Bøger af Stephen Green
108,95 kr. Who's your family?Family is special because it looks different for each of us! And no matter what your family looks like, you know you've found it when you feel happy and at home.
- Bog
- 108,95 kr.
- La Guía Definitiva Para Los Efectos Mágicos Y El USO Seguro de Los Hongos Psicodélicos. Cómo Hacer Su Cultivo Privado, Consejos Y Sugerencias.
173,95 kr. ¿Estás buscando una guía detallada para aprender a cultivar setas mágicas? Entonces sigue leyendo ...El descubrimiento de los beneficios de los hongos se remonta a la Edad de Piedra. En ese momento, solo unas pocas personas, incluidos los antropólogos, sabían cuán influyentes eran estos hongos para afectar la historia de la humanidad. La gente de la antigua Grecia, Mesopotamia e India también fue muy sensible a estos hongos y sus respuestas extremas variaron de la adulación de aquellos que entienden los beneficios de los hongos y el miedo por los demás.Varios registros históricos revelaron la importancia de los hongos. Sin embargo, hay historiadores que creían que los hongos mágicos pueden tener el Papa Clemente VII y Claudio II fue envenenado con Amanitas mortales. Según la leyenda, Buda muere por comerse un hongo regalado por una persona que creía que era un manjar.En el verso antiguo, el hongo se asociaba con la frase "pata de cerdo". Ha sido descubierto y utilizado por personas en el año 9000 a. C. especialmente en las culturas indígenas del norte de África, ya que había representaciones de estos hongos populares representados en pinturas rupestres. Se han encontrado estatuas en la formación de lo que parecía ser un hongo en las ruinas aztecas y mayas de América Central.La psilocibina es una droga potente con intensos efectos psicoactivos que se encuentran en varias especies de hongos. Se les conoce como hongos mágicos y algunos de ellos incluso podrían encontrarse hoy en su patio trasero.La psilocibina ha sido reconocida a lo largo de la historia por su uso tradicional desde la época de los aborígenes australianos hasta las culturas mesoamericanas cuyos descendientes la siguen utilizando hasta la actualidad.Este libro cubre los siguientes temas: - Farmacología y efectos- ¿Qué son los hongos de psilocibina, microdosis y uso seguro?- Dejar de fumar- Especies comunes de Psilocybe- Cultivo de hongos (método de cultivo de hongos)- Sustratos utilizados para cultivar psilocibina- Esterilización- Técnicas de cultivo de hongos- Consejos y trucos para cultivar setas- Legalidad de las setas de psilocibina en todo el mundo- ¡Haciendo sus propias jeringas!- Ciclo de vida de los hongos...¡Y mucho más!Según diferentes estudios, la psilocibina puede ayudar no solo en el alivio de la ansiedad, sino incluso en su tratamiento y prevención, es una nueva esperanza en este mundo frecuentemente bombardeado por el estrés y la ansiedad. El resultado es alentador, pero advierte que aún se necesita más trabajo antes de comprender completamente cómo esta sustancia podría desempeñar un papel en la lucha contra la depresión.A partir de ahora, a pesar del problema de su legalidad, que está limitada por la ubicación, el cultivo de hongos mágicos había comenzado a captar los intereses de las personas que se habían dado cuenta de sus beneficios para la salud y sus efectos alucinógenos.A través de la guía detallada proporcionada en esta pequeña guía, los principiantes pueden comenzar a cultivar su propio hongo mágico en su patio trasero o en cualquier lugar que lo consideren adecuado. Sin embargo, como esto podría estar sujeto a legalidad, asegúrese de conocer las leyes y políticas reguladoras en su país con respecto al cultivo, uso, venta y transporte de esta fuente de sustancia antes de comenzar a cultivar sus setas mágicas.¿Querer aprender más? Haga clic en Comprar ahora.
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- 173,95 kr.
178,95 kr. Do you know what true love really is? What would you do if a trusted friend voiced their misgivings about the person you are about to marry?Alex H, is a junior doctor working in A&E at a Cambridge city hospital in England. As a distraction from the stress of work, he and his close friends find social and physical well being through their shared passion - sculling.It is the start of 2020 and the date of his wedding is looming. Alex is looking forward to starting a family. What Alex doesn't know is, that two women are about to enter his life and shake up his world.His grandmother, a retired high court judge, is concerned about holding the unity of the family together. Will she succeed? Will his friends and his parents be there for him when he needs them most?
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- 178,95 kr.
- Simplify Your Life, Declutter Your Home, and Attract More Joy
153,95 kr. Do you ever get overwhelmed when you think about how cluttered your house, office, car...or LIFE is? "Finally someone has produced a guide to minimalism which is realistic and applicable to the lives we all live today."Seattle Today Maybe you have thought about simplifying your life, and you have heard about the concept of minimalism, and want to know a little bit more?Or, maybe you are just looking to broaden your knowledge, and learn about how other people find more joy in their lives? Whatever your reason may be, this book will give you everything you could possibly want to know about the concept of minimalism. "Easy to follow, yet powerful in its results, this book is a delight!"Kate Groomsport, Author "Superb, a book I have no hesitation in recommending!"Matt Davis, Author and Speaker Don't delay! Start getting more happiness and joy out of your life today, and learn more about the concept of minimalism. Updated 2022 version is available now on Kindle, Paperback, Hardback and Audible.
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- 153,95 kr.
- Learn to Play Football: The Ultimate Guide to Understand Football Rules, Football Positions, Football Statistics and Watch a Football Game Like a Pro!
173,95 kr. You're about to discover how to... How to become a pro at watching and playing football. From learning the rules as you go along to learning all of the positions, you'll soon be playing football in no time. Watching football can be easy too. All you have to do is to know about the rules, commodities, and even the NFL leagues. All of this information can be found in this book.
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- 173,95 kr.
- a memoir
83,95 kr. Charles Carlin lived in a small town in Ohio called Tradition. He lived there with his wife, Charlotte and three daughters Billie, Becca, and Brittany. The life Charles had planned out didn't go quite the way he thought it would. This is the account of the last eight days of Tradition, Ohio.
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- 83,95 kr.
- The Ultimate Guide to Magic Effects Andsafe Use of Psychedelic Mushrooms. How to Make Your Private Cultivation, Tips and Suggestions.
178,95 kr. Are you looking for a detailed guide to learn how to cultivate magic mushrooms? Then keep reading...The discovery of mushroom benefits extended way back during the Stone Age. At that time, only a few people including anthropologists were aware of how influential these mushrooms were in affecting human history. People of ancient Greece, Mesopotamia, and India were likewise very responsive to these fungi and their extreme responses varied from the adulation of those who understand the benefits of mushroom and fear for others. Several historical records revealed the significance of mushrooms. However, there are historians who believed that magic mushrooms may have Pope Clement VII and Claudius II was poisoned with deadly Amanitas. According to the legend, Buddha dies of eating a mushroom given by a person who believed it was a delicacy.In ancient verse, mushroom was associated with the phrase, "pig's foot". It has been discovered and used by people in 9000 BC especially in North African indigenous cultures as there were representations of these popular fungi depicted on rock paintings. Statues in the formation of what appeared to be mushroom have been found in Aztec and Mayan Ruins in Central America.Psilocybin is a potent drug with intense psychoactive effects found in various species of fungi. They are referred to as magic mushrooms and some of them could even be found today in your backyard.Psilocybin had been recognized throughout the history because of its traditional use since the time of the Australian aborigines up to the Mesoamerican cultures whose descendants are still using it until the present time.This book covers the following topics: Pharmacology and effectsWhat are psilocybin mushrooms, microdosing, and safe useSmoking cessationCommon Psilocybe speciesMushroom cultivation (method of growing mushrooms)Substrates used to cultivate psilocybinSterilizationMushroom growing techniquesTips and trick for growing mushroomsLegality of psilocybin mushrooms around the worldMaking your own syringes!Mushroom life cycle...And much more!Based on different studies that psilocybin can help not only in the relief of anxiety but even in its treatment and prevention is a new hope in this world that's frequently bombarded with stress and anxiety. The result is encouraging but cautions that there is still more work needed before one fully understands how this substance might play a role in combating depression.As of now, despite the issue of its legality which is location bounded, magic mushroom growing had started catching the interests of people who had become aware of its health benefits and hallucinogenic effects.Through the detailed guidance provided in this little guidebook, beginners can start growing their own magic mushroom in their backyard or anywhere they find it suitable. However, as this could be subject to legality, make sure that you are aware of the regulating laws and policies in your country regarding the growing, use, selling, and transporting of this substance source before starting to grow your magic mushrooms.Want to learn more? Click Buy now!
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- 178,95 kr.
- Everything You Should about Fruits, Herbs and Vegetables Growing Systems
173,95 kr. Hydroponics simply means working water ("hydro" means "water" and "ponos" signifies "labor"). Many distinct civilizations have used hydroponic growing techniques: hanging gardens of Babylon, the floating gardens of the Aztecs of Mexico and people of the Chinese are cases of 'Hydroponic' culture. Hydroponics is of course a new way of growing plants. Hydroponic gardening can be VERY complex, with sensors and computers controlling everything from watering cycles to nutrient power and the total amount of light the plants get. On the flip side, hydroponics may also be incredibly straightforward, a hand watered bucket of sand using one plant can also be a way of hydroponic gardening. Many hobby-oriented hydroponics systems are somewhere between the two extremes mentioned previously. The "average" home hydroponic system generally contains a couple of basic components: a growing tray, a reservoir, an easy timer controlled submersible pump to water the plants and an air pump and air stone to oxygenate the nutrient solution. Obviously, light (either artificial or natural ) can also be required. Now, much of the food on the dinner table is homegrown. There's a certain satisfaction in knowing that the food on your dinner table is grown using your skills. You don't require a massive budget to start, and if you do, you'll quickly taste and feel the advantages. As a result of the success of hydroponics, we've got plenty of herbs, salad fruits and ingredients. It might be that you're just beginning. You might even have a little flat, as I formerly had. In both cases, if you'd like a quick climbing, bountiful harvest, subsequently hydroponics is the thing to do. Have a peek at the first advantages if you develop your own food with hydroponics: You do not need a lawn or garden area. Plants grow faster and create more harvest when compared with plants grown in soil. Grow out of season plants, all year round. Grow special plants in almost any climate. If that is not enough to seal the bargain, how about not getting soil under your fingernails? This eBook therefore, will help individuals that are in an identical situation and offer advice about the best way to select the very best hydroponic system and plant for homegrown food yearlong. Indoors, in a greenhouse, or outside, there's a hydroponic method of growing for all kinds of gardeners.In this book, You'll learn: History And Definition Of HydroponicsTypes Of Hydroponic SystemAdvantages And Disadvantages Of Different Hydroponics SystemChoosing The Right Hydroponics SystemHow To Build Your Own Hydroponic SystemMedia And NutrientPests And Diseases ControlMaintained Of Your Hydroponic GardenMistakes To Avoid And Most Frequently Asked Hydroponic Gardening QuestionsTips And Tricks For Growing Healthy Herbs, Fruits And Vegetables And Many More...This eBook is your ultimate guide to discover the very best hydroponic system and plant for homegrown food yearlong. Indoors, in a greenhouse, or outside, there's ALWAYS a hydroponic method of growing for all kinds of gardeners.Are you ready to discover Everything You Should About Fruits, Herbs And Vegetables Growing System? Press the "BUY NOW" button now and get started right away!
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- 173,95 kr.
- Current Management practice and why it should change
108,95 kr. An honest and illuminating reflection of modern-day Management practice with all its contradictions, difficulties and consequences. It is also a compelling look at why Business organisations struggle to meet their potential, exposing the mentality that prevents them from achieving more. Thought provoking and challenging, any Manager reading this book will be affected by the underlying proposition and direction this book offers. Every Director, Manager and Supervisor will re-consider how they they view their job and how they spend their time. Ultimately, it is a view of how, by challenging attitudes and behaviours great things are possible not just by doing things 'right' but doing the right 'things'. This book takes a close look at the chief protagonist and victim: the 'Manager'. The objective is simply to demonstrate a different approach to Management and question the methods, doctrines and beliefs that currently drive organisations and those who run them.
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- 108,95 kr.
173,95 kr. Can one be both an ethical person and an effective businessperson? Stephen Green, an ordained priest and the chairman of HSBC, thinks so. In "Good Value," Green retraces the history of the global economy and its financial systems, and shows that while the marketplace has delivered huge advantages to humanity, it has also abandoned over a billion people to extreme poverty, encouraged overconsumption and debt, and ravaged the environment. How do we reconcile the demands of capitalism with both the common good and our own spiritual and psychological needs as individuals? To answer that, and some of the most vexing questions of our age, Green takes us on a lively and erudite journey through history, looking for lessons in the work of economists and philosophers, businessmen and poets, theologians and novelists, playwrights and political scientists. An essential business book by a man who is uniquely qualified to write it, "Good Value" is a timely and persuasive analysis of the most pressing financial and moral questions we face.
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- 173,95 kr.
98,95 kr. Unwritten Rule calls for a radical realignment, embracing a federal approach that would accommodate devolution as the best way of bringing about a successful and diverse national life, increasing democratic control over local and national decision-making, and modernising our national political structures.
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- 98,95 kr.
- Equity Politics and Market Institutions
673,95 - 1.824,95 kr. Based on extensive field research in Shanghai, Shenzhen and Beijing and over 40 interviews with regulators and market players, this volume provides a detailed, academic analysis of China's stockmarket.
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- 673,95 kr.
- Choosing a Better Life in Business
188,95 kr. Argues that our businesses have a duty to society and explores how those of us who work in a profit-making workplace can combine our spiritual and ethical selves with our everyday work. This title examines money markets across the globe and through the ages in a study of history, politics, religion and economics.
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- 188,95 kr.