Bøger af Robert Harris
123,95 kr. Engineer Marcus Attilius Primus has taken charge of the Aqua Augusta, the aqueduct which brings water to a quarter of a million people. His predecessor has disappeared. When a crisis strikes the Augusta's main line, Attilus discovers that there are forces which even the Roman Empire can't control.
- Bog
- 123,95 kr.
118,95 kr. Fatherland is set in an alternative world where Hitler has won the Second World War. And, with the Gestapo just one step behind, March, together with an American journalist, is caught up in a race to discover and reveal the truth - a truth that has already killed, a truth that could topple governments, a truth that will change history.
- Bog
- 118,95 kr.
363,95 kr. The Cicero Trilogy is a captivating masterpiece penned by the renowned author, Robert Harris. Published on the 16th of September, 2021, this book has quickly become a fan favorite among readers. The book falls under the genre of historical fiction, transporting readers back in time to the era of Cicero, a Roman philosopher, politician, and orator. The trilogy is a collection of three books, each one more gripping than the last, exploring the life and times of Cicero in a way that only Robert Harris can. The publisher, Cornerstone, has done an exceptional job in presenting this work to the world. This book is a must-read for all historical fiction enthusiasts. The Cicero Trilogy is available in English.
- Bog
- 363,95 kr.
- The bestselling Richard and Judy Book Club thriller
123,95 kr. Behind the locked doors of the Sistine Chapel, one hundred and eighteen cardinals from all over the globe will cast their votes in the world's most secretive election.________________Munich, Robert Harris's new spy thriller set in the days leading up to World War II, is available now.________________`Unputdownable' Guardian `Gripping' Sunday Times
- Bog
- 123,95 kr.
- (Cicero Trilogy 1)
108,95 kr. When Tiro, the confidential secretary of a Roman senator, opens the door to a terrified stranger on a cold November morning, he sets in motion a chain of events which will eventually propel his master into one of the most famous courtroom dramas in history.
- Bog
- 108,95 kr.
- (Cicero Trilogy 2)
118,95 kr. The year is 63 BC. In an age of political titans, Cicero stands supreme: the senior consul of the Roman republic. But jealous rivals are determined to destroy him and seize control of the state. To thwart them will take all his guile - and will lead him, and Rome, to the brink of destruction.
- Bog
- 118,95 kr.
- The Story of the Hitler Diaries
128,95 kr. It's spring 1983. It seemed that one of the most startling discoveries of the century had been made, and that one of the world's most sought after documents had finally come to light, the private diaries of Adolf Hitler. What followed was the exchange of extraordinary sums of money for world-wide publishing rights. But that was just the beginning.
- Bog
- 128,95 kr.
75,95 - 139,95 kr. "Da jeg hørte, hvordan McAra var død, skulle jeg være taget af sted. Det indser jeg nu."Fortælleren i Robert Harris’ fængslende nye roman er professionel ghostwriter – kynisk og beregnende. Han er vant til at skrive om afdankede rockstjerner og de halvkendte og griber derfor chancen med kyshånd, da han bliver bedt om at ghostskrive Englands tidligere premierministers erindringer. Og det bliver bestemt ikke mindre attraktivt af, at han skal flyve fra den engelske vinter til Martha’s Vineyard i USA, hvor han på et afsidesliggende og meget luksuriøst feriested skal færdiggøre bogen. Men han indser hurtigt, at han har begået en stor fejl. Hans forgænger på projektet døde under mystiske omstændigheder, og eks-premierministeren viser sig at være en mand med hemmeligheder fra fortiden – hemmeligheder, der dukker op igen, og som kan dræbe.The Times har kaldt Robert Harris ’den bedste og absolut førende forfatter af den intelligente litterære spændingsroman’. The Ghost er hans mest overbevisende roman til dato.Pressen skrev:"Det er som at opleve en dramatiseret udgave af virkeligheden med en lille tvist, når man læser Robert Harris’ politiske thriller "Skyggen"." - Jyllands-Posten"Robert Harris’ sidste politiske thriller er fremragende skrevet, sindssyg spændende og sort som ind i det sen-moderne helvede, som hedder krigen mod terror ... en rigtig hæsblæsende ’pageturner’, som truer nattesøvn og husorden; ideligt elegant skrevet med rappe dialoger og skruede sidebemærkninger." - Politiken
94,95 - 139,95 kr. Stedet er Rom og tiden er år 63 f.Kr. Syv mænd kæmper om magten i republikken: Cicero er konsul, Cæsar hans ubarmhjertige unge rival, Pompejus er republikkens mægtigste general, Crassus dens rigeste mand, Cato er politisk fanatiker, Catilina psykopaten og Clodius en ambitiøs playboy.Historierne om disse virkelige historiske figurer – deres alliancer og forræderi, deres grusomheder og forførelser, deres storslåethed og deres forbrydelser – det hele er flettet sammen i denne farverige roman. Fortælleren er Tiro, som er Ciceros betroede sekretær, og han kender alle sin herres hemmeligheder, noget der bringer ham i en vanskelig og til tider livsfarlig position.Beskrivelser af bl.a. fundet af et lemlæstet barnelig, henrettelser, en skandaløs retssag og den romerske mafias hærgen gør Lustrum til et fascinerende studium af magtens anatomi, dens evigt tillokkende karakter og dens enorme rædsler.Robert Harris (f.1957) debuterede med romanen Fædrelandet i 1992 og har siden skrevet en række romaner, bl.a. Pompeji og Imperium og den politiske thriller Skyggen. Harris har bl.a. abejdet for BBC og the Observer som politisk kommentator.
75,95 - 120,95 kr. I en sø i udkanten af Berlin finder man det nøgne lig af en gammel mand. Måneden er april. Der er en uge til Adolf Hitlers 75 års fødselsdag, og den amerikanske præsident Joseph P. Kennedy er på vej til økonomisk topmøde med lederne af Det Tredje Rige.Berlin er den tyske superstats magtcenter, den nazistiske triumf i arkitektur, og en moderne storby med 10 millioner indbyggere. Blandt dem enspænderen Xavier March fra KRIPO, kriminalpolitiets drabsafdeling.Det er March, der ved en fejl får overdraget sagen med manden i søen. Det bringer ham i kontakt med en livsfarlig gruppe af modstandere og med den amerikanske journalist Charlotte Maguire i et nervepirrende opgør om Fædrelandets mørkeste hemmeligheder og usikre fremtid."Fædrelandet" er en opsigtsvækkende thriller om Europa, som det aldrig blev. En fremtidsroman fra fortiden med omfattende historisk indsigt og konstant spænding.Robert Harris (f.1957) debuterede med romanen "Fædrelandet" i 1992 og har siden skrevet en række romaner heriblandt "Pompeji" og "Imperium" samt den politiske thriller "Skyggen". Robert Harris har bl.a. arbejdet for BBC og The Observer som politisk kommentator.
- Bog
- 108,95 kr.
- (Cicero Trilogy 3)
118,95 kr. `Laws are silent in times of war.' Cicero There was a time when Cicero held Caesar's life in the palm of his hand. Exiled, separated from his wife and children, his possessions confiscated, his life constantly in danger, Cicero is tormented by the knowledge that he has sacrificed power for the sake of his principles.
- Bog
- 118,95 kr.
- The gripping Richard and Judy Book Club favourite
128,95 kr. Paris, 1895: an army officer, Georges Picquart, watches a convicted spy, Alfred Dreyfus, being publicly humiliated in front of a baying crowd. Dreyfus is exiled for life to Devil's Island; Picquart is promoted to run the intelligence unit that tracked him down.
- Bog
- 128,95 kr.
118,95 kr. The ghost soon discovers that his distinguished new client has secrets in his past that are returning to haunt him - secrets with the power to kill.Robert Harris is once again at his gripping best with the most controversial new thriller of the decade.
- Bog
- 118,95 kr.
- roman
120,95 kr. Da vandtilførslen til byerne langs Neapolisbugten svigter, tilkaldes Marius Attilius Primus, som har ansvaret for den store akvædukt Aqua Augusta. Han føler sig hurtigt overbevist om, at der er opstået et problem på hovedledningen et sted nord for Pompeji, på Vesuvius´ skråninger, og lover at reparere skaden, før vandreservoiret løber tør. Men da han begiver sig ud i området, går det op for ham, at det i stedet er ved at trække op til en katastrofe, som selv verdens eneste supermagt ikke kan forhindre.
- Lydbog
- 120,95 kr.
75,95 - 139,95 kr. En kold novembermorgen år 79 f. Kr. banker en mand på den romerske senator Ciceros dør. Han er kommet til Rom for at bede den dygtige jurist om hjælp mod Siciliens guvenør, Verres, som nådesløst udplyndrer befolkningen.Da Cicero hører hans historie, ser han en mulighed for at bruge en retssag mod den korrupte guvenør til at markere sig selv i offentligheden og dermed tage det første skridt på vejen mod sin store ambition: at opnå imperium - statsmagten.Men Cæsar, Pompejus og Crassus drømmer også om at komme til at regere verdens eneste supermagt, og snart opdager Cicero, at han er blevet midtpunkt i en magtkamp, hvor der bruges midler, han aldrig havde forestillet sig.For hans tre konkurrenter er ikke bang for at benytte sig af den fundamentale regel i politik til alle tider: Alle kneb gælder.Robert Harris (f.1957) debuterede med romanen Fædrelandet i 1992 og har siden skrevet en række romaner, bl.a. Pompeji og Imperium og den politiske thriller Skyggen. Harris har bl.a. abejdet for BBC og the Observer som politisk kommentator.
94,95 kr. Hans navn er helt ukendt for de fleste, men inden for de ultra velhavendes kredse er dr. Hoffmann intet mindre end en legende - en visionær videnskabsmand, hvis hemmelige computersoftware og avancerede algoritmer kan forvandle alt til guld på et ellers ustabilt finansmarked. Ingen kan gennemskue, hvordan det er muligt, men det er og bliver et faktum, at Hoffmanns investeringsfond i Genève genererer et astronomisk overskud. En tidlig morgen, mens dr. Hoffmann sover tungt ved siden af sin hustru, bryder en tyv på trods af alverdens sikkerhedsforanstaltninger ind i deres store hus ved Genevesøen. Det bliver startskuddet til et mareridt fuld af paranoia, hvor Hoffmann med stigende desperation forsøger at finde ud af, hvem der er ude på at sabotere ham, hans livsværk og hele det finansielle marked.
- E-bog
- 94,95 kr.
101,95 kr. The Pope is dead. Behind the locked doors of the Sistine Chapel, one hundred and eighteen cardinals from all over the globe will cast their votes in the world's most secretive election. They are holy men. But they have ambition. And they have rivals. Over the next seventy-two hours one of them will become the powerful spiritual figure on earth.
- Bog
- 101,95 kr.
353,95 kr. First published in 1992, Crime, Criminal Justice and the Probation Service is a thought-provoking analysis of the role of the probation service in developing an integrated system of criminal justice. Robert Harris provides readable information about our knowledge of such areas as criminal statistics, victims, fear of crime and crime prevention. He also explores the treatment of women and ethnic minorities by the criminal justice system, the question of a sentencing council and the future of community corrections. A central theme is that all the professionals involved in the criminal justice system must work more closely together so that the mistakes of the past can be avoided in the future. The book therefore has a wide appeal not only to probation officers and social workers, but also to criminal justice professionals and administrators, including the police and the legal profession.
- Bog
- 353,95 kr.
- Ten Years in the Life of a Texan Abroad
171,95 kr. The world outside America's borders is a dangerous place. In fact, it's almost as dangerous as the world INside America's borders!This book chronicles all the times Louisiana-born Texas transplant Robert Harris learned that the hard way in his ten-year sojourn abroad. From cluelessly sipping cobra venom with Chinese gangsters in Guangdong Province to nearly losing his leg in a Beijing hospital, from courting a Russian ex-model to fighting against the Russian army, and from scratching out a living as a freelance tutor in Shanghai to owning a private school in Kharkiv, this rags-to-riches-and-back-again memoir takes aim at more than one country's pretensions of grandeur and is not shy about pointing out that there are emperors on both sides of the Pacific who have no clothes. Like the expat life it depicts, it is filled with shenanigans punctuated by moments of sheer terror, and features the constantly-rotating cast of misfits and oddballs one only encounters in the semi-nomadic life of those who have bid their homeland farewell.In the end, when the laughter dies away, it dares the reader to ask the same question that the author confronted. "Is America really 'The Greatest Nation on Earth' as we've all been taught?"
- Bog
- 171,95 kr.
250,95 kr. "Robert Harris is, simply put, masterful."--Karin SlaughterA spellbinding novel of passion, intrigue, and betrayal set in England in the months leading to the Great War from the bestselling author of Act of Oblivion, Fatherland, The Ghostwriter, and Munich.Summer 1914. A world on the brink of catastrophe.In London, twenty-six-year-old Venetia Stanley--aristocratic, clever, bored, reckless--is part of a fast group of upper-crust bohemians and socialites known as "The Coterie." She's also engaged in a clandestine love affair with the Prime Minister, H. H. Asquith, a man more than twice her age. He writes to her obsessively, sharing the most sensitive matters of state.As Asquith reluctantly leads the country into war with Germany, a young intelligence officer with Scotland Yard is assigned to investigate a leak of top-secret documents. Suddenly, what was a sexual intrigue becomes a matter of national security that could topple the British government--and will alter the course of political history.An unrivaled master of seamlessly weaving fact and fiction, Precipice is another electrifying thriller from the brilliant imagination of Robert Harris.
- Bog
- 250,95 kr.
198,95 kr. FROM THE SUNDAY TIMES NUMBER ONE BESTSELLING AUTHOR 'A master storyteller' Observer Summer 1914. A world on the brink of catastrophe.In London, 26-year-old Venetia Stanley - aristocratic, clever, bored, reckless - is having a love affair with the Prime Minister, H. H. Asquith, a man more than twice her age. He writes to her obsessively, sharing
- Bog
- 198,95 kr.
101,95 - 268,95 kr. - Bog
- 101,95 kr.
478,95 kr. Bringing Sherlock Holmes from the Victorian Era into the dark days of World War II, this imaginative new thriller confronts the world's greatest detective with a killer emulating the murders of Jack the Ripper.London, 1942.A killer going by the name of "Crimson Jack" is stalking the wartime streets of London, murdering women on the exact dates of the infamous Jack the Ripper killings of 1888. Has the Ripper somehow returned from the grave? Is the self-styled Crimson Jack a descendant of the original Jack-or merely a madman obsessed with those notorious killings?In desperation Scotland Yard turn to Sherlock Holmes, the world's greatest detective. Surely he is the one man who can sift fact from legend to track down Crimson Jack before he completes his tally of death. As Holmes and the faithful Watson tread the blacked out streets of London, death waits just around the corner.Inspired by the classic film series from Universal Pictures starring Basil Rathbone and Nigel Bruce, which took Sherlock Holmes to the 1940s, this is a brand-new adventure from a talented author who brilliantly evokes one of mystery fiction's most popular characters.
- Bog
- 478,95 kr.
- The Missing Maltese
128,95 kr. Claude Monet, basking in the glow of his first success as a private eye (Claude Monet, Private Eye: The Pilfered Paintings), celebrates by taking a two-day cruise down the Seine to Le Havre with wife Alice and dog Toulouse. All goes well until another passenger's dog, a Maltese named Chloe, goes missing. Everyone assumes the dog simply wandered off somewhere to take a nap. But then a ransom note appears, and the boat becomes a crime scene. That's when the captain asks Claude to look into the matter. Claude begins questioning the passengers and crew, and to his dismay finds more than a few people with adequate motive to commit the crime. The police can't be called in or Chloe will meet an untimely end. So it's up to Claude to put the pieces together before the boat arrives back in Paris in just a few hours. Can he do it? He knows it won't be a walk in the cake, but he's going to give it his best effort.***Robert Harris is a writer, inventor, and puzzle constructor with a background in Art and Cognitive Psychology. He is the author of more than 40 books, including 101 Things NOT to Do Before You Die, The Jesus Perspective, When Good People Write Bad Sentences, How Big is the Sky?, and the Claude Monet, Private Eye mysteries, all of which are available at amazon.com. Robert's website is artspace5.com.
- Bog
- 128,95 kr.
- The Pilfered Paintings
128,95 kr. Claude Monet, weary of painting haystacks and cathedrals and lily ponds, finally pursues his real passion: criminal investigation. And after two long months of waiting, he has his first case. He's called in to investigate the theft of two unremarkable paintings from Galerie Neuf in Paris. He's thrilled to have his first case, but quickly finds out that the theory and practice of investigation are two different things. Despite the obstacles, he's determined to crack the case and bring the perpetrator to justice. Only then will he be taken seriously as a private eye. Only then can he start spending less time at the easel and more time looking into crimes, mysteries, and nefarious activities. He's got what he needs to succeed: unsurpassed observations skills, an active imagination, and a tendency to mangle metaphors. He just needs to assemble the pieces to form a coherent composition―preferably one not involving water lilies.***Robert Harris is a writer, inventor, and puzzle constructor with a background in Art and Cognitive Psychology. He is the author of more than 40 books, including 101 Things NOT to Do Before You Die, The Jesus Perspective, When Good People Write Bad Sentences, How Big is the Sky?, and the Claude Monet, Private Eye mysteries, all of which are available at amazon.com. Robert's website is artspace5.com.
- Bog
- 128,95 kr.
- 1001 Thoughts, Ideas, Observations, Musings, Reflections, and Comments On Whatever Comes to Mind
118,95 kr. Subtitled, "1001 Thoughts, Ideas, Observations, Musings, Reflections, and Comments, On Whatever Comes to Mind," this book contains the personal record of eight years of thinking about every aspect of life.
- Bog
- 118,95 kr.
173,95 kr. Set on an American university campus and in Las Vegas, this mystery and suspense novel explores the use and limits of reason in facing unexpected events.
- Bog
- 173,95 kr.
- Proverbs About Marriage Selected with Commentaries from the Biblical Book of Proverbs and Other Sources
88,95 kr. With commentaries on more than 50 proverbs, both Biblical and others, this book presents practical advice for enhancing (or even rescuing) a marriage. For those about to be married, newly married, or married for some time, this book provides specific techniques for creating a more satisfying relationship where cooperation replaces competition. The book is designed for people with a limited amount of reading time. Each proverb and its commentary can be read in just a few minutes. Reading, thinking about, and applying each message at only one per day offers you the opportunity to transform your marriage in less than two months.
- Bog
- 88,95 kr.
118,95 kr. This is a collection of very short stories, some in the tradition of Aesop's Fables--stories with a point. Some use humor and others require some thinking, but all are both entertaining and profitable. Ideal for those who have only a few minutes here and there to read.
- Bog
- 118,95 kr.