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Bøger af Sebastian Fitzek

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  • af Sebastian Fitzek
    138,95 - 223,95 kr.

    Till Berkhoffs seksårige søn Max er sporløst forsvundet. Alt tyder på, at han er blevet offer for Guido T., der sidder i retspsykiatrisk forvaring og allerede har tilstået mordet på to børn i området. Men nu tier den psykisk syge indsatte Guido T. efter råd fra sin advokat. Politiet føler sig sikker, men har ingen gyldige beviser, kun indicier. Uden den indsattes vidnesbyrd vil Max’ ulykkelige forældre således aldrig få vished over, hvad der er sket med deres søn. Så efterforskeren kommer med et utroligt tilbud til den desperate far: Han vil smugle ham ind på den psykiatriske forvaring, hvor Guido T. opholder sig i højsikkerhedsfløjen. Som en falsk patient, udstyret med en fingeret sygdomshistorie. Så han kan komme så tæt på morderen som muligt og få en tilståelse ud af ham. Fordi intet er værre end usikkerheden. Troede han ...Om forfatteren:Sebastian Fitzek (f. 1971) er Tysklands allermest succesrige thrillerforfatter. Hans bøger lander med sikkerhed blandt de øverste titler af bestsellerlisterne, hver gang han udgiver en ny bog, læserne elsker hans bøger og han udkommer i 35 lande.

  • af Sebastian Fitzek
    138,95 - 223,95 kr.

    Martin Schwartz, psykolog i politiet, mistede sin kone og søn for fem år siden. Det skete under en ferie på krydstogtskibet Sultan of the Seas, men ingen kunne fortælle ham, hvad der nøjagtigt skete. Martin har været et vrag lige siden og bedøver sig selv ved at begive sig på rene selvmordsmissioner som hemmelig efterforsker. Midt i en mission modtager han et opkald fra en mærkelig gammel dame, der kalder sig selv thrillerforfatter og har et tip til ham: Han skal ombord på Sultan igen, for så vil han få beviset på, hvad der skete med hans familie. Martin har svoret aldrig at sætte foden på et skib igen – men han kan ikke lade være og følger tippet, da han får at vide, at en pige, der forsvandt på Sultan for flere uger siden, er dukket op igen. Med Martins søns bamse i armene...Om forfatteren:Sebastian Fitzek (f. 1971) er med afstand Tyskland allermest succesrige thrillerforfatter; hans bøger er solgt i over 13 millioner eksemplarer og oversat til 24 sprog. Fitzek har som første – og eneste – tyske forfatter modtaget The Ripper Award, den store europæiske krimipris, der hidtil primært er gået til nordiske forfattere som Henning Mankell, Håkan Nesser, Jussi Alder-Olsen, m.fl.

  • af Sebastian Fitzek
    133,95 - 148,95 kr.

    Tre kvinder – alle unge, smukke og livsglade – forsvinder sporløst. Pludselig dukker de op igen, fuldstændig forandrede. En uge i hænderne på en gerningsmand, der af pressen kaldes for ”sjæleknuseren”, har efterladt kvinderne som tomme skaller, paralyserede og døde indeni.Kort før jul, på en eksklusiv og afsidesliggende psykiatrisk klinik, rører Sjæleknuseren på sig igen. Uden at læger eller patienter har været klar over det, er Sjæleknuseren blevet indlagt på klinikken, lige inden en voldsom snestorm afskærer klinikken fra omverdenen, og en rædselsnat venter de tilfangetagne.Om forfatteren:Sebastian Fitzek (f. 1971) er Tysklands mest succesrige thrillerforfatter; hans bøger er solgt i over 14 millioner eksemplarer og oversat til 36 sprog.

  • af Sebastian Fitzek
    133,95 - 148,95 kr.

    Josy, datter af den anerkendte psykiater Viktor Larenz, er forsvundet under mystiske omstændigheder. Viktor kan ikke komme sig over sit tab og lever tilbagetrukket i et sommerhus på en afsidesliggende, lille ø. Men en dag opsøger en fremmed kvinde ham i hans selvvalgte eksil. Kvinden lider af skizofrene vrangforestillinger hvor en lille pige, der har mange ligheder med Josy, bliver ved med at dukke op. Har kvindens hallucinationer noget at gøre med Viktors datters forsvinden? Eller er det blot ønsketænkning hos en far i sorg?Om forfatteren:Sebastian Fitzek (f. 1971) er Tysklands mest succesrige thrillerforfatter; hans bøger er solgt i over 14 millioner eksemplarer og oversat til 36 sprog.

  • af Sebastian Fitzek
    138,95 - 223,95 kr.

    Det farligste sæde i en flyvemaskine er plads 7A. Ny overbevisende spændingsroman med twist and turns fra Tysklands bedst sælgende thrillerforfatter.Mats Krüger, en erfaren og succesrig psykiater, lider af panisk frygt for at flyve. Efter sin kones død emigrerede han til Argentina på et skib og afbrød kontakten med sin datter Nele. Da den højgravide Nele kontakter Mats og beder ham komme tilbage til Tyskland og hjælpe hende i tiden efter at barnet er født, kan han ikke længere undvige sin angst. Således sidder Mats på natflyet fra Buenos Aires til Berlin og forsøger at tøjle sin flyskræk. Men kort efter takeoff bliver det tydeligt, at det hverken er turbulens, tekniske fejl eller terrortrusler, han skal frygte – det er en psykisk ustabil medpassager, som Krüger engang har behandlet. Et kapløb med tiden begynder, og Krüger bliver presset til at vælge side: Enten hjælper han med at få flyet og dets passagerer til at styrte ned. Ellers mister hans datter og det ufødte barnebarn livet …Om forfatteren:Sebastian Fitzek (f. 1971) er uden tvivl Tysklands mest succesrige thrillerforfatter; hans bøger er solgt i over 13 millioner eksemplarer og oversat til 24 sprog. Det siges om ham, at han ’ikke har læsere, men fans’. Fitzek har som den første – og eneste – tyske forfatter modtaget The Ripper Award, den store europæiske krimipris, der hidtil primært er gået til nordiske forfattere som Henning Mankell, Håkan Nesser og Jussi Adler-Olsen.

  • af Sebastian Fitzek
    118,95 kr.

    On average, 23 people per year disappear without a trace from cruise ships. Five years ago it was your wife and child who vanished while at sea. Never before has anyone come back. Until now. A high concept thriller.

  • af Sebastian Fitzek
    101,95 kr.

    The gripping new novel from the master of the dark psychological thriller, Sebastian Fitzek.Milan Berg is standing at a set of traffic lights when a car stops next to him. In the back seat he sees a frightened young girl. Desperate, she presses a piece of paper against the window. A cry for help? Milan can't read it - because he's illiterate, a secret that he's managed to hide for most of his life. But he understands the meaning of the note: the girl is in mortal danger.When he begins to search for her, Milan begins a nightmarish odyssey that ends with a cruel realisation: sometimes the truth is too terrible to live with - and ignorance is the greatest gift on earth.With a twisty, gripping non-linear storyline that charts one man's descent into a real-life nightmare, The Gift is perfect for fans of Chris Carter and Lars Kepler.

  • af Sebastian Fitzek
    138,95 kr.

    The gripping dark psychological thriller by Sebastian Fitzek.Music is her life. 15 songs decide how long it lasts.A month ago, fifteen-year-old Feline Jagow disappeared, presumed abducted, on her way to school. Her distraught mother asks private investigator Alexander Zorbach, a former police detective, to discover her whereabouts.Despite a month having elapsed since her disappearance, Feline's music playlist was changed just a few days ago. Could a seemingly innocuous list of songs contain a hidden clue to where the girl is being held - and how she can be rescued - or is the truth something more sinister?Zorbach needs Alina Grigoriev's help, but enlisting the medium will prove difficult given their shared past. The mystery of the playlist plunges Zorbach into a horrifying nightmare, in which the chances of survival for everyone involved are close to zero.

  • af Sebastian Fitzek
    118,95 kr.

    Bestselling author Sebastian Fitzek sends you on an ingeniously disturbing journey with his brand new psychological thriller.A missing child. A desperate father. A terrible secret.Guido T has already confessed to two horrific child murders and led Berlin police to the bodies. The police are sure he is also the kidnapper and murderer of six-year-old Max, who disappeared without trace a year ago.But now the killer is staying silent. The investigators have no reliable evidence, so Max's parents have no certainty and are unable to say goodbye to their son.Everything changes when one investigator makes an unbelievable offer: he can have Max's father placed in the psychiatric prison hospital where Guido T is imprisoned - as a fake patient.Max's father agrees. He plans to force the child killer into a confession. Because nothing is worse than uncertainty.Or so he thinks. Until he, as an inmate, learns the gruesome truth...Reviewers on Sebastian Fitzek:'Fitzek's thrillers are breathtaking, full of wild twists' Harlan Coben'Fitzek is without question one of the crime world's most evocative storytellers' Karin Slaughter

  • af Sebastian Fitzek
    263,95 kr.

    As a young man, Leon Nader suffered from insomnia. As a sleepwalker, he even turned to violence during his nocturnal excursions and had psychiatric treatment for his condition. Eventually, he was convinced he had been cured--but one day, years later, Leon's wife disappears from their apartment under mysterious circumstances. Could it be that his illness has broken out again? In order to find out how he behaves in his sleep, Leon fits a movement activated camera to his forehead--and when he looks at the video the next morning he makes a discovery that bursts the borders of his imagination. His nocturnal personality goes through a door that is totally unknown to him and descends into the darkness . . .

  • af Sebastian Fitzek
    118,95 kr.

    The second in a powerfully unsettling trilogy by the master of the psychothriller, Sebastian Fitzek.Dr Suker is one of the best eye surgeons in the world. He is also a psychopath who abducts women to sexually abuse them. Before he rapes a woman, Suker carefully removes her eyelids. So far, all the victims of the twisted doctor's crimes have committed suicide shortly thereafter. The police are unable to proceed against him due to the lack of evidence.When another woman is abducted, her mother turns to Alina Gregoriev for help. Gregoriev, the blind physiotherapist, has been considered a medium since her abilities helped capture an infamous serial killer. She reluctantly gets involved in the Suker case - and is drawn into a whirlpool of madness and violence that also engulfs her old friend, police officer turned journalist Alexander Zorbach.Reviewers on Sebastian Fitzek'Fitzek's thrillers are breathtaking, full of wild twists.' Harlan Coben'Fitzek is without question one of the crime world's most evocative storytellers' Karin Slaughter

  • af Sebastian Fitzek
    118,95 kr.

    The startlingly powerful psychological thriller by international bestselling author Sebastian Fitzek.Twelve-year-old Josy has an inexplicable illness. One day she goes to her doctor's surgery and disappears without trace.Josy's father Viktor withdraws to an isolated island in order to deal with the tragedy. It's there he is visited four years later by a beautiful stranger. Anna Glass is a novelist who suffers from an unusual form of schizophrenia: all the characters she creates for her books become real to her. Her latest work features a young girl with an unknown illness who has disappeared without trace...Could her delusions really describe Josy's last days? Reluctantly, psychiatrist Viktor agrees to become Anna's therapist in a final attempt to uncover the truth. As the past is dragged back into the light, the sessions and their consequences become ever more terrifying.Reviews for Sebastian Fitzek'Fitzek's thrillers are breathtaking, full of wild twists.' Harlan Coben'Fitzek is without question one of the crime world's most evocative storytellers' Karin Slaughter

  • af Sebastian Fitzek
    133,95 - 138,95 kr.

    Marc Lucas har mistet sin kone og ufødte barn i en frygtelig trafikulykke, som han selv var skyld i. Slået omkuld af sorg og skyldfølelse ønsker han at glemme sin fortid. Da han en dag ser en annonce for et psykiatrisk eksperiment, der efter sigende kan slette ens hukommelse, takker han ja til tilbuddet.Med eksperimentet træder han dog ind i en mareridtsagtig parallelverden, hvor nøglen til hans lejlighed ikke længere virker, hvor et fremmed navn står på dørtelefonen, og hvor hans gravide kone er i live og rask, men overhovedet ikke kan kende ham. Og her møder han sit værste mareridt.Om forfatteren:Sebastian Fitzek (f. 1971) er Tysklands mest succesrige thrillerforfatter; hans bøger er solgt i over 14 millioner eksemplarer og oversat til 36 sprog.

  • af Sebastian Fitzek
    98,95 kr.

    The first in a powerfully unsettling trilogy by the master of the psychothriller, Sebastian Fitzek.First he kills the mother, then he kidnaps the child. The grieving father is given 45 hours to search. If the child isn't found, they die, captive.The press call him the Eye Collector. Because the horror doesn't end with the murders. Every body discovered has had the left eye removed.When evidence implicates police officer turned journalist Alexander Zorbach, who has championed the case against the Eye Collector, he becomes the main suspect.Meanwhile, a mysterious witness comes forward. Alina Gregoriev, a blind physiotherapist, claims to be able to see into the lives of her patients simply by touching their body. She says she treated the Eye Collector yesterday.Perfect for fans of Adrian McKinty, John Marrs and Chris Carter.Reviews for Sebastian Fitzek'Fitzek's thrillers are breathtaking, full of wild twists' Harlan Coben 'Sebastian Fitzek is simply amazing. I truly hope that one day I will be able to create suspense and plot twists in the way only Sebastian can. A true Master of his craft' Chris Carter'Fitzek is without question one of the crime world's most evocative storytellers' Karin Slaughter

  • af Sebastian Fitzek
    228,95 kr.

  • af Sebastian Fitzek
    118,95 - 333,95 kr.

  • af Sebastian Fitzek & Jürgen Udolph
    56,95 kr.

    Woher kommen Namen wie Merkel, Porsche oder Schiller? Was bedeuten sie? Muß sich jemand namens Jauch schämen? Sagt der Nachname etwas über den Beruf oder den Charakter der Vorfahren aus? Ahnen- und Namensforschung fasziniert uns. Und Professor Jürgen Udolph ist DER Fachmann auf diesem Gebiet. In unterhaltsamer Weise präsentiert der „Herr der Namen" (SPIEGEL) zusammen mit dem Autor Sebastian Fitzek die Ergebnisse seiner Forschungen.

  • af Fitzek Sebastian Fitzek
    173,95 - 218,95 kr.

    A psychopath has taken over the city's leading radio station and is holding everyone inside hostage. For each hostage he calls a number from the phonebook, at random. If they answer with a specific slogan, a hostage goes free. If they don't, a hostage dies.

  • af Fitzek Sebastian Fitzek
    218,95 - 228,95 kr.

    A violent snow storm forces Berlin's most exclusive psychiatric clinic into lockdown - trapping a dangerous psychopath inside - in the chilling new thriller from international bestseller Sebastian Fitzek.

  • af Sebastian Fitzek
    108,95 - 218,95 kr.

    A terrified plane passenger is given an impossible choice: persuade the pilot to crash the plane, killing everybody on board, or your daughter dies, in the twisted new thriller from international bestseller Sebastian Fitzek.

  • af Sebastian Fitzek
    108,95 kr.

    Siden den unge psykiater Emma Stein blev voldtaget i et hotelværelse, har hun ikke forladt sit hus. Emma er det tredje offer for en grusom psykopat, som pressen har døbt Frisøren, da han er berygtet for at skalpere sine ofre, før han dræber dem.Emma, som er den eneste, der har overlevet mødet med Frisøren , frygter, at han vil hjemsøge hende for at fuldføre sin afskyelige gerning. Hun har aldrig set gerningsmandens ansigt, så i sin paranoia ser hun sin plageånd i alle mænd. Kun i sit lille hus i Berlins udkant føler hun sig i nogenlunde sikkerhed, men det er kun indtil postbuddet en dag beder hende om at tage imod en pakke til hendes nabo. Naboen er en mand, som hun aldrig har set, og hvis navn hun ikke kender på trods af, at han har boet på vejen et år ...

  • af Sebastian Fitzek
    108,95 - 198,95 kr.

    You live in a quiet neighbourhood. You know that he will never find you here. All you've done is taken in a parcel for a neighbour. You have no idea what you've let into your home.

  • af Sebastian Fitzek
    138,95 kr.

  • af Sebastian Fitzek
    118,95 kr.

    As a young man, Leon Nader suffered from insomnia. As a nightwalker, he even turned to violence during his nocturnal excursions and had psychiatric treatment for his condition. Eventually, he was convinced he had been cured - but one day, years later, Leon's wife disappears from their flat under mysterious circumstances. Could it be that his illness has broken out again? In order to find out how he behaves in his sleep, Leon fits a movement activated camera to his forehead - and when he looks at the video the next morning he makes a discovery that bursts the borders of his imagination. His nocturnal personality goes through a door that is totally unknown to him and descends into the darkness....

  • af Sebastian Fitzek
    118,95 kr.

    My name is Simon. I'm 10 years old. I'm a serial killer.Robert Stern, a successful defence lawyer, doesn't know what lies in store for him when he agrees to meet a new client in a derelict estate on the outskirts of Berlin. To his astonishment, the defendant is a ten-year-old boy - Simon - a fragile child with a chronic illness who insists that he was a murderer in a former life. Stern's surprise quickly turns to horror as he searches the cellar Simon has directed him to and discovers the skeletal remains of a man, the skull split with an axe - just as Simon told him he would.But this is only the beginning, as Simon tells Stern where to find even more victims whose bodies have lain undisturbed for years. Suddenly, the present feels murderously dangerous as well...The Child is a darkly twisting, page-turning thriller that will make your heart pound with adrenaline.