Bøger af Sarah Daniel
- Personlige rødder og faglig praksis
248,95 kr. At yde omsorg for andre mennesker er et vigtigt aspekt af mange fag og professioner. Omsorg hænger nært sammen med tilknytning, og i omsorgsarbejde bringes tilknytning let i spil - både hos den, der modtaget omsorgen, og hos den fagprofessionelle.Denne bog handler om, hvordan vores personlige historie med tilknytning og omsorg får betydning for vores kompetencer og udfordringer som profesionelle omsorgspersoner, og for hvordan vi trives eller mistrives i dette arbejde.Bogens sigte er at øge bevidstheden om vores tilknytningshistories betydning for omsorgsarbejde med henblik på at få denne historie til at fungere som en ressource snarere end en hindring i den faglige praksis.Bogen henvender sig primært til personer, hvis arbejde indebærer et omsorgsaspekt, fx psykologer, sygeplejersker eller pædagoger, og studerende inden for disse fag, men har også relevans for ledere på disse arbejdsområder.
- Bog
- 248,95 kr.
- Tilknytningsmønstre i en behandlingskontekst
263,95 - 328,95 kr. Der er sket en opblomstring i interessen for, hvilke implikationer tilknytningsteorien har for behandlingsarbejde med voksne inden for psykologien. Relevansen af denne viden rækker dog langt ud over det snævert psykofaglige. Behovet for tilknytning er et livslangt fænomen. Når voksne mennesker oplever sygdom, overgreb, psykiske vanskeligheder eller tab, motiverer tilknytningsbehovet personen til at søge hjælp og støtte. Den faktiske henvendelse om hjælp er dog påvirket af personens tidligere erfaringer med omsorgspersoners støtte og pålidelighed. Relation og fortælling gennemgår teori og forskning om tilknytningsmønstre hos voksne med henblik på at give professionelle hjælpere og behandlere indblik i, hvordan forskellige tilknytningsmønstre kommer til udtryk og påvirker daglig behandlingspraksis.
- A Journey Through Coffees Delicious Depths.
112,95 kr. Brew Your Bliss: A Journey Through Coffee's Delicious DepthsMore than just a recipe book, Brew Your Bliss is your passport to a world of coffee, steeped in history, vibrant with flavors, and overflowing with creativity.Embark on an aromatic odyssey: Unwind in the ancient lore of the bean, from Ethiopian legends to Parisian cafe culture.Delve into a global spectrum of flavors, from citrusy Yirgacheffe to earthy Sumatran Mandheling.Master the alchemy of brewing, transforming beans into liquid poetry with pour-over precision or French press immersion.Craft your perfect arsenal: grinders, kettles, and brewers to unleash the hidden magic within each bean.Savor a kaleidoscope of recipes: Sip classic hot brews or dive into the cool, refreshing world of cold coffee. Indulge in creamy lattes or explore sweet and spicy flavor profiles. Conjure barista-worthy espresso drinks, from frothy cappuccinos to smooth flat whites.Go beyond the cup with homemade syrups, decadent coffee-infused desserts, and even tempting coffee cocktails.Brew Your Bliss is more than just a book; it's an invitation: To experiment, to explore, to find your personal coffee ritual.To connect with a global community, sharing stories and brewing joy one cup at a time.To transform the ordinary into extraordinary, every sip a journey to bliss.So, grab your grinder, open this book, and let the aroma guide you. Your perfect cup awaits.This description offers a concise overview of the book's key elements: Unique blend of history, flavor exploration, and practical brewing knowledge.Variety of recipes catering to different tastes and brewing preferences.Bonus chapters for homemade syrups, cocktails, and coffee-infused desserts.Emphasis on experimentation, personalization, and building a coffee community.Evocative language and imagery that captures the essence of coffe
- Bog
- 112,95 kr.
- The Killing of Alison
143,95 kr. Alison was a vulnerable mentally ill young woman groomed and taken advantage of by an older male nurse. She became pregnant and a crisis abortion was arranged by staff at the NHS mental health hospital where she was a patient. The details of what happened were hidden and Alison emerged from the care of the NHS more damaged than when she had been admitted. She took her life on what would have been her aborted child's third birthday. Though the names are known, no one has ever been held accountable for the crimes committed against her. In a quest for truth, accountability, and justice that has stretched over three decades, Alison's family has been misled, lied to, and failed by the NHS, the Police, and the Crown Prosecution Service. This true at times barely believable story is one of ordinary people showing extraordinary determination and courage. It is an unconventional honest and deeply personal attempt to bring what has been hidden into the light for all to see. It is a story of the abuse of power, the hiding of wrongdoing, and a fight for the truth that is not yet over. "Insightful, compelling and disturbing." - John Seddon. "A very valuable reminder that, at its worst, and even with the best of intent to begin with, our experience of a really bad bureaucracy can be no different from tyranny." - Rory Sutherland. "Alison's death raises very important questions about safeguarding and the exploitation of vulnerable people who are in receipt of mental health services. The ongoing struggle her family have experienced in accessing truth and justice is one faced by too many bereaved people in the UK to this day. This book is an important reflection on that struggle, and on the defensiveness of public services who failed Alison when she needed them most." - Deborah Coles, Executive Director, INQUEST.
- Bog
- 143,95 kr.
- Sweet, Mouthwatering Treats For The Family!
208,95 - 298,95 kr. â?? 55% OFF FOR BOOKSTORES â??Do Not Miss The Opportunity To Complement Your Air Fryer With This Handy & Complete guide!HURRY UP! NOW DISCOUNTED from $37 to $29.99!
- Bog
- 208,95 kr.
- Sweet, Mouthwatering Treats For The Family!
208,95 - 273,95 kr. â?? 55% OFF FOR BOOKSTORES â??Do Not Miss The Opportunity To Complement Your Air Fryer With This Handy & Complete guide!HURRY UP! NOW DISCOUNTED from $27 to $19.99!
- Bog
- 208,95 kr.
- Sweet, Mouthwatering Treats For The Family!
208,95 - 233,95 kr. â?? 55% OFF FOR BOOKSTORES â??Do Not Miss The Opportunity To Complement Your Air Fryer With This Handy & Complete guide!HURRY UP! NOW DISCOUNTED from $35 to $27.99!
- Bog
- 208,95 kr.
258,95 - 298,95 kr. - Bog
- 258,95 kr.
208,95 - 273,95 kr. - Bog
- 208,95 kr.
208,95 - 273,95 kr. - Bog
- 208,95 kr.
258,95 - 298,95 kr. - Bog
- 258,95 kr.
208,95 - 273,95 kr. - Bog
- 208,95 kr.
208,95 - 273,95 kr. - Bog
- 208,95 kr.