Bøger af Stephen Miller
208,95 kr. Budapest and the Bronx: Portrait of an Intermarriage is a memoir that begins in wartime Budapest and touches on dark topics-Fascism, Stalinism, antisemitism-but it is mainly about two people from radically different backgrounds who enjoyed each other's company for almost six decades. Theirs was a marriage of "true minds" because they had so many interests in common, but they did have one serious disagreement.
- Bog
- 208,95 kr.
113,95 kr. A brilliant and ambitious college professor, Dr. Reginald Thorne finds himself faced with a decision that has shaken his career, his family, and his religious beliefs. As his personal life unravels, he realizes that he must be true to what his heart has revealed to him.
- Bog
- 113,95 kr.
178,95 kr. Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have more, be more, and achieve more? Do you imagine how good life could be if you could get all the values or dimensions of your life to be a strong as your most developed one?In Circle Builders, Stephen Miller explains how conventional thought has been that the human experience is lived from within a circle, what we call our own personal space. That circular space is sliced into seven pieces, each representing a different value. These seven pieces are spiritual, intellectual, emotional, family, social, fitness, and financial.Often when people attempt to grow and develop their life, or circle, they do it from a linear perspective-one issue at a time. The inevitable result will always be a lopsided circle, leaving them as a one, or at best, two-dimensional person.In this book, Stephen approaches life development holistically so that these pieces work cohesively. You will learn to: prioritize all seven values equallydevelop systems of patterns, actions, time management, and consistencygrow the circle of your life without compromising itGet ready to achieve more than you thought possible by building your circle!
- Bog
- 178,95 kr.
408,95 kr. In contrast to the traditional Marxist interpretation of emerging capitalism and its revolutionary bourgeoisie, State and Society in Eighteenth-Century France shows that commodified labor, fundamental to the existence of a capitalist bourgeoisie, did not take shape in eighteenth-century France. Through the revolutionary period, the mass of the population consisted of peasants and artisans in possession of land and workshops, all embedded in autonomous communities. The old regime bourgeoisie and nobility thus developed within the absolutist state in order to have the political means to impose feudal forms of exploitation on the people. These class relations, and not those offered in the traditional interpretation, gave rise to the crisis of 1789 and the revolutionary conflicts of the 1790s
- Bog
- 408,95 kr.
163,95 kr. - Bog
- 163,95 kr.
233,95 kr. A refreshing read in the midst of discouraging times, The Art of Getting It Wrong by popular YouTube star Stephen Miller shares never-before-told stories that will guide you to a healthier perspective on life's failures, setbacks, and disappointments.
- Bog
- 233,95 kr.
- Seen and Unseen
883,95 kr. Both collectively and individually we have a deep and abiding fascination with angels. This book explores depictions of angels in the visual arts and in scripture and associated apocryphal and mystical writings, specifically in the Hebrew and Christian Bibles and Islamic, Zoroastrian and other ancient and latter-day accounts. It examines the visual clues, artistic conventions and attributes that have been set down to help us to recognise angels in their particular roles and functions. Certain writings have had a particularly influential bearing on our understanding of angels. This text focuses on the hierarchies and orders proposed by the likes of Pseudo-Dionysius, St. Thomas Aquinas and others. In a new age of fascination with the metaphysical and supernatural (in film, television, popular mythology and literature), are we cementing or losing our connection with the authentic meaning and purpose that such vibrant and energised beings bring to our table? This book contains more than 30 illustrations in a central colour plates section. It also includes a useful glossary of terms and will prove a rich and enduring reference resource for libraries, as well as a stimulating go-to source for those interested in the world of angels and how human sensibilities and imaginative reasoning have enriched the subject, as a starting point for interreligious dialogue.
- Bog
- 883,95 kr.
- Bog
- 143,95 kr.
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- 143,95 kr.
223,95 - 321,95 kr. - Bog
- 223,95 kr.
- embracing the settlement of the city, city government, business enterprises, churches, press, schools, libraries, & c.
249,95 kr. - Bog
- 249,95 kr.
223,95 kr. Building a Healthy Marriage Ministry is a manual for Pastors and Churches who want to build a vibrant marriage ministry in the local church. Complete with Outlines and graphic ideas, this resource is a practical how-to manual to build your very own marriage ministry.
- Bog
- 223,95 kr.
- An In-Depth Exercise in Celestial Navigation Using Real Sextant Sights and Logbook Entries
308,95 - 413,95 kr. - Bog
- 308,95 kr.
- The Ethiopian Jewish Exodus
1.649,95 kr. Between 1977 and 1985, some 20,000 Ethiopian Jews left their homes in Ethiopia and embarked on a secret and highly traumatic exodus to Israel.
- Bog
- 1.649,95 kr.
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- 1.649,95 kr.
- Bog
- 133,95 kr.
- The Ethiopian Jewish Exodus
560,95 kr. Focusing on the experience of Ethiopian Jews who left their homes in Ethiopia and embarked on a secret and highly traumatic exodus to Israel, this book covers the journey, its meaning for the people who made it, and its relation to the initial encounter with Israeli society. It examines the relations between coping and meaning, trauma and culture.
- Bog
- 560,95 kr.
- How to talk, listen, provide stimulation and give comfort
128,95 kr. If someone close to you has dementia (Alzheimer s Disease is the most common type) you will know that communication gradually becomes more difficult and at times frustrating. This jargon-free book explains why this happens and how you have to rethink your whole approach by:Making key changes to the way you communicate Creating the right physical environment for good communication And bear in mind that communication in the broadest sense goes well beyond talking; there is also a wide range of non-verbal communication such as facial expression, posture and touch. The person with dementia in your life needs your help. This straightforward book will help you to acquire the knack for improving and facilitating communication that works in a wide variety of situations including: Improving conversationFinding stimulating activitiesDealing with challenging situationsMaking important decisionsReducing stress and agitationMoving into residential careThis book provides invaluable information for people helping to care for people with dementia at home and also those who do so as part of their job.
- Bog
- 128,95 kr.
- Bog
- 523,95 kr.
- An Insider Guide to setting up your own successful business
198,95 kr. Revised and Updated Second Edition. Sandwiches are still the fastest growing food sector, which makes good quality coffee and sandwich bars an exciting opportunity. In this book the author passes on the knowledge he has gained from his own experience. Find out how to: - * CREATE A CONCEPT AND YOUR IMAGE * CHOOSE THE RIGHT LOCATION * BUY EQUIPMENT AND FIT OUT THE SHOP * GENERATE INTEREST BEFORE YOU OPEN
- Bog
- 198,95 kr.
382,95 kr. From Augustine to Caesarius, through the Reformation and the Puritan flight from England, down through the ages to contemporary debates about Sunday worship, Miller explores the fascinating history of the Sabbath.
- Bog
- 382,95 kr.
- Bog
- 483,95 kr.
186,95 kr. From his legendary 50s Sun recordings to his classic 'American' albums of the late 90s, Johnny Cash has always been the country voice of rock.
- Bog
- 186,95 kr.
120,95 kr. EKSPLOSIV OG SAMTIDSRELEVANT SPÆNDINGSROMAN, DER TAGER LÆSEREN MED IND I SINDET PÅ EN TERRORIST På en smuk solskinsdag i september 2012, ikke ulig en anden skæbnesvanger septemberdag 11 år tidligere, stiger en ung, elegant klædt kvinde om bord på et fly fra Berlin til New York velvidende, at hun vil slippe en dødelig epidemi løs blandt indbyggerne i hele den vestlige verden. ’Daria’ er flygtning fra en af de mange overfyldte, fattigdomsramte flygtningelejre i Mellemøsten og er i årevis blevet optrænet af terrorister. Hun er poleret, kultiveret, uddannet på de fineste skoler og vestliggjort for at slette ethvert spor fra hendes mellemøstlige kulturarv, alt imens hun skjuler et sydende raseri mod den vestlige verden og alt hvad den står for. Darias eneste instrukser er, at hun skal interagere med så mange mennesker som muligt. Hun bor på Trump Tower Hotel og udgiver sig for at være journalist på det fiktive magasin Klic! Hun besøger Guggenheim museum og Central Park og slentrer gennem gaderne på Manhattan mens hun inficerer alle hun møder med den dødelige virus. Selv afventer hun symptomerne på virussen: høj feber, kuldegysninger, kvalme, læsioner. Kopper. Hun ved, at den indsprøjtning hun fik i Berlin vil sinke sygdommens angreb og give hende mere kostbar tid til at sprede smitten...
- Lydbog
- 120,95 kr.