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Bøger af Rohinton Mistry

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  • Spar 17%
    af Rohinton Mistry
    140,95 kr.

    Roman fra en indisk storby om 4 forskellige mennesker, der mødes under de politiske kriser i 1970´erne

  • af Rohinton Mistry
    118,95 kr.

    Set in the mid-1970s in India, A Fine Balance tells the story of four unlikely people whose lives come together during a time of political turmoil soon after the government declares a 'State of Internal Emergency'. Through days of bleakness and hope, their circumstances - and their fates - become inextricably linked in ways no one could have foreseen.Written with compassion, humour and insight, A Fine Balance is a vivid, richly textured and powerful novel by one of the most gifted writers of our time.'A masterpiece of illumination and grace. Like all great fiction, it transforms our understanding of life.' Guardian

  • af Rohinton Mistry
    118,95 kr.

    In these eleven intersecting stories, Rohinton Mistry reveals the rich, complex patterns of life inside a Bombay apartment building. The occupants - from Jaakaylee, the ghost-seer, through Najami, the only owner of a refrigerator in Firozsha Baag, to Rustomji the Curmudgeon and Kersi, the boy whose life threads through the book - all express, knowingly or unknowingly, the tensions between the past and the present, between the old world and the new. Compassionate and extremely funny, Tales from Firozsha Baag illuminates the meaning of change through the brilliantly textured mosaic of seemingly ordinary lives. 'Mistry's joyful notation of the world reminds us that description is one of fiction's first and gravest tasks.' Guardian 'A fine collection . . . the volume is informed by a tone of gentle compassion for seemingly insignificant lives.' New York Times

  • af Rohinton Mistry
    133,95 kr.

    Nariman Vakeel is a seventy-nine-year-old Parsi widower beset by Parkinson's disease and haunted by memories of the past. He lives with his two middle-aged step-children. When Nariman's illness is compunded by a broken ankle, he's forced to take up residence with his daughter Roxana, her husband Yezad and their two young sons. This new responsibility for Yezad, who is already besieged by financial worries, proves too much and pushes him into a scheme of deception - with devastating consequences.Wise and compassionate, Family Matters has all the richness, the gentle humour and the narrative sweep that have earned Rohinton Mistry the highest accolades.'It is rare to discover a novel in which the characters are so well drawn that you feel wrapped up in their problems, rather than just privy to them.' Independent on Sunday 'A brilliant novel from one of India's finest living novelists.' Observer

  • af Rohinton Mistry
    213,95 kr.

  • af Rohinton Mistry
    198,95 kr.

  • af Rohinton Mistry
    198,95 kr.

  • Spar 17%
    af Rohinton Mistry
    44,73 kr.

    Tiden er 1975. Stedet er Indien. Premierministeren hedder Indira Gandhi, og situationen i landet er kommet fuldstændig ud af kontrol. På papiret er Indien et demokrati, men millioner af mennesker lever under feudallignende forhold, og de urørlige går over på den anden side af gaden af frygt for, at deres skygge skal falde på en højkastehindu. I denne betændte situation finder fire umage mennesker sammen i et arbejdsfællesskab en lillebitte lejlighed ved havet: Lejlighedens indehaver, enken Dina Dalal, en ung studerende, den blide Manech Kohlah, samt to skræddere, den altid optimistiske Ishvar Darji og hans unge nevø, Omprakash (Om), hvis glæde ved livet til gengæld blev slået helt i stykker hjemme i landsbyen.Rohinton Mistry modtog for denne i alle henseender store roman The Commonwealth Writers-prisen, The Giller Prize og den danske ALOA-pris. En hårfin balance blev ligeledes shortlistet til den prestigefyldte engelske litteraturpris, Booker-prisen.

  • Spar 17%
    af Rohinton Mistry
    44,73 kr.

    Underfundig og farverig historie om en hårdtarbejdende bankfunktionær i Bombay. Ufrivilligt indblandes han i politiske intriger, men familiens fællesskab på godt og ondt bringer ham helskindet gennem problemerne.

  • Spar 17%
    af Rohinton Mistry
    44,73 kr.

    Nariman bor hos sine to ugifte stedbørn, Coomy og Jal, i den store lejlighed, han købte til dem – mod at de skulle tage sig af ham på hans gamle dage. Arrangementet er nogenlunde tilfredsstillende, selvom Coomy aldrig har tilgivet den gamle mand, at han elskede en anden kvinde end hendes mor. Derfor benytter Coomy, trods broderens protester, enhver tænkelig lejlighed til at gøre livet surt for Nariman.Men den dag, Nariman brækker anklen og bliver tvunget til at holde sig i sengen, går alting galt. Nu gælder alle kneb for at slippe af med den besværlige byrde! Måske kan det lykkes at få ham smurt af på datteren Roxie, hendes mand og deres to drenge – selv om hendes familie bor i en lillebitte lejlighed og kun lige akkurat kan få det til at løbe rundt økonomisk.Et Familieanliggende er en grotesk og galgenhumoristisk beretning om, hvor langt nogle vil gå for at undvige deres pligter, om de handlinger selv meget moralske mennesker vil begå i ren og skær desperation – og om den kærlighed, som overvinder om ikke alt, så dog en hel del. Pressen skrev:»Rohinton Mistry er en fremragende skildrer af familiens dynamik i ny strålende roman... Mistry kan skrive en roman, så man som læser føler sig suget lige ind i virkeligheden –  til det levende og krævende sted, som en familie faktisk er.«–  Politiken

  • af Rohinton Mistry
    98,95 kr.

  • af Rohinton Mistry
    118,95 kr.

    Such a Long Journey is set in (what was then) Bombay against the backdrop of war in the Indian subcontinent and the birth of Bangladesh, telling the story of the peculiar way in which the conflict impinges on the lives of Gustad Noble, an ordinary man, and his family.It was the brilliant first novel by one of the most remarkable writers to have emerged from the Indian literary tradition in many years. It was shortlisted for the 1991 Booker Prize, and won the 1992 Commonwealth Writers Prize.