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Bøger af Rebecca Solnit

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  • af Rebecca Solnit
    299,45 kr.

    Længe før MeToo-kampagnen blev Rebecca Solnit et feministisk ikon, da hun med sit veloplagte essay Mænd forklarer mig ting satte ord på den lettere nedladende og selvsmagende måde, hvorpå visse mænd forklarer kvinder noget, de allerede ved. Essayet gik sin sejrsgang over hele verden, og begrebet mansplaining, der efterfølgende opstod, blev udråbt til et af årets ord af New York Times og er siden gledet ind i dagligsproget. I disse to essaysamlinger ser hun nærmere på kønsroller og magtforhold. Hun ser på den systematiske kvindeundertrykkelse og vold mod kvinder, der ligger i visse former for magtudøvelse, om det så drejer sig om gruppevoldtægter i busser, krænkelser på campus eller en toppolitikers overgreb på en stuepige i New York. Og hun ser på undertrykkelsen og fortielsen, på hvordan kvinder – og mænd – tvinges til tavshed. Blandt andet under Anita Hill-kontroversen fra 1991, hvor højesteretskandidaten Clarence Thomas blev anklaget for sexchikane, men endte med at blive godkendt - i en forbløffende parallel til Brett Kavanaugh-sagen, der aktuelt udspiller sig i USA. Hun inddrager også kunst og kultur og skriver om den skrøbelige maskulinitet i den litterære kanon og om de 80 bøger enhver kvinde bør undgå. Og endelig skriver hun om den nye feminisme, hun ser vokse frem, særligt blandt de unge, som er ved at forandre vores syn på sex, samtykke, magt, rettigheder, køn og repræsentation.Bogen er en samlet udgave af den amerikanske historiker og aktivist Rebecca Solnits ikoniske essaysamlinger Mænd forklarer mig ting og opfølgeren Alle spørgsmåls moder. Pressen skriver:››Solnits essays er veloplagte, sjove, gennemarbejdede og velskrevne og fulde af de små ting, som vi skylder hinanden - både mænd og kvinder - at være mere opmærksomme på. Hendes grundighed og måde at gennemskue virkeligheden på er dybt inspirerende. ‹‹***** – Femina››Rebecca Solnits to essaysamlinger Mænd forklarer mig ting og Alle spørgsmåls moder, der nu udgives samlet på dansk, handler i høj grad om tavshed… De er som den kontante, morsomme og ikke mindst rammende replik, man drømmer om at komme med, når nogen siger noget dumt.‹‹ – Information››Efter at have læst den amerikanske historiker og kulturkritiker Rebeccas Solnits to essaysamlinger Mænd forklarer mig ting og Alle spørgsmåls moder går det med nogen forsinkelse op for mig, at det er nødvendigt at skue grundigt indad… Hendes dybe indignation over måden, kvinder har været reduceret til parenteser i kulturhistorien indtil slutningen af 1960erne, og stadig med et heftigt efterslæb, er stærkt brændstof. ‹‹ – Weekendavisen››der er en uforskrækkethed over hendes essays… Fra voldtægt til Trump, over miljøaktivisme, ulighedsdebatter, skoleskyderier og det kulturelle ønske om kvinders tavshed. Altsammen båret af et ukrænkeligt håb om forandring. ‹‹ – Berlingske››Begge essaysamlinger handler om tavshed og opgøret med den. Både den tavshed, talende mænd pålægger kvinder, når de afbryder dem, den tavshed, ofre for overgreb tvinges ind i, eller den tavshed angående følelser, som patriarkatet pålægger mænd… Solnit er popfeminismens store stjerne… spiddende og morsom…‹‹ – Politiken››Rebecca Solnit har uden tvivl styr på hvad hun skriver om, og det emmer samlingen, eller rettere samlingerne, af. Der er ingen tvivl om at jeg skal læse mere af hende! Mænd forklarer mig ting / Alle spørgsmåls moder er en af de bedste essay-samlinger jeg længe har læst og uden tvivl også en af de bedste feministiske værker. En uforglemmelig, berigende læseoplevelse som jeg kun kan anbefale hvis man interesserer sig for emnet. ‹‹– Frk. Litteratur ››Hvis man var i tvivl om, at #metoo ikke er for det bedste og fuld berettiget, så burde man tage at læse den her bog. Den sætter det hele i perspektiv. Og jeg tror ikke, at der

  • af Rebecca Solnit
    124,45 kr.

    Solnit's revelatory modern classic exploring philosophy, history, art and metaphysics

  • af Rebecca Solnit & Thelma Young-Lutunatabua
    194,45 - 679,45 kr.

  • af Rebecca Solnit
    74,45 kr.

    Rebecca Solnit blev et ikon, da hun med sit skarpe og veloplagte essay Mænd forklarer mig ting satte ord på den lidt nedladende måde, nogle mænd forklarer kvinder noget, de allerede ved. Solnits beskrivelse gik sin sejrsgang over hele verden, og begrebet mansplaining var født. Titelessayet er humoristisk, men slår også en alvorligere tone an, for mansplaining kradser kun i overfladen af dybere kvindefjendske strukturer. Solnit kaster her lys over, hvordan den systematiske vold og undertrykkelse af kvinder viser sig i forskellige former for magtudøvelse, om det så drejer sig om gruppevoldtægter, seksuelle krænkelser eller en toppolitikers overgreb på en stuepige i New York. Rebecca Solnit (f. 1961) er prisvindende amerikansk historiker, aktivist og forfatter til 18 bøger om bl.a. landskab, miljø, kunst og politik. Hun er en af USA’s fremmeste og mest læste essayister.Pressen skriver:››Solnits essays er veloplagte, sjove, gennemarbejdede og velskrevne og fulde af de små ting, som vi skylder hinanden - både mænd og kvinder - at være mere opmærksomme på. Hendes grundighed og måde at gennemskue virkeligheden på er dybt inspirerende. ‹‹*****  ?  Femina››Rebecca Solnits to essaysamlinger Mænd forklarer mig ting og Alle spørgsmåls moder, der nu udgives samlet på dansk, handler i høj grad om tavshed… De er som den kontante, morsomme og ikke mindst rammende replik, man drømmer om at komme med, når nogen siger noget dumt.‹‹ – Information››Efter at have læst den amerikanske historiker og kulturkritiker Rebeccas Solnits to essaysamlinger Mænd forklarer mig ting og Alle spørgsmåls moder går det med nogen forsinkelse op for mig, at det er nødvendigt at skue grundigt indad… Hendes dybe indignation over måden, kvinder har været reduceret til parenteser i kulturhistorien indtil slutningen af 1960erne, og stadig med et heftigt efterslæb, er stærkt brændstof. ‹‹ – Weekendavisen››der er en uforskrækkethed over hendes essays… Fra voldtægt til Trump, over miljøaktivisme, ulighedsdebatter, skoleskyderier og det kulturelle ønske om kvinders tavshed. Altsammen båret af et ukrænkeligt håb om forandring. ‹‹ – Berlingske››Begge essaysamlinger handler om tavshed og opgøret med den. Både den tavshed, talende mænd pålægger kvinder, når de afbryder dem, den tavshed, ofre for overgreb tvinges ind i, eller den tavshed angående følelser, som patriarkatet pålægger mænd… Solnit er popfeminismens store stjerne… spiddende og morsom…‹‹ – Politiken››Rebecca Solnit har uden tvivl styr på hvad hun skriver om, og det emmer samlingen, eller rettere samlingerne, af. Der er ingen tvivl om at jeg skal læse mere af hende! Mænd forklarer mig ting / Alle spørgsmåls moder er en af de bedste essay-samlinger jeg længe har læst og uden tvivl også en af de bedste feministiske værker. En uforglemmelig, berigende læseoplevelse som jeg kun kan anbefale hvis man interesserer sig for emnet. ‹‹– Frk. Litteratur ››Hvis man var i tvivl om, at #metoo ikke er for det bedste og fuld berettiget, så burde man tage at læse den her bog. Den sætter det hele i perspektiv. Og jeg tror ikke, at der er nogen der bagefter vil påstå, at den bevægelse ikke har gjort en masse godt. … Og måske er lige netop denne bog bedst til mænd, fordi den indeholder så mange fakta, som ikke er til at løbe fra ‹‹– Skrivepulten

  • - Gamle konflikter, nye kapitler
    af Rebecca Solnit
    189,45 - 299,45 kr.

    Hvem får taletid, og hvem har lov til at forme tidens fortællinger? #MeToo er en kamp om netop den grundlæggende magt. "Hvis historie er det?" samler feminist og forfatter Rebecca Solnits bedste essays om et af de største skred i feminismens historie siden 1970’erne.Rebecca Solnit (f. 1961) er historiker, aktivist og forfatter. Hun har skrevet nogle af de mest indflydelsesrige feministiske essays i nyere tid, heriblandt "Alle spørgsmåls moder" og "Mænd forklarer mig ting", som har dannet grundlag for begrebet ‘mansplaining’.Bogen er en del af den serien Feministisk bibliotek, der samler fire af de mest markante feministiske stemmer fra de sidste 100 år og introducerer de vigtigste diskussioner om forholdet mellem køn, magt og historie.

  • - A Memoir
    af Rebecca Solnit
    184,45 kr.

  • - A San Francisco Atlas
    af Rebecca Solnit
    284,45 - 469,45 kr.

    What makes a place? This title searches out the answer by examining the many layers of meaning in one place, the San Francisco Bay Area. It explores the area thematically - connecting, for example, Eadweard Muybridge's foundation of motion-picture technology with Alfred Hitchcock's filming of "Vertigo".

  • af Rebecca Solnit
    194,45 kr.

    A stimulating exploration of wandering, being lost, and the uses of the unknown from the author of Men Explain Things To MeWritten as a series of autobiographical essays, A Field Guide to Getting Lost draws on emblematic moments and relationships in Rebecca Solnit's life to explore issues of uncertainty, trust, loss, memory, desire, and place. Solnit is interested in the stories we use to navigate our way through the world, and the places we traverse, from wilderness to cities, in finding ourselves, or losing ourselves. While deeply personal, her own stories link up to larger stories, from captivity narratives of earlyAmericans to the use of the color blue in Renaissance painting, not to mention encounters with tortoises, monks, punk rockers, mountains, deserts, and the movie Vertigo. The result is a distinctive, stimulating voyage of discovery.

  • - Untold Histories, Wild Possibilities
    af Rebecca Solnit
    129,45 kr.

    This updated edition confirms Solnit's seminal work as a timeless classic on politics and change

  • af Rebecca Solnit
    259,45 kr.

    Betagende og tankevækkende bog om George Orwell og om at plante roser. Rebecca Solnit, en af USA’s bedste og mest markante essayister, går bag om mennesket George Orwell. På en gang en personlig biografi om forfatteren George Orwell, et kulturhistorisk essay om roser og en smuk og tankevækkende meditation over forholdet mellem natur og politik. Bogen bringer os vidt omkring, fra Orwells reportager fra kulminerne i England og Den Spanske Borgerkrig over Stalins besættelse af at gro citroner til nutidens sydamerikanske rosenfarme og cellofanindpakkede roser. Bogen slutter med en genlæsning af 1984, der fuldender portrættet af en mere håbefuld Orwell - og med en refleksion over hvordan nydelse, skønhed og glæde også kan være en modstandshandling. »En vidunderlig meditation over naturens glæde og skønhed.« The Times »Ny bog argumenterer overbevisende for det politiske potentiale i at plante roser … bør læses af alle, der interesserer sig for forholdet mellem natur og politik.« Information

  • af Rebecca Solnit
    194,45 kr.

    Winner of the National Book Critics Circle Award for Criticism and the Mark Lynton History Prize Through the story of the pioneering photographer Eadweard Muybridge, the author of Recollections of My Nonexistence explores what it was about California in the late 19th-century that enabled it to become such a center of technological and cultural innovationThe world as we know it today began in California in the late 1800s, and Eadweard Muybridge had a lot to do with it. This striking assertion is at the heart of Rebecca Solnit's new book, which weaves together biography, history, and fascinating insights into art and technology to create a boldly original portrait of America on the threshold of modernity. The story of Muybridge-who in 1872 succeeded in capturing high-speed motion photographically-becomes a lens for a larger story about the acceleration and industrialization of everyday life. Solnit shows how the peculiar freedoms and opportunities of post-Civil War California led directly to the two industries-Hollywood and Silicon Valley-that have most powerfully defined contemporary society.

  • af Rebecca Solnit
    119,45 kr.

  • af Rebecca Solnit
    194,45 kr.

  • af Rebecca Solnit
    194,45 kr.

  • af Rebecca Solnit
    194,45 kr.

  • af Rebecca Solnit
    194,45 kr.

  • af Rebecca Solnit
    379,45 kr.

  • af Rebecca Solnit
    299,45 kr.

  • af Rebecca Solnit
    139,45 kr.

    "e;The most clarifying, soothing, and socially aware document I've read on the topic this year."e; Lena Dunham, Wall Street Journal"e;Trenchant and timely reflections on persistent inequality between women and men and gender-based violence."e; New York TimesIn her comic, scathing essay Men Explain Things to Me, Rebecca Solnit takes on what often goes wrong in conversations between men and women. She writes about men who wrongly assume they know things and wrongly assume women don't, about why this arises, and how this aspect of the gender wars works, airing some of her own hilariously awful encounters.Writer, historian, and activist Rebecca Solnit is the author of sixteen books about environment, landscape, community, art, politics, hope, and memory.

  • af Rebecca Solnit
    529,45 kr.

    The National Book Critics Circle Awardwinning author delivers a collection of essays that serve as the perfect ';antidote to mansplaining' (The Stranger). In her comic, scathing essay ';Men Explain Things to Me,' Rebecca Solnit took on what often goes wrong in conversations between men and women. She wrote about men who wrongly assume they know things and wrongly assume women don't, about why this arises, and how this aspect of the gender wars works, airing some of her own hilariously awful encounters. She ends on a serious note because the ultimate problem is the silencing of women who have something to say, including those saying things like, ';He's trying to kill me!' This book features that now-classic essay with six perfect complements, including an examination of the great feminist writer Virginia Woolf's embrace of mystery, of not knowing, of doubt and ambiguity, a highly original inquiry into marriage equality, and a terrifying survey of the scope of contemporary violence against women. ';In this series of personal but unsentimental essays, Solnit gives succinct shorthand to a familiar female experience that before had gone unarticulated, perhaps even unrecognized.' The New York Times ';Essential feminist reading.' The New Republic ';This slim book hums with power and wit.' Boston Globe ';Solnit tackles big themes of gender and power in these accessible essays. Honest and full of wit, this is an integral read that furthers the conversation on feminism and contemporary society.' San Francisco Chronicle ';Essential.' Marketplace ';Feminist, frequently funny, unflinchingly honest and often scathing in its conclusions.' Salon

  • - American Crises (and Essays)
    af Rebecca Solnit
    379,45 kr.

    ';[A] call to arms that takes on a range of social and political problems in Americafrom racism and misogyny to climate change and Donald Trump' (Poets & Writers). National Book Award LonglistWinner of the Kirkus Prize for NonfictionWinner of the Foreword INDIE Editor's Choice Prize for Nonfiction Rebecca Solnit is the author of more than twenty books, including the international bestseller Men Explain Things to Me. Called ';the voice of the resistance' by the New York Times, she has emerged as an essential guide to our times, through incisive commentary on feminism, violence, ecology, hope, and everything in between. In this powerful and wide-ranging collection of essays, Solnit turns her attention to the war at home. This is a war, she says, ';with so many casualties that we should call it by its true name, this war with so many dead by police, by violent ex-husbands and partners and lovers, by people pursuing power and profit at the point of a gun or just shooting first and figuring out who they hit later.' To get to the root of these American crises, she contends that ';to acknowledge this state of war is to admit the need for peace,' countering the despair of our age with a dose of solidarity, creativity, and hope. ';Solnit's exquisite essays move between the political and the personal, the intellectual and the earthy.' Elle ';Solnit is careful with her words (she always is) but never so much that she mutes the infuriated spirit that drives these essays.' Kirkus Reviews (starred review) ';Solnit [is] a powerful cultural critic: as always, she opts for measured assessment and pragmatism over hype and hysteria.' Publishers Weekly ';Essential reading for anyone living in America today.' The Brooklyn Rail

  • - Old Conflicts, New Chapters
    af Rebecca Solnit
    495,95 kr.

    Feminist essays for the #MeToo era from ';the voice of the resistance,' the international bestselling author of Men Explain Things to Me (The New York Times Magazine). Who gets to shape the narrative of our times? The current moment is a battle royale over that foundational power, one in which women, people of color, non-straight people are telling other versions, and white people and men and particularly white men are trying to hang onto the old versions and their own centrality. In Whose Story Is This? Rebecca Solnit appraises what's emerging and why it matters and what the obstacles are. Praise for Rebecca Solnit and her essays ';Rebecca Solnit is essential feminist reading.' The New Republic ';In these times of political turbulence and an increasingly rabid and scrofulous commentariat, the sanity, wisdom and clarity of Rebecca Solnit's writing is a forceful corrective. Whose Story Is This? is a scorchingly intelligent collection about the struggle to control narratives in the internet age.' The Guardian ';Solnit's passionate, shrewd, and hopeful critiques are a road map for positive change.' Kirkus Reviews ';Solnit's exquisite essays move between the political and the personal, the intellectual and the earthy.' Elle ';Rebecca Solnit reasserts herself here as one of the most astute cultural critics in progressive discourse.' Publishers Weekly ';No writer has better understood the mix of fear and possibility, peril and exuberance that's marked this new millennium.' Bill McKibben, founder of

  • af Rebecca Solnit
    529,45 kr.

    A collection of feminist essays steeped in ';Solnit's unapologetically observant and truth-speaking voice on toxic, violent masculinity' (The Los Angeles Review). In a timely and incisive follow-up to her national bestseller Men Explain Things to Me, Rebecca Solnit offers sharp commentary on women who refuse to be silenced, misogynistic violence, the fragile masculinity of the literary canon, the gender binary, the recent history of rape jokes, and much more. In characteristic style, ';Solnit draw[s] anecdotes of female indignity or male aggression from history, social media, literature, popular culture, and the news... The main essay in the book is about the various ways that women are silenced, and Solnit focuses upon the power of storytellingthe way that who gets to speak, and about what, shapes how a society understands itself and what it expects from its members. The Mother of All Questions poses the thesis that telling women's stories to the world will change the way that the world treats women, and it sets out to tell as many of those stories as possible' (The New Yorker). ';There's a new feminist revolutionopen to people of all gendersbrewing right now and Rebecca Solnit is one of its most powerful, not to mention beguiling, voices.'Barbara Ehrenreich, New York Timesbestselling author of Natural Causes ';Short, incisive essays that pack a powerful punch.' Publishers Weekly ';A keen and timely commentary on gender and feminism. Solnit's voice is calm, clear, and unapologetic; each essay balances a warm wit with confident, thoughtful analysis, resulting in a collection that is as enjoyable and accessible as it is incisive.' Booklist

  • - Untold Histories, Wild Possibilities
    af Rebecca Solnit
    579,45 kr.

    ';[A] landmark book... Solnit illustrates how the uprisings that begin on the streets can upend the status quo and topple authoritarian regimes' (Vice). A book as powerful and influential as Rebecca Solnit's Men Explain Things to Me, her Hope in the Dark was written to counter the despair of activists at a moment when they were focused on their losses and had turned their back to the victories behind themand the unimaginable changes soon to come. In it, she makes a radical case for hope as a commitment to act in a world whose future remains uncertain and unknowable. Drawing on her decades of activism and a wide reading of environmental, cultural, and political history, Solnit argues that radicals have a long, neglected history of transformative victories, that the positive consequences of our acts are not always immediately seen, directly knowable, or even measurable, and that pessimism and despair rest on an unwarranted confidence about what is going to happen next. Now, with a moving new introduction explaining how the book came about and a new afterword that helps teach us how to hope and act in our unnerving world, she brings a new illumination to the darkness of our times in an unforgettable new edition of this classic book. ';One of the best books of the 21st century.' The Guardian ';No writer has better understood the mix of fear and possibility, peril and exuberance that's marked this new millennium.' Bill McKibben, New York Timesbestselling author of Falter ';An elegant reminder that activist victories are easily forgotten, and that they often come in extremely unexpected, roundabout ways.' The New Yorker

  • af Rebecca Solnit
    151,95 kr.

    Rebecca Solnit ist eine der wichtigsten feministischen Denkerinnen unserer Zeit. Ihr Essay Wenn Männer mir die Welt erklären hat weltweit für Furore gesorgt: Scharfsinnig analysiert Solnit männliche Arroganz, die die Kommunikation zwischen Männern und Frauen erschwert. Voller Biss, Komik und stilistischer Eleganz widmet sie sich in ihren Essays dem augenblicklichen Zustand der Geschlechterverhältnisse. Ein Mann, der mit seinem Wissen prahlt, in der Annahme, dass seine Gesprächspartnerin ohnehin keine Ahnung hat - jede Frau hat diese Situation schon einmal erlebt. Rebecca Solnit untersucht dieses Phänomen und weitere Mechanismen von Sexismus.Rebecca Solnit ist eine der bedeutendsten Essayistinnen und Aktivistinnen der USA. Sie ist Herausgeberin des Magazins Harper's und schreibt regelmäßig Kolumnen für den Guardian. Sie erhielt zahlreiche Preise und Auszeichnungen.

  • - A Fairy Tale Revolution
    af Rebecca Solnit
    125,95 kr.

    'She looked like a girl who was evening, and an evening that had become a girl...'In the kitchen, in her rags, Cinderella, longs to go to the ball. Cinderella's transformation turns out to be much less about ballgowns, glass slippers and carriages, and much more about finding her truest self.

  • - The Siege of San Francisco and the Crisis of American Urbanism
    af Rebecca Solnit
    209,95 - 239,45 kr.

    Reporting from the front line of gentrification in San Fransisco's Mission District, The author draws on architectural history, urban studies and the images of photographer Susan Schwartzenberg, to project the end of city life for bohemians and its baleful consequences for American culture.

  • - The Extraordinary Communities That Arise in Disaster
    af Rebecca Solnit
    194,45 kr.

    The author of Men Explain Things to Me explores the moments of altruism and generosity that arise in the aftermath of disaster Why is it that in the aftermath of a disaster? whether manmade or natural?people suddenly become altruistic, resourceful, and brave? What makes the newfound communities and purpose many find in the ruins and crises after disaster so joyous? And what does this joy reveal about ordinarily unmet social desires and possibilities? In A Paradise Built in Hell, award-winning author Rebecca Solnit explores these phenomena, looking at major calamities from the 1906 earthquake in San Francisco through the 1917 explosion that tore up Halifax, Nova Scotia, the 1985 Mexico City earthquake, 9/11, and Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans. She examines how disaster throws people into a temporary utopia of changed states of mind and social possibilities, as well as looking at the cost of the widespread myths and rarer real cases of social deterioration during crisis. This is a timely and important book from an acclaimed author whose work consistently locates unseen patterns and meanings in broad cultural histories.

  • - A New York City Atlas
    af Rebecca Solnit & Joshua Jelly-Schapiro
    284,45 - 474,45 kr.

    Part of a trilogy of atlases, this title conveys innumerable unbound experiences of New York City through twenty-six imaginative maps and informative essays. Bringing together the insights of dozens of experts, it explores all five boroughs of New York City and parts of nearby New Jersey.

  • - A New Orleans Atlas
    af Rebecca Solnit & Rebecca Snedeker
    284,45 - 469,45 kr.

    Looks at the multi-faceted nature of New Orleans, a city replete with contradictions. Featuring 22 full-color two-page-spread maps, this title plumbs the depths of this major tourist destination, pivotal scene of American history and culture and, most recently, site of monumental disasters such as Hurricane Katrina and the BP oil spill.