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Bøger af Steen Thomsen

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  • af Steen Thomsen & Martin Conyon
    538,95 kr.

    Corporate Governance and Board Decisions takes the reader on an exciting journey through the principles and practice of corporate governance. Written by two internationally respected experts, this book explains how corporate governance contributes to value creation for both business and society, and how transparency, checks and balances, incentive alignment, and stewardship are essential when trying to reduce decision errors and opportunism.This advanced introduction is aimed at master’s level courses in corporate governance. It addresses students who wish to understand both corporate governance and the directors who practice it. It combines academic rigor with practical recommendations in an informal style.Corporate Governance and Board Decisions is a thoroughly revised and updated replacement of Corporate Governance: Mechanisms and Systems (2012). Steen Thomsen is Professor of Corporate Governance at Copenhagen Business School. He specializes in corporate governance as a teacher, researcher, director and commentator. His main research focus is foundation ownership of business companies.Martin Conyon is a Trustee Professor at Bentley University. He is also a Senior Fellow and Lecturer at the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania. His main research focus is board effectiveness, executive compensation, and incentives.

  • af Steen Thomsen
    484,95 kr.

    Corporate Governance and Board Decisions takes the reader on an exciting journey through the principles and practice of corporate governance. Written by two internationally respected experts, this book explains how corporate governance contributes to value creation for both business and society, and how transparency, checks and balances, incentive alignment, and stewardship are essential when trying to reduce decision errors and opportunism.This advanced introduction is aimed at master’s level courses in corporate governance. It addresses students who wish to understand both corporate governance and the directors who practice it. It combines academic rigor with practical recommendations in an informal style.Corporate Governance and Board Decisions is a thoroughly revised and updated replacement of Corporate Governance: Mechanisms and Systems (2012).Steen Thomsen is Professor of Corporate Governance at Copenhagen Business School. He specializes in corporate governance as a teacher, researcher, director and commentator. His main research focus is foundation ownership of business companies.Martin Conyon is a Trustee Professor at Bentley University. He is also a Senior Fellow and Lecturer at the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania. His main research focus is board effectiveness, executive compensation, and incentives.Table of ContentsPart 1. Introduction Chapter 1. What is corporate governance? Chapter 2. Theories of Corporate Governance Appendix: Optimal Contracts and Agency Problems Chapter 3. The Mechanisms of Governance Chapter 4. International Corporate Governance Chapter 5. Corporate Governance Codes and RegulationsPart 2. Mechanisms Chapter 6. Compliance Chapter 7. Performance Measurement Chapter 8. Corporate Social Responsibility Chapter 9. Corporate Ownership Chapter 10. Board Theory and Board Structure Chapter 11. Board Behaviour Chapter 12. Executive CompensationPart 3. Board decisions Chapter 13. The Board and Strategy Chapter 14. The Board and Succession Chapter 15. Supervision and Support Appendix: Value Creation Chapter 16. IT Governance

  • af Steen Thomsen
    128,95 kr.

    Vi kan klare mere, end vi kan tåle! Stress koster Job – Stress koster Velfærd – Stress koster Parforhold – Stress koster Liv. Vi mærker stressen komme, men vi tror ikke på det – vi vil ikke tro det. Vi kalder det noget andet – indtil stressnedbruddet rammer os med fuld styrke, og vi lammes. Læs, hvornår og hvordan du stopper op – tager skeen i den anden hånd og vender ryggen til stressnedbruddet, inden det rammer dig. Få konkrete svar og råd til din kamp mod stress.

  • af Steen Thomsen
    348,95 kr.

    Industrial foundations are foundations that own companies. Typically, they combine charitable and business goals. This book is about industrial foundation ownership of business companies and what we can learn about it from the Danish evidence. It is about how foundation ownership is ruled, taxed and governed, what role it plays in the Danish economy, and how industrial foundation-owned companies perform. The book is the result of a large collaborative research project, led by the author, on industrial foundations. Some global companies such as IKEA, Robert Bosch or the Tata Group are foundation-owned, but nowhere are they as numerous as in Denmark. Three of the four largest Danish companies – the pharma company Novo Nordisk, the shipping company A.P. Møller-Mærsk, and the Carlsberg brewery – are all foundation-owned.Indhold:Preface Chapter 1. What are “Industrial Foundations”?Chapter 2. Industrial Foundations in Theory Chapter 3. Industrial Foundation Law and Supervision Chapter 4. Taxation of Industrial FoundationsChapter 5. Industrial Foundations around the WorldChapter 6. Industrial Foundations in the Danish Chapter 7. The Performance of Danish Foundation-Owned companies Chapter 8. The Governance of Industrial Foundations Chapter 9. The Charters of Industrial Foundations Chapter 10. The Philanthropy of Industrial Foundations References

  • af Steen Thomsen & Anne Sanders
    834,95 kr.

    Many large companies - like Bosch, Ikea and Novo-Nordisk - are owned by enterprise foundations. This book provides an overview of enterprise foundation law in six European countries and the US. The book explores enterprise foundation law in the seven aforementioned nations and analyzes how the law influences the prevalence and governance of enterprise foundations around the world.

  • af Steen Thomsen & Nikolaos Kavadis
    923,95 kr.

  • af Steen Thomsen
    636,95 kr.

    »Vi skriver lærebogen, mens vi underviser« har været en fast del af SteenThomsens og min indledning på CBS Bestyrelsesuddannelserne. Den 6.september 2013 mødtes 38 bestyrelsesmedlemmer og erhvervsledere forat påbegynde den første 16-dages bestyrelsesuddannelse, Bestyrelsesuddannelsen2013, sammen med et faculty på 12 professorer, 30 bestyrelsesformænd,direktører og rådgivere. Foran deltagerne ventede fem månedermed undervisning, der tog udgangspunkt i et 360 graders perspektivpå bestyrelsens opgaver, ansvar, relationer og dilemmaer – og somudfordrede deltagernes erfaringer og viden gennem 54 case diskussioner,en hjemmeopgave med fem afgørende spørgsmål om værdiskabelse samten eksamen. Eksamen bestod af forberedelse og gennemførelse af bestyrelsesmøder,der testede deltagernes evne til at tilegne sig fagets pensumpå tværs af erhvervsøkonomiske og selskabsretlige discipliner, samt til atanvende det i praksis i det helhedsperspektiv, som bestyrelsesarbejdekræver.Lærebogen, der refereres til, er deltagernes læring og noter til problemstillinger,overvejelser og beslutninger i case-diskussionerne og deefterfølgende perspektiveringer om best practices, som faculty afrunderhvert emne med. Derudover har lærebogen bestået af udvalgte kapitlerfra Steen Thomsens og Martin Conyons bog om corporate governance,udvalgte kapitler fra selskabslov og årsregnskabslov, anbefalingerne forgod selskabsledelse og god fondsledelse, finansforeningens nøgletalsvejledning,udvalgte faglige artikler samt PowerPoint slides, der anvendes irepetitionen af hver undervisningsdag.

  • - 7# konkrete metoder til at holde stressen fra livet
    af Steen Thomsen
    68,95 kr.

    Ro, refleksion og forandring er helt nødvendigt og i nævnte rækkefølge, når vi skal holde stressen væk eller komme fri af den. Verden forandrer sig i forrygende hast, og vi prøver som mennesker at følge med. I forsøget på at følge med mister vi ofte roen og tiden til refleksion. Derfor lander vi tit i blot at lægge alt det nye, vi skal eller forventes at skulle, oveni alt det andet, vi allerede gør og skal. Uden at skabe den helt nødvendige forandring i vores liv. Det liv, som netop er blevet forandret – igen. Når det sker, er det, at vi brænder ud. Sådan behøver det langt fra at være. De 7 metoder og værktøjer i denne bog er værdifulde redskaber til at skabe en god, mental sundhed. Det er 7 enkle måder til at skabe netop: Ro, refleksion og forandring i dit liv. Bogen er skrevet af SeniorStresscoach Steen Thomsen på baggrund af mange års arbejde med stressramte mennesker i Nordsjællands Stressklinik. Steen Thomsen har også skrevet og udgivet: Bogen om vores stress (2015).

  • af Steen Thomsen
    694,95 kr.

    Deals with the control and direction of companies by boards, owners and company law, and also looks at the mechanisms of governance and the different governance systems around the world. This title studies individual international corporate governance systems.

  • af Steen Thomsen
    348,95 kr.

    Industrial foundations are foundations that own companies. Typically, they combine charitable and business goals. This book is about industrial foundation ownership of business companies and what we can learn about it from the Danish evidence. It is about how foundation ownership is ruled, taxed and governed, what role it plays in the Danish economy, and how industrial foundation-owned companies perform. The book is the result of a large collaborative research project, led by the author, on industrial foundations.Some global companies such as IKEA, Robert Bosch or the Tata Group are foundation-owned, but nowhere are they as numerous as in Denmark. Three of the four largest Danish companies – the pharma company Novo Nordisk, the shipping company A.P. Møller-Mærsk, and the Carlsberg brewery – are all foundation-owned. NB: Ved køb af denne titel forudbestiller du bogen. Bogen vil blive sendt til dig, når den udkommer. Udforsk flere bøger inden for National og international økonomi