Bøger af Rubina Raja
- Religion og kult i den græsk-romerske Nærorient
148,95 kr. Det hellige rum handler om religion og helligsteder i den græsk-romerske tid i Nærorienten, og det vil sige en periode fra det 4. årh. f.Kr. til det 7. årh. e.Kr. Nærorienten var i århundrederne omkring Jesu fødsel en region, hvor flere kulturer stødte på hinanden med alt, hvad det måtte indebære. På den ene side stod den græsk-romerske kultur, som havde domineret Middelhavsområdet i århundreder. På den anden side stod mangfoldige nærorientalske regioner præget af store regionale forskelle. I denne smeltedigel opstod kristendommen og islam som de bedst kendte af en række nye religioner fra denne periode.
- Bog
- 148,95 kr.
1.441,95 kr. With contributions from thirty archaeologists, epigraphists, historians, and philologists, this book covers Palmyra's archaeological remains and history from its earliest phases in the pre-Roman era to the destruction of many of its monuments during the Syrian Civil War and subsequent looting. The authors give comprehensive overviews of already published evidence, as well as significant new findings and analyses from fieldwork, and cover a broad range of themes, which not only relate to the archaeology and history of the site, but also to its relationship with the rest of the ancient world as a major trade hub during the Roman period.
- Bog
- 1.441,95 kr.
- Vol. 2 The networks of Viking-age Ribe
288,95 kr. This is the second and final volume presenting the results of the Northern Emporium research project and the high-definition excavations carried out within this programme in 2017-18 in Ribe. The 22 chapters survey the remarkable range of finds retrieved from this hub of the North Sea world in the eighth and ninth centuries AD: artefacts made from pottery, stone, shell, glass, metals, amber, leather, wood, textile, bone and antler. They offer detailed insights that highlight discoveries such as the assemblages from glass bead or comb-making workshops, and rare finds such as wooden furnishings and musical instruments.The focus of the book is on assembling Ribe’s early urban network. By analysing finds and their context, we develop a picture of social roles and interactions between residents and visitors in the emporium. And we follow the connections they created with other worlds as we trace the flows of glass vessels, pottery and wine barrels from Western Europe; iron, stone and animal products from North and Central Scandinavia and beads and coins that travelled from the Middle East and the Indian Ocean into northern Europe’s new maritime frontier.
- E-bog
- 288,95 kr.
248,95 kr. DANSK SALGSTEKST:Palmyra, den fantastiske ruinby i den syriske ørken, blev udsat for voldsomme ødelæggelser i kølvandet på den syriske borgerkrig. Kort før konfliktens udbrud i 2011 begyndte et stort dansk og internationalt forskningsprojekt, Palmyra Portræt Projektet, støttet af Carlsbergfondet og ledet af professor, centerleder Rubina Raja. Projektets vigtige udforskning og dokumentation af den syriske kulturarv har været emnet for flere videnskabelige konferencer, og resultaterne er fremlagt i en række publikationer. Den seneste lanceres hermed af Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab. Women, children and the family in Palmyra er en ualmindelig flot illustreret bog med appel ikke bare til specialister, men til alle, der interesserer sig for den antikke oldtids historie, kunst og kultur.Bogen handler om kvinder og børns roller i familien gennem Palmyras romerske periode (1.–3. århundrede e.v.t.). I ni kapitler belyses emnet af førende Palmyra-forskere, som alle deltog i en todelt workshop på Aarhus Universitet i oktober 2016 og februar 2017. Møderne blev arrangeret af Palmyra Portræt Projektet, og bogen indgår som bind 3 i projektets serie Palmyrenske Studier. Bogens ni kapitler drøfter forskellige aspekter af de varierende familiekonstellationer og undersøger, hvordan portrætterne af palmyrenske kvinder og børn afspejler familiestrukturen og det bredere samfund i Palmyra. I bogen får man fascinerende indblik i mange forskellige sider af familielivet i Palmyra, og det bliver afdækket, hvordan kvinder og børns identiteter blev udtrykt især gennem gravportrætter og det skriftlige materiale, der er overleveret fra oldtidens Palmyra.ENGELSK SALGSTEKST:The spectacular ancient desert city of Palmyra was heavily destroyed during the Civil War in Syria. Shortly before the conflict escalated in 2011, the Palmyra Portrait Project was initiated. The research project is funded by the Carlsberg Foundation and headed by Professor and Centre director Rubina Raja. The project’s important work with the Syrian cultural heritage has since been widely published, and the latest edited volume within the project is now available as part of the series Palmyrene Studies published by The Royal Dansih Academy of Sciences and Letters.The book covers the roles of women and children within the family in Palmyra during the Roman period (1st–3rd centuries CE). The nine chapters are written by leading scholars of Palmyra, who all participated in a two-part workshop held at Aarhus University, under the auspices of the Palmyra Portrait Project in October 2016 and February 2017. The chapters discuss different aspects of family constellations and assess which implications different representations of women and children may have carried in relation to the Palmyrene family structure and wider Palmyrene society. By looking at portraiture and the written evidence from the city, this volume adds further aspects to our understanding of how women and children were perceived in Palmyra and how identity aspects were included in their portraiture and the written evidence.
- Bog
- 248,95 kr.
218,95 kr. DANSK SALGSTEKST:Den enestående ruinby Palmyra i Syrien har opnået en ny, sørgelig berømmelse. Efter, at byen blev indtaget af IS i maj 2015, blev mange af de forbløffende velbevarede ruiner fra romerrigets tid ødelagt. Trods internationale protester og byens placering på UNESCO's liste over verdens kulturarv blev flere af de berømte monumenter sprængt til ukendelighed, bl.a. det imponerende tempel for guden Bel (Det Gamle Testamentes Ba'al). Byen er blevet plyndret for store mængder antikviteter, som er videresolgt på det sorte marked.Det er anden gang i historien, denne unikke oaseby midt i den syriske ørken er blevet ødelagt. Første gang var det romerne, der hærgede byen efter at have nedkæmpet den berømte dronning Zenobia, som i sin ganske korte regeringstid (ca. 267-272) gjorde oprør mod det romerske overherredømme og erobrede Ægypten og store dele af Lilleasien. Hun er blevet en legende, som skildres i en af artiklerne i den nyudkomne antologi. Den indeholder i alt 16 artikler af verdens førende Palmyra-forskere, som her øser af deres viden om byen, dens arkæologi og dens historie. Set i lyset af den sidste tids udvikling er det en uvurderlig bog, der bidrager til forståelsen af Palmyras antikke kultur.ENGELSK SALGSTEKST:The World of Palmyra is an edited volume consisting of 16 articles by the leading scholars working on Palmyra, many of whom have conducted field work in the city before the time of the Civil War. The volume therefore presents us with state of the art research and insight into the archaeology and history of a Palmyra, which does not exist anymore, but which even more so should be remembered and communicated to the broader scholarly and public communities interested in learning more about this fascinating site, also called the Pearl of the Desert.The articles of The World of Palmyra stem from a conference held at the Royal Academy of Sciences and Letters in Copenhagen. The conference was held under the auspices of the Palmyra Portrait Project headed by Rubina Raja, Professor of Classical Archaeology, Aarhus University. The Palmyra Portrait Project has since 2012 collected and analyzed the largest corpus of portraits from the Roman period. The corpus holds more than 3,000 portraits. These stem from the tombs in Palmyra and belong to the period from 1st to the 3rd century CE, when Palmyra was sacked by the Roman due to the upraise headed by the legendary Queen Zenobia. The Palmyra Portrait Project has among other things been featured in BBC's radioprogramme “Museum of Lost Objects”.
- Bog
- 218,95 kr.
- Aphrodisias, Ephesos, Athens, Gerasa
634,95 kr. - Bog
- 634,95 kr.