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Bøger af Rod Martin

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  • af Rod Martin
    158,95 kr.

    Explore the literary world of Rod Martin, a multi-talented author, poet, songwriter, and playwright nestled in the lush rainforest of Kahalu'u, Hawaii on the island of Oahu. With a rich background of thirty years as an educator in Hawaii Public Schools, Rod has recently retired and dedicated his pen to creating a diverse collection of books aimed at inspiring teachers and captivating readers.For educators seeking to infuse creativity into their classrooms, "Drama Games and Acting Exercises" is a comprehensive guide on seamlessly integrating improvisational theatre into the curriculum. "Future Poets" opens up new horizons in the world of poetry, offering a guide for writing innovative styles. Meanwhile, "Write On" provides an invaluable resource, brimming with writing prompts and quotations to ignite the spark of creativity in students.Rod's literary repertoire extends beyond educational resources. "Jesse, Son of God" is a riveting novel, drawing from autobiographical experiences and weaving a compelling narrative within the framework of a wager between God and the Devil. His latest work, "Huckleberry Dick," is an enthralling love story detective novel, featuring Joe Freedom, a private investigator, and Vana Fox, his voluptuous therapist. Rod's first book of poetry, "Faith, Love and Hope", recently launched on Amazon and Barnes and Noble.Not forgetting the younger audience, Rod Martin has also crafted a charming collection of children's books, including "The Tale of Natalie Nightingale," "Baby's Day," "Excuses, Excuses," "The Tale of the Vorpul Snit," "Check This Out," and "Things I Don't Know About Animals." Delight in the enchanting stories that Rod weaves for young readers. ¿¿Embark on a literary journey with Rod Martin's diverse and captivating works that span across genres, leaving an indelible mark on the minds of readers.

  • af Rod Martin
    243,95 kr.

    This book is for all my fellow teachers out there who enjoy poetry and believe their students will become better writers if they keep practicing. Here are hundreds of ideas to stimulate your student's imaginations; students who are often willing to write, but don't have a clue what to write about. These ideas will give them a place to start. Poetry works well for engaging student writers because it is challenging and yet flexible. There are so many types and styles of poems they can experience. There's also a lot of leeway in terms of punctuation, idioms and slang, and how the words appear on the page.Poetry lends itself to success. Anyone can do it and it's personal; it comes from the students' experiences and emotions. It's subjective; the sort of writing to be appreciated rather than judged. The emphasis in this book is "students as poets." It's not about studying the famous poets who have gone before. It's about finding a love for expressing yourself that can last a lifetime.

  • af Rod Martin
    113,95 kr.

    This book is a love story, detective tale. You decide if it's a great American novel.Joe Freedom is a private investigator who finds lost things. Sometimes they don't want to be found, which makes it all the more interesting. And for the first time since the last time, he's found love, or thinks he has, shrinks he has. (You'll see).The case: Professor Otis Grille's daughter Alex is missing. Her family and friends are clueless as to her whereabouts. Joe and his therapist, Vana Fox, team up to profile Alex, search for her, and learn to love each other. They practice often. Why is Alexandra Grille hiding out at the Bayview Rehab Center under a cloak of deniability and doctor-patient privilege. She paid cash. She told no one. Is she running away from herself or from someone else? Can Joe find the professor's daughter before something awful befalls her?Prose, rap, and other poetic pursuits provide the backdrop for clues and blues. How is a part-time PI supposed to find someone so intent on being lost? Does love get in the way? How can it not? Vana's hot.Those are the questions. You'll find your answers within.

  • - Atlantis: Scientific evidence of Plato's lost island empire
    af Rod Martin
    563,95 kr.

    Why would scientists ignore evidence?Some scientists occasionally ignore evidence-and sometimes violently. Why would they do this? American journalist and bestselling author, James Gleick explained it this way: "Shallow ideas can be assimilated; ideas that require people to reorganize their picture of the world provoke hostility."When scientists refuse to look because they "know better," others can swoop in to make the big discoveries. That happened when English amateur, Frank Calvert, discovered Troy at Hisarlik, Turkey (Schliemann came later).Ironically, the same arrogance that had blinded the experts still persists today.But Atlantis? Yes, we have evidence. Lots of it. Not yet enough to prove Plato's lost island empire existed, but some compelling-even startling-evidence, including 3 bits of scientific fact that tell us something truly earth shattering happened right when Plato said Atlantis was destroyed.Dramatic change in climate worldwide, 33x as fast as the UN IPCC's feared warming of the 21st century.A massive volcanic eruption.A sudden drop in sea level worldwide of between 2 and 7.4 meters.All happening 9620 BC-a virtual bullseye for the tectonic collapse of Atlantis.For decades, "Clovis First" was sacred dogma in North American anthropology. Experts warned scientists not to dig below the Clovis horizon. If a scientist dared betray Clovis, they could lose funding or even their careers. But this isn't science. This is politics and egoism. And how can dogma in science be overturned if no one looks for evidence?Proof of Atlantis?Even first-year geology students know that mountains frequently form at tectonic plate boundaries from subduction and magmatic arcs, or from convergent compression when there are impediments to subduction, as with the continental "bone" of India colliding with the Eurasia. When such mountains form in the ocean, they sometimes become islands. And the region Plato picked for Atlantis is along a tectonic plate boundary.In the case of the northeast Atlantic, we have the Azores underwater mesa-a huge plateau rising above the ocean bottom, upon which the entire Azores archipelago sits. We have the indistinct nature of the Azores-Gibraltar tectonic plate margins which have puzzled geologist for decades. We also have proof that the Africa plate movement with respect to the Eurasia suddenly changed 36 Mya, leading to the formation of the ultra-slow spreading center-the Terceira Ridge, right next to the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. All of these facts, and more, attest to some unusual geological actions that could have been involved in the formation, the growth and the ultimate destruction of Plato's lost island.Taking evidence from geology, oceanography, linguistics, genetics, biology, anthropology (both physical and cultural), and paleoclimate, Rod Martin has gathered a compelling set of facts that suggests very strongly that scientists and skeptics have been too hasty in dismissing Atlantis.The highly acclaimed work of L. Sprague de Camp on Atlantis was reexamined thoroughly and found to be riddled with logical fallacies. That his 1954 work could be held as a "monument to scholarship" only shows the shoddy state of critical thinking when it comes to a controversial topic like Atlantis.Martin emphasizes again and again, in his book, that we still have no direct proof of Atlantis itself. Like a true scientist, he uses precision restraint from jumping to the easiest or most obvious conclusions on the facts either for or against the past reality of Plato's lost island.Mission: Atlantis may well be a true monument to scholarship, but more importantly, it remains a wake-up call to scientists everywhere to snap out of their self-imposed blindness when it comes to unpopular ideas. Both science and human civilization deserve far better.

  • - Creation
    af Rod Martin
    108,95 kr.

    For nearly 3,000 years, the Judeo-Christian account of creation has remained a puzzling story of seemingly conflicting details. After a lifetime of comparative religious study and scientific research into the structure of miracles, bestselling author, Rod Martin, Jr. has tackled the story of our beginnings in the context of the whole Bible, his experience with spiritual action, and the purpose for this entire physical universe.Instead of attempting to finalize the meanings of scripture, Martin has long realized that God needs us to be perpetually humble-meek and vigilant. The author bases this idea on the fact that no one is omniscient, and, thus, every one of us will always have more to learn; and humility is the only way we can learn. Too many come to a subject with preconceived notions that block learning.Accordingly, Martin offers these essays on the creation story as alternate interpretations which aim to provoke us to reduce ego to zero so that we can view scripture as spirit.Meaning and Context: Creation offers a brief discussion of each verse, and then separate essays to look at the overall story from different, thematic viewpoints, including, Blueprint and Construction-Comparing God's handiwork to earthly construction projects.Dual Nature of Man-Analyzing God's two creations of "man," both the spiritual and physical sides.Mirror of God-A look at how the traits of God are reflected darkly in the structure of physical reality.Perfecting-The purpose of everything that God has created.The Arrow of Heaven-Truth is spiritual in nature, so physical words can do little more than point in the general direction of that Truth. This is part of the humility we need to maintain.

  • - Nothing to Fear
    af Rod Martin
    118,95 kr.

    #1 Weather Bestseller (ebook): 14 weeksAfraid of the future? Don't be. When we're armed with the basic facts of climate, we can more easily spot the lies that the corrupt, corporate news media is trying to feed us. Some of those lies are huge.This small book gives us everything the layman needs to know about climate science.The warming alarmists attempt to frighten us with things like, Global warming will result in more violent storms.Global warming will give us more deserts and droughts.Global warming is dangerous.Carbon dioxide is driving our dangerous global warming.We urgently need to cool down the planet.Carbon dioxide is a dangerous pollutant.The future looks bleak unless we drastically reduce our "carbon footprint."This slender volume sets the record straight on all of the above issues.There are concerns for the future, but none of these are it. And when we have real problems to face, it does no good to be fixing things that don't need it.Book 1 of the Climate Basics series. For Book 2, see Deserts & Droughts

  • af Rod Martin
    283,95 kr.

    12 essays on the beauty and utility of zero. "Similar to the slick vacuum of space, which has zero mass and zero density, zero remains deceptively simple. Behind the mask of nothingness there lurks a strange beast full of mystery and wonder."-Perfect Zero, Introduction. Meditation, government, miracles, religion, mathematics, science, entropy, law of attraction and more.1. The zero used in proper meditation to find perfect mental silence.2. The zero used to calibrate scientific instruments, and to measure the degree of tyranny in government.3. The zero found in the humble confidence used to perform miracles and to activate the Law of Attraction.4. The zero required to neutralize the criminal attitude of "importance."5. The zero originally found in religious disciplines, before they were corrupted by ego.6. The zero found in mathematical identities, and how the messy restrictions at this boundary condition may be clues to the nature of spirit, compared to nature.7. The zero so very much needed in science to remove the types of bias which gave us "Clovis First" dogma, the Valsequillo fiasco, the Climate-Gate emails, and other travesties of anti-science behavior.8. The zero that can help English recover from the corruption of words used in a very evil agenda discussed by the late David Rockefeller in his Memoirs.9. The zero that gives hope to life despite the ultimate demise of this physical universe through entropy.10. The zero that helps us see beyond Einstein's E = mc2.11. The zero that helps us understand why some can get the Law of Attraction to work, and why so many others, though inspired, fail to make it work.12. The zero that corrects our understanding about sophisticated concepts brought up by some of history's greatest philosophers.

  • af Rod Martin
    293,95 kr.

    More than 1,700 years of Catholic and Protestant lies have derailed Christianity. This is hard for most Christians to hear.Christ said that the way is narrow and difficult, but many of today's Christians tell us the opposite! They lie, telling us that salvation is a comfortable, easy location-that all we need do is to accept Jesus as our savior, and we're done.Christ warned us that we could lose our salvation, like the virgin brides waiting for the bridegroom's return, yet many of today's Christians tell us the opposite! They lie, telling us that salvation is permanent.The church has committed innumerable crimes against its flock:¿ Murdered countless thousands who dared to get closer to God without its permission.¿ Declared Christ to be God-a claim Jesus never made for himself, despite the clever interpretations of the Modern Pharisees.¿ Taught scripture for over a thousand years in a language the parishioners didn't even understand.¿ When an Englishman dated to translate the Bible into his own language, the church had him kidnapped and murdered.¿ Today's liberal pope suggests that atheists-blasphemers against the Holy Ghost-can get into Heaven. Nonsense! Sacrilege! Treason!¿ And the church, long ago, declared the Holy Spirit to be God, and by doing so, committed the only unforgivable sin!Why can God and Jesus forgive us for blaspheming against them, but the Holy Spirit cannot forgive us?The answer is as astounding as it is simple, and it reveals the "trinity"-a term that does not appear anywhere in the Bible-as a source of the only unforgivable sin.Trinity Treason reveals the Bible in a way no other book has ever done. This is not about fixing the meaning of scripture as the know-it-all scholars have erroneously attempted to do for nearly two thousand years. Instead, this book invites you to realize that God's Truth is never written in ink, just as 2 Corinthians 3:3-8 had warned us. The letter leads to death, while only the spirit leads to everlasting life. Truly, the meek shall inherit the Earth, because they know the dangers of pretending omniscience when it comes to scripture.

  • af Rod Martin
    318,95 kr.

    Jesus Christ was a master of logic. Despite numerous attempts by his enemies to trap him on the horns of a dilemma, the founder of Christianity was able to recognize their logical fallacies and to return the conversation from the dark pit of muddy thinking. This invariably left his enemies shaking their heads in awe.Rod Martin, Jr., author of #1 Weather Bestseller, Climate Basics, has tackled the difficult subject of "science vs. religion." In this deep analysis of the topic, he reveals that both fields have far more in common than most people realize. He points out their critical differences, but also exposes their similarities. In fact, Martin discovered that the primary tool of science-scientific method-can also be used on spiritual phenomena, but only by removing the flawed paradigm of skepticism. Scientific method requires that all bias be removed, yet skepticism contains the potent, negative bias of "doubt." Martin gives numerous examples of science becoming derailed by defective logic and politics.Throughout the book, Martin challenges many faulty assumptions by scientists and by the religious. His clarity can seem abrasive, at times, but no more so than was Christ to the Pharisees for their biblical literalism and legalism, or Galileo to the Catholic Church for its egoistic grip on intellectual discourse.The Truth of nature never contradicts the Truth found in scripture. As Augustine of Hippo once pointed out, if science and religion seem to disagree, then our interpretation of nature, the Bible or both is wrong.In this book, Martin also tackles questions which have plagued people for more than two thousand years. For example, Jesus told his disciples that anyone can do the miracles Christ did or even greater-that faith the size of a mustard seed (tiny) can move a mountain. He said that all we need to do is ask and we will receive. But, as Martin, points out, the trick is in how to ask. And if you have not received what you expected, then the problem is not with God, but with the person asking. After replicating miracles numerous times, just as a scientist might perform experiments in a laboratory, Martin has the data to back up his claim. After all, Jesus did not say, "Ask and sometimes you will receive," or "Ask and you will receive if God feels like it." There was no such equivocation. The obvious answer is that the person asking needs to learn something they don't already know about prayer. And Martin's book provides exactly that.

  • af Rod Martin
    323,95 kr.

  • af Rod Martin
    273,95 kr.

  • af Rod Martin
    158,95 kr.

  • af Rod Martin
    168,95 kr.

  • af Rod Martin
    108,95 kr.

  • - Jurassic Link to the Modern World
    af Rod Martin
    828,95 kr.

    Dinosaurs, maps, travel, geology, history and climate change. Pangaea Sister Sites, the book, has it all.Pangaea gave birth to 7 modern continents and numerous islands. When it broke up, locations along those fault lines moved farther and farther apart. Pangaea Sister Sites give us a look at 71 sets of locations that were divided as much as 180 million years ago, moving from single digit miles to thousands of miles apart.Filled with more than 1,200 illustrations, including Paleomaps by professional geologist, Dr. Christopher Scotese. This book covers not only at the modern cities, towns, scientific research stations and other sites as they exist today, but also gives us a glimpse at what these sites might have been like back in the Jurassic and early Cretaceous periods-when dinosaurs ruled the world.Some of the Pangaea Sister Site pairs include,¿ New York City, NY, USA-Dakhla, Western Sahara,¿ Boston, MA, USA-Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Canary Islands,¿ Vancouver, BC, Canada-Cabo San Lucas, BC, Mexico,¿ Miami, FL, USA-Conakry, Guinea,¿ Cape Canaveral, FL, USA-Bissau, Guinea-Bissau,¿ Virginia Beach, VA, USA-Nouadhibou, Mauritania,¿ Fortaleza, Brazil-Lagos, Nigeria,¿ São Paulo, Brazil-Lucira, Angola,¿ Rio de Janeiro, Brazil-Lobito, Angola,¿ Recife, Brazil-Douala, Cameroon,¿ Salvador, Brazil-Port-Gentil, Gabon,¿ Buenos Aires, Argentina-Bogenfels, Namibia,¿ Antalaha, Madagascar-Mumbai, India,¿ Kolkata, India-Davis Station, Antarctica,¿ Perth, Australia-Mirny Station, Antarctica.Pangaea Sister Sites, the book, exposes very real connections between these modern locations, rekindling forgotten kinships-links to our Jurassic past.

  • - A Student Writing Guide
    af Rod Martin
    191,95 kr.

  • - 177 Games & Activities
    af Rod Martin
    188,95 kr.

    Body movement, gesture, voice, and interaction are all essential parts of this large selection of games and exercises. Within its twelve chapters are games for getting acquainted, over fifty games on how to warm up the actor's tools, and over sixty games and exercises for improvisation and public speaking. Also included are over forty monologues, poems for dramatic presentation, and more than ten plays and scenes. This total drama book tells about how to assess theatrical performances and covers all drama terms and the essentials of a career in theatre. Each unit can stand alone-enough resource material for several semesters of study-a must-resource book for every drama library.