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Bøger af Roy F. Baumeister

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  • - Genopdag menneskets største styrke
    af John Tierney & Roy F. Baumeister
    332,95 kr.

    Uanset hvordan man definerer succes - en lykkelig familie, gode venner, en tilfredsstillende karriere, et sundt helbred, økonomisk sikkerhed, frihed til at forfølge sine passioner - er definitionen som regel ledsaget af et par betingelser. Når psykologer isolerer de personlige egenskaber, der forudsiger 'positive resultater' i livet, finder de altid tilbage til to menneskelige træk: intelligens og selvkontrol. Indtil nu har forskerne stadig ikke fundet ud af, hvordan man permanent kan forbedre intelligens. Men de har opdaget, eller i det mindste genopdaget, hvordan man kan forbedre sin selvkontrol.Derfor denne bog! Forfatterne mener, at forskning i viljestyrke og selvkontrol er det bedste håb, psykologien har, for at kunne bidrage til menneskeligt velbefindende. Viljestyrke lader os forandre os selv og vores samfund på både små og store måder.Bogen henvender sig til alle med interesse for menneskets psyke og den fascinerende 'selvkontrol', som i bogen udfoldes og giver mange aha-oplevelser for læseren. Bogen er skrevet i et inspirerende sprog og med mange relevante eksempler fra både forskningen og menneskets hverdag. Læser du denne bog, vil du have et godt grundlag for at arbejde med dig selv og din egen selvkontrol i hverdagen.Bogen er oversat til dansk efter bestselleren Willpower: Rediscovering the Greatest Human Strength af Roy F. Baumeister og John Tierney.Roy F. Baumeister er leder af den socialpsykologiske uddannelse ved Florida State University. Han er forfatter til mere end 450 videnskabelige publikationer og rangerer konsekvent blandt de mest citerede psykologer i verden. John Tierney skriver videnskabsklummen 'Findings' for The New York Times. Som skribent har han vundet priser fra American Association for the Advancement of Science og American Institute of Physics. Dette er hans tredje bog.

  • - How the Negativity Effect Rules Us and How We Can Rule It
    af John Tierney & Roy F. Baumeister
    214,45 kr.

  • - Rediscovering Our Greatest Strength
    af John Tierney & Roy F. Baumeister
    129,45 kr.

    Can you resist everything except temptation? In a hedonistic age full of distractions, it's hard to possess willpower - or in fact even understand why we should need it. Yet it's actually the most important factor in achieving success and a happy life, shown to be more significant than money, looks, background or intelligence. This book reveals the secrets of self-control. For years the old-fashioned, even Victorian, value of willpower has been disparaged by psychologists who argued that we're largely driven by unconscious forces beyond our control. Here Roy Baumeister, one of the world's most esteemed and influential psychologists, and journalist John Tierney, turn this notion on its head. They show us that willpower is like a muscle that can be strengthened with practice and improved over time. The latest laboratory work shows that self-control has a physical basis to it and so is dramatically affected by simple things such as eating and sleeping - to the extent that a life-changing decision may go in different directions depending on whether it's made before or after lunch. You will discover how babies can be taught willpower, the joys of the to-don't list, the success of Alcoholics Anonymous, the pointlessness of diets and the secrets to David Blaine's stunts. There are also fascinating personal stories, from explorers, students, soldiers, ex-addicts and parents.Based on years of psychological research and filled with practical advice, this book will teach you how to gain from self-control without pain, and discover the very real power in willpower. The results are nothing short of life-changing.

  • - And How to Overcome It
    af John Tierney & Roy F. Baumeister
    129,45 kr.

    From the international bestselling authors of WillpowerWhy does a bad impression last longer than a good one? Why does losing money affect us more than gaining it? What makes phobias so hard to shake?The answer is the negativity bias - or in other words, the power of bad. As John Tierney and Roy F. Baumeister show, we are wired to react to bad over good. It makes sense in evolutionary terms, but in our modern world the lure of bad is, well, bad. It governs people's moods, drives marketing and dominates our news. It can explain everything from why wars start or couples divorce, to why we mess up job interviews or feud with neighbours. But there is good news. By using smart strategies from new science, we can train our brains to get better at spotting our own negativity bias, fighting back with our rational minds to manage the bad in our lives - and even using its power for positive results. Breaking bad's hold over us can help our own lives, at work and in our relationships. Properly understood, bad can be a good thing.

  • af Roy F. Baumeister
    433,95 - 709,95 kr.

    The idea of the self is immediately familiar to everyone, yet elusive to define and understand. From pioneering researcher Roy F. Baumeister, this volume synthesizes a vast body of knowledge to provide a panoramic view of the human self--how it develops and functions, why it exists, and what problems it encounters on the journey through life. What are the benefits of self-knowledge, and how attainable is it? Do we have one self, or many? What is the relationship of self and society? In 28 concise chapters, Baumeister explains complex concepts with clarity and insight. He reveals the central role played by the self in enabling both individuals and cultures to thrive.

  • - The Two Sides Of Unrequited Love
    af Roy F. Baumeister & Sara R. Wotman
    383,95 - 845,95 kr.

    This illuminating new work explores unrequited love from both sides

  • af Roy F. Baumeister
    708,95 kr.

    First Published in 1989. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

  • af Roy F. Baumeister
    1.766,95 kr.

    First Published in 1989. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

  • af Roy F. Baumeister
    467,95 kr.