Bøger af Robert E. Quinn
- Ledelse med Competing Values Framework
278,95 - 313,95 kr. Værdiskabelsens paradokser præsenterer en teoretisk ramme, der kan hjælpe ledere til en dybere og mere nuanceret forståelse af værdiskabelse og en mere effektiv værdiskabelse i praksis. Denne ramme – teorien om konkurrerende værdier (The Competing Values Framework eller CVL), som er blevet udpeget som en af de 40 vigtigste erhvervsteorier i historien – hjælper ledere til at få øje på nyt potentiale i organisationslivets spændinger. Teorien om konkurrerende værdier handler om, at værdi skabes, når en organisation udvikler kompetencer inden for fire konkurrerende antagelser: Kontrol, Konkurrence, Skabelse og Samarbejde. Den grundlæggende tanke er, at teorien kan hjælpe ledere frem til en både-og-tænkning ved at fokusere på integration af konkurrerende værdier. På denne måde bliver tilsyneladende modstridende og modsatrettede prioriteringer kombineret på måder, der fører til skabelse af værdi. Denne danske version af Cameron, Quinn, DeGraff og Thakors klassiske bog indeholder en fyldig introduktion skrevet af Andreas Granhof Juhl og Jakob Nørlem. Her beskrives det, hvordan teorien om paradokser i værdiskabelse har givet nyt liv til organisationsudvikling i fire danske organisationer. Bogen henvender sig til ledere, som gerne vil fremstå mere målrettede, integrere forskellige fremgangsmåder og finde ny inspiration til ledelse. Også konsulenter, HR-afdelinger, studerende og andre med interesse for ledelse og værdiskabelse vil kunne finde teknikker og inspiration.
- A Personal Course to Discovering the Leader Within
273,95 kr. How to realize your own leadership potential Based on the bestselling book, Deep Change, The Deep Change Field Guide takes readers through the introspective journey of personal transformation.
- Bog
- 273,95 kr.
362,95 kr. What does teaching look like at its very best? How are great teachers able to ignite a love of learning and change students' lives? In this book you'll learn from seven remarkable teachers who stretch beyond the conventional foundations of good teaching to transform their classrooms into exciting, dynamic places where teachers and students cocreate the learning experience. Based on six years of extensive work, the book outlines a framework that identifies four dimensions of effective teaching and learning that are integrated in these highly effective teachers' classrooms - and that all teachers can use to recognize and release the potential in themselves and their students.
- Bog
- 362,95 kr.
- Eight Counterintuitive Steps for Creating a Purpose-Driven Organization
308,95 kr. - Bog
- 308,95 kr.
313,95 kr. Beholden to accepted assumptions about people and organizations, too many enterprises waste human potential. Robert Quinn shows how to defy convention and create organizations where people feel fully engaged and continually rewarded, where both individually and collectively they flourish and exceed expectations. The problem is that leaders are following a negative and constraining “mental map” that insists organizations must be rigid, top-down hierarchies and that the people in them are driven mainly by self-interest and fear. But leaders can adopt a different mental map, one where organizations are networks of fluid, evolving relationships and where people are motivated by a desire to grow, learn, and serve a larger goal. Using dozens of memorable stories, Quinn describes specific actions leaders can take to facilitate the emergence of this organizational culture—helping people gain a sense of purpose, engage in authentic conversations, see new possibilities, and sacrifice for the common good. The book includes the Positive Organization Generator, a tool that provides 100 real-life practices from positive organizations and helps you reinvent them to fit your specific needs. With the POG you can identify and implement the practices that will have the greatest impact on your organization. At its heart, the book helps leaders to see new possibilities that lie within the acknowledged realities of organizational life. It provides five keys for learning to be "bilingual"--speaking the conventional language of business as well as the language of the positive organization. When leaders can do this, they are able to make real and lasting change.
- Bog
- 313,95 kr.
- Discovering the Leader Within
289,95 kr. Don't let your company kill you! Open this book at your own risk. It contains ideas that may lead to a profound self-awakening. An introspective journey for those in the trenches of today's modern organizations, Deep Change is a survival manual for finding our own internal leadership power.
- Bog
- 289,95 kr.
- Mastering the Paradoxes and Competing Demands of High Performance
458,95 kr. Draws together extensive research on leadership, change, and organizational performance to help leaders make sense of the complexities and contradictions of organizational life.
- Bog
- 458,95 kr.
- How Ordinary People Can Accomplish Extraordinary Things
329,95 kr. This book takes the reader "outside the box" of ordinary change theory and challenges us to effect change in our workplace by engaging in personal, transformative change. The message of the book is that by changing yourself you can change the world.
- Bog
- 329,95 kr.