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Bøger af Scarlet Hiltibidal

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  • - Fighting Shame with the Word of God
    af Scarlet Hiltibidal
    388,95 kr.

    When Isaiah stepped into the throne room of God, he was "undone" by his sinfulness in view of God's holiness. His response was a cry of despair and a recognition that he shouldn't even be alive in the presence of such perfection. But then a weird and beautiful thing happened--a terror-inducing angel, through the smoke and shaking and grandeur, touched his mouth with a coal and told him his sin was forgiven. Isaiah's response? HERE I AM. SEND ME. I DON'T CARE WHERE. I'M YOURS! I'LL DO WHATEVER! He moved from death to life. From undone by shame to a hopeful humility and an eagerness to serve the Lord. That's the Christian life. We were as good as dead, and the forgiveness of our good God gave us new life, new purpose, new confidence. Unfortunately, a lot of people never experience undoneness. Countless women and men move through life convincing themselves they are the source of grandeur and hope. This Bible study will help people see the deep, freeing truth that being undone is the right place to start. But we can't get stuck in the undone place. Sometimes we catch a glimpse of the train of God's robe and the depth of our sin, and we are crushed by how ridiculously we fall short; we never move on to the hopeful humility that flows from God's forgiveness. This Bible study will help girls move beyond the shame of their sin to the joy-inducing, peace-producing thrill that comes from a lifestyle of repentance and a relationship with Jesus. We were made to live in the light, confessing and repenting and renouncing our shame, because Jesus experienced shame in our place. This Bible study will be topical, group-focused, story-enhanced, humorous, and gospel-centered. The focus of the study will be what God's Word says about shame and how living in light of Jesus's sacrifice can free us from shame and lead us into the joy of our salvation.

  • - Fighting Shame with the Word of God
    af Scarlet Hiltibidal
    388,95 kr.

    When Isaiah stepped into the throne room of God, he was "undone" by his sinfulness in view of God's holiness. When an angel touched his mouth with a coal and told him his sin was forgiven, Isaiah essentially said, "Here I am. Send me. I don't care where. I'm yours! I'll do whatever!" He moved from being undone by shame to a hopeful humility and an eagerness to serve the Lord. In this 6-session study from Scarlet Hiltibidal, discover the deep, freeing truth that being undone is the right place to start. Move beyond your shame to the joy-inducing, peace-producing thrill that comes from a relationship with Jesus. We were made to live in the light--confessing and repenting and renouncing our shame--because Jesus experienced shame in our place. Features: 6 weeks of personal study with 5 days of study each week Teaching videos, approximately 15 minutes each, via redemption code printed in the Bible study book Benefits: Gain perspective on sources of shame and grasp a vision for how to find freedom through God's Word. Experience the miraculous shift of living in light of the gospel today rather than hoping for a happy someday. Learn from the stories of women and men in the Bible who overcame their shame to walk in the freedom of God. Video Sessions: Session 1: Introduction (8:21)--In this introductory session, Scarlet introduces the study with a look at Genesis 3 and how shame entered our world. Ever since the garden of Eden, we have striven to put away shame and be worthy on our own. But Scarlet tells us we won't be worthy without the cross--and there is freedom in that. Session 2: Ashamed Isaiah (7:17)--In Session 2, Scarlet looks at Isaiah 6. While Isaiah was overwhelmed at God's glory and ashamed at his own sinfulness, God provided a beautiful invitation to him to walk in the freedom of forgiveness. God still offers us that same invitation. Session 3: Ashamed at the Well (8:40)--The woman at the well faced layers of shame--both internal and external. To this shame-filled woman, the shame-lifting Savior offered abundant life in Him. Scarlet invites us to meet with the Savior who is still lifting shame, and to tell others to do the same. This is good news we can't keep to ourselves! Session 4: Ashamed Peter (5:49)--In Session 4, Scarlet talks about Peter and what an amazing testimony of failure and forgiveness he provides for us in Scripture. We get to look at Peter's life--both the triumphs and the falls--knowing the end of the story and knowing that Jesus offers us redemption as well. Session 5: Ashamed Paul (7:46)--If anyone in Scripture demonstrates the power of the cross for our shame, it's Paul. The man who murdered Christians had a radical transformation into the man who brought the gospel to the ends of the earth. Scarlet invites us to live as testimonies to God's radical goodness and set our minds on eternity. Session 6: Shame Crucified (6:43)--In this last session, Scarlet unpacks Romans 8 and the incredibly good news that, even though we are unable to follow the law on our own, Jesus has done it for us. And through Him, because of Him, we have the opportunity to live in freedom from shame and abundance of life.

  • af Scarlet Hiltibidal
    383,95 kr.

    We live in a broken, sad, scary place. We don't need to watch the natural disasters and political unrest in the news to know what our bodies already know. Our bodies get sick. Our minds are fragile. The mortality rate for humans is astonishingly high. There's plenty to worry about, and the world is full of faulty solutions for our anxieties. But true peace comes when we learn to hold God's Word up to what worries us. There, we learn we can't fix ourselves; we can't protect ourselves. Instead, the Bible tells us we can rest, knowing that Jesus walked into the broken, sad, scary places to rescue us and love us. He is the One who fixes. His is the only protection that matters. Join Scarlet Hiltibidal in this 8-session study to learn how we can practically take hold of the perfect peace that is only available through God as we dive deeply into His Word, embrace the practice of prayer, and live authentically in the support of our communities of faith. Features: Leader helps to guide questions and discussions within small groupsPersonal study segments to complete among 8 weeks of group sessionsEight enriching teaching videos, approximately 10-15 minutes per session. (Redemption code for individual access to stream video content is printed in the Bible study book.) Benefits: Learn how to fight your anxiety with the Word of God so you can take hold of the abundant life Jesus has purchased for you.Realize you're not alone in your struggle with anxiety by prioritizing community and confession over isolation.Practice bringing your anxieties to God and come to know prayer as a pathway to peace. Video Sessions: Session 1: Introduction Anxious to Be Here (10:05)--In this introductory session, Scarlet unpacks how true rest and peace, the opposite of the anxiety, can be found in the person and presence of Jesus. She also explains the flow of the study and how in it we'll pursue joy in Jesus through His Word--trusting that He holds eternal peace for His children someday and abundant life for us now.Session 2: Anxious David (10:05)--In Session 2, Scarlet explores the week's takeaway: Jesus is our shield in the fight against anxiety. She also looks at the life of David and, using Psalm 3, what we can learn from the way that he brought many anxiety-inducing moments to the Lord. She discusses how we can bring our own cares to God.Session 3: Anxious Jonah (8:45)--As Scarlet discusses the life of Jonah, she helps us understand that we may wrestle with anxiety because we don't trust God's Lordship and surrender to His leadership in our lives. She encourages us to walk in obedience to God's call and seek His kingdom above all else as we experience God's provision (Matthew 6:33-34).Session 4: Anxious Moses (5:54)--In Session 4, we discuss this week's takeaway: Jesus is our strength in the fight against anxiety. We also look at the story of Moses, highlighting the way that God uses weak people to showcase His own strength. Session 5: Anxious Esther (8:51)--In Session 5, we trace the thread of God's sovereignty in the story of Esther and discuss how God's sovereignty in our own lives and our trust in His character can lead us to confident rest in His goodness.Session 6: Anxious Prayer (6:35)--As the Bible tells us, there's power in what you set your mind on. We've also learned together that prayer changes how we think about everything, even our worries. In Session 6, Scarlet walks us through 1 Peter 5:6-7 and encourages us to posture ourselves in humble prayer, coming to God for help as a child would come to a good and loving father.Session 7: Anxious Reader (7:36)--In Session 7, we discuss this week's main takeaway--the Bible is our weapon in the fight against anxiety. Scarlet helps us understand how to live joy-filled lives by embracing the Word of God and its instructions for us.Session 8: Anxious Together (7:29)--In Session 8, Scarlet helps us understand how loving the community of God and being loved by it can help us in our fight against anxiety. It can also help us grow more into the image of Christ, learning to love the way that He does.

  • af Scarlet Hiltibidal
    176,95 kr.

    Vivimos en un mundo caído, triste y aterrador. No tenemos que ver los desastres naturales y el caos político en las noticias para entender lo que nuestros cuerpos ya saben. Nuestros cuerpos se enferman. Nuestras mentes son frágiles. La tasa de mortalidad para los seres humanos es demasiado alta. Hay mucho de qué preocuparse, y el mundo está lleno de soluciones defectuosas para nuestras ansiedades.La verdadera paz viene cuando aprendemos a someter nuestras preocupaciones a la Palabra de Dios. Allí, aprendemos que no podemos arreglarnos a nosotros mismos; no podemos protegernos a nosotros mismos. La Biblia en cambio nos dice que podemos descansar, sabiendo que Jesús caminó en los lugares caídos, tristes y aterradores para rescatarnos y amarnos. Él es el Único que lo arregla. Suya es la única protección que prevalece. Únete a Scarlet Hiltibidal en este estudio de 8 sesiones para aprender practicas para tomar la perfecta paz que está solo disponible por medio de Dios mientras profundizas en Su Palabra, cultivas la práctica de la oración y vives auténticamente con el apoyo de nuestras comunidades de fe.Incluye: Ayudas para que el líder guie las preguntas y el diálogo dentro de grupos pequeños.Segmentos de estudio personal para completar entre 8 sesiones en grupo semanales.Ocho videos enriquecedores, aproximadamente de 10-15 minutos por sesión. Beneficios: Aprender a luchar con tu ansiedad con la Palabra de Dios para que puedas tomar la vida abundante Jesús compró para ti.Darte cuenta de que no estás sola en tu lucha con la ansiedad al darle prioridad a la vida en comunidad y a la confesión en cambio del aislamiento.Practica llevar tus ansiedades a Dios y a conocer la oración como el camino hacia la paz.ENGLISH DESCRIPTIONWe live in a broken, sad, scary place. We don't need to watch the natural disasters and political unrest in the news to know what our bodies already know. Our bodies get sick. Our minds are fragile. The mortality rate for humans is astonishingly high. There's plenty to worry about, and the world is full of faulty solutions for our anxieties. But true peace comes when we learn to hold God's Word up to what worries us. There, we learn we can't fix ourselves; we can't protect ourselves. Instead, the Bible tells us we can rest, knowing that Jesus walked into the broken, sad, scary places to rescue us and love us. He is the One who fixes. His is the only protection that matters. Join Scarlet Hiltibidal in this 8-session study to learn how we can practically take hold of the perfect peace that is only available through God as we dive deeply into His Word, embrace the practice of prayer, and live authentically in the support of our communities of faith. Features: Leader helps to guide questions and discussions within small groupsPersonal study segments to complete among 8 weeks of group sessionsEight enriching teaching videos, approximately 10-15 minutes per session. (Redemption code for individual access to stream video content is printed in the Bible study book.)Benefits: Learn how to fight your anxiety with the Word of God so you can take hold of the abundant life Jesus has purchased for you.Realize you're not alone in your struggle with anxiety by prioritizing community and confession over isolation.Practice bringing your anxieties to God and come to know prayer as a pathway to peace.

  • af Scarlet Hiltibidal
    308,95 kr.