Bøger af Ross Campbell
168,95 kr. You know you love your child. You attend school events, care for physical needs, and discipline when needed. But did you know that most children, even in loving households, doubt that they are genuinely and unconditionally loved? In Dr. Ross Campbell’s groundbreaking book, he explains the emotional needs of a child and provides you with skills that will help your child feel truly loved and accepted. Using eye contact, affirmation, and spiritual nurturing, you’ll learn to really love your child no matter what the circumstances. The practical applications in How to Really Love Your Child have already helped over 2 million parents around the world show love to their children in a way that can be received and returned, again and again.
- Bog
- 168,95 kr.
174,95 kr. Du ved, at du elsker dit barn. Men kan dit barn mærke det?Gary Chapman mener, at alle mennesker grundlæggende modtager kærlighed gennem fem sprog: fysisk berøring, anerkendende ord, tid til hinanden, gaver eller tjenester.Psykiater Ross Campbell og familierådgiver Gary Chapman giver mange eksempler på, hvordan du kan bruge de fem kærlighedssprog over for dine børn. Bogen indeholder også konkret hjælp til, hvordan dufinder dit barns primære kærlighedssprog.
- E-bog
- 174,95 kr.
- Bog
- 139,95 kr.
1.437,95 kr. The German Federal Election of 2021 was one of the most open and competitive in the post-war era. This book provides a systematic analysis of its domestic and international context, the shifting balance of the political parties, the election strategies and campaign themes, along with the challenges of government formation. An international array of scholars from Europe, North America and Australasia have contributed specially commissioned chapters on their principal areas of research. The discussion of individual topics is combined with sufficient background information so as to be accessible to readers who may not have detailed knowledge of German politics. In addition, by including links to multimedia election-related content we enhance the value of this volume and make it an indispensable reference tool.
- Bog
- 1.437,95 kr.
- Bog
- 143,95 kr.
- Bog
- 188,95 kr.
148,95 kr. ¿SIENTE TU HIJO QUE LO AMAS? ES PROBABLE QUE ESTO TE SORPRENDA. Estás consciente de que amas a tu hijo. Lo acompañas a sus eventos escolares, atiendes sus necesidades físicas y lo disciplinas cuando se requiere. Sin embargo, ¿sabías que la mayoría de los chicos, aun en hogares amorosos, dudan de que sus progenitores los aman en forma genuina e incondicional? En este novedoso libro del doctor Ross Campbell, él explica las necesidades emocionales del niño y expone algunas habilidades que lo ayudarán a sentirse realmente amado y aceptado. Mediante el contacto visual, la afirmación y el apoyo espiritual, aprenderás a amar realmente a tu hijo cualesquiera sean las circunstancias. Las aplicaciones prácticas que aparecen en el libro Cómo amar de verdad a tu hijo ya han ayudado a más de un millón de padres en todo el mundo a mostrarles amor a sus hijos en una manera que puede ser recibida y retribuida, una y otra vez.ENGLISH DESCRIPTIONYou know you love your child. You attend school events, care for physical needs, and discipline when needed. But did you know that most children, even in loving households, doubt that they are genuinely and unconditionally loved? In Dr. Ross Campbell’s groundbreaking book, he explains the emotional needs of a child and provides you with skills that will help your child feel truly loved and accepted. Using eye contact, affirmation, and spiritual nurturing, you’ll learn to really love your child no matter what the circumstances. The practical applications in How to Really Love Your Child have already helped over 2 million parents around the world show love to their children in a way that can be received and returned, again and again.
- Bog
- 148,95 kr.
- Critical Democrats
735,95 kr. This book examines attitudes towards democracy in the Federal Republic of Germany. Overall, the findings challenge suggestions of a crisis of democracy but they also demonstrate that support is particularly low towards aspects of the European Union.
- Bog
- 735,95 kr.
- Bog
- 548,95 kr.
- Anticipating What a Child Needs Instead of Reacting to What a Child Does
169,95 kr. The ultimate guide to a parenting lifestyle that anticipates what a child needs instead of reacting to what a child does.
- Bog
- 169,95 kr.
178,95 kr. You thought there could never be a love like the love you have for your child. But then you held your first grandchild. The emotions that flooded you focused to an intense desire to protect and make his or her world secure. Yet it's no breaking news that children face a vastly different world from the one you grew up in--or even the world your children knew. The forces of popular culture are no longer child-friendly. Too often, attitudes and ideas all around us obstruct character formation in children, rather than build it up. Although you long to know that your grandchild will be safe and secure in such a world, maybe you live a great distance away. Or perhaps there's some friction between you and your grandchild's parents, or maybe you just don't keep up with your grandchild's interests the way you would like. Whatever your circumstances, being a grandparent is a unique and wonderful opportunity to stand in the gap against the often dark and discouraging elements of our culture in order to positively influence your grandchild's future. "How to Really Love Your Grandchild" is a book of hope and encouragement for you to provide the extra love and emotional support that only a grandparent can give. Through stories that read like your own life, Dr. Ross Campbell's I'm-in-this-with-you advice will provide failsafe ways to stay close to your grandchildren--no matter what.
- Bog
- 178,95 kr.
- Raising Balanced Teens in an Unbalanced World
198,95 kr. In this timely, relevant guide, parents will learn proactive strategies for unpacking one of God's greatest mysteries: their teenager.
- Bog
- 198,95 kr.