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Bøger af Richard Rudd

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  • - Unlocking the Higher Purpose Hidden in Your DNA
    af Richard Rudd
    283,95 kr.

    The book begins by introducing the reader to a fantastic possibility - that humanity may be on the verge of a major shift in consciousness rooted in a new understanding of how our DNA operates - namely that it is programmed directly by the way we think and feel. This is a highly ambitious and sophisticated system for shaping one's destiny. Based around 64 archetypes, it resembles the I Ching in its vast scope and profound importance, and in the resonant character of its symbolism. The author shows how there are two ways to approach the Gene Keys - the analogue (holistic) way and the digital (detailed) way. It is the combining of both analogue and digital that results in contemplation - the primary pathway into the Gene Keys. Since our beliefs shape our genes, when we change our beliefs, we change the chemistry of our body. The Gene Keys are an inner language whose central purpose is to transform our core beliefs about ourselves, thus raising our lives onto a new level of awareness. The book works alongside state-of-the-art online profiling software.This software will provide instantaneous free profiles known as 'Hologenetic Profiles', which uses astrological data (time, date and place of birth) to generate a unique sequence of Gene Keys that relate to many aspects of your life, including the underlying genetic patterns governing your relationships, your finances, your health and your life purpose. As the reader contemplates the 64 Gene Keys over time and applies their insights in his or her own life, so one's belief system will begin to change and our DNA will actually start to transform the way we think and feel.

  • af Richard Rudd
    208,95 - 278,95 kr.

  • af Richard Rudd
    198,95 - 248,95 kr.

  • - A guide to basic Concepts, Centres Types and Definition
    af Richard Rudd
    393,95 kr.

  • - The complete guide to Circuits, Channels and Gates
    af Richard Rudd
    328,95 kr.

    One of the classic texts for understanding the foundations of Human Design, this book remains one of the most widely used and loved of Human Design books. Rooted in the original language of Human Design, Circuitry is practical and useful for beginners, describing each gate and channel in the Bodygraph in user-friendly everyday language. It is also a rich resource for advanced students, as it lays out in one place all the many layers of keynotes behind the Human Design Bodygraph.

  • af Richard Rudd
    248,95 - 338,95 kr.

  • - Portals to Grace
    af Richard Rudd
    208,95 kr.

  • af Richard Rudd
    213,95 kr.

  • - Oplås det højere formål skjult i dit DNA
    af Richard Rudd
    538,95 kr.

    GenNøglerne er en bevidstheds-port, der bygger bro mellem Øst og Vest – mellem mysticisme og videnskab; den udspringer af Human Design og er slags moderne I Ching, den tidsløse visdom. GenNøglerne inviterer dig til at kigge ind i din arketypes tredelte sider. Lever du mest i dine karakteregenskabers skygge-side, så brug dette store visdomsværk til at få indsigt i, hvordan du transformerer dig – for transformationen kan først begynde, når du bliver bevidst om dine skyggesider og omfavner dem. Og GenNøglerne kan vise dig dit potentiale – dit ubegrænsede geni.Kernen i GenNøglerne er bevidsthedens spektrum, der er inddelt i 64 koder – GenNøgler – hver inddelt i 3 niveauer: Skyggen, Gaven og Siddhi ('Superpower' i balance). Altså 64 arketypiske livstemaer, som udtrykker sig på tre forskellige måder, afhængigt af frekvensen, der strømmer igennem dit DNA; en slags superleder, som er ekstremt følsom over for udefrakommende påvirkning. Vores tanker, følelser og handlinger – afgør, om vi befinder os i en tilstand af frygt og overlevelse eller i en tilstand af tillid og kærlighed. Og det er dén rejse – fra frygt til tillid – som er fuldkommen afgørende for vores fremtid som mennesker.

  • af Richard Rudd
    318,95 kr.

    This book offers a unique insight into the true magical roots of the universe. Richard Rudd takes us on a guided journey through the 64 expressions of enlightened consciousness - the 64 'Siddhis' of the Gene Keys - and reveals a vast view of the true potential of humanity. Using his mystical, poetic insight, Richard shows us the many facets of enlightenment in its varied colours, expressions and hues, from the wildest states of miraculous God-intoxication to the humblest lives of service and silence.

  • - Um suave caminho à plenitude e prosperidade
    af Richard Rudd
    143,95 kr.

    Mesmo que possamos compreender um dia como o ser humano funciona, a nossa verdadeira profundidade está fora do domínio do entendimento objetivo. Para saber quem realmente somos, temos que transcender a nossa própria mente. Esse é o propósito da Arte da Contemplação.Uma joia primorosa, a aparentemente simples técnica da contemplação pode ser aprendida em um único dia, mas mudará a sua vida para sempre. Atravessando os três níveis da prática contemplativa - pausar, pivotar e integrar, Richard Rudd nos convida a aprimorar a arte da contemplação na nossa vida cotidiana, encontrar inspiração sobre qualquer questão ou problema, curar traumas profundos e encontrar a derradeira paz e clareza.

  • af Richard Rudd
    613,95 kr.

  • af Richard Rudd
    198,95 kr.

    Aqueles de nós privilegiados o suficiente para ter tempo de contemplar o nosso propósito carregam uma responsabilidade especial perante a Terra - trazer essa essência ao mundo. Ainda existe muito sofrimento neste planeta, e toda vez que encarnamos um pequeno aspecto que seja do ideal maior de um mundo melhor, estamos cumprindo o nosso propósito superior. Esse é o caminho da sua Sequência de Ativação

  • af Richard Rudd
    343,95 kr.

    Kontemplation, vad är det och hur kan du ha glädje av denna enkla konst i ditt vardagliga liv? Förklaringen till detta samt övningar för att göra ditt liv mer meningsfullt finns samlat i denna bok. En självklar bok och följeslagare i din personliga utveckling.

  • af Richard Rudd
    295,95 kr.

    In this treasury of wild, oral wisdom Richard Rudd shares a web of insights, breakthroughs and epiphanies that occured over the many years of laying out his main teachings - The Gene Keys.

  • af Richard Rudd
    288,95 kr.

    The journey into the Seven Sacred Seals is a journey beyond the frontiers where most people spend their lives. It is a passage into the world of Illumination, into the fabric of light that stitches both time and space together, and that will lead us one day into immensity, into that limitless world that we call the Divine.

  • af Richard Rudd
    443,95 kr.

  • af Richard Rudd
    178,95 - 248,95 kr.

  • af Richard Rudd
    263,95 kr.

    These poems and prayers, accompanied by the exceptional visionary art of Jane Adams, are drawn from many years of my writings. They cover the span of my life and represent one man's search to pierce the veil of the invisible. Poetry and prayer are perhaps the two beams of a ladder, with the words as the rungs. If one is fortunate enough to climb high enough and peer through the veil at the top, perhaps only then can we leave the ladder itself behind. This is the intention of this little book - to use words to help us forget words, and then to enter the play with full delight...

  • - Personal Contemplations on the Gene Keys
    af Richard Rudd
    378,95 kr.

    The Art of Contemplation is always a journey of unravelling in which the layers of the great mystery are progressively revealed within your heart. The 64 Ways are indicators that point towards this grand opening of your heart. As you realise through listening to them or reading them, there always comes a moment when the limits of language are reached. And as the great sages have always testified, Truth cannot be spoken, only pointed at. That said, if you have been drawn to the Gene Keys, these contemplations may be one of the most accessible ways into the wisdom. As such, they can greatly support your own practice of Contemplation and illuminate your journey through each of the 64 Gene Keys.