Bøger af Robert Sardello
- Ganzheit als Mysterium
223,95 kr. Ruhe. Ganzheit als Mysterium Durch die in diesem Buch erläuterten Praktiken kann die innere Ruhe zum Quell der Ganzheit und der Heilung werden. Die Praktiken wollen - unter anderem - Impulse zu gelingenden zwischenmenschlichen Beziehungen, zum Heilen, zum Dienen, zu universellem Mitgefühl, zur spirituellen Entwicklung anregen. Ruhe. Ganzheit als Mysterium sucht, im täglichen Leben die Ruhe als einen liebevollen "Gefährten", aber auch als einen bergenden Innenraum erfahrbar machen.
- Bog
- 223,95 kr.
- Volume II - Spiritual Themes
263,95 kr. Volume II of over 40 years of the writings, notes, and courses of Robert Sardello, co-founder, with Cheryl Sanders-Sardello, of the School of Integral Spiritual Psychology. This volume concentrates on multiple spiritual themes for a spirituality of the future. Writings include "Sacred Service", "Caritas - Working with our Dead", "Love as a Force in the World", "The Force of Evil in the World", "The Wisdom of Creative Receptivity", "The Alchemical Magic of Sophia", and ten other spiritual themes.
- Bog
- 263,95 kr.
- Volume III - The Spiritual Earth
298,95 kr. Volume III of over 40 years of the writings, notes, and courses of Robert Sardello, co-founder, with Cheryl Sanders-Sardello, of the School of Integral Spiritual Psychology. This volume concentrates on perceiving and knowing the Spiritual Earth. Writings include "Earth as Divine Sensorium", "The Love of the Soul and the Healing of the World", "The Beauty of Being Fully Human/Fully Earth", "Earth Eldering", "The Way of Animals in Troubled Times", and twenty-seven other Spiritual Earth themes.
- Bog
- 298,95 kr.
88,95 kr. We live from day to day based unconsciously on the past. There may be 'new' events and experiences, but these are always variations of the past, influenced by memory, re-shaped, perhaps by memory and fantasies. Psychology and psychotherapy institutionalize this manner of living - we are pushed around by our past rather than being pulled into an unknown future. This writing, based in spiritual psychology, describes a time stream of the future and gives the practical means of entering that stream. The more accurate name of this time stream is Grail-consciousness. To become aware of that stream takes us into new primary concerns -- an inherent living with the forces of Nature, opening the realm of heart-intelligence, the awakening of community, becoming free of self-absorption, and living in the open mystery of the present.More, this writing shows, in detail, how to live what you can become.
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- 88,95 kr.
88,95 kr. Spiritual Psychology is usually considered a minor subset of psychology, drawing on Eastern spirituality, or perhaps Buddhism, or perhaps 'chakra' theory, and apply notions from them to psychology. Spiritual Psychology as a distinct psychology perhaps began in 1992 with the forming of the School of Spiritual Psychology by Robert Sardello and Cheryl Sanders-Sardello, and the many writings emerging from this enterprise. Rather than define Spiritual Psychology, this writing characterizes its significant elements through an interpretation of Johan W. Goeth's "Fairy Tale of the Green Snake and the Beautiful Lily.
- Bog
- 88,95 kr.
- Volume I - Foundations
263,95 kr. Volume I of over 40 years of the writings, notes, and courses of Robert Sardello, co-founder, with Cheryl Sanders-Sardello, of the Integral School of Spiritual Psychology. This volume concentrates on the works forming the foundation for a spirituality of the future. Writings include "Foundations of Spiritual Psychology I and II", "Sacred Service", "The Art of Cultivating Spiritual Imagination", "The Spiritual Psychology of Silence and Solitude", "Spiritual Psychology and the Laws of Love", "Freeing the Soul from Fear", "Developing the Capacities of the Heart", and twelve other foundational themes.
- Bog
- 263,95 kr.
108,95 kr. In Care of the Senses you will find a description of not just the five senses we are all familiar with -- touch, smell, taste, vision and hearing, but on top of these, it describes seven more. Each of the senses is described carefully, experientially, and, as you will notice right away, with a high degree of alarm that the very basis of our bodily being is so rapidly eroding. We live now, more and more isolated from ongoing bodily engagement with others. The reason, in large part, is the digitalizing of the world, and as our bodies become more and more like 'foreign objects', the center of bodily being, the heart, and thus, love, moves further and further into being mind-distance and steadily increasing anxiety and fear. We hope this writing can awaken the countercurrent, the refolding of the human being into the cosmic heartbeat of Love.
- Bog
- 108,95 kr.
83,95 kr. A radically deep description of listening, written from the viewpoint of Integral Spiritual Psychology. Starting with enumerating the difficulties of living within a "pronouncement" civilization, the author then details the fullness of listening as a creating process of rhythmic giving-receiving-giving. Listening rescues truth from the current degradation of living falsely, living anonymously, and living separate from the listening cosmos and the sacred Earth.
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- 83,95 kr.
358,95 kr. Conversing with James Hillman 2017 Symposium on Mythic Figures with Seemee Ali, Gustavo Barcellos, Gustavo Beck, Natalie Herndon, Robert Kugelmann, Jean H Lall, David Miller, Robert Romanyshyn, Safron Rossi, Robert Sardello, Randolph Severson, Michael Sipiora, Glen Slater, Dennis Slattery, Joanne Stroud, Natasha Stroud, Rodney Teague, Gail Thomas
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- 358,95 kr.
333,95 kr. Never has James Hillman's wisdom concerning the splitting of the archetype Senex/Puer been more pertinent. Here at the Dallas Institute's annual 2015 Hillman Symposium and in this volume Conversing we bring forward twenty-first century creative thoughts and suggested possibilities for understanding why old and new are charged with such dissension
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- 333,95 kr.
333,95 kr. We might begin by asking why did James Hillman talk and write enough about the city to fill an entire volume, City & Soul, of his Uniform Edition? [In] America in the late twentieth century we had grown careless and had allowed so many of our major metropolises to fall into decline. One of the unique contributions to Western civilization that the city-state of Athens made in the classic era was appreciation for the cohesion of the city. . . .[We] kept reimagining what a city, a lively one could be. We reminded ourselves that it was indeed possible to bring back the bustling energy that had fled the center. . . . Not only does James Hillman have much to add to the knowledge of the experience of life in the city, but he also leaves us with much to further question. My hope is that this new book, Conversing with James Hillman, will provide that opportunity for readers. - Joanne H. Stroud From the James Hillman Symposium held at The Dallas Instititue of Humanities and Culture on his book City & Soul - Hillman's writings on the psychology of public affairs: urbanism, environmental aesthetics, citizenship, and politics. The essays and talks divide into four groups: Patient as Citizen; Politics of Beauty; Places of Practice; and Responsive Environmentalism. (color images of the symposium) Conversing with James Hillman includes works by: James Hillman, Gustavo Barcellos, Gustavo Beck, Scott Becker, Tom Cheetham, Matthew Green, Nor Hall, Jonathan Harrell, Sarah Jackson, Robert Leaver, Klaus Ottmann, Robert Romanyshyn, Cheryl Sanders-Sardello, Robert Sardello, Randolph Severson, Dennis Slattery, Joanne H. Stroud, Rodney Teague, and Gail Thomas.
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- 333,95 kr.
173,95 kr. - Bog
- 173,95 kr.
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- 213,95 kr.
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- 418,95 kr.
- A Guide to Conscious Soul Practice
223,95 kr. An introduction to spiritual psychology, addressing the reality of the human soul.
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- 223,95 kr.
- Culture-Building, Soul-Researching
273,95 kr. An inspiring collection of Robert Sardello's insightful contributions to other authors' books on a wide variety of subjects.
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- 273,95 kr.
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- 138,95 kr.
- The Reimagination of Modern Life
198,95 kr. In this new edition of a classic work, Robert Sardello offers a new approach to daily life through concentration, meditation, imagination and contemplation.
- Bog
- 198,95 kr.