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Bøger af Stephen Fry

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  • - Genfortælling af de græske myter
    af Stephen Fry
    144,95 - 299,45 kr.

    Stephen Fry indfanger den græske mytologis vindunderlige historier og dens relevans for den moderne læser. De græske myter er blandt de mest indflydelsesrige historier, der nogensinde er blevet fortalt, nedarvet gennem årtusinder. De har inspireret forfattere og kunstnere fra Shakespeare til Michelangelo og fra James Joyce til Walt Disney. Historierne er dybt forankret i den vestlige kulturs DNA og tradition. I Stephen Frys hænder bliver fortællingerne om titanerne og guderne en underholdende og velfortalt indføring i krigsførelse, rivalisering, tilbedelse, erotik, kærlighed, livsvisdom, triumfer og tragedie. "I en tid præget af hastig glemsel og grov overfladiskhed er det en vigtig gestus, Fry gør med Mythos, der sigter efter at genfortælle de vigtigste græske myter, så alle er velkomne; det skal være en fornøjelse. Kan anbefales både til folk og fæ, unge som gamle, vidende såvel som ignoranter." Weekendavisen "Mythos af Stephen Fry er en humoristisk og episk genfortælling af de græske myter ... Mythos var en fremragende læseoplevelse og i skrivende stund årets bedste. Så hvis du er til græske fortællinger, der kan lidt noget andet end Homers trivielle vers, så er Mythos et fint supplement til din samling.", 5 af 5 stjerner. "En helt fantastisk genfortælling af den lidenskabelige og krigeriske græske mytologi. Stephen Frys store kærlighed til den græske mytologi er tydelig gennem hele bogen, og han sprog er velvalgt, humoristisk uden at dominere …" Lektør "Fornøjeligt uformel, og alligevel fuld af den litterære arv." The Guardian "Perfekt til det 21. århundrede." The Times "Myterne er genfortalt med både humor og med så naturlig en stemme, at det bliver charmerende og en virkelig god læseoplevelse." "Den græske mytologis væsen bliver vagt til live og genfortalt på charmerende og levende vis af Stephen Fry.", 5 af 5 stjerner "Alt i alt har Stephen Fry skrevet en fremragende bog ... Man behøver ikke at være historisk interesseret for at læse denne bog - den er bare underholdende, fascinerende og fængslende - så sæt i gang ...", 6 af 6 stjerner

  • - The Greek Myths Retold
    af Stephen Fry
    124,45 - 319,46 kr.

  • - The myths of the Ancient Greek heroes retold
    af Stephen Fry
    129,45 - 284,45 kr.

  • af Stephen Fry
    144,95 - 299,45 kr.

    Der er helte – og så er der græske helte.Stephen Fry genfortæller de græske heltes historier. Der er hårrejsende jagter, farefulde færd gennem sindrige labyrinter, umulige gåder og blodtørstige monstre.Historierne om os dødelige mænd og kvinder og hvad vi er i stand til, når heltemodet er størst, er dramatiske og morsomme, tragiske og tidløse.I HELTE indfanger Stephen Fry den græske mytologis vidunderlige historier og deres relevans for den moderne læser. De græske myter er blandt de mest indflydelsesrige historier, der nogensinde er blevet fortalt, nedarvet gennem årtusinder. De har inspireret forfattere og kunstnere fra Shakespeare til ­Michelangelo og fra James Joyce til Walt Disney.

  • af Stephen Fry
    129,45 - 284,45 kr.

  • af Stephen Fry
    144,95 - 299,45 kr.

    Troja. Det mest eventyrlige kongerige i hele verden. Byen, der voksede frem og faldt, ikke én, men to gange. Det er Zeus, gudernes konge, der sætter krigen i gang, da han beder den trojanske prins Paris om at udpege den smukkeste gudinde af alle. Valget står mellem Afrodite, Hera og Athena. For at vinde bestikker Afrodite Paris og lover ham til gengæld verdens smukkeste kvinde, Helena. Der er bare ét problem: Helena er gift med den græske konge, Menelaos. Grækerne sender tusind skibe mod Troja, som de derpå belejrer i ti lange og meget blodige år. Den trojanske krig er forfærdelig og brutal med ofre på begge sider. Grækerne kan ikke besejre trojanerne – og scenen er sat for den ældste og mest storslåede af alle fortællinger, hvor frygtindgydende lidenskaber møder de ædleste idealer og mest nedrige listigheder. Stephen Fry er prisbelønnet komiker, skuespiller, programvært og filminstruktør. Han har været vært i over 180 episoder af det britiske underholdningsprogram QI og har indlæst samtlige Harry Potter-romaner som lydbøger. Han er forfatter til flere bøger, og hans genfortælling af de græske myter i MYTHOS, HELTE og nu TROJA er alle tre Sunday Times-bestellere.

  • af Stephen Fry
    174,45 kr.

    Discover the tales behind the ties in Stephen Fry's witty companion to our most distinguished accessory'A well-tied tie is the first serious step in life' Oscar Wilde'What do ties matter, Jeeves, at a time like this?' 'There is no time, sir, at which ties do not matter' P.G. Wodehouse ________ Every single one of Stephen Fry's ties - whether floral, fluorescent, football themed; striped or spotty, outrageous or simply debonair - tells an intimate tale about a moment in Stephen's life. Inspired by Stephen's hugely popular Instagram posts, this book will feature beautiful, hand-drawn illustrations and photographs to celebrate his expansive collection of man's greatest clothing companion: The Tie, in all its sophisticated glory. Distinctively funny and offering witty asides, facts and personal stories, this book will make the perfect gift for anyone who has ever worn a tie.

  • af Stephen Fry
    124,45 kr.

    Michael Young is a brilliant young history student whose life is changed when he meets Leo Zuckerman, an ageing physicist with a theory that can change worlds.

  • af Stephen Fry, Jordan B. Peterson, Michelle Goldberg & mfl.
    109,45 kr.

    Has political correctness gone too far?

  • af Stephen Fry
    129,45 - 229,45 kr.

    The unabridged, downloadable audiobook edition of the hugely successful The Fry Chronicles, brilliantly read by Stephen Fry himself. Thirteen years ago, Moab is my Washpot, Stephen Frys autobiography of his early years, was published to rave reviews and was a huge bestseller. In those thirteen years since, Stephen Fry has moved into a completely new stratosphere, both as a public figure, and a private man. Now he is not just a multi-award-winning comedian and actor, but also an author, director and presenter. In January 2010, he was awarded the Special Recognition Award at the National Television Awards. Much loved by the public and his peers, Stephen Fry is one of the most influential cultural forces in the country. This dazzling memoir promises to be a courageously frank, honest and poignant read. It will detail some of the most turbulent and least well known years of his life with a reading that will excite you, make you laugh uproariously, move you, inform you and, above all, surprise you.

  • af Stephen Fry
    286,95 kr.

    In this continuation of "Mythos," Stephen Fry recounts the stories of the human heroes found in Greek mythology, with illustrations of classical art inspired by the myths.

  • af Stephen Fry
    129,45 - 229,45 kr.

    Stephen Fry invites readers to take a glimpse at his life story in the unputdownable More Fool Me.'Oh dear I am an arse. I expect there'll be what I believe is called an "e;intervention"e; soon. I keep picturing it. All my friends bearing down on me and me denying everything until my pockets are emptied. Oh the shame'In his early thirties, Stephen Fry - writer, comedian, star of stage and screen - had, as they say, 'made it'. Much loved in A Bit of Fry and Laurie, Blackadder and Jeeves and Wooster, author of a critically acclaimed and bestselling first novel, The Liar, with a glamorous and glittering cast of friends, he had more work than was perhaps good for him. What could possibly go wrong?Then, as the 80s drew to a close, he discovered a most enjoyable way to burn the candle at both ends, and took to excess like a duck to breadcrumbs. Writing and recording by day, and haunting a never ending series of celebrity parties, drinking dens, and poker games by night, in a ludicrous and impressive act of bravado, he fooled all those except the very closest to him, some of whom were most enjoyably engaged in the same dance.He was - to all intents and purposes - a high functioning addict. Blazing brightly and partying wildly as the 80s turned to the 90s, AIDS became an epidemic and politics turned really nasty, he was so busy, so distracted by the high life, that he could hardly see the inevitable, headlong tumble that must surely follow . . .Containing raw, electric extracts from his diaries of the time, More Fool Me is a brilliant, eloquent account by a man driven to create and to entertain - revealing a side to him he has long kept hidden.Stephen Fry is an award-winning comedian, actor, presenter and director. He rose to fame alongside Hugh Laurie in A Bit of Fry and Laurie (which he co-wrote with Laurie) and Jeeves and Wooster, and was unforgettable as Captain Melchett in Blackadder. He also presented Stephen Fry: The Secret Life of the Manic Depressive, his groundbreaking documentary on bipolar disorder, to huge critical acclaim. His legions of fans tune in to watch him host the popular quiz show QI each week.

  • - Unlocking the Poet Within
    af Stephen Fry
    129,45 kr.

    She knew he'd really done it this time when he revealed to her that he'd always had a secret passion for poetry and that his next project was a book about how to write poetry. According to Stephen it will make writing poetry fun, easy, satisfying, fulfilling and delightful.

  • af Stephen Fry
    109,45 kr.

    Stephen Fry's breathtakingly outrageous debut novel, by turns eccentric, shocking, brilliantly comic and achingly romantic. unprepared for more murders and wholly unprepared for the truth. The Liar is a thrilling, sophisticated and laugh out loud hilarious novel from a brilliantly talented writer.

  • af Stephen Fry
    129,45 kr.

    Britain's best-loved comic genius Stephen Fry turns his celebrated wit and insight to unearthing the real America as he travels across the continent in his black taxicab. Stephen's account of his adventures is filled with his unique humour, insight and warmth in the fascinating book that orginally accompanied his journey for the BBC1 series.'Stephen Fry is a treasure of the British Empire.' - The GuardianStephen Fry has always loved America, in fact he came very close to being born there. Here, his fascination for the country and its people sees him embarking on an epic journey across America, visiting each of its 50 states to discover how such a huge diversity of people, cultures, languages, beliefs and landscapes combine to create such a remarkable nation.Starting on the eastern seaboard, Stephen zig-zags across the country in his London taxicab, talking to its hospitable citizens, listening to its music, visiting its landmarks, viewing small-town life and America's breath-taking landscapes - following wherever his curiosity leads him.Stephen meets a collection of remarkable individuals - American icons and unsung local heroes alike. Stephen starts his epic journey on the east coast and zig-zags across America, stopping in every state from Maine to Hawaii. En route he discovers the South Side of Chicago with blues legend Buddy Guy, catches up with Morgan Freeman in Mississippi, strides around with Ted Turner on his Montana ranch, marches with Zulus in New Orleans' Mardi Gras, and drums with the Sioux Nation in South Dakota; joins a Georgia family for thanksgiving, 'picks' with Bluegrass hillbillies, and finds himself in a Tennessee garden full of dead bodies.Whether in a club for failed gangsters (yes, those are real bullet holes) or celebrating Halloween in Salem (is there anywhere better?), Stephen is welcomed by the people of America - mayors, sheriffs, newspaper editors, park rangers, teachers and hobos, bringing to life the oddities and splendours of each locale.A celebration of the magnificent and the eccentric, the beautiful and the strange, Stephen Fry in America is our author's homage to this extraordinary country.

  • af Stephen Fry
    114,45 kr.

    Fired from his newspaper, months behind on his alimony payments and disgusted with a world that undervalues him, Ted seeks a few months repose and free drink at Swafford Hall, the country mansion of his old friend Lord Logan.

  • af Stephen Fry
    119,45 kr.

    Moab is My Washpot is in turns funny, shocking, tender, delicious, sad, lyrical, bruisingly frank and addictively readable.

  • af Stephen Fry
    225,95 kr.

    New book from Penguin, Michael Joseph coming soon.

  • af Stephen Fry
    161,95 kr.

    Pre-order the final book in Stephen Fry's acclaimed internationally bestselling Greek myths series telling the story of The Odyssey - can a hero find his way home?Follow Odysseus after he leaves the fallen city of Troy and takes ten long dramatic years - battling monsters, the temptations of goddesses and suffering the curse of Poseidon - to voyage home to his wife Penelope on the island of Ithaca.Praise for Stephen Fry's Greek Myths series:'Fry is at his story-telling best . . . the gods will be pleased' The Times'Brilliant . . . all hail Stephen Fry' Daily Mail'A head-spinning marathon of legends' Guardian'A rollicking good read' Independent'An Olympian feat. The gods seem to be smiling on Fry - his myths are definitely a hit' Evening Standard

  • af Stephen Fry
    289,45 kr.

    The kidnapping of the beautiful Greek queen Helen by the Trojan prince Paris triggers a war between the two people. The Greeks send their fleet and besiege the city of Troy. The conflict will last ten years, and will cause much suffering and many deaths. Heroes like the courageous Achilles or the cunning Odysseus and gods like Zeus himself will intervene. Who better than Stephen Fry to tell this ancient story with modern words and looks? The author and actor, who in his previous Mythos and Heroes already delighted us with his reviews of Greek mythology, returns to the charge in top form. This is a story that has it all: heroism, revenge, love, ideals, brutality, betrayal, despair, extreme violence, pain, hope, and more.

  • af Stephen Fry
    184,45 kr.

  • af Stephen Fry
    199,45 kr.

  • - Penguin Picks
    af Stephen Fry
    109,45 kr.

  • af Sir Arthur Conan Doyle & Stephen Fry
    219,45 kr.

  • af Sir Arthur Conan Doyle & Stephen Fry
    169,95 kr.

  • af Sir Arthur Conan Doyle & Stephen Fry
    169,95 kr.

  • af Sir Arthur Conan Doyle & Stephen Fry
    174,45 kr.

  • af Stephen Fry
    119,45 kr.

    Inspired by the Count of Monte Cristo, Fry's psychological thriller is written with the pace, wit and shrewd insight that we have come to expect from one of our finest novelists.

  • - Chemical and Metabolic Analysis
    af Stephen Fry
    604,95 kr.