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Bøger af Simone de Beauvoir

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  • af Simone de Beauvoir
    348,95 kr.

    DET ANDET KØN er et hovedværk i kvindefrigørelsens historie, der giver anledning til diskussion den dag i dag. Til både mænd og kvinder, der vil blive klogere på relationen mellem kønnene.  I DET ANDET KØN beskriver Simone de Beauvoir flere århundreders syn på kvinder i biologien, psykoanalysen, litteraturen, religionen og filosofien for at påvise, hvordan meget af det, man i 1949 anså for kendsgerninger, blot var myter. ”Man fødes ikke som kvinde, man bliver det”, skriver Simone de Beauvoir – og skildrer bedre end nogen anden den kulturelle arv, der stadig skaber ulighed i dag. DET ANDET KØN vakte begejstring og skandale, da den udkom i 1949 – og blev bl.a. blev fordømt af paven.Simone de Beauvoirs filosofiske hovedværk har 70 års-jubilæum i 2019 og udkommer nu i en ny og revideret udgave i to bind – inklusive et "nyt" kapitel, der ikke tidligere har været udgivet på dansk.

  • af Simone de Beauvoir
    73,95 - 188,95 kr.

    De uadskillelige er en roman om venskabet mellem de to piger Sylvie og Andrée. Allerede fra første møde bliver Sylvie fascineret af den smukke og vidende Andrée - hun vil gøre alt for at vinde hendes opmærksomhed og få hende til at gengælde sin kærlighed. Et tæt venskab vokser frem, men hele tiden i skyggen af Andrées stormfulde forelskelser, lunefulde temperament og dominerende mor. Sylvie prøver at få Andrée til at kæmpe for sin frihed og tidens begrænsende konventioner, men inden de ser sig om, er det for sent.Bogen er et unikt indblik i det venskab og den tid, der fik afgørende indflydelse på Simone de Beauvoirs liv og forfatterskab. Det er en roman om kærlighed og venskab, om frihed, restriktioner og store tab.Udgives i SKALA-serien i Lilian Munk Rösing og Birte Dahlgreens oversættelse, med efterord af Lilian Munk Rösing og Sylvie Le Bon de Beauvoir. 

  • af Simone de Beauvoir
    173,95 - 198,95 kr.

    THE SECOND SEX stands, four decades after its first appearance, as the first landmark in the modern feminist upsurge that has transformed perceptions of the social relationship of man and womankind in our time.

  • af Simone de Beauvoir
    123,95 - 298,95 kr.

    "En velopdragen ung piges erindringer" er en medrivende og øjenåbnende, øm og vred selvbiografi af en af det 20. århundredes mest indflydelsesrige litterære stemmer, Simone de Beauvoir."En velopdragen ung piges erindringer" er på en gang et intimt og eksistentielt portræt af, hvordan det er at vokse op i en borgerlig fransk familie og som ung pige gøre oprør mod de sociale konventioner for til sidst at bryde ud af de stramme bånd.Simone de Beauvoir beskriver sit liv fra fødslen i 1908 til studentertiden på Sorbonne, hvor hun møder Jean-Paul Sartre og drives af en ukuelig frihedslængsel og eksistentielle og intellektuelle ambitioner."En velopdragen ung piges erindringer" er en klassiker inden for erindringslitteraturen og en fængslende fortælling om en ung, intellektuel piges udvikling fra at være dybt religiøs til at blive en af de mest frihedssøgende kvinder i sin generation.Nyoversat af Lilian Munk Rösing og Birte Dahlgreen.

  • af Simone de Beauvoir
    98,95 kr.

    Vintage Feminism: classic feminist texts in short formWITH AN INTRODUCTION BY NATALIE HAYNESWhen this book was first published in 1949 it was to outrage and scandal.

  • af Simone de Beauvoir
    123,95 - 228,95 kr.

    "Misforståelsen" er Simone de Beauvoirs posthumt udgivne kortroman, der nu udgives på dansk for første gang.  Ægteparret Nicole og André er på vej til Rusland, hvor de skal besøge Andrés voksne datter fra et tidligere forhold. Men det, der skulle være en glædelig genforening, river snart op i smertefulde stridigheder og undertrykte konflikter. Opholdet i efterkrigstidens Moskva bliver en rejse gennem et ægteskab og alle de misforståelser, der så let kan kamme over og true med at ødelægge et forhold."Misforståelsen" er en roman om den jalousi og ensomhed, der kan være svær at overvinde – selv i vores nærmeste relationer og efter mange års samliv. Det er en fortælling om livslang kærlighed, men også om alt det, der kan være så svært at dele, og som, når det endelig bliver sagt højt, pludselig kan få alting til at træde frem i et helt nyt lys.

  • af Simone de Beauvoir
    183,95 kr.

    In three ';immensely intelligent stories about the decay of passion' (The Sunday Herald Times [London]), Simone de Beauvoir draws us into the lives of three women, all past their first youth, all facing unexpected crises.Enthralling as faction, suffused with de Beauvoir's remarkable insights into women, The Woman Destroyed gives us a legendary writer at her best.

  • - Tre essays
    af Simone de Beauvoir
    156,95 kr.

    Anden verdenskrig kom på mange måder til at skærpe sansen for godt og ondt og forestillingen om menneskets frihed og ansvar. Ikke mindst af den grund blev den franske eksistentialisme en filosofi på rette tid og sted, og det kom – foruden Jean-Paul Sartre, Maurice Merleau-Ponty og Albert Camus – Simone de Beauvoir (1908-1986) til gode. Mens Sartre tøvede med at offentliggøre sit bud på en eksistentialistisk etik (Hæfter til en moral, 1983), udgav Simone de Beauvoir i 1946-47 de tre essays, der udgør En tvetydighedens moral.Det store problem var – og er fortsat – hvordan man forener tanken om en almen og forpligtende moral med ideen om mennesket som fri og autentisk eksistens. Beauvoir vedkender sig tvetydigheden og understreger derved det centrale moralske engagement. Som sådan lægger disse essays op til Det andet køn fra 1949.Bogen genudgives nu i Hans Reitzels Forlags serie Klassikere og udkom første gang på dansk i 1997.

  • af Simone de Beauvoir
    173,95 kr.

    * This extraordinary novel, considered by many to be one of the finest examples of Simone de Beauvoir's imaginative writing, tells the story of a man doomed to immortality.

  • af Simone de Beauvoir
    123,95 kr.

  • af Simone de Beauvoir
    168,95 kr.

    Translation of: Pour une morale de l'ambiguèitâe.

  • af Simone de Beauvoir
    258,95 kr.

    He becomes thoroughly attached to her and confides a terrifying truth: he is immortal. But having been resuscitated into enjoying life again, he soon starts breaking free from her grasp and all notions of mortality.

  • af Simone de Beauvoir
    103,95 kr.

  • af Simone de Beauvoir
    173,95 kr.

    THE SECOND SEX is a hymn to human freedom and a classic of the existentialist movement. In the forty years since its publication De Beauvoir's then revolutionary thesis - that the subordination of women is not a fact of nature but the product of social conditioning has become part of our everyday thinking.

  • - Bind 1: Kendsgerninger og myter
    af Simone de Beauvoir
    73,95 kr.

    DET ANDET KØN er et hovedværk i kvindefrigørelsens historie, der giver anledning til diskussion den dag i dag. Til både mænd og kvinder, der vil blive klogere på relationen mellem kønnene.  I DET ANDET KØN beskriver Simone de Beauvoir flere århundreders syn på kvinder i biologien, psykoanalysen, litteraturen, religionen og filosofien for at påvise, hvordan meget af det, man i 1949 anså for kendsgerninger, blot var myter. ”Man fødes ikke som kvinde, man bliver det”, skriver Simone de Beauvoir – og skildrer bedre end nogen anden den kulturelle arv, der stadig skaber ulighed i dag. DET ANDET KØN vakte begejstring og skandale, da den udkom i 1949 – og blev bl.a. blev fordømt af paven.Simone de Beauvoirs filosofiske hovedværk har 70 års-jubilæum i 2019. Udkommer nu i en ny og revideret udgave – inklusive et "nyt" kapitel, der ikke tidligere har været udgivet på dansk.Første bind indeholder: Del 1: Skæbne Kapitel 1: De biologiske forudsætninger Kapitel 2: Det psykoanalytiske synspunkt Kapitel 3: Den historiske materialismes synspunkt Del 2: Historie Kapitel 1 Kapitel 2 Kapitel 3 Kapitel 4 Kapitel 5 Del 3: Myter Kapitel 1 Kapitel 2 I. Montherlant eller væmmelsens brød II. D. H. Lawrence eller det falliske hovmod III. Claudel og herrens tjenerinde IV. Breton eller poesien V. Stendhal eller den eventyrlige sandhed VI. Kapitel 3

  • af Simone de Beauvoir
    133,95 kr.

    A memoir that offers a picture of the author's growing up in a bourgeois French family, rebelling as an adolescent against the conventional expectations of her class, and striking out on her own with an intellectual and existential ambition exceedingly rare in a young woman in the 1920s.

  • af Simone de Beauvoir
    136,95 kr.

    A compelling novel about the requirement to be perfect, without completely losing sight of yourself - by the greatest feminist of the twentieth-century, Simone de Beauvoir.Laurence lives what appears to be an ideal existence. Her life features all the trappings of the 1960s Parisian bourgeoisie: money, a handsome husband, two daughters and a lover. She also has a successful career as an advertising copywriter, though her mind unbidden writes copy whilst she's at home, and dreams of domesticity in the office.But Laurence is a woman whose happiness was relegated long ago by the expectation of perfection. Relentlessly torn by the competing needs of her family, it is only when her 10-year-old daughter, Catherine, starts to vocalise her despair about the unfairness of the world that Laurence resists.TRANSLATED BY LAUREN ELKIN

  • - Analyse du tome 1 du Deuxième sexe de Simone de Beauvoir
    af Simone de Beauvoir
    194,95 kr.

    Réussissez votre bac de français 2024 grâce à notre fiche de lecture du tome 1 du Deuxième sexe de Simone de Beauvoir !Validée par une équipe de professeurs, cette analyse littéraire est une référence pour tous les lycéens.Grâce à notre travail éditorial, les points suivants n'auront plus aucun secret pour vous: la biographie de l'écrivain, le résumé du livre, l'étude de l'oeuvre, l'analyse des thèmes principaux à connaître et le mouvement littéraire auquel est rattaché l'auteur.

  • - A Farewell to Sartre
    af Simone de Beauvoir
    198,95 kr.

    Simone de Beauvoir's account of the last ten years of Jean-Paul Sartre's life provides a focus for understanding one of the greatest thinkers of the twentieth century. But the book, consisting of both a year-by-year account of Sartre's last decade and a conversation between him and de Beauvoir about his life and work, is more than just a philosophical examination. It is also a personal dialogue of astonishing frankness that illuminates one of the most famous and complex relationships of the twentieth century. Translated by Patrick O'Brian

  • af Simone de Beauvoir
    198,95 - 298,95 kr.

    Finalist for the French-American Florence Gould Translation PrizeA novel by the iconic Simone de Beauvoir of an intense and vivid girlhood friendship that, unpublished in her lifetime, displays ?Beauvoir's genius as a fiction writer? (Wall Street Journal) From the moment Sylvie and Andrée meet in their Parisian day school, they see in each other an accomplice with whom to confront the mysteries of girlhood. For the next ten years, the two are the closest of friends and confidantes as they explore life in a post-World War One France, and as Andrée becomes increasingly reckless and rebellious, edging closer to peril.Sylvie, insightful and observant, sees a France of clashing ideals and religious hypocrisy?and at an early age is determined to form her own opinions. Andrée, a tempestuous dreamer, is inclined to melodrama and romance. Despite their different natures they rely on each other to safeguard their secrets while entering adulthood in a world that did not pay much attention to the wills and desires of young women.Deemed too intimate to publish during Simone de Beauvoir's life, Inseparable offers fresh insight into the groundbreaking feminist's own coming-of-age; her transformative, tragic friendship with her childhood friend Zaza Lacoin; and how her youthful relationships shaped her philosophy. Sandra Smith's vibrant translation of the novel will be long cherished by de Beauvoir devotees and first-time readers alike.

  • af Simone de Beauvoir
    168,95 kr.

    The autobiography of literary doyenne Simone de Beauvoir.

  • af Simone de Beauvoir
    99,95 kr.

    Potent and vividly emotional, Simone de Beauvoir's captivating novel questions freedom and individual responsibility in the face of brutality'These carefree faces, on which we allowed our smiles to spread, were for others the mask of tragedy.'Jean Blomart, patriot leader against the German forces of occupation, waits throughout an endless night for his wounded lover, Hélène, to die. Told through memories of his and her life, The Blood of Others paints an intense and moving picture of their love story and life in German occupied Paris during the Second World War. In the face of a seemingly unstoppable force, Hélène and Jean are confronted by the illusion of freedom and made to question their individual roles in the collective struggle against fascism, with devastating consequences.First published in 1945, this powerful novel resonates profoundly today and brings the ideas of one of the most important existentialist thinkers to life in spellbinding prose.With an Introduction by Ali Smith.

  • af Simone de Beauvoir
    178,95 - 198,95 kr.

    Nacida en una familia burguesa, Simone de Beauvoir fue educada según la sólida moral cristiana vigente en la época. Cuenta en sus memorias la fuerte impresión que le causó, en su juventud, descubrir el ocaso de la religión: dejar de creer en Dios era asumirse plenamente responsable de sus propias elecciones.

  • af Simone de Beauvoir
    433,95 kr.

    Here is the ultimate American road book, one with a perspective unlike that of any other. In January 1947 Simone de Beauvoir landed at La Guardia airport and began a four-month journey that took her from one coast of the United States to the other, and back again. Embraced by the Condé Nast set in a swirl of cocktail parties in New York, where she was hailed as the "prettiest existentialist" by Janet Flanner in The New Yorker, de Beauvoir traveled west by car, train, and Greyhound, immersing herself in the nation's culture, customs, people, and landscape. The detailed diary she kept of her trip became America Day by Day, published in France in 1948 and offered here in a completely new translation. It is one of the most intimate, warm, and compulsively readable texts from the great writer's pen.Fascinating passages are devoted to Hollywood, the Grand Canyon, New Orleans, Las Vegas, and San Antonio. We see de Beauvoir gambling in a Reno casino, smoking her first marijuana cigarette in the Plaza Hotel, donning raingear to view Niagara Falls, lecturing at Vassar College, and learning firsthand about the Chicago underworld of morphine addicts and petty thieves with her lover Nelson Algren as her guide. This fresh, faithful translation superbly captures the essence of Simone de Beauvoir's distinctive voice. It demonstrates once again why she is one of the most profound, original, and influential writers and thinkers of the twentieth century.On New York: "I walk between the steep cliffs at the bottom of a canyon where no sun penetrates: it's permeated by a salt smell. Human history is not inscribed on these carefully calibrated buildings: They are closer to prehistoric caves than to the houses of Paris or Rome."On Los Angeles: "I watch the Mexican dances and eat chili con carne, which takes the roof off my mouth, I drink the tequila and I'm utterly dazed with pleasure."

  • - The Second Sex and The Ethics Of Ambiguity
    af Simone de Beauvoir
    138,95 kr.

    This collection of classic titles by Beauvoir her most well know writings, The Second Sex and The Ethics Of Ambiguity as well as a biography of her life and a rare interview on her book The Second Sex. French writer and feminist, and Existentialist. She is known primarily for her treatise The Second Sex (1949), a scholarly and passionate plea for the abolition of what she called the myth of the "eternal feminine." It became a classic of feminist literature during the 1960s. Her novels expounded the major Existential themes, demonstrating her conception of the writer's commitment to the times. She Came To Stay (1943) treats the difficult problem of the relationship of a conscience to "the other". Of her other works of fiction, perhaps the best known is The Mandarins (1954), a chronicle of the attempts of post-World War II intellectuals to leave their "mandarin" (educated elite) status and engage in political activism. She also wrote four books of philosophy, including The Ethics of Ambiguity (1947). Several volumes of her work are devoted to autobiography which constitute a telling portrait of French intellectual life from the 1930s to the 1970s. In addition to treating feminist issues, de Beauvoir was concerned with the issue of aging, which she addressed in A Very Easy Death (1964), on her mother's death in a hospital. In 1981 she wrote A Farewell to Sartre, a painful account of Sartre's last years. Simone de Beauvoir revealed herself as a woman of formidable courage and integrity, whose life supported her thesis: the basic options of an individual must be made on the premises of an equal vocation for man and woman founded on a common structure of their being, independent of their sexuality. Table of Contents: The Second Sex, On the publication of The Second Sex, interview The Ethics of Ambiguity, Biography

  • af Simone de Beauvoir
    133,95 kr.

    "Sade ha intentado convertir su destino psicofisiológico en una elección moral. Y de ese acto, mediante el cual asumía la responsabilidad de su apartamiento, pretendió hacer un ejemplo y un llamado: es allí donde su aventura asume tan amplia significación humana. ¿Podemos, sin renegar de la individualidad, satisfacer nuestras aspiraciones a lo universal? ¿O es solamente mediante el sacrificio de nuestras diferencias que logramos integrarnos en la colectividad? Este problema nosatañe a todos.En el caso de Sade, las diferencias son llevadas hasta el escándalo y la magnitud de su tarea literaria nos revela con cuanto apasionamiento ansiaba ser aceptado por la comunidad humana. El conflicto que ningún individuo puede eludir sin mentirse, se presenta en él en su forma más patética. Aquí reside la paradoja y en cierto modo el triunfo de Sade: en el hecho de que, por haberse obstinado en sus singularidades, nos ayuda a definir el drama humano en su generalidad."

  • af Simone de Beauvoir
    508,95 kr.

  • af Simone de Beauvoir
    123,95 kr.

  • af Simone de Beauvoir
    133,95 kr.

    Long considered one of Simone de Beauvoir's masterpieces, a profoundly moving recounting of her mother's death.

  • af Simone de Beauvoir
    188,95 kr.