Bøger af Stephen J. Pyne
- Bog
- 263,95 kr.
- A Journey to Antarctica
323,95 kr. The Ice is a compilation of more about ice than you knew you wanted to know, yet sheer compelling significance holds attention page by page. . . . Pyne conveys a view of Antarctica that interweaves physical science with humanistic inquiry and perception. His audacity as well as his presentation warrant admiration, for the implications of The Ice are vast.New York Times Book Review
- Bog
- 323,95 kr.
178,95 - 223,95 kr. Lige så længe der har været liv på jorden, har der været ild. Igennem to millioner år har mennesket forfinet sin evne til at mestre ilden og derved fuldkommen forandret verden – og mennesket selv. Mad tilberedt over ild gav os store hjerner og små maver og placerede os i toppen af fødekæden. Mennesket brugte ilden til at præparere jorden som en del af en økologisk cyklus. Men da vi begyndte at afbrænde fossile brændsler, ødelagde mennesket sit forhold til ilden. Klimaforandringerne og de mange skovbrande viser med al tydelighed, hvordan ilden nu kan kontrollere os.Ildens tidsalder er historien om, hvordan vi med ilden som energikilde forandrede planeten, og hvordan vi på bæredygtig vis kan genindtage rollen som planetens fakkelbærere. Stephen J. Pyne er professor emeritus ved Arizona State University med speciale i miljøhistorie og navnlig ildens historie. Pyne er forfatter til mere end 40 bøger, og med Ildens tidsalder udkommer han for første gang på dansk.Udgivelsen er støttet af Carlsbergfondet.
338,95 kr. A stunning combination of landscape photography and thematic essays exploring how the concept of wilderness has evolved over time
- Bog
- 338,95 kr.
248,95 - 263,95 kr. - Bog
- 248,95 kr.
- A Fire History of Canada
343,95 kr. Fire is a defining element in Canadian land and life. With few exceptions, Canada's forests and prairies have evolved with fire; its peoples have exploited fire and sought to protect themselves from its excesses. This book narrates the history of this saga.
- Bog
- 343,95 kr.
- A Guide to Writing History and Other Serious Nonfiction
243,95 kr. It has become commonplace these days to speak of "unpacking" texts. This book is about packing that prose in the first place. Pyne explores the many ways to understand what makes good nonfiction, and explains how to achieve it. His counsel and guidance will be invaluable to experts and novices in the art of writing serious and scholarly nonfiction.
- Bog
- 243,95 kr.
- A Cultural History of Wildland and Rural Fire
368,95 kr. When first published in 1982, this work was one of the most remarkable scholarly projects ever undertaken by an America historian: a systematic rewriting of U.S. history that put fire at the center of the narrative. From prehistory to the present-day conservation movement, Pyne explores the efforts
- Bog
- 368,95 kr.
- A Firefighter's Season at the Grand Canyon
408,95 kr. In this lively account of one [fire] season, Pyne introduces us to the tightly knit world of a fire crew, to the complex geography of the North Rim, to the technique and changing philosophy of fire management.
- Bog
- 408,95 kr.
- The Culture of Fire on Earth
273,95 kr. Back in PrintWorld Fire is the story of how fire and humans have coevolved. The two are inseparable, and together they have repeatedly remade the planet.Pyne considers the evolution of fire in such diverse regions as Australia, Africa, Brazil, Sweden, Greece, Iberia, Russia, and India and then ponders Antarctica, the land without fire. As he examines changing techniques for and attitudes toward fire control, Pyne challenges our concepts of nature and wilderness and explains why the study and management of fire have tremendous environmental, cultural, and political implications.BooklistA sweeping historical treatise that examines our worlds love/hate relationship with conflagration. His engrossing ideas leave bright embers in the memory.Outside
- Bog
- 273,95 kr.