Bøger af Ryuho Okawa
183,95 kr. In this astonishing sequel to the first two installments of The Unknown Stigma 1 (The Mystery) and 2 (The Resurrection) by Ryuho Okawa, the protagonist, Agnes, journeys through the universe and encounters a mystical world unknown to humankind by accompanying a figure identified as her "Father". Discover what awaits Agnes beyond this mysterious world...
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- 183,95 kr.
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193,95 kr. A sequel to The Unknown Stigma 1 -a new genre of spiritual mystery- by Ryuho Okawa, the internationally renowned prolific author of over 3,000 titles on religious truth, personal growth, political philosophy, and economic prosperity.After an extraordinary spiritual experience, a young, mysterious Catholic nun is now endowed with a new, noble mission. What kind of destiny will she face? Will it be hope or despair that awaits her?The story develops into a turn of events that no one could ever have anticipated.Are you ready to embrace its shocking ending?After reading this novel, the world as you know it will appear quite different to you...
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- 193,95 kr.
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138,95 kr. 와중의 문재인 대통령은 지금 무엇을 생각하는가?왜 이상할 정도로 반일을 계속 내세우는가?그 놀랄 만한 사고 회로의 원류를 밝혀내고한국에 대한 일본의 전략을 끌어낸다. ◇한국 경제는 붕괴 직전 ―― 외교도 경제도 모른다 '종군위안부', '징용공 문제'로 일본에서 배상금을 받을 뿐 ◇북한의 핵은 없애지 않는다 ―― 헌법 9조와 함께 일본은 가라앉아라 남북통일로 핵보유국이 되어 일본을 지배하고 싶다 ◇군사정보포괄보호협정(GSOMIA)의 파기 한미일의 제휴에 의미는 없다 ―― 중국에 아양을 떠는 외교 방침 ◇헌법을 개정해서 대통령을 2기 할 마음은 있는가 비상사태 선언을 내고 모든 권력을 대통령에게!? ◇한국은 국민감정이 정의를 정하는 '정치(情治) 국가' 거기에는 민주주의도 법치주의도 사실상 존재하지 않는다 ◇독도뿐만 아니라 쓰시마(對馬)와 사도가 섬(佐渡島)도 점령한다!? 지지율을 올리기 위해서라면 일본과의 전쟁도 불사하겠다
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- 138,95 kr.
258,95 kr. Truth unites the world.Love ends hatred.Christians, Muslims, and God-believersMaterialists, communists, and non-believers…Why do they fight?When will they say, "it's all right"?We bring you the messages of salvation from the Primordial God,Who has been nurturing us humans since the beginning of time. Why does this world exist? What is the world of truth? What do people experience when they die? What are the differences between religions? Why do they fight each other? God wishes for love and peace on Earth There is the Supreme God above all other godsFind the answers you seek in The Age of Mercy.
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- 258,95 kr.
143,95 kr. It's an astonishing reality. In January 2020, U.S. forces killed Major General Soleimani by drone attack while he was in Iraq. Only a day after his death, his spirit visited Okawa in Tokyo, who was just going to bed, and gave spiritual messages. Chapter 1 is a record of the spiritual session.Okawa is the Master of Happy Science, a religion founded in 1986 and now joined by people in more than 100 countries across the world. As of December 2019, he has given over 3,000 lectures and has published a total of more than 2,600 books worldwide, many which are translated into 31 languages. Among these books, 500 of them are the Spiritual Interview series recorded through Okawa's unparalleled spiritual ability. He can summon the spirit of any deceased person or any guardian spirit of a living person. Oftentimes, spirits visit Okawa to voice their opinion through him. Three days after the spiritual session with Soleimani came the guardian spirit of Ayatollah Khamenei of Iran, who suggested that Iran will attack the U.S. in the near future. Then, it became a reality just 24 hours later. Chapter 2 is the record of the spiritual session with the guardian spirit of Ayatollah Khamenei.The spirit of General Soleimani and the guardian spirit of Ayatollah Khamenei both insist that Iran is a country that believes in Allah and prides itself in its traditional culture, definitely not a nation of terrorism. Nevertheless, it's also true that Iran and other Islamic countries should respect the fundamental human rights. Allah and the God of Christianity are the same being, so the U.S. and Iran should not fight against each other. We sincerely pray that this book will bring mutual understanding between the two countries and prevent further conflict.
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- 143,95 kr.
168,95 kr. The Turning Point for the U.K. and Iran - Spiritual Interviews with the Guardian Spirits of Johnson, Rouhani, Khamenei and Trump is a record of exclusive interviews with the guardian spirits of the British prime minister, Iranian president, Iranian supreme leader, and American president, conducted via religious journalism. A guardian spirit is a part of what is known as the subsconscious in psychology; it speaks the real thoughts or the hidden but true mind of the surface consciousness of the person it guards. Oftentimes, the thoughts of the guardian spirit manifest as the person's words and actions at a later time. This is why spiritual interviews with guardian spirits are extremely helpful material in predicting the upcoming world trend.Okawa is the Master of Happy Science, a religion founded in 1986 and now joined by people in more than 100 countries across the world. As of December 2019, he has given over 3,000 lectures and has published a total of more than 2,600 books worldwide, many which are translated into 31 languages. Among these books, 500 of them are the Spiritual Interview series recorded through Okawa's unparalleled spiritual ability. He can summon the spirit of any deceased person or any guardian spirit of a living person. It is of best interest for humanity to publish the true thoughts of world leaders and inform themselves as well as the people all over world. This helps to realize talks, bring mutual understanding, gain cooperation, and make world peace. We sincerely hope that this book will settle the conflict between Iran and the U.S. and bring peace to the world, and will also help you find which direction we should head in to bring prosperity across the world after Brexit.
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- 168,95 kr.
408,95 kr. Neste livro, o mestre Ryuho Okawa revela as verdadeiras causas das doenças que a medicina moderna ainda não consegue curar e os remédios para várias delas. Para ajudá-lo a encontrar o caminho do bem-estar, Okawa oferece não apenas conselhos espirituais, mas também de natureza prática. Seguindo os passos sugeridos nessa obra fundamental para compreendermos nossos estados de ânimo, a sua vida mudará completamente e você descobrirá a verdadeira teia energética de cura que permeia seu corpo e sua mente.
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- 408,95 kr.
198,95 kr. A sequel to The Unknown Stigma 1 (The Mystery), the first spiritual mystery novel by Ryuho Okawa.A mysterious young Catholic nun with a noble mission... What kind of destiny will unfold before her? Will it be hope or despair? The story develops into a turn of events that no one could ever have anticipated. Are you ready to embrace the shocking ending?
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- 198,95 kr.
128,95 kr. "Don't think. FEEL," said the martial artist portrayed by Bruce Lee in the movie, Enter the Dragon (Golden Harvest, 1973). "Don't think, BELIEVE [this book]," say we, the publisher of this mystical yet real interview.Spiritual Interview with Bruce Lee: The Resurrection of the Dragon is one of the Spiritual Interview series by Ryuho Okawa. In Japan, there are more than 450 books in the series, with over 50 of those also available in English. Okawa interviewed the spirit of famous movie actor Bruce Lee¿1940-1973¿in July 2017, after Lee's spirit contacted Okawa and asked him to record a spiritual interview session. In the book, Bruce Lee speaks a lot about his own kung fu philosophy that he had deepened further after his death, as well as the truth of his young death and the mission of his soul. Here, we present you, martial artists and Bruce Lee fans all over the world who respect him even after his death over 40 years ago, the truth revealed by the "Dragon" who is still fighting evil in the Spirit World. "Now, here, he is. Famous "Dragon" came back. Who was he? What was he? And, now, where, why, how he is? Is it possible for him to be a dragon, even after his death? I mean "kung fu" or "Jeet Kune Do" can be understood in the realm of spirits, that is, without bodies.In this book, Bruce Lee talked a lot about his philosophy. How could he use the word, "Fighting" compatible with "Peaceful Philosophy"?Can "kung fu" be replaced by the words "Justice" "Love" "Peace" "Way" or "Buddha's Truth"?Anyway, you can see "The Resurrection of the Dragon" in this book. And this fact will be the good news for the people of the world who still respecting Bruce Lee."¿Table of Contents¿1 - A Worldwide Star of Oriental Origin Returns After 44 Years2 - Truth, Beauty, and Justice According to Bruce Lee3 - Taoism and Freedom Believed by Bruce Lee4 - China, Japan, and North Korea as Analyzed by Bruce Lee5 - Bruce Lee Reveals His Past Life, the Truth of His Death, and the Mission of His Soul
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- 128,95 kr.
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183,95 kr. Are you or your family members suffering from inexplicable illnesses, successive injuries or accidents, evil habits or strange behavior, or mental disorder? If so, you or your family are likely to be possessed by evil spirits, wandering spirits, or devils. Possession is neither an exceptional occurrence nor unscientific superstition; it's a phenomenon, based on spiritual principles, that is still quite common in the modern society.In The Possession, Okawa speaks of the way to tell if you are under possession, and its cause and prescription, from his several decades of experience as a spiritual master. Okawa is the Master of Happy Science, a religion founded in 1986 and now joined by people in more than 100 countries across the world. As of December 2019, he has given over 3,000 lectures and has published a total of more than 2,600 books worldwide, many which are translated into 31 languages. He has also given lectures in a dozen countries. Among these books, 500 of them are the Spiritual Interview series recorded through Okawa's unparalleled spiritual ability. He is an expert in the laws that govern the spiritual world, as well as in the relationship between this world and the spiritual world, and has published many books on them.Through this book, you can find the way to change your own mind and free yourself from possession, and the way to exorcise devils by relying on the power of angels and God. If you are suffering because your psychiatrist or church cannot help you, why don't you read, believe, and practice what is written in this book? Give it a try. This is a gospel that will help you rebuild your life.
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- 183,95 kr.
183,95 kr. There are countless books on self-development, but none as deep and religious as I Can -Discover Your Power Within- by Ryuho Okawa. In this enlightening masterpiece by Okawa, the Master and CEO of Happy Science, you can gain stronger confidence in yourself, overcome adversities and anxieties, and make your dreams come true by learning the spirit of self-help and by knowing the secret to your creative power within. "Saving the poor" is an important idea that leads to world peace, but so are "thoughts have real power," "each person should make effort every day," and "God helps those who help themselves." In this book, Okawa also teaches: - On faith and on everyone's potential as a child of God - The essence of the philosophy of success - How to regain your passion for work - How you can regain your energy to live
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- 183,95 kr.
183,95 kr. These comprehensive and essential Buddhist teachings that are written in an easy-to-understand way will resolve the commonly misunderstood concepts taught in modern Buddhism such as 'egolessness' and 'void', as well as the true meaning of 'the middle way', 'nirvana' and 'Buddha-nature'. These concepts of spiritual awareness are now resurrected. Ryuho Okawa's clear-cut explanations of the core Buddhist teachings are what has been anticipated among authentic seekers of Truth, so look no farther.
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- 183,95 kr.
138,95 kr. 6¿ 13¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿ ¿¿'¿¿ ¿¿',¿¿¿ ¿¿¿!¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿'¿¿¿¿(¿¿¿¿)'¿ ¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿.¿¿¿¿ ¿¿ ¿¿¿¿,¿¿¿ ¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿.¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿ ¿¿¿ ¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿ ¿¿ ¿¿, ¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿, ¿¿¿ '¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿ ¿¿(¿¿)'¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿ ¿¿ ¿¿ ¿¿(¿¿¿¿)¿ ¿¿¿¿ ¿¿ ¿¿
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- 138,95 kr.
198,95 kr. The first spiritual mystery novel by Ryuho Okawa.Mysterious serial murder in Tokyo... A beautiful young Catholic nun... What is the connection?Is she carrying the stigma of light or darkness? This page-turner novel contains many twists and turns, introducing a new genre of spiritual mystery.
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173,95 kr. These are the messages of Buddha who has returned to this modern age as promised to His eternal beloved disciples. They are in simple words and poetic style, yet contain profound messages. Once you start reading these passages, your soul will be replenished as the plant absorbs the water, and you will remember why you chose this era to be born into with Buddha. Listen to the voices of your Eternal Master and awaken to your calling.
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- 173,95 kr.
183,95 kr. This book is about author Ryuho Okawa's original philosophy of love which serves as the foundation of chapter three of The Laws of the Sun, OneSource, One People, One Planet, the first Laws Series of Ryuho Okawa, the international best-selling author of over 3,000 titles (as of June 2022) including The Essence of Buddha.
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193,95 kr. What would the Messiah or the Grand Savior be thinking about now while looking at the current world and what would He say to guide people on Earth to bring individual happiness, as well as peace and prosperity to the world? Author Ryuho Okawa reveals the heart of the Messiah by revealing His criteria for justice to the planet Earth.
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- 193,95 kr.
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- 128,95 kr.
- Its Ultimate Attainment in Today's World
193,95 kr. Rojin is one of Buddha's six divine supernatural powers: the ultimate ability to manage them all. Discover the secret of Ryuho Okawa who integrates these six mystical powers with common sense living. Learn how to develop and use Rojin to refine your soul and successfully manage your life.
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- 193,95 kr.
128,95 kr. This book is the spiritual messages from Metatron-one of the highest-ranking angels (seraphim) in Judaism and Christianity-, recorded on June 2021. According to the spiritual reading of Happy Science, Metatron is one of the saviors of universe, who has guided the civilizations of many planets including Earth, under the guidance of Lord God. Such savior has sent a message upon seeing the crisis of earth: "the continued spread of COVID-19", "the rise of China", "economic crisis, approaching around the world". This is the message of hope to defeat the catastrophe. The content includes the stand from the eyes of higher dimension. Such content can definitely not be attained from press or internet. General Outlook ・The truth behind the Coronavirus pandemic-What is the origin of Coronavirus? Why do variants appear one after another? ・The unimaginable extent of China''s desire--What is the true intention behind China, pushing for the "vaccine diplomacy"?・The danger of appeasement policy towards China-Do not forget that the rise of Hitler was because of the appeasement deal. ・The secret of Metatron-What is the relationship with Jesus Christ? Okawa is the Master of Happy Science, a religion founded in 1986 and now joined by people in more than 160 countries across the world. He has given over 3,350 lectures and has published a total of more than 2,900 books worldwide, many of which are translated into 37 languages. Among these books, over 600 of them are the Spiritual Interview series recorded through Okawa''s unparalleled spiritual ability. He can summon the spirit of any deceased person or any guardian spirit of a living person. "Increase the good and decrease the evil. Strengthen faith in God or Buddha. Stop the proliferation of those who have become conceited due to the progress of materialistic science. The light of the future will never shine on those who scoff at the words of the Savior." ― Ryuho Okawa, Afterword―
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