it was Him."This is not your last trip to Jerusalem. In fact, from now on you will be coming twice a year.""I will?" I responded skeptically, internally. "And if so, then You are going to have to help me pay for it. I cannot.""You do as I say out of obedience. I will take care of the provision." He made sure I understood what He had just said, with a firm, "make sure you get this" response, but with plenty of hope, faith, and love covering His words.That was then. And today, as I write these first words of my next prophesied book (#25!) on September 11, 2019, Wednesday early morning at my home near south Charlotte, North Carolina (the day when Americans remember the attack of 9-11, 18 years later), the plans have been tediously put together for my 22nd trip back to Israel, and our Lord's beloved city of Jerusalem, it's capital, and His chosen people dwelling there. And coming along with me this time are three other men.I will tell you that story as time goes by, as you read of the "rest of the story" - as Paul Harvey, the Chicago area radio and TV man, liked to say decades ago. But what follows is just an inkling of what is yet to come.

  • - Now Think On This - Book 3
    af Steve Martin
    78,95 kr.

    STANDING FOR TRUTH IN A WORLD OF DECEPTION - Now Think On This - Book 4 Here are more encouraging messages written by Steve Martin for the Love For His People and Now Think On This blogs. They cover a variety of topics to encourage you, believers in Jesus, to stand strong in your daily walk, firmly committed for His plans and purposes in our nations. As the Lord would give Steve a word or two in his spirit, he would begin to write. With a prophetic and inspirational edge, these messages will be an encouragement to you to stand clear in your faith, fulfill the call on your life, and be a light to the nations, beginning within your own family and to those around you. These simple words are meant to be an addition to your daily Bible reading and prayer time. While the days growing darker, each of us must be built up in the faith of our forefathers and the Jewish writers of the Written Word, as they were inspired by the Holy Spirit. We must stand strong for truth in this world of deception which increasingly surrounds us.

  • - His Name is Jesus Christ, Yeshua HaMashiach
    af Steve Martin
    118,95 kr.

    "Thus says the LORD, 'I will return to Zion and will dwell in the midst of Jerusalem. Then Jerusalem will be called the City of Truth, and the mountain of the LORD of hosts will be called the Holy Mountain.' Zechariah 8:1Our Lord Jesus Christ, Yeshua HaMashiach, promised before He left earth the first time, from Jerusalem, Israel, that when He returns the second time it also will be to Jerusalem, the city that has His Name written on it.He is not returning to New York City, Moscow, Beijing, London, Paris, nor Chicago. He is returning, as the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, to Jerusalem, the Golden City, the Holy City, the City of Truth.The Lion of Judah is coming back, to rule and reign over the nations, setting up His kingdom, made up of Jews and Gentiles that have acknowledged His Kingship and know Him as their Redeemer, the Savior of their soul.The following chapters speak of the life that we can live in the here and now, as we await His return. We are not looking for the "escape out of this hell", raptured away before the Great Tribulation as we have been so badly taught since the late 1890s.Jesus Christ, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, is seated on His heavenly throne, but His soon return will be made known. Now is the time for us to see what He is doing, how He is doing it, and "get on board" as Bob Dylan sang in the 70s.We are working while there is still day, to accomplish His plan and purposes for our life and the nation He has placed us in now.Anticipate, prepare, be about the Father's business, even as Jesus did. That is what we are called to do. And then we will see the Lion of Judah ROAR!

  • - Love For His People
    af Steve Martin
    78,95 kr.

    Why Israel? Why not? This little booklet consists of messages previously written in my books, which of themselves contain many various themes. I wanted to devote one book to just Israel and the Jewish people, and so this small booklet was compiled. As you read the following, consider the truth contained in Scriptures, from Genesis to Revelation, which spell out the commitment of God the Father to choose a people who will be a light to the nations. He chose the Jews, and gave them the Promised Land of Israel. It does not matter what other national governments try to say, do, or accomplish apart from the plans and purposes of the Lord. They will fail. His Word is true. It is eternal. He is the same, yesterday, today and forever, and thus His commitment in keeping His promises made to the Jewish people will be fulfilled. I hope you stand with them in these last days. Steve Martin

  • af Steve Martin
    98,95 kr.

    Sharing this book, containing some of my experiences in Jerusalem, is a joy, and also a promise to always stand with Israel. Those who stand with Israel, and particularly Jerusalem, will receive the promised blessings given to those who do so. Steve Martin

  • - My Lord & My God
    af Steve Martin
    98,95 kr.

    Our world needs saving. The nations are in much turmoil, rage, anger, and lawlessness. Just keep watching the news and it is obvious that times are changing, and it is not changing for the good. It is happening just as the prophets spoke; just as Jesus (Yeshua) Himself said in Matthew 24 and Luke 21 as to how it would come about. The signs are all around us, forth-telling those exact events which would take place before the Lamb of God returns as the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. Yeshua HaMashiach, Jesus Christ, is the Messiah of Jews and Gentiles, for all who call upon His name for salvation. All indications are that He is coming back soon. While time is yet with us, and there is light among the growing darkness, we must work with His Holy Spirit to spread the Good News. This is the news of His salvation, which is available to any and all who come to Him, for freedom from sin, death, destruction and all evil. This salvation is found only in His saving Blood and through His sacrifice on the cross. He is so willing and loving to give His saving grace to all who call upon His Name. He alone is our salvation. His Name is SALVATION.

  • - That's What It Is All About
    af Steve Martin
    78,95 kr.

    In 2010 the Lord God of Israel, my Savior Jesus Christ (Yeshua HaMashiach), led me to start the ministry we call Love For His People. Its primary purpose is to share the love of the Lord with the nation of Israel, Jews around the world, and the people in all the nations as we can. For that end, through social media, writing and distributing books, and in person ministry, we are seeing the love of Jesus spread. We are grateful that He has given us much love in order to do just that. We often hear the word "love" spoken out loud, and written about, in many ways. It has contrasting meanings to the wide range of people that exist, as it is expressed in different methods through people. When it has all been said and done, there is an eternal love that will stand the test of fire. Because the biblical expression of love, laying down one's life for his friends, has eternal value, this love from God the Father to His creation is the type that I most seek after and try to share. In these short chapters of Arms of Love, which is also the title of a song Laurie and I sang while leading various church worship meetings, and as the lead singers in our Ahava Love Band, I share some aspects of how I believe the Bible speaks of love. For you who are about to read this, my prayer is that your heart will be enlarged with His, and you too will become one, even more, to give love for His people, both Jew and Gentile, both saved and unsaved. I hope that as you read these chapters, you will become more inspired to spend time with the Lord, experience His heart of love, and share it with our fellow man. The world needs to know the love of God. Steve Martin Charlotte, NC Dec. 2015

  • - Steps to Break Free from Addiction, Abuse, Trauma and Enable Healthy Relationships Conquering your Emotional Health and Happiness
    af Steve Martin
    83,95 kr.

    You are not cursed, you are only codependent.There are many people who don't know the difference between being in a healthy relationship and being in one that is codependent. You have simply gone from one unsatisfactory situation to the next without being able to control the situation. This book delves into why people feel this inadequacy and depend upon relationships that are at best unsatisfactory, and at worst positively abusive. You don't need to be hit on a regular basis to be abused. However, when you let someone else dictate the course of your life, based upon their own unrealistic viewpoint, you may as well package your life into a box and give it away. Codependent people do that. When you read through this book, you will find solutions.Here is a preview of what you'll find: Assessment test - codependencyUnderstand: what is codependency?Evaluating selfRecapturing your small ambitionsCodependency in the workplaceSetting yourself freeVolunteerismLearning to say noCaregiving versus caretakingBoundariesRecovery from codependenceReaders are advised to follow the exercises and to write down their progress in the following areas: Self-esteem Knowing the difference between caretaking and caregivingChanging approach toward boundariesWorking toward freedom from the chains of codependencyCodependency in the workplaceCodependency when caring for the elderlyCodependency within a relationshipThe information in this book gives examples, and listeners can easily adapt the exercises to suit their individual circumstances, making it valuable for those looking for solutions to unsatisfactory relationships with others which can be classed as codependent.

  • - Strength for the Journey
    af Steve Martin
    108,95 kr.

    Everyone likes an adventure. Travel the world. See the sites. Live the dream. Steve Martin's "Now Think On This" messages provide you with inspiration to walk the journey that God intends for you to have. Enjoy the short chapters as you receive encouragement for your life-long adventures.

  • af Steve Martin
    98,95 kr.

    When it came time to title this book, I knew it was no coincidence that this is my 12th published work. I count it very special. Not only is this book my 12th, but there have been other "12s" in my life. I live at our house location with the street numbers "12120". My favorite NASCAR driver was "24" - of course, made up of the numbers 2 x 12. I turned "12 x 5" just over a year and a half ago. Reaching the BIG 60 means I am still going in the Lord's grace and provision! My 12th trip to Israel will occur in May of 2016. That is very special to me, as the primary work of our ministry is to bless our Jewish friends in their Promised Land, with actual friendship and financial support. Both in word and in deed. Knowing there are 12 tribes of Israel, 12 apostles selected by Yeshua (Jesus), 12 elders now seated around the throne, 12 months in each year...well, you get the point. Being this is indeed my 12th book, which is another one consisting of my last 25 Now Think On This messages, I count that as being another reason for the title 12. On another note, someone once mentioned that my writings would have been simply called "journaling" years ago, and in their mind probably should be for private use only. They wondered why I would continue to publish my Now Think On This messages into book form which I share with others. At first I was taken aback with the comment, considering it as myself being questioned of the real intended purpose I had with my messages. But a few hours later on that same day, when I sat down and started to read Doug Addison's book on his 2016 prophetic words (which he said he received during September of 2015, the time of Rosh Hashanah, considered by many the Jewish New Year), an encouraging word stood out and uplifted my spirit. That word (among many!) was, "God spoke to me to pull all my words together into book form. This allows people to remember and pray about them." (Page 3, 2016 Prophetic Forecast, InLight Connection, 2015) And so I say that is one main reason why I do too. In fact, the Lord also had spoken to me that same inspired word, back in November of 2010, after I returned from Israel and sought Him as to my question, "Not what?" in regards to the next step in our new ministry Love For His People, Inc., having just formed it in April of that year. When He responded by telling me to "Write love letters" I did so, which then became my blog messages. As do so many teachers of the Word, their messages eventually are the basis of their books which follow. A great example that I adhered to with several of my previous books. Thus, not only to share what I believe are inspirations from the Lord Jesus with you, but also to leave them as a legacy for my children and grandchildren. They will know even more what Dad/Grandpa stood for, and will be encouraged, along with others like you, to do so also. Be blessed in your pursuit of the Lord Yeshua, the Coming Messiah, as you seek Him in all you do. Shalom and ahava (peace and love in Hebrew), Steve Martin Charlotte, NC

  • - Plus One Hundred Thousand Other Words and Phrases Chosen Mostly at Random
    af Steve Martin
    118,95 kr.

    From prophecy to music, the arts and literature. Uncertainty has been a critical component of creative activity since humankind first displayed the capacity for independent thought. Using some very super-duper algorithms, that have absolutely nothing to do with Artificial Intelligence, plus a questionable random number generator and a pinch of human creativity, we

  • - No Matter the Cost
    af Steve Martin
    108,95 kr.

    I have written several messages, that made their way into my books, on the subject of pressing on, being faithful, be strong in the Lord, fight the good fight...These are the days when it will take more than giving verbal acknowledgment and lip service in our service to King Jesus. It will take blood, sweat, tears, heartache, and determination to press on even if others stopped and build a home along the road.Those of us who have been called, anointed, commissioned for the King's service have one thing going for us - we are not alone. The Holy Spirit, Ruach HaKodesh, has been promised by the Son Jesus Chtist, Yeshua HaMashiach, to always be with. He is our Comforter, Our Director, the One Who will lead us on.This book is meant to encourage you as to continue to seek the Living God, the One Who left from Jerusalem, Israel and is soon to return to Jerusalem, Israel.Be encouraged in your walk. Keep seeking the Lord above. Let Him direct your steps always, as you hear and obey. We both will be happy we did. For eternity!We have been called to get in the race, run it, and press onto the finish line. Come on! Let's do this!Steve Martin, Love For His People ministry in Charlotte, North Carolina USA

  • - More Messages of Encouragement, Faith and Love
    af Steve Martin
    108,95 kr.

    Now Think On This - The Inspiration Continues are more messages that I have written and shared on my two blogs Love For His People and Now Think On This. They cover a variety of topics that believers in Jesus (Yeshua) are interested in. Each one can also be a means of bringing encouragement to you as you walk the daily walk. Many times these messages came as a result of inspiration by the Holy Spirit. I would be driving along, and He would give me a thought, which I would then write down on a notecard or whatever piece of paper was handy. My previous books, Ahava Love Letters (2013) and Now Think On This (2014) began after I had returned from Israel for the 10th time. We had just established our ministry to bless friends in Israel and the nations, which we named Love For His People, Inc, in April of 2010. I was asking the Lord for the next directive. His response was to use one of the gifts He had given me - to write. Some would call it a teaching gift. It took me a long time to see it that way, but now I do. And so I write. Daily we are bombarded with negative news, pressures of the job, and conflicts to be dealt with. We all need encouragement. We need the assurance that our Creator, the One who knows the plans He has for us, is still in control. These messages will bring you hope, give you the solid sense of His hand on all, and increase your faith to stand strong on your convictions. I purposely kept each one short so you can read them alongside your Bible or other daily material.

  • af Steve Martin
    163,95 kr.

    IMPARA A DOMINARE IL TEMPO E ESSERE SUPER PRODUTTIVO PER RAGGIUNGERE I TUOI OBIETTIVI & IL SUCCESSO CHE MERITI! Il metodo che stai per imparare può funzionare in modo estremamente rapido per eradicare vecchie abitudini di procrastinazione, aumentando senza sforzo la tua produttività ed il tuo successo... > Sei incapace di resistere alle tentazioni che ti fanno perdere tempo?> Desideri rafforzare la tua forza di volontà e costruire solide abitudini che aumentino la produttività?Sei fortunato perché "Gestione del Tempo" di Steve Martin è proprio il libro di cui hai bisogno! Se sei pronto a scoprire le migliori strategie per dominare il tuo tempo, aumentare la produttività e conquistare qualsiasi obiettivo che ti prefissi, sei nel posto giusto! Utilizzando questa guida defintiva, imparerai a:Migliorare la concentrazione e diventare più produttivo affinando la tua capacità di concentrarti sulle attività più urgentiSfruttare il potere della tecnica Pomodoro per superare la procrastinazione e massimizzare la tua produttivitàOrganizzare le tue priorità e padroneggiare l'arte della pianificazione in pochi semplici passaggi, senza esaurirtiImparare come delegare con successo ed efficacia i tuoi compitiContrastare efficacemente lo stress in modo da poter condurre una vita equilibrata e produttiva e spuntare i tuoi obiettivi uno dopo l'altroE molto altro ancora! Non è mai troppo tardi per iniziare a far proprie solide abitudini e strategie che ti aiutino a raggiungere i tuoi obiettivi più velocemente, senza impazzire con la gestione del tempo! SCORRI IN ALTO, FAI CLICK SU "ACQUISTA ORA" E IMPADRONISCITI DEI SEGRETI PER LA GESTIONE DEL TEMPO!

  • af Steve Martin
    163,95 kr.

    COME SVILUPPARE L'AUTODISCIPLINA, RESISTERE ALLE TENTAZIONI E RAGGIUNGERE I VOSTRI OBIETTIVI A LUNGO TERMINE > Hai difficoltà con il controllo di te stesso?> Ti manca il focus per avanzare nella vita e raggiungere i tuoi sogni?> Invidi costantemente quanto sono motivati i tuoi coetanei? Succede a tu puoi cambiare tutto ciò! Se desideri:- Rafforzare la tua forza di volontà e l'autodisciplina- Sviluppare abitudini produttive- Aumentare la produttività e accrescere la tua resistenza mentale......allora il nuovo libro "Autodisciplina" scritto da un master in questo campo - Steve Martin - è ciò di cui hai bisogno per trasformare i tuoi sogni in realtà! In questa guida contenente i segreti delle persone di successo, imparerai a:Sviluppare una mentalità orientata al successo e vivere con uno scopoRaggiungere i tuoi obiettivi costruendo una resistenza mentale, migliorando la concentrazione e rafforzando la forza di volontàCreare buone abitudini e rompere quelle cattive, rafforzando la tua forza di volontàColtivare relazioni migliori e ottenere tutto ciò che desideri nella vitaRaggiungere l'eccellenza fisica mantenendo con costanza la tua dieta e la tua routine di allenamentoDiventare coraggioso di fronte alle sfide e all'incertezzaImpiegare 7 consigli pratici sull'autodisciplina usati dai Soldati Spartani e dai Navy SealsE molto altro ancora! Grazie ad un click, potrai avere tra le tue mani la guida che ti mostrerà i segreti usati dalle persone di successo per sviluppare una spiccata forza di volontà e per raggiungere ogni obbiettivo. Quindi, cosa stai aspettando? AGISCI ORA, BASTA SOLO UN CLICK PER DARE UNA SVOLTA ALLA TUA VITA!

  • af Steve Martin
    183,95 kr.

    IMPARA COME SFRUTTARE IL POTERE DELL'AUTODISCIPLINA E DELLA GESTIONE DEL TEMPO! > Sei incline alla procrastinazione e finisci per sabotare le tue possibilità di eccellere nella tua vita?> Ti sembra di non avere mai abbastanza tempo a disposizione per fare tutto ciò di cui hai bisogno e desideri?Non sei solo... ma ora puoi cambiare! Come molti altri prima di te hai grandi obiettivi che sembrano sempre irrealistici perché non hai ancora padroneggiato correttamente l'arte della gestione del tempo e dell'autodisciplina! Sicuramente saprai che:La gestione del tempo e l'autodisciplina fanno la differenza tra fallire e avere successo.La gestione del tempo e l'autodisciplina sono ciò di cui hai bisogno per raggiungere il tuo pieno potenziale in tutto ciò che fai. Se non hai ancora padroneggiato queste abilità allora scopri i segreti finalmente resi pubblici da uno dei più famosi esperti nel settore - Steve Martin. Il suo libro di successo, "Autodisciplina & Gestione del Tempo", è ciò di cui avrai bisogno per cambiare mindset, aumentare la produttività, migliorare il focus e per raggiungere ogni tuo obbiettivo! Questa guida ti fornisce tutte le migliori strategie di cui avrai bisogno per:Coltivare una mindset orientato al tuo successoCostruire una mentalità d'élite invidiabile e resistenteSviluppare sane abitudini e rompere quelle malsaneSuperare la sfiducia in te stesso e diventare un maestro nel realizzare i tuoi sogniDimostrare al mondo quanto veramente vali, perché dentro hai un potenziale inesploratoE molto altro ancora! Anche se hai sempre pensato di non poter ottenere di più, tutto sta per cambiare! Utilizzando i segreti in questa guida per padroneggiare il tuo tempo e aumentare la tua disciplina, anche tu puoi sviluppare la forza di volontà e le abitudini che ti aiuteranno a raggiungere i tuoi obiettivi più velocemente. NO PERDERE TEMPO...SCORRI IN ALTO, CLICCA SU "ACQUISTA ORA" E INIZIA IL CAMBIAMENTO!

  • af Steve Martin
    148,95 kr.

  • af Steve Martin
    163,95 kr.

  • af Steve Martin
    183,95 kr.

  • af Steve Martin
    168,95 kr.

    This long running Off-Broadway absurdist comedy places Albert Einstein and Pablo Picasso in a Parisian cafe in 1904, just before the renowned scientist transformed physics with his theory of relativity and the celebrated painter set the art world afire with cubism. In his first comedy for the stage, the popular actor and screenwriter plays fast and loose with fact, fame and fortun, e as well as other fanciful topics, with infectious dizziness. Bystanders, including Picasso's agent, the bartender and his mistress, Picasso's date, an elderly philosopher, Charles Dabernow Schmendimen and an idiot inventor introduce additional flourishes of humor. The final surprise patron to join the merriment at the Lapin Agile is a charismatic dark haired singer time warped in from a later era.

  • af Steve Martin
    218,95 kr.

  • af Steve Martin
    73,95 kr.

    This info-packed book is bursting with over 250 mind-blowing facts and illustrations on a range of fascinating subjects, from extreme animals and record-breaking sports to amazing technology and gross body facts. Did you know ... The eyes of a giant squid are as big as Frisbees. Figure skaters spin up to 300 times in one minute.In ancient Greece, every Olympic athlete competed in the nude! Every fact is accompanied with a hilarious illustration by bestselling artist Andrew Pinder to bring the information to life. With tons of awesome things to discover, this book is the perfect companion for all 8-year-olds, and will keep curious kids laughing and learning for hours on end. Also available in the series: 9781780559254 Awesome Facts for Curious Kids: 6 Year Olds 9781780559261 Awesome Facts for Curious Kids: 7 Year Olds

  • af Steve Martin, Valen Vergara & John Westley Clayton
    178,95 kr.

    Written by a collaboration of Napoleon Hill Foundation Certified Instructors and Students, each co-author adds their anecdote to the collective wisdom underlying Dr. Napoleon Hill's 17-principle personal success philosophy. Dr. Hill developed the philosophy under the direction of American philanthropist and steel tycoon Andrew Carnegie. It was organized over a period of twenty years in which Hill spent conducting interviews and gathering research on what made achievers out of some 500+ of the most successful men of the early 1900's. Likewise, he studied the non-achievers and came to understand that commonalities existed in the conduct, process, and methods used for both failure and success. He performed his work without compensation; a demonstration of persistence and self-discipline which are part of his documented science of achievement. Indeed, he utilized all aspects of his own philosophy throughout its very creation. The findings and workings of the success formula are time tested and still relevant today. It is unquantifiable how many millions of lives have been touched by Hill achieving his life's Purpose and how many more to come will attribute their success to the principles and Hill's most famous work - one of the best-selling books of all time - Think and Grow Rich. One need only be aware of the millions of his books continuing to be sold worldwide in multiple languages to gain a grandiose impression of how widespread the use of this philosophy is. Napoleon Hill lived from 1883 - 1970 and in addition to writing, spent his lifetime teaching, lecturing and leading by example through his motivational style influence. His outstanding achievements are the basis for most current leadership books and his literature has become the benchmark against which all other like-minded material is compared. Although Beyond What If mentions many of the other principles (because they all work synergistically), its general focus is on the principle of Definite Major Purpose (DMP) Definiteness of Purpose, or DMP, is one's chief aim in life and the starting point of all achievement. It represents the single most prominent desire that you aspire to achieve, the fruits of which you are willing to leave as a monument to yourself or in other words, your legacy. Although we may have many minor purposes, Hill teaches that without an overall lifelong purpose, one is wasting the better portion of their life. Everyone wants the better things in life but most people never go beyond wishing for them. Dr. Hill challenges us to understand the crucial difference between a wish and having a burning desire to achieve something. With a burning desire to pursue and achieve your life's goal, he believes you will be born again mentally, physically, and spiritually and gain the realization of your individual power and dignity as a unit of mankind.The Napoleon Hill Foundation was established in 1962 as a non-profit corporation whose sole purpose is to perpetuate his philosophy of individual achievement through Hill's published and yet unpublished manuscripts, recordings, and courses. It is a highly skilled and knowledgeable educational institution. The Foundation conducts itself in a manner that would obtain Dr. Hill's approval and well exceed his expectations. It is managed and operated with Dr. Hill's best interests at heart and with the same intention, honor and respect, integrity and tenacity that he himself would have used.The mind is a fascinating landscape of relatively unexplored territory. More and more, the field of science is able to validate what Dr. Hill has known and shared with his audience for decades: What the Mind can Conceive and Believe, it can Achieve. The motivational stories in Beyond What If will inspire you to go beyond your self-imposed limitations and deflating beliefs to discover your Purpose and turn your dreams into reality.

  • af Steve Martin
    243,95 kr.

    ** New York Times Bestseller **Number One Is Walking is Steve Martin's cinematic legacy-an illustrated memoir of his legendary acting career, with stories from his most popular films and artwork by New Yorker cartoonist Harry Bliss.Steve Martin has never written about his career in the movies before. In Number One Is Walking, he shares anecdotes from the sets of his beloved films-Father of the Bride, Roxanne, The Jerk, Three Amigos, and many more-bringing readers directly into his world. He shares charming tales of antics, moments of inspiration, and exploits with the likes of Paul McCartney, Diane Keaton, Robin Williams, and Chevy Chase. Martin details his forty years in the movie biz, as well as his stand-up comedy, banjo playing, writing, and cartooning, all with his unparalleled wit.With gorgeously illustrated cartoons and single-panel "diversions" in Steve and Harry's signature style, Number One Is Walking is full of the everyday moments that make up a movie star's life, capturing Steve Martin's singular humor and acclaimed career in film. The perfect gift from the team who brought you the #1 New York Times bestseller A Wealth of Pigeons.