Bøger af Rob Sewell
288,95 - 328,95 kr. - Bog
- 288,95 kr.
248,95 kr. - Bog
- 248,95 kr.
- Socialism or Barbarism
248,95 kr. Germany 1918-33 was one of the most tumultuous periods in history. Following the revolution in Russia, the German workers and soldiers attempted to seize power in November 1918. Unfortunately, the revolution was betrayed by the Social Democratic leaders.Further revolutionary convulsions rocked Germany from 1919 to 1923. By this time, a mass Communist Party had been formed, but following advice from Zinoviev and Stalin, a classical revolutionary opportunity in 1923 was missed.This was a blow, not only in Germany, but internationally. The German defeats served to strengthen the grip of the Stalinist bureaucracy in Russia. This resulted in zig-zags of policy between opportunism and ultra-leftism, which paved the way for the 'Third Period' with the Social Democrats regarded as the main enemy.With the rise of fascism, Leon Trotsky described Germany in 1931 as "the key to the international situation". "On the direction in which the solution of the German crisis develops will depend not only the fate of Germany herself (and that is already a great deal), but also the fate of Europe, the destiny of the entire world, for many years to come," he explained.Trotsky called for a United Front against fascism, but this was rejected by the Stalinists. This paved the way for the victory of the Nazis, leading to the Holocaust and the Second World War with its 55 million dead.In this book, Rob Sewell argues that all this was not inevitable, and analyses those events, drawing out the lessons for today.
- Bog
- 248,95 kr.
- A Reader's Guide
168,95 kr. Marx's Capital revolutionised the subject of political economy. Written over 150 years ago, it revealed for the first time the real workings of capitalism. It was, however, met with a wall of silence from mainstream economists and the establishment. Despite this, Capital became regarded in the labour movement as the Bible of the working class.Basing himself on the most advanced material of the age, Marx was able to explain the mysteries that the classical economists were incapable of resolving. What is value? Where does profit come from? How are workers exploited? Why does the system face periodic crises?Marx was able to answer these questions by analysing the main contradictions of capitalism. He was able to explain how the system would eventually reach its limits and enter into decline and demise.Like other sciences, political economy has its own terminology, which can sometimes be difficult to digest. Those prepared to overcome such hurdles, however, will find that Marx's Capital contains a veritable feast of ideas and a new way of looking at the world.Written by authors from the International Marxist Tendency, this book is intended to help guide readers through the pages of volume one of Capital. The aim is to bring out the main themes and ideas contained within Marx's economic writings.Understanding Capital allows us to understand the crisis-ridden world around us today - and, most importantly, how we can radically transform it."The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways," Marx famously asserted. "The point, however, is to change it."
- Bog
- 168,95 kr.
168,95 kr. In this epoch of instability, crisis, war and ever-growing inequality, Marxism is becoming an increasingly attractive proposition to millions of workers and young people around the world. The old mole of revolution, to use Karl Marx's own phrase, is burrowing deep into the foundations of society. And yet we are repeatedly told that Marxism is either irrelevant, or out-dated, or even dead. Yet, if that were true, why are so many books and articles churned out year-on-year attacking Marxism? Clearly the powers that be are rattled or indeed frightened by these "dead" ideas. So what is this set of ideas that frightens them so much? Marxism - or scientific socialism - is the name given to the body of ideas first worked out by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels more than 150 years ago. In their totality, these ideas provide a fully worked-out theoretical basis for the struggle of the working class to attain a higher form of human society - socialism. This book is aimed specifically at newcomers to Marxism. A bestseller now in its second edition, it comprises introductory pieces on the three component parts of Marxist theory, corresponding broadly to philosophy, social history and economics: dialectical materialism, historical materialism and Marxist economics. Complementing these introductions are key extracts from some of the great works of Marxism written by its most outstanding figures - Marx, Engels, Lenin and Trotsky.
- Bog
- 168,95 kr.
- From Revolution to Counter Revolution
131,95 kr. From 1918 to 1933 revolution and counter-revolution followed hot on each others' heels. The barbarity of the Nazis is well-documented. Less well-known are the events that preceded Hitler's rise to power. Rob Sewell gives a picture of the tumultuous events - the 1918 revolution, the collapse of the Kaiser's regime, the short-lived Bavarian Soviet Republic, the Kapp putsch in 1920, the French occupation of the Ruhr in 1923 and the ensuing revolutionary upheavals culminating in the abortive Hamburg uprising, finally Hitler's rise to power in 1929-33. Above all this book shows in the decisive and tragic role of the German workers' leadership the answer to one of the key questions of the modern era: How was it possible for the mightiest labour movement in Europe to be trampled under the iron heel of fascism? This edition features several new articles by Rob Sewell, including an analysis of the pre-revolutionary situation Britain faced in 1919.
- Bog
- 131,95 kr.
- Fra basale begreber til moderne kriser
168,95 kr. Den makroøkonomiske teori er ”i bedste fald fantastisk ubrugelig og i værste fald, direkte skadelig.” Sådan sagde den nobelprisvindende økonom Paul Krugman efter krisen i 2008. Barry Eichengreen, en prominent amerikansk økonomihistoriker, udtalte, at krisen har ”sået tvivl om meget af det, vi troede, vi vidste om økonomi”. Det økonomiske krak i 2008 betød, med andre ord, et sammenbrud i den gængse økonomiske tænkning. Marxistisk økonomisk tænkning har på sin side i årtier været gemt af vejen og forjaget fra den akademiske og uddannelsesmæssige verden. Introduktion til marxistisk økonomi – fra basale begreber til moderne kriser hiver Marx’ politiske økonomiske teori frem igen. Bogens indhold dækker fra de helt basale marxistiske begreber til analysen af den økonomiske krise efter 2008, ud fra den demokratiske ide at alle kan forstå marxistisk økonomi. Bogen er ikke skrevet for universitetsprofessorer, men er rettet til alle, der ønsker at forstå krisen og kapitalismen. Marxisme er ikke en akademisk øvelse, men har med Marx’ ord det formål at ”forandre verden”. Om forfatteren: Rob Sewell er født i 1951 og veteran i den britiske marxistiske bevægelse. Han er redaktør på avisen ’Socialist Appeal’ i Storbritannien og sidder i redaktionen på magasinet ’In Defence of Marxism’. Han er også forfatter til ’In the Cause of Labour: History of British Trade Unionism’ og ’Germany: from revolution to counter-revolution’.
- Bog
- 168,95 kr.